SEALed Embrace

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by SEALed Embrace [Evernight] (mobi)

  Garren’s brow furrowed. “You think we need to say Grace?”

  She laughed. “No, my friend, Grace. Her brother has a Hummer. He took a six-month job overseas and won’t be back home for another four months. Maybe we can borrow it.”

  Dagan tossed her his cell phone. “Call and ask. We’re running out of time to get out of this joint before your alpha returns.”

  Isi quickly dialed the number and put the phone to her ear. She smiled. “Grace, this is Isi. And before you ask, I’m fine.”

  She glanced at Garren. “Grace, I have a favor to ask. You know Jeremy’s Hummer? Is anyone using it right now?”

  Garren decided the conversation needed to be handled over the speaker so everyone could hear what was being said. He took the phone from Isi and pushed the speaker button.

  “—Jeremy left me the keys and said I could do what I wanted with it while he was gone,” Isi’s friend said. “Why? Do you need to use it for something? You aren’t moving are you? I saw your place was up for rent.”

  “Slow down, Grace! No, I’m not moving. Not exactly.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Grace asked.

  “It means she’s under our protection until we figure out who’s behind her kidnapping,” Garren answered.

  “Who is this?” Grace demanded. “What are you doing with Isi?”

  Garren smiled. It was nice that Isi had someone so protective of her. “My name is Garren Douglas and I’m one of four who found Isi and brought her home. She’s staying with us, for safety reasons.” He paused. “And because she’s my mate.”

  Grace squealed on the other end. “Isi, you found your mate? That’s fantastic! I can’t wait to meet him. We must do lunch soon.”

  Garren chuckled. “We’re moving into the McKutchen house tonight. Why don’t you stop by tomorrow? You can bring Hailey with you, and any other friends Isi has. I’m sure she’d be happy to see everyone.”

  “We’ll be there,” Grace promised. “Now, about the Hummer, I don’t have a way to get it to you and get back home, but if someone could come pick it up, you can use it for as long as you need.”

  Dagan indicated the door with a nod of his head.

  “Dagan O’Neal will come pick it up. I’m assuming Isi knows how to get to your house from here?” Garren asked.

  “Oh yes. Isi’s been over here several times.”

  “Dagan will see you shortly, Grace. And thank you.”

  “Welcome,” she chirped before disconnecting the call.

  Isi gave Dagan directions. Thankfully, Grace only lived six blocks away so it would be an easy walk.

  Chapter Four

  It didn’t take long to get set up at the McKutchen house, everyone claiming a room. Somehow, Isi and Garren ended up with the master suite, not that she was going to complain too much. After seeing that whirlpool tub, she was more than happy to make the sacrifice and accept such posh lodgings. Neither Garren nor she had spoken of their mating since it had happened, and now that the haze of excellent sex had worn off, she was more than a little pissed at him for losing control. Not that she’d been much better, but hell if she would admit it to the lion.

  Isi had overheard bits and pieces of conversation since arriving at the large home and knew reinforcements were scheduled to arrive by nightfall, if not sooner. Just what she needed. More men. Not that Dagan and the others were horrible, but she had her hands full with Garren. And really, there was such a thing as too much testosterone. There was only so much a woman could take.

  As they drove through town, she’d seen the curious looks from the townspeople, and had no doubt if it weren’t for her presence, the men would have been hounded by the single females in the pack. When you grew up in the same place you were born, and knew the people around you for your entire life, it was a safe bet that your mate was not from the area if you were still single by the time you hit your early to mid-twenties. Isi hadn’t known her mate didn’t live within the pack, but she’d just assumed that he hadn’t wanted to claim her since she was defective.

  Oh, how wrong she’d been!

  From the corner of her eye, movement caught her attention and she turned. Lee was lounging at the end of the porch, propped against the side of the house. He gave her a nod of acknowledgment and then went back to scanning the area.

  “For the love of God!” She huffed. Four men in the house, well three now, and she couldn’t even sit on the porch without a male present? Did they think someone was going to snatch her in broad daylight, right from under their noses? Once they saw the four hulking men following her around, they would have to be stupid to try anything. Isi was convinced that she’d never been safer than she was now that she was surrounded by Garren and his team.

  She rose from the porch swing and stepped down into the yard. Behind her, she heard Lee walk across the porch and felt his presence behind her a moment later. Grinding her teeth in frustration, she balled her hands at her sides and fought the urge to spin around and blacken his eye. She reeled herself in, knowing that it wasn’t Lee she was upset with so much as the situation and Garren’s overprotectiveness. He was going to smother her, but she’d be damned if she’d let him.

  “I’m not helpless,” she ground out, not bothering to turn around.

  “I know that,” Lee said. “But orders are orders, and I was told to keep an eye on you.”

  “Is your eyesight so poor that you can’t see me from a few yards away on the porch? Must you shadow my every step like I’m some errant child who will run off the moment you look away?”

  “Damn, Isi!”

  She sighed. “It’s not you. It’s Garren that has me so pissed off. I don’t mean to take it out on you, but you’re… convenient.”

  “If you’re going to get into it with Garren, let me know now and I’ll make myself scarce later. All that damn roaring he does gives me a headache.”

  She smirked, knowing exactly how he felt. Garren definitely had a mighty roar and he wasn’t afraid to use it, but Isi had learned long ago that it didn’t take a big voice to make your point. If you grabbed a man by his balls, chances were he was going to listen to you, especially if you tightened your grip for emphasis on the important words.

  Isi wound her way through the garden, which was surprisingly lush with flowers and topiaries. She’d known someone was keeping the house in order, but she hadn’t realized they were gardening too. And doing an excellent job by the looks of things. When she tired of having a shadow trail her around the property, she went back inside and flopped down on the couch.

  Lee disappeared, leaving her alone for the first time since arriving at the McKutchen home. She half expected Dagan or Parker to pop up at any moment, just to make sure she was where Lee had left her, like a good little girl. She had news for them, though. She hadn’t been a good girl in a long time. Oh, she followed the pack rules, to a point, but she’d never been a perfect daughter, certainly not the daughter her parents wanted. Truth be told, their love for her had waned even before the non-shift. It just had been the catalyst they needed to avoid her completely. They’d still given her a roof over her head and a pantry full of food, but there had been no more family meals, no more conversations… no more attempts at being a real family, something she’d always craved.

  Isi had seen how Tomi was with her parents before they passed and she’d always wanted to be a part of it. Her friend had included her as much as possible, but there was only so much she could do. It wasn’t fair to intrude on their family gatherings, and truth be told, their togetherness always kicked her right in the chest. Isi knew she had problems, like the big gaping wound her parents had left in her life, but everyone had issues of some sort. Granted, not everyone had an entire town that hated them, but not everyone could be special like Isi.

  She snorted. “Yeah, real friggin’ special. They avoid you like the plague, except for when they remember how much fun it is to pick on you.”

  “Did you say something?”

  She jol
ted and looked at the man intruding on her space. “Who the hell are you?”

  He gave her an easy smile and held out his hand as he approached. “Dylan Weathersby. And you must be Garren’s mate, Isi.”

  “Not by choice,” she snarled.

  His eyebrows rose into his hairline and he rocked back on his heels as he withdrew his proffered hand. “Alrighty then. I see you’re a touch upset about the whole mate thing.” He nodded. “Understandable.”

  “You’re the only one who thinks so. The others think I should fall at Garren’s feet and be grateful he took me as his mate.”

  He cleared his throat. “I hope they didn’t phrase it quite like that.”

  “Maybe not in so many words,” she mumbled. “But the intentions were the same!”

  “Or maybe they’re just happy the two of you found each other. It isn’t every day a man finds his mate. I always thought women looked forward to it too.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe once upon a time I did. I outgrew fairy tales a long time ago though. I don’t understand how he can decide he wants me forever just because of the way I smell. Just because my scent appeals to him, it doesn’t mean we should spend eternity together.”

  “First off, it’s more than you smelling nice. Don’t you understand how the whole mate thing works? I mean, you are a shifter, right?” He leaned forward and sniffed at her. “Cat?”

  “Ocelot. How did you know? I’ve never been able to tell what types of shifters are around me, and as far as I know, no one in this pack can either.”

  He frowned. “That’s most unusual. You don’t have a heightened sense of smell?”

  “I thought I did.”

  “Hmm. We’ll have to figure it out later. Right now, I need to go claim a room before my teammates beat me to it. I’m sure this is the start of a beautiful friendship, Isi.” He flashed her a smile. “It helps if you like the person you’re guarding and I can tell I’m going to like you just fine.”

  She wasn’t certain what to make of his words and watched him walk out of the room.

  Everyone seemed to think that finding Garren was something of a miracle. She’d grown up hearing tales of what happened when you found your mate, but she’d always thought it would be a little more romantic than a few sniffs, some licks, and then bam! He fucks you and claims you, forever tying the two of you together. She supposed she should be content she at least got a few orgasms out of the deal, but deep in her heart, she was a little disappointed.

  Perhaps she was being ungrateful, but she’d always thought she’d have time to get to know her mate better before being claimed. She’d wanted flowers and chocolates, long walks hand in hand, evenings spent with their parents while they bonded as a family. Instead, she ended up with a rumbly lion who liked to dictate what she should and shouldn’t do, fucked her to within an inch of her life, then left her to her own devices while he talked shop with his team.

  All right, so in all fairness, he was trying to protect her, and that made him something of a white knight. She had to give him points for that, even if she did think he was going overboard. But with all of the patrols he was setting up, all of the men with guns wandering around, when would there be time for romance? Didn’t she deserve soft words and fragrant blossoms? Didn’t she deserve some sort of affection and not just a stamp that declared she belonged to him?

  “I’m not property,” she grumbled.

  “No one said you were,” Garren said, entering the room. “Why do you think you’re property?”

  Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. Garren reached out, gently taking her chin, and turned her face toward him. “Why do you feel like property?” he asked again.

  “We don’t have a traditional relationship, not even by shifter standards. You just decided you wanted me so you marked me. Can you honestly tell me you feel something for me? Other than lust, that is. I think it’s quite evident you feel that. But what of love? Will you ever come to love me?”

  He frowned. “I don’t believe in love. What we have is stronger than that human emotion. You were destined for me, Isi. There is no other woman in the world I will ever want as much as I want you. I’ll never stray from you and you’ll always be the most important person in my life.”

  “I want more. Maybe that makes me selfish, but I had dreams, just like all the other little girls. I dreamed some strong, handsome man would sweep me off my feet, shower me with affection, and declare his undying love for me.”

  His frown deepened.

  “Don’t you understand, Garren? I want the one thing that has always been missing in my life. Most people have parents who love them, siblings who have some affection for them, but growing up I had no one. My parents tried to be good to me before they found out I couldn’t shift, but there was always something lacking. I’m tired of living a cold existence. I want warmth in my life, and in order to have that, I need love.”

  A growl rumbled in his throat. “You’re mine, Isi. Nothing is going to change that. I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want, but there are plenty of women who would kill to be in your shoes right now.”

  Her face tightened. “I don’t need to hear how desirable you are to other women. You should be more concerned with whether or not you’re desirable to me.”

  “I thought we’d already established that you desire me just as much as I desire you.” He stalked closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Perhaps you need a reminder.”

  She opened her mouth to protest and he swooped down to silence her, his mouth sealing against hers, his tongue thrusting between her lips. The taste of him exploded on her tongue and she found herself pushing at his shoulders. As he explored her mouth, bending her to his will, she fought to keep control of herself. His arm tightened at her waist, her breasts pressing against his chest. His lips slowed, sipping at her, and she heard the faint rumble of a purr.

  Isi slackened in his embrace, unable to fight him. Not this side of him at any rate. The alpha, domineering male was one thing, but this softer, gentler side? The almost sweet kisses were her undoing and she melted against him, her arms winding around his neck. When he pulled back, she looked up at him through heavy-lidded eyes. Why couldn’t he be like that all the time?

  “I don’t think desire is an issue, do you?” he asked.

  “I never claimed I didn’t desire you. I just said I wanted more than lust.”

  “I would give my life for you. Love isn’t something I’ve ever offered a woman, and I’m not sure I know how, but I can promise that I will protect you at all costs, that I will always put you above others.”

  She supposed that would have to do—for now. One of these days she would get him to love her, no matter what it took.

  “I came in here to tell you that you have company. Do you want me to show them in or would you prefer to entertain them out on the porch?” he asked. “You seem to like the sunshine and fresh air.”

  “Outside will be fine. Just send them around the corner.”

  His lips tipped up on one corner. “Too late. They’re in the kitchen with the guys, but I’ll send them out directly.”

  She nodded and stepped back, letting her arms drop to her sides. Isi watched as he strode out of the room, then she turned and went out to wait for her friends. She only had three, and knowing them, all three had shown up the moment word had traveled that she was mated and staying with four hunky men. Well, seven men now.

  Tomi was the first to step outside, pulling her in for a quick, fierce hug before shoving her away in typical Tomi fashion. “Don’t ever scare me like that again! Next time, you fight the bastards until you get away.”

  She smiled. “I did struggle, as much as I could. He took me by surprise, but I’ll be more alert this time.”

  Hailey gave her a little wave before settling on the swing, leaving Grace standing uncertainly. Isi smiled warmly at her and held out her hands. Grace tentatively stepped forward and took them, allowing Isi to draw her into a hug.

  “We missed
you,” Grace said softly.

  “I missed you, too.”

  “So out of all those hunky men,” Tomi said, “which one is yours? Because if you don’t have dibs, I claim the white-haired hottie.” She fanned herself. “Holy mother of Greek god genes! That man is smokin’!”

  Isi laughed. “Parker is all yours, if you can tame him. My mate is the big one with black hair. Garren.”

  Grace shivered. “They’re all rather intimidating.”

  “They’ve been nothing but kind to me,” Isi assured her. “Garren may be a bit growly, but I know he wouldn’t hurt me. They’re all here to protect me, and to find out why I was taken to begin with.”

  “Do they think there will be another attempt?” Hailey asked.

  Isi shrugged. “I guess it’s a possibility. Garren didn’t think I would be safe until they got to the bottom of things. Although, it’s been pointed out that we could just leave. Now that I’m mated to Garren, it’s doubtful we’ll stick around here. Their home is in Texas and I’m sure my mate will want to go back there soon.”

  “A new start with a new pack.” Grace smiled. “I would give anything for that chance!”

  “When we leave, you’re all welcome to come with us. I know Garren wouldn’t mind.” At least, she hoped he wouldn’t, now that she’d made the offer. Truth was she didn’t know much about her mate.

  Tomi arched a brow. “You mean leave this wonderful town with the oh-so-understanding alpha and his rotten sons? Why ever would we want to do something like that?” She snorted. “Count me in. If you leave, I’m packing to come along.”

  “I have nothing holding me here. Maybe another pack wouldn’t force me to mate with someone.” Hailey’s lips twisted in a sneer. “As if I’d ever be interested in Alpha Henry’s offspring. No offense to your best buddy.”

  Isi waved a hand. “None taken.”

  Grace looked at her friends. “I just don’t know. I mean, I’ve never lived anywhere but here. What if it’s scary out there?”

  Tomi slung an arm around Grace’s shoulders. “Honey, it’s scary here. The world is full of possibilities. I think it’s time we explored a little.”


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