Demon Warden: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy (The Cursed and the Fallen 1)

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Demon Warden: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy (The Cursed and the Fallen 1) Page 14

by Selene Kallan

  I chuckle, gratefully accepting the plate he offers, loaded with an omelet big enough to feed a small family and buttered French bread.

  I inhale deeply. “Thank you,” he nods. “You said you were going to show me something,” I remind him, mid-bite.

  Nox sips his coffee. “I will, once you eat and change.”

  “Okay,” I mutter, stuffing my face eagerly.

  It hasn’t escaped me he’s not telling me something, that there’s more regarding how grandma summoned him. But it struck me as personal, and I can live with that.

  “Leave the necklace on the counter,” he directs. “It’s best if I refresh the spells before we leave, I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “Okay,” I mutter, mouth full. I gulp quickly. “Sorry. This is really good.”

  He says nothing, but I think I see a flicker of humor in his eyes.

  * * *

  I decide to take a quick shower despite not needing it. My head is full of confusing images, grandma sitting in the middle of a pentagram with open grimoires summoning Nox. Flashes of my mother, a sapphire around her neck —the mother who died in a car accident shortly after my first birthday. The mother I barely remember.

  My necklace awaits for me on the counter right where I left it. I sigh with relief once I put it on. The layers of magic enveloping me are cool and relaxing. Not for the first time, I think about how Nox’s power is so different from Kazzian’s. I can sense his colossal power, I’m fully aware that I’m miles away from being a match for him, but for some reason, I’m not afraid. At least not as much as I should be.

  The prince is waiting for me at the balcony, Isir standing beside him looking effortlessly stylish in yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt.

  “Good morning, Dinah,” Isir says. Her eyes are a bit too bright and I can feel her contained power vibrating around her.

  The way she feels when she’s recently fed.

  “Hey,” I mutter, half distracted by the way the chilly morning wind makes Nox’s inky hair flutter, his back turned to me.

  Isir chuckles as her eyes meet mine and I fight down the rush of blood creeping to my cheeks. “You kids have fun,” the succubus almost purrs. She leans to give me a quick kiss on the cheek before going inside.

  Nox turns towards me. “Ready?”

  I take his offered hand. “Yup.”

  Eloquent, I scold myself. He keeps his face impassive, amethyst eyes holding mine for a couple of seconds more; I blink and look towards the view of the park as he pulls me closer by the waist, I grip his forearms and the world disappears in a burst of amethyst light.

  I keep my eyes closed until I feel my feet on solid ground. Nox releases me and steps away as I take in our surroundings. We’re standing outside a grayish, two-story building in the corner of a street that I don’t recognize. The street is desolate and unpleasant odors of garbage and human waste pollute the air. I expect to see homeless people, but there aren’t any, and that somehow makes the scene eerier. I’m suddenly glad to be strong enough to lift a ton and able to wield the volatile power that’s coursing through my veins.

  Nox lays his hand on my back leading me towards the dirty-looking, metallic double doors that are the entrance. He taps the intercom.

  “Your Highness,” a voice with a posh accent greets.

  I step back as the doors open with an electric buzz. Nox leads me inside and my pulse goes wild and my eyes widening.

  We’re standing at the reception of a hospital.

  Male and female nurses bustle around, talking to each other and paying no attention to us. The concrete floors and walls are a dull gray, and my nose itches with the smell of disinfectant mixed with the faint trace of blood. Nox yanks me out of the way of a nurse pushing a stretcher with a screeching male that’s missing an arm. The nurses and a doctor rush towards the newcomer, talking fast and disappearing down a wide corridor.

  I swallow hard, feeling lightheaded. They’re not human, not the pretty female with coffee skin and golden-brown tresses behind the reception desk eyeing us with interest. Nor the nurses, the doctor, or the screaming patient.

  “What is this place?” I ask.

  “A hospital,” says Nox, and I can hear the implied duh.

  I scowl. “I got that, genius, but why are we here?”

  I try to suppress a shiver. Saying I loath hospitals is an understatement.

  “Ah, there you are,” says a tall female with short purple hair as she strides towards us and nods at me in greeting. “Your Highness, Dinah.”

  She’s six-foot-one and powerful as hell. I have no idea what species she belongs to, but I have the feeling she’s almost as powerful as Nox, at least more than Kazzian.

  “Uh, hi,” I say, an instinctive tingle running down my spine.

  She grins, showing off sharp canines. Her eyes are electric green, her skin pale, and she’s wearing a powder coat and scrubs, along with a name tag that says Alice pinned to her left pocket.

  “Dinah, this is Alice,” says Nox from beside me. “She’s the one who removed the binding device from you.”.

  Alice nods. “That was a nasty piece of shit, and I’m guessing that’s why you two are here.”

  Her accent is much like Nox’s, refined and lilting.

  “Indeed,” Nox agrees.

  “Come on then,” says Alice with a beckoning wave before turning and leading the way past the reception towards an elevator.

  “That guy was missing an arm,” I murmur to her.

  “Oh yeah, poor vamp,” Alice says as we enter the elevator. “One of our guys found him hiding in the rubbish, cursing the priest who mutilated him.”

  “Er, priests hunt down vampires?” I ask, remembering a few horror movies.

  “Not often, not anymore,” Alice answers. “But we run into the crazy fuckers who are aware of supernatural existence from time to time.”

  “Any leads on the priest who did that?” Nox inquires.

  The elevator opens and we follow Alice down a corridor with no windows. “Not yet,” she rued. “The poor bloke is not making much sense. Once we get some blood in him, he should be able to tell us.”

  I examine Nox’s pensive expression as we turn on another corridor. “What will you do about it?” I ask him.

  He meets my gaze. “Hunters must be stopped.”

  I feel my stomach cramp with uneasiness. Human hunters preying on supernaturals. This world is getting crazier by the minute.

  “Here we are,” says Alice, holding a door open for us.

  Nox ushers me inside first, and I swallow hard. The arctic room is full of glass shelves containing shackles made of different materials, crystal stakes, bear traps, and what can only be described as gigantic tranquilizing darts and many more weapon-like things I can’t begin to name.

  In the center of the room, there’s a metallic desk with a laptop, besides it a notebook and a piece of cylindric black crystal. It’s hollow, and it pulses with what I can only describe as hungry and malevolent energy. I find I can’t take my eyes off that thing, as a chill runs down my spine. Somehow I just know what it is.

  “Yes, that was the device I found inside you,” Alice confirms as she takes a seat by the desk. “Surrounding your femur.”

  I swallow, pushing down against the bile that’s threatening to rise. “How could I live with that thing inside me?”

  “To be honest, I’ve no fucking clue,” Alice admits. “I’ve seen binding devices before, of course, but this thing is something else entirely.”

  Nox pokes it with a finger. “It’s still active?”

  Alice nods.

  “Do you know how it works?” I ask, almost in a whisper.

  “It has several functions,” Alice answers as she leans forward in her seat to peer at the crystal. “It created a barrier around you that kept you safe from demon influence, bound your light power and magical skills, and siphoned your life-force.”

  “But I did have some magic,” I lick my dry lips and meet Nox�
�s and Alice’s eyes. “It wasn’t easy to harness or control, but I could set things on fire.”

  Alice chuckles. “Fantastic. You know what that means, right?”

  I shake my head.

  She grins. “It means you are ridiculously powerful.”

  I blink. “You’re kidding.”

  “No, she is not kidding,” says Nox, eyes set on the device.

  Alice pokes at the device with a metallic tweezer. “One more thing,” she notes. “The power it siphoned from you, it was either being stored or used by someone else.”

  I step back, feeling lightheaded. What?

  I fight against the urge to turn into a ball or bang my head against the wall. Someone’s siphoned my power for over a decade. The desire to bathe myself in bleach rises again.

  Nox frowns. “Any idea of whom or how we can trace them?”

  Alice shakes her head. “No. Whoever layered the spells on this thing is quite powerful and knows how to hide their trail. But I’m willing to bet my wings that someone, somewhere, is missing their power source.”

  “Wings?” I ask Alice, surprised, and trying to distract myself. “Are you an angel?”

  Alice laughs, bright green eyes gleaming. “No love, I’m a demon.”

  A little jolt of static shivers down my spine.

  I give a wobbly smile to the punk demon scientist. “I’m still learning.”

  Alice nods. “And you’re learning from the best,” she gives Nox a wink that’s mischievous instead of flirty.

  He rolls his eyes at her good-naturedly and I feel an undesired pang of jealousy. He’s never that open with me.

  “Thanks for the info, Alice,” Nox says. “Please do let us know if you find something else.”

  “I shall,” Alice says, standing and handing me a card. It’s black and there’s a cell phone number on it written in bright green letters. “I’ll walk you out,” she offers.

  I’m barely aware of walking down the corridors and getting into the elevator until we reach the reception.

  “What will happen to the vampire with the missing arm?” I ask Alice.

  She smiles, curiosity bright in her eyes. “Well, he’s a blood-bound, not a pureblood so it won’t grow back. We’ll have to wait to find a human donor of his size and perform some serious surgery.”

  “Wow,” I mutter.

  “See you around, Alice,” Nox says.

  “Your Highness, Dinah,” Alice says as she turns and rushing down the hall towards the doors through which the doctor and the vampire disappeared.

  The beautiful receptionist gives Nox a strained smile. The demon Prince simply nods and leads us outside. I cling to him automatically and don’t bother closing my eyes as he portals us back to the penthouse balcony.

  “What if someone catches sight of bright amethyst light swirls, huh?” I ask him, barely recognizing my own voice.

  “There are wards around the whole building that protect us from human eyes,” Nox explains.

  I step away from him. “Clever.” I look towards the park, frowning as fear and revulsion battle inside me, making me feel lightheaded. I feel the urgent need to scrub myself, a prickly sensation runs under my skin.

  I want to scream.

  I want this sickening sensation to stop.

  I want to destroy the one who used me in such a repugnant way.

  Clenching my teeth, I forcibly shove the raging thoughts to a corner. I cast for something, anything inside my mind that distracts me, but can’t focus. Nothing, but I can think of nothing, I can vacate my mind. I’ve done so before—

  “Dinah,” Nox calls, his voice laced with authority breaks through the haze. I meet his eyes. In them, I find something suspiciously close to worry. “I know what you’re doing,” he says, “and you need to stop. Dissociating and panicking will not help you.”

  I let out a sound much like a sob. “What else can I do? Someone was stealing away my power, using it for who knows what. Someone other than Kazzian is after me. I can only decide to not feel and think much about it or lose my mind.”

  “There’s another choice,” he suggests.

  I blink, refusing to let the stinging in my eyes turn into tears. “And what would that be?”

  He fixes me with one of his signature intense looks. “You train hard, learn to harness your power, and when whoever has been using you shows up, you make sure they regret ever laying a finger on you.”

  I swallow, wiping furiously at a stubborn tear. “Your option sounds better, I’ll admit.”

  Nox grants me a rare, genuine half-smile. “Good.”

  “Don’t you ever get tired of being right?” I ask.

  His expression sobers. “As a matter of fact, I do. Now go inside.”

  “Okay,” I murmur, reaching for the glass door, not at all surprised to feel the pulse of energy as he vanishes.

  Isir and Bryce are sitting on the sofa, their eyes wide on me as I walk towards them.

  “Please tell me you guys have some strong booze here,” I groan.

  Isir gets on her feet at once, and Bryce pulls me to sit beside him. I cover my face with my hands.

  “Wanna talk about it?” Bryce asks, placing an arm around my shoulders.

  I sigh, feeling Isir sitting at the coffee table. Part of me wants to say no and pretend that everything is fine.

  I meet their worried faces. “I do.”



  Saturday morning finds me sitting on the icy floor of the balcony outside my room, sulking. I had a horrible night. A few shots of rum can no longer send me off into nightmare free sleep, and fae wine seemed like a bad idea. Isir mentioned other sorts of liquor that could be more effective but didn’t provide any before going to work. I’m certain she’s afraid I’ll become an alcoholic.

  Bryce stayed with me, despite my insistence that he should go out and have fun with Derek. I hate it; I feel like a burden to these almost strangers that are housing and feeding me, despite knowing I am the target of more than one psycho.

  I’m almost looking forward to running in the desert and getting my ass handed to me by an extremely handsome and secretive demon Prince. Maybe I’ll tease him with a few more royalty inspired nicknames.

  The kitchen is empty, a stone pan with a glass lid is covered by what I can only identify as a warming spell. The reddish glow around the pan vanishes as I touch it. I groan aloud when I open the lid and the aromas of tomatoes, sausages, mushrooms, onions, eggs, and butter reach my nose. It takes me less than five minutes to stuff it all, downing it with a glass of orange juice. I wash the pan and turn towards the balcony, I’ve been alone a couple of times before, but only for a short period. I idly consider the idea of escaping just to see what will happen. A flash of amethyst light later, Nox and Bryce are standing on the balcony. I walk towards them, they’re discussing something.

  “You’re a stubborn bastard,” Bryce says to Nox as I open the door.

  The demon arches a brow. “It takes one to know one.”

  Bryce rolls his eyes. “Morning, Dinah.”

  “Good morning,” I mutter, noticing he’s wearing boots, black jeans, and a T-shirt just like Nox, I’ve never seen him wearing something other than suits.

  “Ready?” Nox asks.

  I take his offered hand, resuming my usual position, startling a bit when Bryce lays a hand on my shoulder and I feel the heat of his body on my back. “Erm, for what exactly? You can portal more than one person? Bryce is coming with us?”

  I am willing to bet a kidney many people would sell their souls to be sandwiched between Nox and Bryce. My pulse speeds and my cheeks heat.

  “Indeed, I am,” Bryce says, breath warm on my neck. “I hate portalling by the way.”

  “That makes two of u—”

  I lose my breath as the vortex of energy and wind envelops us, closing my eyes and opening them as I feel my feet on solid ground. One of Bryce’s hands has fallen on my right hip, his grip becomes painful as he holds on fo
r dear life, I can feel him shudder. I fight down a smile. He isn’t kidding about hating portalling.

  “You bastard,” Bryce grits out.

  Nox grins, prying away Bryce’s hand from my hip. “You deserved it.”

  “Sorry, Dinah,” Bryce mutters, releasing his hold on my shoulder. I step away from him and Bryce, feeling just a bit overheated. We’re in the desert again.

  “Erm, what desert is this exactly?” I ask.

  “Great Basin, near Nevada. Took you long enough to ask,” Nox says.

  I cross my arms. “Well, I was too busy imagining you burying my body to give a damn the first time, and then I sort of forgot.”

  Bryce gasps. “You thought he was going to murder you?”

  I wrinkle my nose. “Well, yeah.”

  Bryce scowls at Nox, who’s looking towards the orange horizon. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I’m not sure we have time to hear the answer,” I mutter.

  Both males turn to look at me, Nox with an unimpressed arched brow, Bryce with a small smile.

  “I’ll be back in two hours, make sure she learns the basics of shielding,” Nox requests of Bryce before portalling.

  “He loves dramatic exits, doesn’t he?” I muse.

  Bryce chuckles. “That he does.”

  I bite my lip. “Er, are you gonna make me run for an hour?”

  Bryce shakes his head. “We’re doing something much more interesting.” He steps closer. “May I lay a hand on your chest? I’d like to feel the intensity of your energy core.”

  I nod with a smile, delighted that he asks. Bryce places a strong, slightly calloused hand atop my sternum, closing his eyes in concentration. I bite back a gasp, watching the swirls of his aura; bright azure bordered by flaming red, gorgeous like him. It fades after a few seconds and some blinking.

  His eyes snap open. “Wow, Nox was right, you are insanely powerful.”

  I wrinkle my nose, still unconvinced. “If you guys say so.”

  Bryce smiles with mischief. “Oh, we say so. Prince Charming mentioned you zapped his ass yesterday and that you almost knocked him to the floor. Believe me, that is impressive.”


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