Missing Grace

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Missing Grace Page 21

by S. L. Scott

  He sat upright and was wide awake. Standing up slowly, he slid his hands into her hair at the back of her head and brought her closer to kiss her forehead. “How can I help you sleep, my love?”

  “Lie with me.” Grace turned and brought him with her as she went back to bed.

  “I don’t think I’m allowed to do tha—”

  “I don’t care about their rules. I only care about you. Please, babe, come lie down with me.” She climbed back under the covers, leaving plenty of room for him right next to her.

  Ben toed off his shoes, took his jeans off, and climbed in. As she snuggled into his side, both their bodies relaxed. This was the most peace she’d felt in what seemed like forever. Years had been lost, but love found them again. So much to have missed, but she didn’t want to think about that. She just wanted to be with him again. Wishing she could undo the past three years, her heart pounded in her chest as feelings of betrayal filled it. She had betrayed Ben. Betrayed their love. Her head was clear enough to know she hadn’t, but the deep regret remained. They could only move forward, and that’s what she intended to do. She would live a full life loving him.

  They woke up a short time later, and she already felt so much better from sleeping in his arms. As they stirred, he asked barely above a whisper, “Do you remember me?”

  Grace kept her head on his chest, looking down in the same position she had woken up in. Her heart broke just a little, hearing him ask that, hearing the pain in his voice, in his words. She rubbed her hand under his T-shirt to comfort him and for her own selfish reasons. “I could never forget you.”

  His hand was running along the side of her body up and down, over again, as he held her close to him. He smiled from her response. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  Grace squeezed her eyes tight to shut out recent memories and to concentrate on the second chance she’d been given. She grasped him tighter and he did the same to her. She wasn’t sure what she felt more. Anger, grief, desperate sadness, pain, or even thankfulness. “I love you, Ben. Thank you. Thank you for never giving up on me.”

  “Never,” was his only response as he held her.

  A nurse bumped the door open, carrying two trays in her hands. “Is everyone decent in here?” she asked, laughing at her joke.

  “Not for long if I have my way,” Ben playfully replied, lifting the mood. His hands grazed across Grace’s ass, and he gave it a little squeeze.

  Surprised by the grope, Grace giggled and looked up at him. The last week had been so heavy that it felt like a massive weight—an anchor—had been lifted, and they were floating around in their bliss. Love was the only emotion they needed to cling to. It made them happy, giddy, and hopeful.

  “Settle down. Eat some dinner then what I don’t know won’t hurt me. Make sure I don’t know about it, though,” the nurse said, winking at them. “I brought you some dinner and snuck an extra tray for you, Mr. Edwards. Keep that between us.” She set the trays down on the wheeled table and moved it next to the bed. “Eat up. I can tell you both need the energy.” She laughed again, her eyes bright with joy. “Buzz me if you need anything else.”

  After she shut the door, Grace turned to Ben and said, “She’s cheeky.”


  “You know . . . um . . . mischievous.”

  “I know what cheeky means. I’m just getting used to the new word to your vocabulary. The new you—”

  “I don’t want the new me.” Grace sat up abruptly, her head pounding in reaction. Her hand went to her temple, and she pressed lightly against it. “I want the old me, Ben.”

  “I know you do, but you’ve had life experiences in the last few years that have influenced you. That’s reality. I’m trying to accept that, and I think it will be easier on you if you try to accept it, too. We can’t change what happened, but we can move forward together. I’m here for you and always will be.”

  It’s as if he read her mind, and as usual, tried to reassure her, but the question would always remain. “Why did this have to happe—?”

  “We’ll be lucky if we get those answers from that psychopath. The good news is they picked him up at his apartment last night. The police have him in custody. Maybe we’ll get some answers, but they told me not to expect to get the full story. He’s claiming he’s innocent.”

  “What if we don’t get the full story of why he did this? I mean, this just can’t be it, can it?”

  “It might be,” he replied, stroking her hair back from her shoulders. “We need to focus on the positives right now and getting you home.”

  “Home?” She let the word roll off her tongue, but she was unsure of herself. “My home?”

  “Yes, Grace, your home. Do you want to go back to Seattle or to Leavenworth?” The concerned look on Ben’s face made her sad. “Have I assumed too much too soon?”

  She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. “I’m home when I’m with you. I want to go back with you, to our home.”

  Ben pulled her next to him and said, “Then let’s get some nourishment in you so you can leave this place tomorrow. Our parents are flying in right now and I have a feeling you’re about to be bombarded with a lot of love.”

  “There are definitely worse things I can think of being bombarded with.” They both laughed and pulled the lackluster food toward them.

  After seeing a frown cross her face, Ben asked, “You want me to run out and get you something to eat . . . something other than hospital-grade food?”

  “No. I don’t want you to leave me.” And she didn’t. She needed Ben there with her. Although she felt happy it was over, she was still a little frightened. Watching a man chase her and pull her backward by force had been terrifying. She still felt scared and wasn’t sure if those images would ever leave her mind.

  No doubt he heard the desperation in her tone. She had a hard time hiding her feelings. The thought of him leaving her, even for something as silly as food, affected her. It was something she would have to work on, thinking in practical terms.

  “I’m never leaving you. You’re a part of me, a part of who I am. I’ll be here as long as you’ll have me, and I hope that’s forever.”

  “It is, Ben, it is forever. I just don’t know how I got so . . .” She paused to wipe an errant tear from her cheek. “I don’t know how I got so lucky. I’ve not done anything to deserve you, or your love.”

  “You don’t earn love. That’s what he tried to convince you. He made you feel guilty, like you owed him your feelings in return for caring for you, for doing his fucking job. That’s not love. That’s manipulative and criminal behavior.” Ben squeezed her hand and leaned in to kiss her. When their lips parted, he added, “You never had to earn my love. I’ve loved you most of my life and if I could have known you the first ten years of it, I would’ve loved you then, too.”

  Ben’s love was a constant. Her love for him had never disappeared. When she found him again, it was as strong as her will to survive. By all accounts, she should have died that day in Chicago. The cab had been going too fast. It was actually surprising she’d been the only one hit given the busy intersection. But she’d lived. And now she knew why she’d fought so hard to stay. Their never-ending love would thrive and survive this. It was what they were, what made up their beings—what made their existence in this world, and hopefully the next, worth living.

  “I would’ve loved you, too, if I’d known you then.” Grace smiled while leaning her forehead against his, their noses touching.

  Ben’s hands were on her hips, and he shifted her forward so she was straddling him. His hardness beneath twisted the coil deep inside her, causing her to moan. After all these years, he turned her on and made her feel sexy. Even in a hospital bed.

  They’d never lacked passion, but this was a physical reminder of what still existed within them. How did I get so lucky?

  “I wish I could read your mind. What are you smiling about?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Nothing.”
r />   “Nothing, huh? Well, just so you know, I have ways of getting people to talk—”

  “You better not do what I can see you’re already thinking about doing,” Grace playfully threatened, poking him.

  He grabbed her finger and kissed the tip. “Who? Me?” Being too gentle for her liking, he lifted her carefully and lowered her onto her back. Hovering over her, he kissed her.

  “Knock. Knock.” That was one way to stop what they’d started. She was fairly certain their attempt at looking like they were just chatting wasn’t believed. A nurse entered, with a smile on her face. “I was told to give you a warning before I came in just in case the two of you might be up to some funny business in here.” She chuckled, and Ben said, “Jennifer, this is Grace. Grace, this is the nurse that helped me more times than I can count.”

  Jennifer smiled. “This isn’t my station, but I traded breaks with the on-duty nurse and said I’d check on you. I just had to come by and say hi. It’s so nice to finally meet you, Grace. I’ve heard wonderful things about you.”

  Grace watched as the nurse resumed working by checking the monitors.

  “Thank you for helping Ben, Jennifer. I’m very lucky to have him on my side.”

  The nurse stopped and looked up. “You are. I’m so happy you’ve been reunited.” She hung her chart at the end of the bed. “I can remove your IV. You might rest more easily that way.”

  Grace straightened her hair and then the gown as the nurse looked at them. Smiling, she felt like a teenager caught after curfew. Maybe that’s how love felt—young and vivacious, everlasting.

  “I’ll be out of your hair in a moment,” Jennifer added, removing the small needle from the top of Grace’s hand. “Now you’ll be able to—” Laughter filled the room when she raised an eyebrow up. “Well, that should help with range of movement. Just don’t overdo it.” She gave Ben a pointed glare then giggled.

  Ben said, “Range of motion and not overdoing it. Got it.”

  Jennifer rolled her eyes. “How about just take things easy?”

  Grace giggled. “We promise.”

  “Uh-huhhhh,” Jennifer added. “It was nice meeting you. Make sure to stop by when you’re discharged. I’m going to need a goodbye.”

  “You’ve got it,” Ben replied.

  When she left, they laughed. Ben took her wrist and kissed the bandage. His eyes darted up to her, and he said, “We are definitely up to some funny business, but I have no intention of making you laugh.”

  “What are your intentions, Mr. Edwards?”

  “To marry the love of my life.”

  Grace lay back and pulled him to her, feeling hopeful and whole. “Kiss me.”

  “With pleasure.”


  Ben Edwards

  As Ben stood under the tree dividing the Stevens’s property from the Edwards’s, the tree where he had carved G. Forever yours, B, he dropped his head. He couldn’t believe after all they had been through they ended up back where it all started.

  His father patted his back to comfort him as two tears slipped from his eyes. When Ben looked up there wasn’t a dry eye there today.

  Grace walked toward him, her arm hooked with her father’s on one side and her mother’s on the other. Her white dress flowed behind her in the gentle breeze. Her shoulders were covered in lace, her arms bare like the skin of her collarbone. He wanted to kiss her lips, and nip her neck. She was the most stunning woman he had ever laid eyes on, and today she would become his wife. He was the luckiest bastard ever.

  It had been only one month since the accident that led to her memory recovery, but she had lost years with him and didn’t want to waste another day not being married to her soul mate. Who was he to say no? He would never deny her anything anyway.

  As they later danced in the moonlight, cheek to cheek under the stars, surrounded by their families, Ben whispered, “I love you with all my heart and soul.”

  “I love you with all that I am, and all that I ever was.” He felt her tilt her head down as if suddenly feeling shy. “I want to have a family, and I want to start right away.” She was so quiet in her wish, but he heard her and smiled.

  “Like literally right away or should we at least wait until we get back to Seattle tonight? I mean, not trying to be difficult here, but I don’t think I could, uh, you know, with our families around us—”

  “Stop it,” she jokingly scolded. She loved his humor. “I guess we can wait until we get home.”

  Ben stopped dancing and kissed her, good and hard, not caring about their families watching. He cupped her face and pulled back just enough to make eye contact with her. “I love you so much.”

  She kissed him this time, good and hard, completely ignoring everyone staring at this point. If they hadn’t been so wrapped up in each other, they would have noticed the smiles and tears of the family surrounding them. They didn’t need to know what anyone around them felt or did. They had each other, and that was all that counted at that moment.

  * * *

  Ben watched Grace as she took off her earrings and set them inside the jewelry box on the dresser. He leaned against the doorframe, not believing how much his life had changed over the last month. He’d been existing in a dark fog and had been so lost. So bereft.

  Grace went to her husband and reached for his cufflinks. As she took one and then the other off, she looked into Ben’s eyes. “What?” she whispered.

  “You.” He shook his head. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”

  “We’re married, babe. Where else would I be?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  Slipping her arms around his neck, she kissed him on the cheek, then whispered, “I do know what you mean, and I’m grateful every day.”

  As she turned away, Ben grabbed her by the waist and turned her around again. “Where you going, pretty girl?”

  Grace giggled. “I’m not going anywhere, hot stuff. I have some honeymooning to do.” She turned around and requested, “Unzip me please.” As Ben unhooked the small clasp at the top and started pulling the zipper down her back, he leaned forward, pressing his lips to the soft skin of her neck that he’d been thinking about all night. She gave him more access by tilting her head to the side and reached her arms behind her to hold his hips against her backside.

  He took full advantage of it, leaving a wet, hot trail of kisses all the way up her neck. His hands slid inside the open fabric at the back and around to the front of her body and up her dress-covered torso until his hands had a firm grasp on her breasts. Her breath escaped her in a gasp of aching pleasure and she leaned back.

  “About that honeymooning.” Kiss. “Are you sure you don’t want to go away somewhere.” Kiss. “Just the two of us?” Ben asked between kissing her and squeezing her breasts.

  “I’ve been away for too long, my husband. I want to stay right here in our apartment.” Grace spun around in his arms and cupped his face. “Just the two of us.” She kissed him on the lips.

  Ben slipped the lace from her shoulders and let the dress fall to the floor. She had taken her shoes off in the car on the way back to Seattle, which left her standing in front of him in a lacy white bra and panty set. “How are you this sexy?”

  “Because you’re horny.”

  “No, because you’re sexy. Trust me on this, pretty girl.”

  Grace smiled as she loosened Ben’s tie then yanked it free from the collar and tossed it carelessly behind her. She pulled the bottom of his shirt free from his pants and undid the buttons with him looking down, watching her with amusement. She took his shirt off before demanding, “Undershirt. Off. Now.” Ben did as he was told. With pleasure. He even saluted her.

  As he pulled his undershirt over his head, his pants dropped to his ankles and Grace laughed. She sounded so carefree. “I feel like a teenager.”

  Ben touched her chin and lifted it up so she could see his face. “God, I love having you home.”

  “I’m happy to be here too.” She re
sted her cheek against his naked chest, and added, “But you have always been my home.”

  Ben started to move, but his ankles were still trapped in the pants. He toed off his shoes and stepped out of his pants as his wife made her way onto the large bed. Watching her with rapt attention, he removed the rest of his clothes and joined her. Grace eagerly took the rest of her clothes off, tossing them at him. Her panties landed on his shoulder, and he caught her bra and dropped it to the floor. Ben took her panties from his shoulder, and while the desire for his wife grew with each passing minute, he took the white lace and held it to his nose, inhaling her.

  Grace lay back, and her thighs clenched in anticipation. “Come here, babe. I want you to warm me.”

  Ben climbed onto the bed and crawled up until he hovered over her, his erection touching her stomach.

  She sucked in a deep breath of air just as he released a breath. “Why did we want to wait until tonight again?” she asked as he lowered himself between her legs. “It’s almost overwhelming.” She felt Ben’s cock touch her entrance and her words started to jumble. “I, um. Oh, my God. Yes. Ben, I need your mouth on me. Please.”

  Ben started to lower, but she stopped him. When he looked into her wide eyes, she said, “I meant up here, but . . . were you going down there?”

  With a smirk as cocky as his erection, he moved lower. “I was.”

  “Well, don’t let me stop you. Carry on.”

  His laughter breezed across her lower belly, and he spread her legs wider. He kissed her long and deep, eliciting her pleasure until it spilled out through moans and her arching back. He tasted her, savoring everything he’d missed and craved.

  Lifting up, he eyed her over peaking nipples. Her thighs squeezed him to keep him in place. As if he would ever try to escape. Her hands wrapped around his arms, and he flexed his muscles. She bit her lip, then with her desires slipping into her tone she said, “Make love to me, Ben.”


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