The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3 Page 10

by A. K. Michaels

  “Hmm mm.” She barely managed to get out before he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

  “And nobody else better knock on that door, or I’ll rip their head off.”

  “Aww, you say the nicest things to a girl.” Valeria grinned as he disrobed her, his eyes raking over her body.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” he snarled as he tore his own clothes off.

  “Magnificent,” she countered as she walked into his embrace.

  Cassius found Rose curled up in the corner of the sofa, her eyes glued to the e-reader in one hand, as she chewed a finger on her other. He hated to disturb her so just stood watching as her facial expressions continually changed, a whole host of emotions showing as she read.

  “Well, dammit, don’t do that,” she hissed before shaking her head.

  Cassius let out a small chuckle and her head spun around toward him. Rose’s eyes widened and then she frowned over at him. “How long you been there?”

  “A few minutes,” he admitted, smiling.

  “Well, that’s just rude.” She laid the e-reader on the side table.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You looked so engrossed in your reading.”

  “I am, was, shoot, you know what I mean.” She untucked her legs, stretching out on the sofa. “I’m really enjoying that thing, there’s lots of books on it and I’ve found a new author I love.”

  “Really?” Cassius sat down, taking her feet onto his lap and gently massaging them.

  “Oh, that feels good!” Rose almost purred. “Oh right, yeah, books, it’s an author called Monica La Porta, I found a whole set of her books on that thing. She has others, or so the bit at the back of the books say, but this series is her Immortal series and they are way good. I’ve also found a thriller writer or two that I’m enjoying too.”

  “You’re reading more than one at a time?” Cassius asked, eyebrow raised.

  “Yes.” Rose yawned. “I’m reading some of one, then doing a bit of another, and back again. Why?”

  “That’s the first time I’ve heard someone do that. I start a book and finish it before going onto the next one I want to read.”

  “Well, I’m not exactly what you’d call conventional and I’m enjoying reading so much, I’ve never had this many books before.” Her eyes twinkled excitedly. “It’s got tons, and I mean tons, on it.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” Cassius continued rubbing her feet.

  “I’m still on the hunt for more in that other author’s series, Eden Elsworth. I think I’m gonna freak if I can’t find her entire Real World series.”

  “We’ll see what we can do about that after we get back home.”

  Rose frowned. “Back home?”

  “From our meeting with Basilius,” Cassius answered sarcastically.

  “Aaah, yes, our little dance with the Demon King.” Rose threw up her hands. “How on earth could I forget such an important engagement?”

  “I’ve no idea.” Cassius went along with her joking. “You must be so wrapped up in those fabulous stories that it completely slipped your mind.”

  “Yup.” Rose laughed. “That’s definitely it.”

  “I’ve got my tux out and ready, what are you planning on wearing?”

  “Oh.” Rose tapped her chin. “I might go shopping and grab something new. Do you think a nice silk gown would be suitable attire?”

  Cassius threw his head back, laughing loudly, and it took him a few moments to get himself under control. When he did, Rose was scowling over at him. Her voice outraged. “Are you making fun of me? If you’re wearing a tuxedo then the least I can do is find something nice to wear.”

  “I’m sorry, my darling.” Cassius bowed his head in mock sorrow. “I like the idea of a silk gown, a nice dark rose red would suit your coloring perfectly.”

  Rose’s eyes squinted at him. “Rose red? That’s the best you can do? Lame, Cass, very lame.”

  “Again, my apologies.” Cassius tickled her feet, causing her to shriek loudly. “I’m afraid I’m not very good at jokes and stuff.”

  “I can see that.” Rose howled. “Now if you don’t want your nuts detached from your body, stop tickling my feet!”

  Cassius pulled his hands away, holding them up. “Nooooooooooo, don’t threaten my manly parts.”

  “Don’t tickle me again.” Rose scowled. “I hate my feet being tickled.”

  “Just your feet?” he asked, his hands darting forward to her waist.

  “Don’t do it.” She warned firmly. “I mean it, Cass.”

  “Don’t do what?” His fingers grabbed her waist before getting to work, her high pitched laughter filling his ears. His own joining hers as they became tangled on the sofa. Rose trying to buck him off and his hands tickling every part of her he managed to reach.

  With a strong huff, grunt, and push, he found himself deposited on the floor, with Rose on top of him in a jumbled mess of limbs. Her eyes wet from laughter tears, she gasped, catching her breath.

  “You’re the most stunning woman alive,” he panted, trying to catch his own breath.

  Rose stilled, her eyes locking with his. “Thank you.”

  “I love you, Rose, more than I can put into words.” Cassius stretched up to kiss the side of her mouth softly. “I’m so glad you decided to come and kill me.”

  Rose grinned cheekily. “My pleasure.”

  “If you hadn’t taken on the assignment we may never have met.” Cassius gulped down the lump that had made a sudden appearance in his throat. “We would never have found each other, or this.”

  “I know.” Rose lowered her head, snuggling into his shoulder. “I sometimes get goosebumps when I think of that.”

  “My heart has almost stopped on the occasions I’ve thought of us never having met.” Cassius held her firmly against him, his cock hardening beneath her. “I’m not usually the kind of person that believes in fate, but I think we were meant to be, baby. It was taken out of our hands and now I’ve found you, I’m never letting you go.”

  Rose nipped his side. “That’s silly. I’ve gotta eat, get dressed, and do other stuff that entails you letting me go.”

  “Rose!” he admonished. “You know what I meant.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed against him. “I feel the same.”

  Cassius ground his hips upwards, pushing his hardness against her. “Want to go to bed?”

  “I . . .”

  A hard knocking on the door had them jumping up, rearranging their clothing that’d been disheveled. “Shit.” Rose quickly sat down but Cassius pulled her up and over to his chair, sitting down and tugging her onto his lap.

  “What’re you doing?” she whispered urgently.

  “Hiding this.” He pushed his still hard cock against her ass.

  Rose giggled as he shouted, “Come in.”

  Rose was still laughing when the door opened and Calix strode in. Cassius’ playfulness flew out the window as her face straightened into an inscrutable mask. Cassius forced a smile onto his face. “Good evening, Calix. I hope all is well with your suite?”

  Cassius could feel Rose’s body tightening in his arms as Calix drew nearer. His friend looked at them and then the sofa opposite. “May I sit?”

  “Of course.” Cassius fought to keep up the pretense all was well.

  Calix sat and stared hard at them before focusing on Cassius. “I just wanted to check in, see if there’s any further information on who’ll be available to help us.”

  Rose wiggled to free herself, standing up and heading to the bedroom. Cassius presumed to arm herself. “I’ll be right back.” She gave them a bright smile as she left.

  Cassius saw Calix’s eyes track her steps, even turning his head to watch, until she disappeared from view. When his friend turned back around, he’d pasted a smile onto his face, but his eyes were still cold and the smile didn’t come near to reaching them. “She’s rather unique, isn’t she?”

  “That’s one word for her.” Cassius smiled back. “S
he’s my mate and I adore her, and I’d do anything, anything at all for her and to keep her safe.”

  “I can see that.” Calix nodded.

  “Your rooms are adequate?” Cassius asked, trying to sidestep Calix’s original query.

  “As usual.” Calix nodded.

  Cassius spied Rose’s shadow a few seconds before she reappeared. He noted she paused for a second before coming back into the room. If he had to wager a guess, he’d say she’d placed her katana just inside the doorway. Her face all smiles as she came to sit on the arm of his chair, draping an arm on his shoulder. “Sorry, I just needed to powder my nose.”

  Calix raised an eyebrow and Cassius knew why: neither of them had heard a toilet flush.

  Rose ignored Calix, instead she looked lovingly down at him. “Honey, remember we’ve got that meeting with Dagda and Ariel in a little while. We’ll need to get going soon if we’re not going to be late.”

  “Yes, I know.” Cassius played along perfectly.

  When he looked back to Calix, he saw a fleeting look of hatred as his friend looked at Rose. Anger rushed through him and he fought to control his reaction. “Sorry, my friend, but I think we’ll have to postpone our chat.”

  “It will only take but a brief moment, Cassius.” Calix sounded impatient. “Surely you can give me a minute of your time to update me?”

  “Nothing much to tell you.” Cassius shrugged as Rose stood, heading back toward the bedroom.

  “I’ll need a jacket if we’re going into the park, won’t be a sec.” Rose smiled again as she walked away.

  Calix’s eyes followed her then turned back to Cassius. “Are you telling me there’s only our men and a few Fairies to deal with the King of Hell?”

  Cassius shrugged again. “And Kuan, our mysterious little Chinese man.”

  Calix snorted derisively. “Why do I get the feeling you’re lying to me?”

  “I don’t know.” Cassius shook his head. “But I resent your tone, Calix.”

  “Sorry,” Calix sneered, “what’s your point?”

  Calix rose and so did Cassius. “My point is that you are in my home and you’re being rude and obnoxious, Calix. What the hell’s wrong with you? If you’re in any kind of trouble I’ll do all I can to help you. You know that, my friend.”

  Although Cassius had been on guard since Calix arrived, he didn’t expect the vitriol that spouted from his mouth.

  “Friend?” Calix paced away to the window then whirled around. “I doubt we’ve been that for a long time, Mr. High-and-Mighty. You look down your nose at all of us, thinking you’re above us all, and if I were such a close friend then why didn’t you stoop to offer me the position of Domini Equis? No, you didn’t think I was good enough, did you?”

  Cassius glared over at the man before him, no sign of his age-old friend present. “You’re pissed off because I didn’t offer you that?”

  “No!” Calix roared. “You don’t have a fucking clue, do you?”

  “If you’re not angry about that then why bring it up?” Cassius was growing more confused by the second.

  “That’s just one thing in a very long list, Cassius.” Calix sprang forward, stopping barely an inch away from Cassius’ face.

  Rose’s steely voice interrupted Calix’s rant. “Step away, now, or things are gonna get ugly very quickly.”

  Cassius and Calix both turned to see Rose a couple of feet away, katana in hand, and a death glare on her face. “I’m not fucking joking. Step back, now!”

  Calix let out a peal of derisory laughter. “The great Cassius Allarde needs a woman to hide behind.”

  “Cassius,” Rose snarled, “get away from him, or I’m not going to be responsible for my actions.”

  Calix spun toward her. “You think you can take me on, and win? You stupid fucking bitch!”

  Cassius let out a growl of pure anger. “Don’t, Calix, walk away now.”

  “I’m in too deep!” Calix roared, his eyes flashing with uncontrolled rage.

  Rose darted forward as Calix attacked, going for Cassius first, and preventing Rose from using her katana as their bodies locked together in a vicious fight. Cassius snarled as Calix’s fangs erupted, tearing at his throat, pain erupting when he grabbed his hair and violently dragged him free. Cassius felt part of his skin and muscle tear away as he threw Calix away, his body flying over the sofa, hitting the wall, and sliding down to the floor.

  Rose jumped over the couch, blade in hand, but Calix was too fast, shooting off to the side as the katana barely missed making contact. “Fuck.” Rose cursed as she spun around and flew after Calix.

  Cassius whizzed toward a panicked Calix, whose eyes darted around like a deer caught in a headlight. “Stop now, Calix,” Cassius snarled but the only response he got was a loud roar as Calix shot toward him, fangs glistening with his blood.

  Rushing forward, Cassius launched himself over the coffee table, meeting Calix mid-air, fists flying, fangs ripping, and Rose yelling in the background. He could feel the anger and terror running rampant through Calix, his friend desperate to either kill him, or get away. He wasn’t sure which was more important to Calix at that moment, and he didn’t care.

  He’d shown his true colors and Cassius was determined to deal with his betrayal. Rose was still shouting, telling him to get out of the way, but he carried on, ignoring her completely. His fists connected time and again, his fangs ripping anything he could sink them into, and Calix was doing his best to wreak his own damage.

  They were both covered in blood, and Cassius wasn’t sure whether it was all of Calix’s or not. Probably not, because he could feel several wounds that stung painfully. Cassius now held Calix around the throat with one hand and smashed his fist into his already bloodied face with every ounce of his strength. The nose shattered beneath his blow and Calix crumpled in his arms, only for a brief moment, before he rose again and attempted to loosen the grip on his throat.

  “Give it up!” Cassius yelled loudly.

  “No!” Calix punched forward, toward Cassius’ heart, his intent clear.

  They were both knocked to the ground when they were tackled by a great force. Cassius was flung away from Calix, springing up to continue their fight. Valentine now on top of Calix who writhed beneath, desperately fighting to free himself.

  Rose was right there, her blade held high and death in her blazing eyes. “Val, get out the fucking way!”

  Cassius watched fascinated as Valentine landed a bone-crushing blow before rolling off to the side. The millisecond he was clear, Rose screamed like a banshee, bringing her katana down with so much force that it decapitated Calix and lodged deep into the floor beneath the expensive carpeting. Calix’s blood and gore seeping in an ever-widening circle, ruining the carpet, with Rose tugging to free her beloved sword.

  Valentine sat back on his haunches, watching her closely, as she cursed, her face a mask of hatred and anger. Cassius rushed over, his hands covering hers, and together they released the blade. Rose glared down at the body, spitting on it, and then turning to look at him.

  “Shit.” She dropped the sword, her hands all over his face and neck. “You’re hurt. Fuck it, Cass, why wouldn’t you get out of the way?”

  He pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head, his tone exasperated. “Forgive me for trying to take care of a threat.”

  “I could’ve taken care of him before he hurt you,” Rose squealed against his chest, a fist pounding against him.

  “You’re hurting me now, darling,” Cassius said as he grabbed her hand in his.

  “Sorry.” Her voice hitched and he was sure she was nearly crying. “Don’t do that again! Not when I’m there and can take them out. Dammit, Cass, my heart almost exploded with fear.”

  “Hey, I’m all right, baby, and I was just about to end him when Valentine decided to jump in. Oh–” Cassius turned to look over at his second in command, “how did you get here so quickly?”

  Valentine was staring at the body of Calix,
but looked up, a small nod in Rose’s direction. “Rose texted me saying Calix was here and she thought things were going to turn nasty.”

  “Smart thinking.” Cassius looked down at Rose, her face hiding against his body. “Valentine, can you deal with that mess?”

  “Sure thing, boss, but I think the carpet’s done for too.” Valentine grimaced at the gore seeping onto the floor.

  “Yes,” Cassius had to agree. “If it can be cleaned for the time being, and then after we come back from our little trip, we can get it replaced.”

  “Okay, whatever you say.” Valentine whistled and the guards that had been standing at the door stomped forward to help him.

  “You needing some blood?” Valentine queried, pointing to the various wounds on Cassius.

  “No, I’ll be fine.” Cassius turned away, leading Rose into their bedroom.

  He walked her into the bathroom and closed the door. “Look at me, darling.” He coaxed and she finally turned her face up, tears sliding down her cheeks.

  “Don’t do that again,” she gasped. “I couldn’t stand it, and what the hell is this?” She swiped at her wet face.

  “I think you’re crying.” Cassius picked her up and sat her between the double sinks.

  “No,” She shook her head and hiccupped. “Can’t be that. I don’t cry, ever.”

  “Oh, I see.” Cassius snatched a towel, slowly wiping her face. “Well, I’m not sure what it is then. Maybe we should get you to a doctor?”

  “No, I don’t need a doctor.” She took a tissue from the box nest to her, blew her nose loudly, her voice stronger as she carried on. “See, all better. Dust must’ve got in my eyes or something.”

  “Yes, of course.” Cassius shook his head as he took in her pale face, watery eyes, and shaking hands. “You must have an allergy or something.”

  “Yeah, that’s it, allergies.” Her hand shot forward, snatching his bloody and ripped shirt, and hauled him to her. “Don’t die on me, Cass, and don’t get hurt again. I’m not sure I could stand it.”

  “I’ll do my best but I can’t promise you.” Cassius jerked when she took the towel from him and held it against the large wound on his neck. “Ouch.”


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