Destined for the Alpha

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Destined for the Alpha Page 13

by Winifred Lacroix

  "Catherine!" Philippe called, she could hear the fear in his voice "I don't know where you're taking us but we need to be there now, he's gaining!"

  She was breathing heavily, trying to stay conscious and could barely do that much, the glass digging into her hand was a painful reminder that she had to keep going. "I need to hide," she whispered to the ground, hoping the forest really could hear and it wasn't just her imagination, another creak, the tree was bending left this time and she scrambled to her feet, swaying slightly, it would not be long before she was unconscious. Finally she saw it, the same shallow cave that they had trapped the people she had set free in, it was less than a few feet deep, no more than an outcropping but enough for the forest evidently. She walked up the hill, coughing and crying and collapsed against the wall. Philippe followed her and looked around "We're going to die, this is nowhere to hide Cat."

  The floor shook and she whimpered realizing it was most likely they were going to be torn to shreds, however, she watched dense trees shoot up in front of the small cave, creating a solid wall of wood. They were trapped in about three feet of space, barely enough to lie in by the forest and safe as long as Roland didn't find them behind it.

  "Philippe I can't, not anymore" she gasped quietly, her breath coming out in small wheezes, the pain and the blood loss mixed together and her eyes fluttered shut.

  Chapter 13

  He woke her up a few hours later, she was almost delirious when her eyes snapped open. "He's awake Cat, you have to do it now, he's dying."

  "Who's awake?" she groped in the darkness and felt the shards of glass dig deeper into her palm as she finally grasped his face, he hissed in pain as she scraped him.

  "Peter, you have to, he's asking for you. I think he's dying Cat."

  She fell over and she felt Philippe pull her to Peter's body, she felt his body, and then his chest. "Peter," she could still feel his pain, but she knew taking his pain wasn't enough, silver was eating away at him.

  "Catherine, you're okay."

  She smiled, tears filling her eyes, she definitely wasn't okay, and was unsure of how much more of herself she could give, but for her alpha she could give it all "Peter," she heard Philippe say behind her "say it: Blood requested"


  "You have to say the words, she can't heal you if you don't start the ritual."

  "Peter, you're dying." she cried, feeling tears run down her face at the prospect of her mate withering away underneath her.

  "I can't do that, my Cat, my mate, I can't do that to you."

  "Say it Peter, god dammit!" she hit him and felt the pain, her body was slowly weakening, she was going to die with him.

  "I don't feel anything, just tired." he smiled "I just need to rest, and I’m fine."

  "Peter, say the words, please." she cried hanging her head.

  "No need."

  "You're killing her Peter, she's dying! Say the fucking words!" Philippe’s voice was shrill and hurt her ears.

  "Cat I-"

  "Peter, I can't help you for much longer, come the fuck on!" she slapped him and he hissed as the shards in her hand cut his cheek

  "Blood requested," his voice sounded unsure, Catherine sighed and paused, realizing she had no way to draw blood.

  "Philippe, you have to bite me." she said quickly.


  "Now dammit!"

  She felt him grab her neck and pull her up and the kiss her gently on the neck, licking her jugular and felt him sigh against her skin before sinking his teeth into her skin, she yelped and relaxed against him and he gently dropped her to the ground. The familiar lightheadedness came back and she grabbed her neck, feeling the heat of her blood "Blood freely given, vlos belbaunin, joros emplaniilid" she pressed her bloody hand onto his wound and gasped when she felt the power flow through her body, it was almost painful this time, as if it was too much for her to handle. The leaves on the trees that had grown to hide them glowed as she saw a flash of light. Her alpha was healed. Catherine felt Philippe grab her before she fell forward "Philippe please, did I do it?"

  "You did it, ma petit chiot, you did it." He pulled her onto his lap and she leaned her head against his shoulder and passed out from blood loss. She did it.

  She woke up and Philippe was sleeping. She was woozy and hungry, but they had to make it to the sages. Roland would track them by scent sooner or later. If this was the same outcropping as before, they were not that far from them. "Peter," her head was pounding as she crawled off of the scholar's lap and shook his leg. He sat up "Catherine?"

  "We have to go. Roland is coming. The sages."

  The dull glow of the leaves was wearing off, he could barely see her. "How do we get out of here? Catherine?" he grabbed her shoulders and shook her awake.

  She put her hand against the trees and they all suddenly parted at her touch. It was daylight and she looked down to see her perfect gown, torn to shreds and covered in her own blood, her neck was sore and she could barely stand as she stumbled out of the forest, coughing. Peter caught her and stared at his mate in horror. She was dirty and bloody and fading in and out of consciousness "We have to go Peter, the sages, we must go, there is something wrong, Philippe." her voice was raspy and she wasn’t sure if she had said anything at all.

  "The sages, we could go back to the compound what about the elders? They'll side with us."

  Philippe grabbed Peter and looked at him seriously "listen to the girl for fucks sake."

  "Okay, the sages." he nodded, even Philippe looked bad, blood ran down his grey shirt where Catherine had fallen asleep last night, he was healed but there were still cuts in his pants where he had been beaten earlier. Catherine reached out to him, the hole in her hand barely healed from the night before. Peter grabbed her hand and looked at it "What have you done Cat?" he said horrified.

  He picked her up gently, and she whined at the contact flopping over like a dead doll in his arms. "The sages then."

  "Hurry, we don't have much time."

  Catherine watched the sunlight through the trees. Occasionally asking where they were and constantly startling herself awake, as the forest got darker she realized that they must be close. Peter was in a sprint and she lulled her head to the side as she realized her scholar was close behind her. She smiled at him and reached out before they abruptly stopped. Peter pulled her closer to him but she could barely register the motion and smiled when Philippe grabbed her hand

  "Sages, let us in! We look for sanctuary!" Peter yelled into the darkness and the door immediately opened.

  "Oh my a half dead Helian and two werewolves, what company we keep." a voice said as Peter walked forward

  "Theo!" Catherine exclaimed as the forest sage let them in.

  "Oh my, you are quite a sight today Miss Catherine." a second voice said, it was Leo, he pushed some hair out of her face and she smiled

  "I don't feel so good," she replied as Peter shifted in her arms.

  "I daresay you wouldn't," Theo replied "Follow me."

  After a few minutes she was set down on a small bed "It's not much, by Druantia, what have you done to her."

  "She's lost a lot of blood, and her healing powers…" Peter looked down at Catherine who was watching him with hooded eyes. "She's been bitten..and stabbed and she-what phase of the moon is it?"

  "Waxing Gibbous, the full moon is in less than two days time."

  He looked down at his half dead mate in horror "She's in no health to change! Do something!"

  "Why are you here instead of the compound?" Leo asked, pointing out the obvious. Theo nodded, looking over at Catherine with pity.

  "Roland," muttered Catherine holding out her hand full of glass shards. "The elder council-"

  Philippe grabbed her hand and got on his knees next to the bed and started picking glass out of her palm. She hissed as he withdrew a long shard from her skin and she heard her alpha punch a wall. "Dammit Catherine."

  "Let her rest for the night, she may feel better in the mor
ning, but it will take a long time, even for a Helian, to recover from such a feat. I will bring some food." Theo said wisely

  "and some water!" Leo cut in

  "Hopefully she will recover quickly before the changing." Theo turned and left the room followed by his brother.

  Peter looked back at the bed where Philippe was currently tending to her hand, small rivulets of blood were falling off her hand and onto the floor. She whined and Philippe hushed her "no need for complaints now, ma petit chiot, food is on its way."

  "food?" she grabbed Philippe’s arm and he smiled at her

  "Food. Shhh," he said as he gently extracted the last shard from the fleshy part of her hand "calme, mon amour, calme. I'm going to wrap your hand with your dress."

  She heard the fabric rip on the chiffon dress and he bandaged her hand with it. She felt Philippe’s gentle touches brush the hair out of her face. Catherine let out a shaky exhale and looked over at Peter who was pacing near the door waiting for the sages to return "are you feeling okay?" she asked quietly as Philippe tucked the edge of the bandage into the wrapping.

  "Why didn't Ivan bother to get up and save you at the table? Why didn’t the elder council save us? What does this mean?"

  "I don't know." she answered as truthfully as she could in such a state, her heart hurt as much as her body and Philippe kissed her hurt hand.

  "Now is not the time to worry about that, let's get some rest." Philippe responded and moved to the chair in the corner or the room.

  Peter sat on the bed and stroked Catherine's hair not sure what else to do for her, she seemed to be halfway between dreams and reality and when she gasped his name he was about to respond to the half dead girl in the bed with Theo and Leo came back in "Alright dinner" Theo sat the tray down

  "and drinks!" Leo held up a pitcher of water

  "and a bouquet" Theo placed a bouquet of dusty pink peonies in her bandaged hand.

  "for healing." Leo explained and Catherine smiled and brought them to her chest

  "Now don't let go, or they won't work." Theo explained, brushing his white hair off of his shoulder.

  "I won't!" Catherine inhaled deeply, they smelled clean somehow and sighed.

  "Eat something Cat, you haven't eaten for days." Peter said feeding her some sliced pear.

  "So many" she grumbled, eating them slowly but struggling to stay awake.

  "Just some water before you-" but Peter couldn't finish that sentence before she passed out again.

  The room was dark and quiet when she eventually came back around, most of her wounds had closed themselves up but she still felt exhausted, she sat up, waking up Peter who was spooning her, and Philippe who had somehow gotten himself on the small cot with them. "Catherine?"

  Philippe lit an oil lamp in the room and she looked down to see that the peonies had all wilted into the usual brown color. "Ugh, is everyone okay?" she asked holding her head as she sat up, Philippe offered her a glass of water and she drank it eagerly

  "Yes, are you okay Cat?" Peter asked behind her and she turned around and looked at her alpha who only had a hole in his shirt from his injuries "You're…you're okay! Philippe got us to safety!"

  "Not really," the scholar replied behind her "You got us to safety by following some leaning trees."

  "Oh." she thought on his sentence for a second "The forest helped us?"

  "Well more like you stumbled around and hoped something would help us." the wolf in front of her snorted as he checked her hand. She smiled into the wooden cup.

  "It worked though, we're with the sages?" she asked looking around

  "Yes, after a few blood sacrifices and a lot of running and-" she cut Philippe off by hugging him

  "Thank you."

  "No need to thank me, by the time you had reached me you had already attempted a ritual once."

  "It didn't work." she replied looking back at Peter who looked sheepish "Peter never accepted so I was stuck with his pain until I could find you"

  "Tomorrow night is the full moon." her alpha said kissing her gently on her exposed shoulder where his bite-mark was.

  "How? So soon?" She looked out the window, it was still dark, but at the angle the window was at she couldn't see the moon.

  "Eat and rest some more, I want you to try to be a little healthier. You have to survive this, we must get back at the compound."

  "Ivan he's-"

  "I don't know what Ivan has done. He has never been one for listening" Peter interjected and pushed her back down on the bed.

  "Ivan knew about Cordelia, Peter. He’s betrayed us. I can feel it. Something is wrong." She interjected and felt Peter pull the covers over the trio, the bed was barely more than a cot but somehow all three of them fit into it comfortably, she was sandwiched between them.

  Peter kissed her mark causing her to whimper. “He is our beta, my Cat. Understand our pack.” Not here, not so close to Philippe. The Frenchman opened his eyes at her small noise, to check if she was okay and saw that she was more than okay. Her face buried in the pillow as Peter nipped and licked at her mark. Her body responding eagerly by pressing back into him. Philippe stroked her hair and she turned her head towards him. “Philippe.” she gasped, her face red with embarrassment as her body betrayed her. The dress she was wearing had slid up her legs and Peter was sliding it higher, exposing more of her to the other alpha.

  “Do you not want him to see you? To touch you?” growled Peter in her ear and she shivered, of course she didn’t. “To enjoy you?”

  “Peter I-” she protested but soft lips met hers, it was Philippe. His kisses were hesitant and timid. She gasped in surprise, which only gave him access to her mouth, his tongue was seeking and massaged hers. She whimpered and pressed back into Peter who had no slid her black dress over her waist, and it was trailing higher. She felt Philippe’s hands on her waist, his touch was feather light while his kisses became more and more passionate. He broke the kiss, leaving her panting and dizzy. She was unsure if this was cheating but it felt right.

  Peter growled into her skin and pressed himself into her, the velvet from his dirty suit felt wonderful on her skin. She let out a moan and he pulled the dress up over her head. She was finally naked and sandwiched between two wolves. Heaven was a place on earth. Philippe slid down her body, taking one of her small breasts in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the taut nipple and she could only moan in response. He was a gentle lover, and she needed it. She could feel herself getting wet as he sucked on her breasts, fondling the other one with his free hand. Peter slid his hand down her body, his lips on her neck. His fingers deftly finding her hot core and sliding inside of her. She groaned at the feeling, her body hot and the sensations were almost too much. She whimpered as she felt Philippe nip at her, Peter pumping two fingers in and out of her. Her whole body was on fire and her mind was gone. She was but a creature for their pleasure. Philippe grabbed her and settled her on top of him. She barely could hold herself upright, her body humming with bliss as his hands traced the curves of her body. “Do you want me, mon amour?” his french accent was pure sex. She felt the syllables in her very core.

  She nodded and began to fiddle with his dirty black chinos, her hands trembling, eager to get the hard bulge that was pressed against her out of it’s confines. He groaned as her hand brushed against his member and pressed his hips up into her hands. The satisfying zip of his pants made her sigh in relief, pulling them down his hips and freeing his pulsing cock. She grasped it, no longer timid, controlled by her desire, and began to stroke it, it was like steel coated in silk, the skin was so soft and hot. Each stroke made Philippe whine, like an eager dog. He met each and every one of her thrusts. She was getting turned on just watching him, but she wanted him inside her. She was throbbing with need and only he could fulfill it. She straddled his body and let him sink inside of her. His cock was smaller but thicker, she loved feeling him fill her and stretch her. He gentle with her, he pulled her forward to his lips as he thrust slowly in and out
of her, his arms wrapping around her as he kissed her. Philippe didn’t fuck, he made love.

  She moaned into his mouth as he rocked her against his body, she could feel it building up inside her. Each hard thrust inside of her made her blood sing. Suddenly she felt a pressure behind her, Peter was pressing his member against her wetness, but he surely didn’t think he could fit in there with Peter already inside of her. She stilled on top of Philippe, breaking the kiss to turn around and look back at her alpha “Peter what are you-”

  “Relax,” Peter said quietly pressing himself against her but she struggled against Philippe who held her still.

  “But it won’t fit.”

  “It will if you relax,” her alpha shot back, his fingers travelling up her spine but she was sure that he was lying. Before she could reply she felt his teeth sink into her shoulder, her body falling forward onto Philippe.

  Peter pressed into her, she swore she was splitting in half, every inch was painful as he shoved himself into her alongside Philippe. She was sure she couldn’t take two werewolves at once, it was impossible. She whimpered and watched the blood from her bite drip onto Philippe whose breathing was increasing as he fought to stay still inside of her. Once Peter was fully seated inside of her they both paused, waiting for the small girl to adjust to the new size. The feeling of pain outweighed the pleasure but after a few seconds she could feel her body begin to respond. The pressure was amazing, it was a fullness that she had never experienced before. The pain mingled with the pleasure was erotic. She felt Peter let go of her mark, licking up the blood that he had drawn. She let out a low moan, closing her eyes and enjoying the two wolves inside of her. Peter began to move first, moving himself only a few centimeters but it was almost too much. She squealed and tried to get away from the feeling, it was overwhelming, but Philippe held her in place, his eyes wild and his teeth gritted from attempting to hold his own orgasm in for her to have hers. Peter was patient, his member twitching inside of her and making all three of them gasp. There was no way to be patient, all of them were on edge, her body was teetering on orgasm. She wanted him to go faster.


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