Avenged by an Angel

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Avenged by an Angel Page 21

by Heaton, Felicity

  She didn’t think so either. It seemed a very angelic and noble thing to do. She wasn’t even sure how she would word such a note. How did an angel inform the world they had served that they had fallen? It sounded a lot like switching sides to her, and that made the notion of sending a report about it to the former side all the stranger to her.

  “Somehow, he has retained his good, although I am not sure how.” That furrow between Wolf’s eyebrows only deepened as a troubled look flitted across his handsome face. “A score of angels in Heaven want to study him to find out.”

  Emelia bet that had gone down well with Rey. Wolf looked as if he was going to ask Rey in order to find out for them, and for him. Because he was worried about falling?

  She didn’t want to think about the danger of that happening.

  A fallen angel would be a powerful ally, and she felt better knowing that Wolf would have Rey on his side. He wouldn’t be alone in Hell now. If she couldn’t go with him, then his friend was a good substitute, one she definitely approved of given the strength fallen angels had at their command.

  “You will be careful, though. I mean, not to diss your friend, but even if he did send a report saying he was fallen, you need to be careful. It might be a trap.” Which turned her stomach and made her heart flip in her chest.

  Wolf’s eyes shifted to meet hers again. “I will be careful, Emelia. I promise.”

  His gaze grew distant, and she could see he was already thinking about heading back down to Hell to see Rey. She didn’t want him to go, not yet. She wanted him to stay a little longer, and not only because he was relaxing again, the darkness lifting from his eyes and his mood calming.

  “Wolf?” she whispered, and he blinked, his eyes clearing as he came back to her.

  “I should go.”

  No. He couldn’t. Not yet. She needed him to stay. Just for tonight.

  “You’re sure you can’t delay a little longer?” She searched his eyes as she eased her hand higher, cupping the rigid muscle that ran from his neck to his shoulder, heading towards his nape.

  He looked down at her hand out of the corner of his eye and then back at her. “What for?”

  Emelia steeled herself.

  Shifted her hand to his nape.

  Pulled herself up to him and whispered against his lips.



  Emelia pressed her mouth to his, fifty thousand volts racing through her like a lightning bolt as his firm lips met hers. She tilted her head, drew him closer, and crushed the nerves threatening to rise inside her as she kissed him, her lips playing across his, a barely there brush that had her feeling lighter inside, as if she was floating.

  Wolf made a low noise in his throat and returned the kiss, his mouth gentle as he met hers, lips grazing and sending wave after wave of thrills chasing over her skin. He was holding back. Afraid of scaring her.

  She held her nerve and stroked her tongue along the seam of his lips.

  He opened for her on a ragged groan, and she slipped her tongue inside, shivered as his met it, the warmth and taste of him drugging her.

  His hands clamped down on her waist.

  Panic spiked.

  She broke away from his mouth and shoved backwards, breathing hard as she stared at him, wrestling to get her fears back under control.

  He held his hands up at his sides, water rolling down his arms as he looked at her. “I will not hurt you, Emelia. You are in control here.”

  She was.

  She sucked down a steadying breath and clung to that.

  She was in control.

  She had this beautiful, intoxicating warrior at her command, and she didn’t want to stop. She didn’t want fear to keep ruining things, stopping her from doing as she wanted.

  Emelia held her hand out to him, beckoning him, and a deeper thrill ran through her as he obeyed, cutting through the water towards her.

  She was in command.

  Damn, that was empowering.

  She licked her lips and he groaned, the sound strained as his eyes fell to her mouth and darkened, the hunger that lit them tugging at her, luring her back to him. He looked like a man starved, desperately in need of her. She couldn’t stop herself from kicking off and floating backwards, keeping the distance between them steady as she glided towards the broad steps at the end of the pool.

  He prowled towards her, following her, his gaze dark and locked on hers.

  She wanted to moan as the water shallowed, sluicing off the broad slabs of his pectorals and running down the thick ropes of his abdomen, revealing them to her hungry eyes. She devoured every inch of him, the need inside her growing as she took him in, admired her warrior.

  Her Wolf.

  His hips breached the surface, the ridge of muscle that arched over them combining with the trail of dark hair that spread down from his navel to lead her gaze to his tiny black shorts.

  Her mouth dried out.

  The rigid outline of his hard cock was impossible to miss, curved up towards his left hip as he waded towards her.

  Heat pooled lower in her belly, a flood of desire making her slick in her shorts, and she swallowed hard and resisted the temptation to rub her thighs together as she tingled, her need of him growing. She wanted to touch him. Wanted to explore every delectable inch of him with her hands and maybe even her mouth. She wanted to savour him.

  Her fears drifted away as the hunger built, need she had been denying for too long, that had tormented her each night when she had closed her eyes. She wanted to fulfil those fantasies now, wasn’t afraid of where this was heading because it was Wolf prowling towards her.

  And she was in control.

  “Stop,” she said, needing to prove that to herself.

  Wolf halted, the water lapping around his hips, keeping her gaze on his shorts.

  She swallowed her nerves and walked towards him, aware of his eyes on her as she closed the distance between them again. Her breathing shallowed, speeding up as she approached him, her hands shaking as she thought about what she wanted to do. She was in control. She was the one instigating this and she wanted it. He wasn’t doing anything against her will, was doing everything she desired instead.

  Emelia stopped close to him, raked her eyes over his muscles again, fingers itching rather than shaking as she devoured him with her gaze. His flat nipples beaded in the cold air, skin turning to gooseflesh as he waited.

  Waited for her to make the next move.

  Anticipation swirled inside her, a thousand fantasies colliding, making it difficult to decide what she wanted to do with him because she wanted to fulfil them all, right now, this instant.

  She lowered her gaze, following the line of his eight-pack, past his navel, and down that trail of dark hair.

  She wanted to start there.

  She raised her hand out of the water and brought it towards him, shivered in time with him as her fingers brushed above the sexy dip of his navel and water cascaded over his muscles in tiny tempting rivulets that pushed her to follow them. She wanted to follow something else.

  She swallowed to wet her parched throat and let her fingers drift lower, so they brushed the start of that treasure trail. She followed it downwards, intensely aware of his eyes on her, how they tracked her, and how his breath hitched. His entire body tensed beneath her touch and the thought she was affecting him gave her the courage to continue because she liked it.

  She liked how he reacted to every little thing she did as if it was killing him, as if he couldn’t bear it but still wanted more.

  The trail of hair thickened, crisp beneath her fingertips, and her heart pounded as she reached the tight waist of his shorts.

  His breathing quickened, chest heaving as he remained still, letting her explore him despite the fact he had to want to join in, to touch her too. She rewarded him by skimming her fingers along the waistband, dipping it lower as she went. Her hand brushed his hard length.

  He hissed in a breath.

; Damn, he was like steel beneath her palm as she swept it over his shaft. It kicked, pulsing against the tight material, and she bit her lower lip, stifling the moan that bubbled up her throat in response. How many nights had she fantasised about this? How many times had she woken aroused and frustrated, aching for him to come to her and chase away her fears so she could have this moment with him?

  Now it was becoming real.

  “Emelia,” he murmured, strained and low.

  She was killing him. She could see it in his eyes as she lifted hers to meet them. He needed more than this innocent touch.

  And, damn, she needed that too.

  She kept her eyes on his as she fought another wave of nerves and focused on what she wanted next. The same thing he wanted judging by how his face crumpled for a heartbeat before his eyebrows dropped in a frown that narrowed his eyes as she brushed her fingers along the waist of his shorts, dipping them behind the elastic.

  “Take them off,” she whispered, shocked by how throaty her voice had gone.

  Wolf groaned and did as she had ordered as she stepped back. She wanted to purr as he discarded the shorts and rose to stand before her, his long cock jutting out of the water, the broad head dark with need. A moan slipped from her lips instead and Wolf groaned in response, his brow furrowing as he stared at her, stood before her naked and glorious, his hands at his sides.

  At her mercy.

  The heat pooling between her thighs grew hotter.

  She licked her lips again and wriggled, just enough to have a thrill chasing over her thighs. Her aroused nub pulsed, sending a stronger wave through her, and she closed the distance between them again, grabbed him around his nape and dragged him down to her for a harder kiss.

  He moaned and moved closer, his shaft jabbing her belly. Emelia pressed closer to him, trapping it between them and savouring the heat of it, the way it flexed and pulsed, demanding attention as she stroked her tongue against his, losing herself in the kiss. She couldn’t stop her hand from slipping between them and curling around his cock, couldn’t bite back the moan that rolled up her throat as she stroked him, felt all that velvet on steel and how hard he was for her.

  His breaths quickened again, panting against her lips between each fierce meeting of their mouths, but his hands remained pinned at his sides. She could sense his need to touch her. Or was that hers?

  She ached all over, couldn’t keep from wriggling as she stroked him, as she thumbed the tip and smeared the moisture gathering there into his skin. He groaned into her mouth, the low, guttural, and oh-so-masculine sound sending a shiver through her. His body tensed, straining now, and she couldn’t take any more.

  She wanted to scream at him to touch her, to palm her bottom and her breasts, to thumb her nipples, but her voice seized, and panic began to rise.

  “Not going to hurt you,” he murmured against her lips between rough kisses, his words a heady drug that had her nestling closer to him. “Might make a fool of myself if you keep doing that, though.”

  She realised she had been stroking his cock harder, her need for him to touch her controlling her actions. She slowed her hand, teasing him instead, feathering her fingers over his flesh as she stepped back. He groaned and leaned towards her, keeping his mouth fused with hers.

  “Tell me what you want,” he husked. “Say it and it’s yours. Whatever you need.”

  What didn’t she need?

  “You,” she whispered, brushing her lips across his, teasing them with her tongue and savouring the way he shivered in response, a moan tumbling from his lips. “I want you.”

  Three words that should have terrified her, but only made her burn hotter.

  “Where?” He kissed her harder, a brief flash of dominance that she relished rather than feared.

  She wasn’t sure she could make it to the bed, not this time. She needed him too fiercely, was too wound up, beyond ready for the next step as her desire and passion drowned out all her fears. She wanted him now, before her nerve failed, before the voice dared to poison her mind. She wanted to take the leap, to prove to herself she could do this, she could be with a man.

  With Wolf.

  She was taking back control.

  She seized his hand and pulled him towards the steps of the pool, heart beating harder with each stride she took towards them. She was doing this. A thrill bolted through her, a wave of tingles in its wake. She was doing this, and nothing would stop her, because this was what she wanted. She wanted Wolf, and she was damned well going to have him.

  When they reached the steps, he tried to pass her, heading towards the pool house.

  She tugged on his hand to stop him, moaned as he twisted to look at her over his shoulder, giving her a side-on view of his perfection.

  Emelia pulled him in the other direction, over to the wooden lounger, and turned so his back was to it. She gripped his shoulders, heat sweeping through her at the feel of his muscles flexing beneath her touch, and pushed him down onto the lounger. Dark silver eyes locked with hers, the hunger in them pulling at her own, bringing it to the surface.

  She couldn’t resist stroking her fingers through his hair, pushing them through the tangled black locks as he gazed up at her. He tilted his head back and she lowered hers, captured his lips again and moaned as he kissed her, as softly as before, each sweep of his lips over hers adding fuel to the fire blazing inside her.

  She grew wetter as she stroked her hands over his broad shoulders, explored his powerful muscles, and thought about what came next. He read her mind, twisting so his back was against the rear of the recliner, luring her down with him. She followed, too mesmerised by his kiss and the feel of his body beneath her fingers, and where they were heading, to feel even an ounce of fear or doubt.

  She flattened her palms against his chest as he brought his legs up, stretching them along the recliner, and she straddled his thighs. The heat blazing inside her burned hotter as she settled against him, and he raised his arms, lifting them above his head to drape them over the back of the lounger.

  Emelia sat back, devoured the sight of him as he lay at her mercy, every muscle of his torso tensed as he held his arms above his head, showing her that he wasn’t going to touch her. Not unless she asked it of him.

  She raked her gaze down the line of his body to his erection.

  It kicked against his stomach.

  Jerked again when she skimmed her fingers down the length of it, from the dark plum that tipped it to his balls. He groaned as she teased them, tilted his head back, and closed his eyes as his big body shuddered.

  He needed her. That thought had a fresh wave of desire rolling through her, dampening her shorts. She needed him too. Ached for him too fiercely to stop now.

  Just the thought of him filling her was enough to have her close to climax.

  “Keep your eyes closed.” She shimmied off him, loving the way he frowned at that, his nostrils flaring as he fought to do as she wanted.

  She pushed her shorts down her hips, excitement bubbling in her as she thought about what she was about to do, as she imagined it and let her mind run wild.

  She tossed her shorts aside, straddled him again, and took hold of his cock. He was big, thick in her grip. She lowered her other hand, moaned as she pressed it between her thighs and felt how wet she was, so damned ready for him despite his size.

  She brought her hand to his length, and a moan tore from his lips as she stroked it, slicking it with her arousal. It kicked and jerked, pulsed and gave up another drop of seed. She smeared that into his skin too and kept stroking him as she eased up on her knees, as she moved forwards and planted her other hand against his hip, holding him down.

  Her breaths came faster as she positioned him, as the blunt head slipped down through her folds, teasing her with what was to come. She looked down and then at his face, torn between watching him enter her and watching his expression as he filled her. She flickered between the two as she eased back and he breached her. He shifted his hands, grippi
ng the back of the lounger as his brow furrowed, his lips parting and breath sawing from between them as she sank onto him, slowly taking him into her.

  She wanted to rush and wanted to savour it, couldn’t decide which was more important as he filled her, stretching her so much she was aware of every inch of him. Bliss pulsed through her, pushing her close to the edge already. She moaned and couldn’t stop herself from rocking her hips, rotating them as she took him into her.

  “Emelia,” Wolf bit out, his deep voice shaking as badly as his body. “I need to see.”

  The thought of him watching them joining sent a sharp thrill through her and she whispered breathlessly, “Look.”

  His eyes flicked open, swirling gold as they leaped down to his cock. He groaned, the strangled sound filling the air as his eyebrows pinched hard above his nose. His muscles flexed as he gripped the rear of the lounger harder, causing his hips to rise and pressing him deeper inside her. She moaned as he filled her, sank deeper on him, and pressed both hands into his stomach, clutching his hips as she swirled hers.

  “Sweet… mercy.” He tilted his head back again, the corded muscles of his neck tightening as he groaned. “Emelia.”

  She surrendered to him and her desire, sank back on him so he was as deep as she could take him, and rose off him, building a pace that would have her shattering before long. She didn’t have the strength to ease back on the throttle, to savour each plunge of his cock into her, every meeting of their bodies. The need was too strong, had her rocking on him faster and faster, in time with his breaths as he began shifting his hips beneath her, driving his length into her.

  Pleasure built, twisting tightly in her belly, and she closed her eyes and hung her head forwards, moaning as she reached for the bliss she needed. The ecstasy. She leaned over him, sought his mouth, and kissed him hard as she bounced on him, as his pelvis struck hers and tore another groan from her. He moaned with her, pumped her harder as she kissed him deeper, clutching his shoulders and then his arms. She skimmed her hands up his triceps to his elbows, curled her hands over his biceps, and clung to him as she rode him, losing awareness of the world.


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