The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3 Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

  Calix let out a pent up breath. “Yes.”

  His phone went silent as the other end hung up abruptly, his heart stuttering at the magnitude of what was before him. At long last he’d get what he’d craved for, attain the position he deserved, and for once in his life he’d be one up on fucking Cassius Allarde!

  Valentine continued searching for Francois, getting more annoyed when he couldn’t find him. Spying one of the elite guards in the foyer, he went over. “Hi, I’m looking for Francois, have you seen him?”

  The tall, grim looking Vampire nodded curtly. “He’s over in the park.”

  “The park?” Valentine frowned, looking through the glass doors. “What’s he doing there?”

  “No idea,” the man said, turning and walking away.

  “Polite much?” Valentine said to his back as the man disappeared through the doors to the bar area.

  He didn’t expect a reply, even though the Vampire would certainly have heard him, and he wasn’t surprised when he received not even acknowledgement of his words. “Friendly sod,” Valentine murmured as he pushed open the doors and went in search of Francois.

  It took him twenty minutes of wandering around until he finally found Francois. He was sitting on one of the park benches, his head in his hands, and worry flowing off him in great waves. Valentine frowned. “This isn’t good,” he thought as he joined Francois on the bench.

  “You all right?” Valentine asked quietly.

  Francois sat up, his face a mask of concern. “Tell me something, Val, do you know when this confrontation is going to happen.” Francois held up his hand. “Wait, and if you do know, who else does?”

  Valentine eyed Francois, a man he’d call a friend, but at this moment he wasn’t certain if he was that, or a foe. “Why do you ask?”

  “Val, don’t play games with me,” Francois sighed. “I need to know if you have the details and if you do, who else does. I really need that information so I can process something in my head.”

  “I see.” Valentine leaned back, stretching his long legs in front of him and crossing them at the ankles. “You look worried, my friend, and I’m not sure what’s troubling you, but maybe I can help.”

  “I need to know what I asked you, Val, before I can say any more.”

  Valentine waited a moment before replying, choosing his words carefully. “I’ll tell you this, that information is only known to Cassius, Rose, myself and someone else who will be helping us. Someone you haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting. Does that help you in any way?”

  Francois shook his head, ran a hand through his hair, and cursed. “Fuck!”

  Valentine’s senses went on alert, knowing something was definitely going on with his friend, or foe, time would tell on that score. “I assume the information I just gave you wasn’t what you wanted to hear?”

  “No.” Francois stood, pacing back and forth, as Valentine waited him out.

  He watched as Francois’ face grew angry before he strode over to a nearby tree and punched it viciously. Valentine jumped up, running over and grabbing Francois’ arm to stop him. “Hey, breaking your damn hand isn’t going to solve anything.”

  Francois whirled around, his eyes blazing. “I’m living a fucking lie! I’ve given him over fifty fucking years! Fifty years!”

  Valentine grabbed him by the shoulders, holding him in place. “Calm down, Francois, you need to calm the hell down and tell me what’s going on.”

  “If I do I’ll betray my vow that I took all those years ago, Valentine.” Francois’ face showed utter turmoil as he pulled away and Valentine noted the use of his full name, when Francois was one of the rare people who usually called him Val.

  “Let’s walk.” Valentine started to stride away. “I think I know what’s going on and I’m going to tell you. If I’m right, all you have to do is confirm it.”

  Francois caught up, keeping pace with Valentine’s long legs. “I hope to fuck we’re both wrong.”

  Valentine let them wander for a bit before slowing his stride and voicing his concerns. “Cassius, and now I, have doubts as to Calix’s loyalty. In fact, I’d go so far as to say he’s a snake in the grass and he’s not here to help.”

  Francois didn’t answer straight away but Valentine could sense the struggle going on inside him. It was a full minute or so before he confirmed what Cassius had suspected. “I went to see him, to discuss what the plan was for this upcoming fight. He seemed very agitated, not his normal self at all, and he let something slip.”

  As Francois stopped, Valentine urged him on. “What did he say?”

  “He asked me if the men were ready, but then said, ‘Two days isn’t long to prepare’ or something along those lines. The important part is he said two days, and as far as I knew we weren’t aware when this was going to happen. He covered his slip straight away and tried to say he’d said ‘A few days’ but I’m telling you, Val, he said two days. I’m absolutely certain of that.”

  Valentine hissed. “Shit.”

  “So, tell me, Val, is the time set for two days?”

  “Yes.” Valentine nodded angrily. “And now we know for sure that Calix heard that from someone else. Someone most definitely not on our side.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Francois stopped, bending over with his hands on his knees and taking great gulps of air.

  Valentine patted his back. “Hey, buddy, you okay?”

  Francois shook his head. “No, I’m far from okay.”

  “I guess it’s like finding out your mom is a serial killer or somat.” Valentine joked, trying to lighten Francois’ despair.

  “Very funny.” Francois stood up. “What are we going to do? What am I going to do? This is fucked up, Val. He’s supposed to be one of Cassius’ friends. How the hell did this happen?”

  “I’ve no idea, but we need to deal with the situation.” Valentine crossed his arms. “Francois, do you think any of your guards are involved?”

  “No.” Francois shook his head vigorously. “None of them ever have meetings with Calix alone. I’d know for sure if anyone else was working against us.”

  “Next question.” Valentine stared hard at Francois. “And this is the biggie, if Calix orders you to do something traitorous, like attack Cassius or Rose, would you carry out those orders?”

  Valentine was pleased when Francois didn’t hesitate. “Of course I fucking wouldn’t! Who the hell do you think I am? I’m no traitor, Val, you should know that.”

  Holding up his hands in front of him, palms out, Valentine tried to calm him down. “I had to ask, Francois. You would do the same if you were in my shoes, and you know it.”

  “Hell.” Francois swiped his hand down his face. “I guess I would. This is really fucked up, Val.”

  “Yes.” Valentine looked around and used his senses to ensure there was nobody else nearby. “I want you to think carefully, if Calix gave that order to the guard, what would they do?”

  Francois shrugged. “That would depend, if I agreed, then they’d do it, but more and more lately the men have been disgruntled with the way Calix has been treating them. I guess I can see why he’s been behaving weird now.”

  “And woman.” Valentine grinned.


  “Sydney.” Valentine smirked. “She’s a woman, Francois, or hadn’t you noticed.”

  “Val, this is no time for your jokes, but all right, the men and woman, are disgruntled.”

  “So, here’s what I’m thinking.” Valentine scrunched up his eyes as he thought hard. “What if you met with your men, and woman, and alerted them to the fact that there’s a possibility that Calix has been turned. You and I know he has, but you don’t need to pass that onto the guards just yet. But you could say you’ve got some suspicions and make sure they’ll stay loyal to the cause, not Calix. If there are any that you suspect will either go to Calix and rat you out, or not agree to follow you, then you tell me immediately and we separate them and hold them until this is over. What do y
ou think?”

  “It’s worth a shot,” Francois agreed. “I think you should be outside with a couple of men, just in case. I’ll go and organize a meeting in the bar in, say, an hour, would that work for you?”

  “Yes.” Valentine exhaled loudly. “I’m relieved you’re not part of this conspiracy, Francois. I was worried you were and I was definitely not looking forward to the consequences of that can of worms.”

  Francois smirked. “Hey, you were just worried I’d kick your ass in front of your men and show you up.”

  Valentine guffawed with laughter. “In your dreams, matey, in your dreams.”

  “So–” Francois’ face grew serious. “What do we do now?”

  “I’m going to go talk to Cassius, see how he wants to proceed, and if you schedule a meeting in the bar area, I’ll make sure I have men handy just in case.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Francois blew out a long breath. “I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation, Val. It’s just surreal to think that he’s plotting against Cassius.”

  “I know,” Val had to agree. “But he is, and we have to deal with that in whatever way Cass wants us to do. I’ll let you know what he says once I’ve spoken to him.”

  “All right.” Francois turned and looked up at the Plaza. “Fuck it all to hell, this is gonna get ugly.”

  “Maybe, maybe not.” Val shrugged. “If Calix has no clue we’re onto him, it’s possible to deal with things quietly.”

  “I hope so.” Francois started back toward the hotel. “Let’s get things started.”

  “Okay.” Valentine patted his friend’s shoulder. “I’m glad I can rely on you. With you on our side we can minimize the fall out.”

  “I’ve only ever served him because he seemed to want the same things as Cassius.” Francois shook his head sadly. “I thought he was the same, but I guess he’s not the man I’d hoped he was.”

  “Very few can measure up to Cassius.” Valentine smirked. “He’s a hard act to follow and his morals are outstanding, but he’s not slow to act harshly against anyone who is doing wrong. I’m curious as to how he’ll deal with this though.”

  “Me too.” Francois sped up. “Okay, let’s get this over with, the sooner the better as far as I’m concerned.”

  “I agree.” Valentine kept pace with Francois. “As I said, I’ll let you know as soon as I can what Cassius says and I’ll be ready with my men in one hour.”

  “Fine.” Francois huffed. “I hope none of the men, and woman, decide to side with him. I’d hate them to be locked up and not fighting when the time comes. They’re all good warriors and I get the feeling we’re going to need every one we can get.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Valentine said firmly. “I’ve already been to hell to rescue Rose, and we got a taste of fighting Demons there. I tell you, Francois, it wasn’t pretty, and they’re fucking strong. Not to mention their blood is the most disgusting thing imaginable. The smell is enough to turn your stomach and the stench of it stays in your nostrils for days. Anything that you get that stuff on has gotta be dumped ‘cause no amount of washing is gonna clean that smell away.”

  “Shoot.” Francois shook his head. “I guess I’ll be needing new fighting leathers when this is over.”

  “I tell you what.” Valentine grinned. “If we both make it through what we’re going to face, I’ll get you a new set.”

  Francois smirked cheekily. “I’ll hold you to that, Val, don’t think I won’t.”

  “I know you will.” Valentine grinned back as they reached the hotel’s entrance. “Now we go deal with this shit. See you in an hour.”

  “See you then.” Francois strode up the stairs and inside while Valentine sucked in a few breaths before going to tell Cassius that his friend was indeed a snake in the grass.

  Brendan stretched in the luxurious bed, his eyes seeking, and finding, Valeria as she stared out the large window that overlooked Central Park. “Hey, beautiful, you all right?”

  Valeria turned to look over her shoulder. “I’m fine, just a little worried about what we’re going to be facing.”

  Brendan patted the bed beside him. “Come here.”

  Valeria raised an eyebrow. “Ordering me around, are you?”

  “Of course not.” Brendan sat up, plumping the pillows behind him as he rested against the ornate headboard. “I would prefer you here, in my arms, if you’re worried about something. We can talk about it.”

  “Really?” She turned and slowly came toward him. “I didn’t take you for the in-depth discussion kinda guy.”

  “I’m not just brawn, Valeria,” Brendan huffed out. “If I was I would’ve been killed a long time ago and Rose would not have been safe from the Witch-Hunters.”

  Climbing onto the enormous bed, Valeria shrugged, her tone far softer as she joined him. “I’m sorry, I guess the fight in hell just threw me a bit.”

  “It threw all of us, baby.” Brendan stretched his arm around her shoulders and tugged her to him. “I’m sure our next confrontation isn’t going to be any easier and nobody would think badly of you if you stayed here.”

  “What?” Valeria’s eyes flashed with anger. “I’m not staying here. What the hell gave you that idea?”

  “I just thought, ‘cause you said about the fight in hell, that you might not want to go.” Brendan shrugged. “As I said, none of us would bat an eyelid if you decided not to go, Val.”

  “That is not an option, Wolf.” Valeria’s head swung away from him as she swore under her breath. “Why do men always think we’re not capable of doing things they can? Hmm?”

  “I didn’t say that either.” Brendan shook his head. “Remember, babes, I was right there with you and I’m pretty certain I came off worse than you. So don’t even think that I’m not aware of how strong a fighter you are. The prettiest, sexiest, and deadliest woman I know, well apart from the deadly part.” He chuckled softly, “I think Rose might trump you there.”

  Valeria scowled up at him for a moment before her face relaxed. “I’m sorry. I’m a little uptight about everything. It’s just so damn important that we win, Brendan, and I can’t contemplate what will happen if we don’t.”

  “I understand.” Brendan leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  “No.” Valeria looked up at him with a brief smile. “I don’t think you do. I’m also worried about you. What if you get hurt again, and this time it could be worse. Brendan, you big course galloot, you’re worming your way inside my usual defenses, and I’m concerned about your safety.”

  Brendan was shocked at her admission. “So, you’re telling me you care about me?”

  “I suppose I am,” she admitted, refusing to look at him.

  His finger chucked her under the chin. “Hey, I care about you too, Val, but I’m no good at all that lovey dovey talk. I’ll say this though, if anyone hurts you I’ll rip them to shreds and hand you their heart on a platter.”

  “Wow.” Valeria giggled. “You’ve a way with words, dontcha big guy.”

  “I told you, I’m no good at that stuff.” Brendan settled back against the pillows. “I’m course, gruff, and can be downright grouchy, but you bring out another side in me. A side I thought had died long ago. I want us to get to know each other better. When we don’t have an ‘end of the world’ fight looming over us. I know we’re good in bed together, fuck, you’re out of this world in that department, and I’d like to pursue this thing between us. That’s if you want to?”

  “So you think I’m good in bed?” Valeria teased.

  “Hell yeah.” Brendan ran a finger over her lips. “Your mouth is exquisite and can do the damnedest things to me, in fact, I was pretty sure my head was going to explode earlier. You are so beautiful, Val, I wonder why you even let me into your bed.”

  “Because, Wolf–” Valeria’s hand mirrored his, running along her lips. “I’m very attracted to you. You’re not like any of the men I usually meet. You’re rough and ready, but there’s no deception with y
ou, no lying to get into my pants, just plain old ‘what you see is what you get’ and that is refreshing in the extreme. I’m fed up with men fawning over me and promising the world, when I know damn well they’ll be gone the minute they’ve gotten into my bed. Or worse, they use my friendship with Cassius to try and get close to him. Those ones really piss me off, but I know there is no lying with you, Brendan, and you’re growing on me, Wolf.”

  “You’re a remarkable woman, Val, and when all this shit is over with, I hope you’ll allow me the pleasure of spending time together so we can truly get to know each other.”

  “I think I can manage that, if you don’t go getting yourself killed.” Valeria pinched his side. “Because that would really annoy me, Wolf.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Brendan snuggled her closer. “If you promise me you’ll be careful and won’t take any unnecessary risks. Because, Vampire, that would really annoy me.”

  “So we agree not to annoy each other.” Valeria laughed. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Brendan moved quickly, hauling her over so she lay atop him. “Now, my beauty, can we have some mind-blowing sex to take my mind off you going to battle with a horde of Demons?”

  “Oh, I think we can manage that.” Valeria ground her hips against his growing erection. “It might even take my mind off you fighting a mass of Demons.”

  “That’s my girl.” Brendan laughed as their lips met in a searing, lust-filled kiss.

  Cassius couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I don’t understand what his game is. Do you?”

  Valentine’s face showed his upset and anger as he nodded. “If I’m being honest, I think he wants what you have. I think he wants to be the Vampire King, and he can’t have that while you live. The easiest way to get rid of you is to join forces with Basilius and help the Demon bastard take you out.”

  “Surely he’s not that stupid?” Cassius sat behind his desk, tapping the wood with a pen. “He can’t honestly believe that he can trust Basilius. For fuck’s sake, he’s a Demon plotting to bring chaos to our realm. What is Calix thinking?”


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