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Savior Page 18

by Loren K. Jones

  “Nera, aren’t you happy with Senden?” Java asked, suddenly sensitive to Nera’s unconscious signals.

  Nera sighed. “Most of the time, yes, I am. But once in a while...Senden is just so much older than I am, Java. Even my stepson Gaven is older than I am.”

  “That sounds hard, Nera. But you knew all of that before you married him. If you were unsure, you should have waited.” Java looked at her friend and saw her shake her head.

  “It doesn’t work like that among the nobility, Java. You should know that. Father and Senden arranged everything while we were in training. All I knew when I left Linkville was that there was something important and Father had called me back. I fainted when he told me that Senden wanted me to be his wife.” Nera sighed, shaking her head. “I was so excited. But spending my life with a man my father’s age is losing its appeal. Especially when I see you with a man like Jah’Moke.” Nera smiled tightly, glancing at Java.

  Java laid her head on Nera’s shoulder, sympathizing silently with her. Sighing, she straightened herself, and looked at Nera, grinning. “I ran away from Equintain to avoid an arranged marriage, so I do understand.”

  Nera nodded, moving a sleeping Keldem away from her breast and straightening her dress one-handed.

  Java bit her lips, looking at the baby, then at Nera again. “Can I hold him, Nera?”

  “Of course, Java,” Nera said, smiling at her friend’s hesitation. Handing Keldem to Java, she helped her arrange the baby properly. Java’s smile deepened, and her eyes were glittering as the sleeping baby sucked his thumb.

  Java was mesmerized by the little person in her arms. She hadn’t held a baby since she had left Equintain and holding the sleeping prince awoke something in her that reveled in the feel of his tiny weight in her arms. She didn’t notice the look in Nera’s eyes. All her attention was focused on Keldem.

  Nera seemed very pleased with Java’s reactions to Keldem. One of the hardest things she’d had to do was convince Senden that Java would be a wonderful mother. His opinion toward her was tainted by his misunderstanding of the nature of the female mercs in general, and of the Le’Ah in particular. A noise in the outer room drew her attention as Senden peeked through the door, then entered.

  Java didn’t appear to notice Senden, then spoke without looking up when he was half-way across the room. “Your son is beautiful, Senden,” she said in a barely audible whisper.

  Duke Senden was surprised by her comment but covered it well. “He looks like his mother, Java.”

  Java nodded, still not looking up. “Could I convince you to stay a while?” she asked, then glanced up for a few breaths. “Just until he is ten or twelve years old.”

  Duke Senden covered his mouth with both hands to stifle his laughter, but his stomach and shoulders were heaving with mirth. Nera reached out and caressed Java’s cheek with the back of one finger. “I think we can stay for a little while, Java.”


  Surprise is better when it is totally unexpected.

  Master Scholar Sharindis Zel’Andral, “Travels with Stavin”

  FIVE LENDER’S DALE GUARDS PRESENTED THEMSELVES to the Royal Guards in Whitehall. The Hiddendell Guards were somewhat shocked that three of the five were women.

  “We are carrying messages for the duke, duchess, and princess from Duchess Samantha and a few others,” the sergeant said, her high voice at odds with her broad shoulders.

  The Guards looked carefully at her, then shrugged. “Are you to hand deliver them, or can we take them?” the lieutenant asked, guessing the answer.

  “I am to deliver this to the princess in person, Lieutenant,” Sergeant Tela Branston replied, smiling and bowing formally.

  “This way, please,” the lieutenant said, leading her to Java’s suite. Knocking, he waited until a servant opened the door. “There is a messenger here from Lender’s Dale for the princess. Is she h..?” he almost finished speaking before Java pushed past the servant.

  “Tela!” she shouted, moving forward to hug the woman. “I didn’t know you’d gone to Lender’s Dale.”

  “Hello, Java. I have letters from the whole company for you, as well as half of the Lender’s Dale Guard,” Tela replied, hugging Java back. “Duchess Samantha has a surprise, but I’ll let you read her letter.”

  Java looked at her, then grinned. “All right. Where are you staying?”

  The Royal Guard lieutenant cleared his throat. “The Guard Barracks would be happy to accommodate them, Princess.”

  At Java’s nod, the lieutenant led Tela away while Java took the letters to her desk. She sorted them into piles for Arten, Naria, Robin, and herself. There were a few for Marta as well. She would have to send those along later or get Tela to make a detour when she left.

  The letter from Shair was extremely thick, and she dismissed the servant with the letters for the others, so she could read it. She was fascinated by Shair’s account of her survey of Mountainstand County and its towns. Finding out that Lord Captain Frontain was staying in Highland was a shock, but a pleasant one. She was still reading when Naria burst through her door.

  “Java, did you read Sammy’s letter yet?!” she asked excitedly.

  “No. Is there a problem?” she asked, sorting through her pile for the letter with Sam’s handwriting on the front. Ripping it open, she read out loud,

  “Dearest Java, Panit has accepted my proposal of marriage, and we will be having a state wedding soon!”

  “What the hells?! He proposed?” Java was staggered by the news.

  “You didn’t read it carefully enough! She proposed! That girl...!” Naria laughed as Java read the beginning of the letter again.

  “Pan arrived at the end of fall, and I convinced him to stay the winter. Oh, Java, I’ve finally found a man I can be happy with! He is enough like us that he doesn’t even feel that he must ask his parents first.

  “We have already sealed the bargain, so to speak. Oh, Java, you were right. It was worth waiting for the right man. You should have seen Merrit and Anness’ faces when I announced our betrothal. That was just after Lothar arrived with your letters. Between him showing up and our announcement, Merrit almost fainted. Then she started mothering me again. I didn’t really want one, but she and Anness insist that I must have a fancy wedding.

  “Did you know that Kaster and Werrin ran off to a little chapel to get married? Then he told his parents about it! Pan says we are going to have to play the part, though. He has agreed that we should wait until you and Jah’Moke are married. That way you can attend our wedding here in Morrisdale.

  “The triplets are well, though they seem to be a bit put out by my spending so much time with Pan. He makes them nervous for some reason, though he likes them. Mayrie won’t say what is bothering them, but Anness thinks they are jealous! They have had me to themselves for so long that Anness thinks they are upset about losing me. Silly girls.

  “Merrit and Lothar are making a spectacle of themselves. I have seen my share of love-struck couples before, but never a couple that old. Merrit has asked for leave from the Army, and they have gone off to his brother’s farm to be alone. I see her about once a week, if that often.

  “I’ll be there for your wedding, not matter what. So will the rest of the family. Until then, be happy.”



  “That girl is definitely a Firewalker!” Java said as she laughed, grinning at Naria.

  “Oh, yes. She’s a lot like you,” Naria said, then laughed at Java’s expression. “We will be sending our official congratulations in a few days. I wish I could’ve seen Gemin’s face when he heard that his little brother is going to be a duke before he is.”

  Java laughed and continued reading her letters. The triplets had sent one letter, though it was obvious that all three of them had written it. They didn’t have anything to say that Shair or Sam hadn’t until the last paragraph.

  “We had a visitor here that caused us some trouble. Lord
Simonson came storming into town demanding that Sam attack Mountainstand County and punish Shair for throwing him out. Sam just laughed at that, which made him madder. Then he demanded that Sam return all his lands, and if his county was not available, then he wanted someone else’s county as compensation. Then he demanded that Sam make good on his accounts that Frander had seized, because Duchess Neldan had failed to keep Frander out. Merrit almost knifed him after that.

  “Sam calmly informed him that he was welcome to reestablish himself in his county, but that he would not receive anything else. He made the mistake of threatening Sam, and Merrit arrested him. They let him cool his heels for a week, then released him. He went away, but not before he insulted you. Sam almost had him arrested again, but Anness calmed her down.

  “Shair sent word that she is looking for settlers for the three towns that the Guard built for you, and we are keeping our eyes open.

  “Anness and our father are spending a lot of time together. We are hoping that they get married. They make a good match.

  “Speaking of matches, you should see Sam and Prince Panit. They are totally besotted! We approve of him, for the most part, but there is something different about him. We cannot place it, but he just doesn’t feel right. Merrit and Anness say that we are just jealous, but it’s not that. There is something odd about Prince Panit that we cannot identify.

  “Your letter said that it will be next winter when you get married. We will be there with Sam and everyone else. We hope that you are planning to have the ceremony outdoors. You will probably have all the Firewalkers, Vandals and Thunderfeet, along with most of the Lender’s Dale Guard there to see you properly honored.

  “We will let you know what kind of trouble Sam gets into in the meantime. We still love you, Java. Always.

  “Mayrie, Maygren, & Maylee”

  Java sighed and smiled. Her “daughters” were on her mind a lot these days, especially since Nera and Senden had departed the week before.

  * * *

  “Java, I promise to be back for your wedding. We will probably travel with Duchess Samantha, since it’s going to take two or three months to get to Lender’s Dale. Senden and Gemin are good friends, and we’re probably going to be staying in Greencastle for a while.”

  Java sighed, still cradling Keldem in her arms. He was awake, and for once, content. He liked Java and would sit quietly in her lap for hours, playing with the hilt of one of her knives or her hair. The first time Senden had seen his noisy son cooing and fingering a knife, he almost fainted.

  “Is that my son?” he asked, staring wide-eyed at the happy baby.

  “I think he likes Java, Senden,” Nera commented from across the room. “He hardly ever cries when she’s holding him.”

  Senden looked from his wife to Java and grinned. “I don’t suppose we could get you to come with us, could we?” he asked, looking at Java’s grinning face.

  “No, but I could keep him here,” she suggested, making Nera and Senden both laugh.

  “No, we couldn’t do that, though it is tempting,” Nera said, walking over to join her husband. “You will have your own soon enough, Java.”

  Java stood with her parents to see their visitors off, hiding her sadness quite well. She hadn’t fooled Naria though. As soon as the visitors had gone, Naria had put an arm around Java’s shoulders. “How can I help you, Java?”

  Java had snuggled close, not saying anything, and not needing to. Naria simply supported her until she eased away. She finally whispered, “I want a baby so much,” then fled to her suite.

  Three days after Nera and Senden had left, Robin came to the palace. Adept Veldin had returned the day before and resumed his duties, so Marlan had suggested that they travel in the spring.

  “Java, Marlan and I are going to Winterhaven to see his family.”

  Java bit her lips and looked at the floor. Sighing deeply, she squared her shoulders and looked back onto Robin’s eyes. “I understand. Oh, Robin, I’m going to miss you so much!” she suddenly cried and surged into Robin’s arms.

  Robin held onto Java tightly and buried her face in her hair. “I’m going to miss you too, Java,” she whispered, then pulled back a little. “We’ll be back before winter. Or at least I will. Marlan is a little bit concerned about what his family will think of me. I’m terrified about it. If his father doesn’t approve of me, then I’ll be coming back alone.”

  Java tightened her hug a little. “He’ll approve of you, Robin. Senden likes you, and so does Nera. Don’t worry. And remember, you’re a twelfth-step noble. By rights, it should be him asking your parents.”

  Robin giggled a little at that. “Can you imagine Lord Gerrin negotiating with my father for me? I don’t think my father would even be able to talk to him.”

  Java smiled through her tears and let go of Robin. “Be careful, Robin.”

  * * *

  Jah’Moke had sent his own messages to the Latté with Lothar, and his brother Cah’Fene arrived with his parent’s reply two weeks after Tela. The Guards at the south gate looked closely at the young Latté who had presented himself, asking for the future duke.

  “Who did you say you are?” the sergeant asked again.

  “I am Cah’Fene Cawfy. I am seeking my brother, Jah’Moke, betrothed of Princess Java,” Cah’Fene replied yet again, bowing slightly to the sergeant. He had run into trouble several times on his trip, and still sported bruises from his last encounter.

  The Guards exchanged glances, each hoping someone else would make the decision. Cah’Fene was decked out in full Latté Scout gear, knives, bow, javelins, throwing axes and all, and they were reluctant to allow him into the city. Still, he claimed to be the brother of the future duke, and none of them wanted to risk insulting him. Captain Corban solved their problem.

  The Sergeant of the Guard introduced the captain, causing Cah’Fene to bow very low. “Very well, Sergeant, I’ll take him to the palace,” Stephen said, returning the young man’s bow. “Follow me, please.”

  Cah’Fene bowed and vaulted to his saddle, impressing the Guards with his lithe strength. He rode slightly behind Stephen’s shoulder as they passed through Whitehall, still deferential. At the palace, he looked up at the edifice with awe, and a little fear. He, as with his brother, had never set foot in a building such as this.

  Stephen smiled at the young man’s reaction and led him to Jah’Moke’s suite. “Your brother is in council at the moment. Until he returns, I would suggest that you remain here. Is there anything you need?”

  Cah’Fene bowed very low, crossing his arms over his chest. “Yes, Lord Captain. If it is permitted, I would like to bathe and change clothes.”

  Stephen nodded and showed Cah’Fene the bathing chamber. Leaving him to his own devices, Stephen summoned the servants who normally saw to Jah’Moke’s few needs.

  “The young man in the bathing room is Jah’Moke’s little brother. Show him all due respect but realize that he is no more accustomed to servants than Jah’Moke was when he first arrived. He has had a long trip and is probably hungry. Mistress Sara,” he said, turning to the elderly woman who had taken the responsibility as Jah’Moke’s chief servant, “you are familiar with Jah’Moke’s tastes. Please have a tray prepared and delivered but leave the boy alone unless he asks for something.”

  Sara nodded and sent her assistant, Felleen, for a tray of bread, fruit and cheese. She entered the suite and seated herself, waiting for Cah’Fene to emerge from his bath. When he did, she found herself blushing. He had not taken any clean clothes into the bathing chamber with him. Standing and curtsying, she spoke softly to cover her embarrassment.

  “I am Mistress Sara Delin, chief servant to your brother. I have sent for a tray of fruit and cheese for you. Is there anything else that you require?”

  Cah’Fene shook his head, intimidated because of her age. “No, Mistress. Could you tell me when Jah’Moke will be back?”

  Sara smiled and nodded. “Soon. Council seldom lasts later than the six
th hour. He should be back in an hour or two.” Felleen arrived then, blushing at the sight of Cah’Fene standing nude in the middle of the room. Mistress Sara directed her to leave the tray on the table, then led the younger woman out of the suite.

  Felleen was still wide eyed as Mistress Sara closed the door firmly behind her. “Mistress, he...”

  “Hold your tongue, Felleen,” Mistress Sara interrupted. “You know the rules about gossip.”

  “But, Mistress...”

  “Not another word,” Sara interrupted again. “The Latté are very casual about skin. It is not remarkable, and you will not remark upon it. Is that understood?” Felleen nodded, then left to see to her other duties. Sara smiled at her back, amused by the girl’s reaction. The boy was a handsome one, she had to give him that.

  Jah’Moke had not been informed of his brother’s arrival and walked in to his suite to find a familiar face sitting at his table. “Cah’Fene! Lanis Da Comin Fram? De Ist Key For In Del Cam?” Jah’Moke asked in Latté, asking what his brother was doing there and when he arrived.

  Cah’Fene met Jah’Moke half way across the room, clasping him in a tight embrace. “Jah’Moke, Father sent me with messages. This is a strange life you live.”

  Jah’Moke nodded, leading his brother over to the sofa. “Very strange. Was your trip eventful? You look worn.”

  Cah’Fene sighed and nodded. “I ran into trouble a few days ago. Three men jumped me in my sleep. Chuff warned me in time, and all they got was bruises and broken bones.”

  “You got some bruises yourself,” Jah’Moke noted, then changed the subject. Cah’Fene was obviously embarrassed by being caught off guard. “What is the message?”

  Cah’Fene sighed, then composed himself. One of the disciplines that the Latté all learned was how to memorize a message and repeat it verbatim days or even years later.

  “Jah’Moke, my son, you have made us all proud. Send word back with Cah’Fene of the date of your wedding. Java is a fine girl, and we look forward to our grandchildren.”


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