Falling in Love (Secrets of Savannah Book 5)

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Falling in Love (Secrets of Savannah Book 5) Page 10

by Belle Calhoune

  “I’m here,” Charlotte said in a firm, reassuring voice. “And I’m not going anywhere, Angela. You’re about to give the world a brand new angel. Your baby girl is about to arrive in to this world.”

  Angela tightly gripped Charlotte’s hand.

  “I’ll get out of your hair.” Paula—clearly overwhelmed by the unfolding situation—took several steps backward and left the room with an awkward wave.

  “Don’t leave me,” Angela pleaded. Her brown eyes beseeched Charlotte. The desperation in Angela’s voice made her want to cry, but she wouldn’t do so in front of the young teen. How could her family have turned their backs on their own child? She couldn’t imagine how alone and frightened Angela must have felt when they kicked her out of their home.

  “I’m with you. Now let’s focus on your breathing,” Charlotte coaxed. She was trying to keep her voice even and calm.

  Angela began to breathe deeply in and out. Sweat dotted her forehead. Her chest heaved up and down.

  “It’s time to start pushing, Angela,” the nurse said. “You’ve held out long enough.”

  For the next twenty minutes Charlotte felt as if she was watching a miracle unfold. As she held Angela’s hand and acted as her cheerleader, Angela sobbed and shouted and pushed and persevered. At five minutes past eleven, her baby was born.

  “It’s a girl,” the doctor announced as the baby immediately began to wail. They placed the baby on Angela’s chest. Angela—wide-eyed and crying—seemed overwhelmed by the presence of the baby. Charlotte knew it would probably take a bit of time for Angela to process motherhood. After all, at sixteen years old, Angela should be thinking about proms and SAT exams and innocent crushes. Now, her live was forever changed. Adulthood had arrived in an instant.

  “She’s crying. That’s a good sign, right?” Angela asked Charlotte, her face filled with anxiety.

  “Of course it is,” Charlotte said, watching as the staff worked on the baby.

  “I’m going to call her Rose Charlotte,” Angela said, wiping away tears.

  Charlotte reached out and squeezed Angela’s hand. “I think that sounds just lovely. I’m so honored.”

  Within a few minutes, they handed the baby back to Angela, who cradled the newborn against her chest. Tears pricked Charlotte’s eyes. Although Angela kept thanking her profusely for being at her side during the delivery, Charlotte knew without a doubt she had been the recipient of a wondrous gift this evening. Was there anything more precious than a new life coming into the world? God had blessed Angela with a healthy baby girl and He had allowed Charlotte to witness the blessed miracle.

  Thank you Lord. For the blessing of Rose Charlotte. May her life be filled with absolute wonder. I hope she always has faith, never gives up hope and knows the true value of charity. And above all else, may she be loved.

  Once Charlotte ascertained that Angela was settled in her hospital room with Rose sleeping peacefully nearby, she said her goodbyes to the teenager, promising to return in the morning to see the duo. When Charlotte turned around from the doorway to wave to her friend, she noticed Angela’s eyes were firmly closed. She had already drifted off to a nice slumber. Charlotte smiled. From what she’s witnessed, giving birth was exhausting! But it was so worth it when you were blessed with a wonderful newborn at the end of it.

  When Angela had let her hold Rose, Charlotte had snuggled her against her chest and sniffed the baby’s temple. If Charlotte had to describe the smell, all she would have been able to come up with was goodness. Pure, innocent, lovely newborn baby goodness.

  “Charlotte!” The sound of her name being called in the silence of the hospital corridor was jarring. It immediately put a stop to her thoughts about baby Rose. Charlotte swung around toward the sound of the voice. Surprise rippled through her at the sight of Marc.

  “Marc. What are you doing here? Is it your father?” She blurted out the questions one after the other as concern for Marc and his family consumed her.

  “Yes, it’s my father,” Marc confirmed with a nod. He quirked his mouth. His face betrayed his fatigue. Tiny lines rested by his eyes and mouth. “He arrived here by ambulance after having some agonizing stomach pains. It turned out he had a blockage in his intestines. They took him to surgery.”

  “Oh my goodness. That’s terrible.” Charlotte raised her hand to her neck. She knew Marc’s father was terminally ill, but it sounded as if his condition had taken a turn for the worse.

  “Yeah,” Marc said with a sigh. “He’s been through the ringer. He’s a fighter though, although at this point he’s only fighting for a few more months.”

  “Oh Marc. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that.” Compassion rose up inside her. Dealing with a loved one’s passing was gut wrenching. She still remembered the way it had rocked her family to its core when her cousin Rachel drowned. Having a parent slip away from you, day by day, would be agonizing.

  “How are your mother and sisters holding up?”

  Marc shrugged. “Everyone is just hanging on by a thread. I sent my mother and sisters home to get some rest. They’ll come back in the morning. For tonight, I’ll keep vigil at his bedside.”

  Charlotte studied Marc’s handsome face. “What about you? How are you doing? You look pretty beat.”

  “I’m good, although I could use a cup of coffee.” He ran a hand over his face. Charlotte didn’t buy his nonchalant act. The grave situation had to be tearing him up inside.

  “Why don’t we go to the cafeteria? I’m sure you could use a break,” Charlotte suggested. “My treat.” Charlotte surprised herself by making the suggestion.

  Marc looked so weary and incredibly sad. Her heart went out to him and the entire Cabron family.

  He heaved a sigh, his shoulders slumping a bit. “That sounds terrific.”

  “Okay, let’s go then,” Charlotte said, pressing the elevator going down.

  The elevator stopped with a ding and they both got in. Charlotte felt Marc’s gaze resting on her. “Hey, I forgot to ask you. What brings you to the hospital at this time of night?”

  “One of the girls I mentor through the youth program went into labor tonight. Her name is Angela. We’ve really bonded and she’s become like a little sister to me. She’s pretty much all alone. Her boyfriend bailed on her, and her family basically tossed her aside once they found out she was expecting a baby.”

  “So you were with her during the delivery?” A stunned expression was etched on Marc’s face. “That’s incredible.”

  Charlotte grinned as the weight of the delivery of a healthy baby girl finally registered. She let out a chuckle and shook her head. “I’m still in a bit of shock, but it was an amazing experience. God was definitely in that room with us. And Angela was such a brave lioness. She was pretty nervous, but she forged through it. And she delivered a stunning baby girl.”

  Marc’s face lit up. Something about the expression on his face made her feel almost giddy. He was so incredibly good looking. To be honest, it hadn’t been until recently that she’d acknowledged it. For so long he’d been Case’s enemy, and hers also due to her loyalty to her brother. She’d viewed him as a monster. Now, she was discovering that he was anything but a monster. And it made her feel slightly uncomfortable. As if her judgement was way off base.

  “You’re something else, do you know that?” Marc asked as they stepped out of the elevator and began walking down the hallway toward the cafeteria. The heady smell of coffee assaulted her senses. Another scent—something tangy and sweet—made her stomach clench with hunger.

  “It was nothing. Truthfully, I’m the fortunate one.” she said. “Angela and the other youths in the program give me much more than I could ever bestow on them. I’m so glad that Olivia encouraged me to become a mentor there. The center was named for Olivia’s mother and she’s been able to really build it up over the past few years in her mother’s honor.”

  “That’s not true that it’s nothing,” Marc said in a firm voice that brooked no argument. “I�
��m sure it was everything to that young girl. Because of you, she wasn’t alone. And I’m sure your presence allayed her fears.”

  Charlotte’s cheeks flushed with pleasure. It felt nice to be praised, even though she wasn’t certain she deserved it. After all, Angela had been the brave one.

  “It was such an honor to be at her side and witness such a precious miracle.” Charlotte darted a glance at Marc. “And believe it or not, she’s giving the baby my name as her middle name. Rose Charlotte.” She shook her head, still in disbelief that a baby had been named after her.

  “I think it’s a wonderful name, full of strength and beauty.”

  Charlotte’s cheeks flushed. Why did it feel as if Marc was giving her a compliment? She was acting silly. Almost like a schoolgirl with a crush.

  She looked across at Marc. If she was going to have a crush on someone Marc made a very reasonable subject. He was extremely good looking. Her bias against him had blinded her to his good looks and easy charm. With each and every moment she shared with Marc she felt more and more ashamed of the way she’d treated him. She had viewed him as an unscrupulous manipulator. How very wrong she had been.

  She locked gazes with Marc. He leaned forward across the table, his eyes full of intensity as he regarded her. “I’m just going to say something. I might be all kinds of crazy, but I think there’s something brewing between the two of us. I’ve felt it for a while now. And I know you might still think I’m a jerk, but I like you Charlotte. I like you a lot. And I want to see you…go out on a date with you. A real date. One that’s planned and not just a coincidence of running into each other or being in the same vicinity. So what do you think?”

  * * *

  Marc couldn’t take the suspense of waiting for Charlotte’s response to his statement. He had been a bit wordy, but once he’d started talking it had been difficult for him to stop. Charlotte had been on his mind non-stop all day. And he wasn’t going to ignore these feelings any longer. He knew it might be awkward because of the past, but he also knew life presented a person with opportunities. Being with Charlotte was an opportunity he just couldn’t ignore.

  God, please let Charlotte feel the same way as I do. Let her see we might have something worth taking a shot at exploring. I’ve been alone for a long time now. And Charlotte might just be the one I’ve been waiting on.

  “I feel something too.” Charlotte ducked her head down and twiddled with her fingers. “I tried to ignore it, but the feelings are still there. Last night pretty much cemented it.”

  “Was it me or the chocolate cherry shake?” Marc joked, trying to ease the tension.

  Charlotte looked up at him and smiled. “Can I say both?” she asked with a humorous tone.

  “Here’s the thing. I think God works in mysterious ways. We sometimes think we know it all, but in the end, we really don’t. No offense, but I never would have imagined we would develop feelings for each other. Before I got to know you I was under the misassumption that you were this entitled society princess. I know now that’s not true.”

  “I don’t want to say out loud the things I thought about you,” Charlotte admitted. Her cheeks looked flushed. Marc had the sense she was deeply embarrassed. “Forgive me,” she said in an almost whisper.

  “There’s nothing to forgive. Don’t you see, Charlotte? What’s happening between us is real. We both thought the worst of each other. God is working through us, showing us not to make assumptions or judgements against people. That’s exactly what we both did.”

  Charlotte looked at him with wide eyes.

  “We could ignore it, but I think it would be a colossal mistake. My life is pretty crazy at the moment with dad’s illness and work, but I think we all can make time for the important things.” Still, Charlotte hadn’t said a single word. He pressed on. “I want to take you out on a date. I want to get to know you better. What do you think about that?”

  “I-I would very much like to go out with you, Marc.” Charlotte’s voice was low, almost as if she couldn’t believe the words coming out of her own mouth. “I have to admit I’m a little floored. This is the last thing I ever expected.”

  Marc reached out across the table and squeezed her hand. “I know exactly how you feel. And I respect your feelings. I know how close you are to Case…and Fancy. But I honestly believe some of the greatest things in life happen by serendipity.”

  Charlotte nodded her head. “Serendipity. I love that word.”

  “There hasn’t been much of it in my life.” Marc made a face. “So I’m ready to embrace it.”

  “If we…go out I think we should keep this quiet for a bit. I hope that doesn’t sound awful or like I’m trying to hide anything.” Charlotte gazed at him with worry emanating from her eyes.

  A wave of relief washed over him. He’d been thinking the same thing. He didn’t want a bunch of people bombarding them with their opinions about a possible relationship between them. They were stepping out on a limb of faith. They certainly didn’t need anyone raining on their parade. And it was entirely possible that they would go out on one date without it going any further. There was no sense in telling everyone when it could lead them on a road to nowhere.

  “No. I get it,” Marc said, his tone meant to reassure Charlotte. “I don’t like secrets, but I think this is just being cautious and mindful. Considering the fact that I’m working for Savannah House and my past history with Fancy and your brother, it makes a lot of sense.”

  He didn’t have the heart to add that his family wouldn’t be too thrilled at the idea of him dating a Duvall. His mother in particular had a bad taste in her mouth after the Fancy-Case debacle. Marisol Cabron felt her son had been given a raw deal in the situation whereas Fancy had come off smelling like a rose. Marc had relayed to his mother countless times all the ways Fancy had suffered major fallout. In particular, Case ending his engagement to Fancy. His words had fallen on deaf ears. Because Marc’s reputation had taken a hit, Marisol had bought into the idea of Marc being used as a scapegoat.

  He chuckled at the thought of his mother, the fierce grizzly Mama bear.

  Charlotte let out a huge sigh. “Thanks for understanding. I figure the less complicated the better.”

  Marc winked at her. “Sounds like a plan.” He drained the last bit of his coffee from his cup. “I should really get back upstairs to Pops. How about if I call you tomorrow and we can figure out some plans.” He pulled out his cell phone to add her number. Charlotte nodded and they exchanged cell phone numbers.

  As they walked down the corridor toward the elevators, Marc looked outside through the plated glass window. It was pretty dark in the lot. “Maybe I should walk you outside to your car,” he said as they stepped into the elevator.

  Charlotte seemed pleased at the suggestion. A little smile graced her lips. “It’s a sweet offer, but I’m parked right by the door. Plus, there’s a twenty-four-hour security guard keeping watch.”

  “After the other night I just want to make sure you’re safe.” Marc felt a protectiveness rise up inside him toward Charlotte. It had been such a long time since a woman had inspired him to feel this way.

  The elevator doors opened and they walked out, stopping as their paths were about to diverge. Charlotte reached up and pressed a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for being so kind, Marc. And I want you to know I’ve been praying for your father. Give me a call when you get a chance.” With a wave and a smile, Charlotte was gone, disappearing into the onyx night and leaving a void in her wake. He shook his head, amazed at how quickly Charlotte had nestled her way into his heart.

  Slow down. Put the brakes on. He reminded himself. Last time he had fallen for Fancy while grieving his fiancé Gretchen’s passing. At the time it had felt like love. Now, he knew for certain it had been loneliness and the strong bonds of friendship on a collision course. He had felt so lost after Gretchen died. And angry. Fancy had been going through her own issues with Case, and when she’d extended friendship to him, he’d fallen fast.
br />   This time was different. It was almost against all common sense. He knew the reasons why it made no sense. He could just imagine the reaction from all sides. It wouldn’t be pretty, he imagined. He’d been dodging the mean-spirited talk about him for years. But a funny thing had happened during his self-imposed exile from Savannah. He’d learned how to tap into his strength. Never again would he allow others to dictate his actions. Life had taught him—and it continued to teach him—that tomorrows were not promised. Gretchen. His father. Even hearing about Charlotte’s cousin, Rachel.

  There was no way in the world Marc was going to allow others to stop him from reaching for the brass ring. If Charlotte was meant to be his, then with every ounce of strength he possessed, Marc would fight for their love.

  Marc walked down the hall and quickly located his father’s room. When he walked inside everything was quiet, with the exception of the machines monitoring his father’s vital signs. His father continued to sleep peacefully. Marc stood and watched him for a moment, his heart swelling as he studied this proud, good man. If he could he would keep him in this world for years and years to come. But Marc knew it wasn’t possible. With every day, he knew time was robbing the world of his father. His body was failing him. And he knew when that moment came—that brutal, surreal moment when his father drew his last breath—the pain would be almost unbearable.

  Marc sat down in the chair at the foot of his father’s hospital bed. With slumped shoulders, he put his head in his hands and quietly sobbed.

  “We don’t know what tomorrow brings. So for today, I’m going to live every day with joy and hope and a mighty love for God.”

  Lucien Cabron

  Chapter Seven

  Marc stood in front of the theater nervously walking back and forth in front of the ticket booth. A quick glance at his watch told him Charlotte was fifteen minutes late. The performance was going to start in five minutes. Perhaps Charlotte had changed her mind about going out with him this evening. Maybe she was going to stand him up.


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