Volatile Breath of Darkness

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Volatile Breath of Darkness Page 17

by Candice Stauffer

“I think there’s a big chance that she misunderstood his intentions. I don’t blame her. It was entirely

  his fault, but he wasn’t well at the time. He wasn’t behaving logically, but he planned to return to her as

  soon as possible. And he did. But by that time she’d already left.”

  “Do you really think he can help her?”

  “I know he can and will. I also know he’s the only one who can at this point.”

  “I believe you, but I want to talk to him before I decide whether or not to tell him where he can find


  Nikolas nodded once. “Very well, I’ll track him down and let him know that you wish to speak with


  “You aren’t mad at me for not telling you where to find her?”

  “Not at all. I don’t blame you for protecting your sister. I would do the same for my brother.”

  “What about Caleb?” Julie asked. “He’s looking for her. He won’t listen to me. If he finds her he

  will kill her.”

  “I’ve known Caleb for many years. He’s rational. Once he understands what’s going on he won’t

  have any reason to harm her. At this moment he believes he has no other choice. Normally in such a

  matter, when a person is suffering, as you sister is right now, there’s no hope. Killing him or her isn’t

  merely the kindest way to end their torment, it’s the only way.”

  “Rational isn’t a word I would ever use to describe him. He went completely bonkers.”

  “I’m sure he wasn’t behaving in a balanced manner. The woman he loves was being threatened.”

  “It’s not an excuse. He wouldn’t listen to me at all. I begged him to stop. He acted as though I wasn’t

  even there.”

  “Even after you hit him upside the head with your laptop?” Brianna asked.

  Julie laughed. “That forced him to notice me for a minute.”

  “I bet,” Nikolas said. “The lump on his head is most likely reminding him that he should always be

  mindful of your presence.”

  “I won’t be spending any more time with him.”

  “Maybe you’ll feel differently after your sister is safe,” Brianna said.

  “No. I will never forgive him for the way he treated her. I will never forget the look in his eyes when

  he went after her.”


  Nikolas stood up and lightly placed his hand on Brianna’s shoulder. He couldn’t get her earlier look of

  disappointment and doubt out of his mind when he didn’t give her a proper kiss goodbye. She deserved

  better from him. I need to hurry, but I want to talk to you first.

  Brianna nodded. “Julie would you mind keeping a look out for us so we can have a private minute or

  two before he leaves to find Zack.”

  Smiling, she shrugged. “Sure thing. I don’t mind at all.”

  Before she walked away, Nikolas caught her arm to stop her. “I know it will be difficult, but try not

  to worry too much. Your sister will be just fine. Zack will see to her needs. He won’t fail her. ” Smiling,

  he winked. “And we might need more than a minute or two.”

  She smiled. “Take your time. No one will get past me to interrupt you.”

  Once she walked away Brianna turned to Nikolas. “Is something wrong?”

  “A lot is wrong right now. I plan to do my best to fix it, but there is one thing I plan to fix this instant

  before taking care of anything else.”

  She nodded slowly and then took a deep breath and smiled as she stared into his eyes for a few

  seconds. “What?” she asked.

  He could tell it was a forced smile. She was putting on a brave face. In her mind he saw shadows of

  doubt. It was expected. He had put her through hell. It would take time for her to feel secure with him.

  They had lots of time. Cupping her shoulders, he looked down at the most loyal, kindest, bravest, prettiest

  woman ever born. His woman. “Time moved so slowly until the first time you looked my way. From that

  moment it had raced by because I ached to bring you home and keep you wrapped up in my arms. We are

  meant to be together, but…”

  “Don’t you dare say it was a mistake again,” she blurted.

  “Shh.” He placed his index finger over her mouth to silence her. “That is not what I am trying to say.

  I felt complete for the first time ever when we made love. We were meant to be together, but I thought it

  was too late for me to be with you. I was wrong. I have always known it, but I could not act on it. I truly

  believed I needed to protect you from me. I am not used to being fearful of anything. I didn’t cope well

  with it. I was so very afraid for you and even for me. I could not believe that I had anything good to offer

  you. I figured it was only a matter of time before you came to the same conclusion. The more I fought to

  remain at a distance the more overwhelmed by the love, by the needs I had for you. I hurt you time and

  time again by denying us. No matter what occurs it will never happen again. You have enabled me to see

  good things in me. I feel happy. I want to make you happy. I want to be the reason you wake up in the

  morning with a smile.”

  Her smile broadened. “I won’t lie. I like what you said much more than what I thought you were

  about to say. But what wrong do you have to fix this instant?”

  Wrapping her up in his arms to hold her close, he bent down to rest his forehead against hers. “I need

  to give you a proper ‘goodbye’ kiss.”

  Getting up onto the tips of her toes, she reached up and clasped her hands together behind his neck.

  “You mean a proper ‘see you later’ kiss.”

  “That is right.” The atmosphere charged as he took his time kissing her, pouring his love for her and

  his need for her into it. He felt so much for her and wanted to ensure that his kiss caused her to feel it, to

  know it. He wanted to erase her doubts, her nagging fear that he would change his mind. She pressed her

  body to his as her fingers massaged the tight muscles at the back of his neck. She returned his kiss with

  just as much love and need.

  He did not want to stop. Hard and heavy his body throbbed. He wanted to intensify the storm of love

  and lust bearing down on them, but he needed to find Zack. Every moment Emily was apart from him her

  fate was getting bleaker. She needed as much of Zack’s blood as possible to help her fight the tainted

  blood lust burning in her. If she killed a human for blood her fate would be sealed. Death would be her

  only saving grace. After all Zack had been through he would move heaven and hell to prevent him from

  losing his mate.

  He held her back at arms lengths. “As much as I hate the idea of leaving you, I should go now.”

  She nodded. “I know. I love you, Nikolas.”

  He touched her cheek. “And I love you.” He forced himself to turn around and walk away from her.


  Her vision was beginning to darken. Brianna watched him walk away from her. Taking a step she raised

  her hand as if to stop him, but then changing her mind she brought her hands together at her waist and

  wrung them as she walked out into the front portion of the boutique.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” Mia asked as she came up from behind her and placed a hand on her


  “Nothing.” She shook her head.

  “I’m surprised you aren’t going with Nikolas today,” Mia said.

  “Why would you expect me to leave? I’m on the schedule.”

  “I think you should ditch your responsibilities and play hooky tod

  “Are you serious?”

  “Absolutely. I’ll cover for you.” Laughing, Mia swatted Brianna’s butt. “Hurry before the boss sees

  you and ruins everything.”

  Brianna laughed out loud. Mia had never behaved like a boss. She’d always treated her like a friend.

  “Don’t you need me here today?”

  “I do. And more than just needing you to be here I love having you around, but I think you should go

  with him today.”

  “Don’t worry. We don’t have plans today. Megan and I will hang out here and cover for you,”

  Caylee said.

  Megan nodded her head eagerly. “I like playing here.”

  “Thanks. That’s very nice of you.”

  “You two have had a hell of time getting things worked out. Go on now and get to living your life

  with your guy,” Caylee said.

  “Caylee is right. Go honey, he needs to be with you right now. Just as much as I suspect you need to

  be with him.”

  “I have responsibilities here.” She was stalling. Why? She wasn’t really sure. “I enjoy being here

  with you both and with Julie.”

  “Of course you do, but this is a time with him that you will never get back,” Mia said. “And don’t

  forget we want all the naughty details when you come back.”

  “Think of today as a well-deserved and way overdue honeymoon. Go be with him,” Caylee said.

  After a group hug and giving Megan’s new doll a kiss, Brianna headed for the door. Their

  connection was stronger than before. She used to have to put more effort into merging with him for her

  vision to get clearer, but now every step she took closer to him caused it to get clearer.

  “Wait,” Mia handed Brianna a pair of black silk men’s underwear. “Make sure he shows up ready for

  the auction.”

  Smiling, Brianna tucked them in her sweater. “He will be there.”

  As soon as she stepped outside she called out to him but at the same time, drowning out the sound of

  her voice, he fired up his Harley. Nikolas! Using their mental connection she called out to him.

  He immediately turned his head to her as he turned the bike off. While getting off the bike she could

  feel his presence in her mind sorting through her thoughts as he attempted to figure out was wrong. She

  felt his confusion. Taking her hands in his, he stared down at her for a few seconds. “What happened?

  Your thoughts are so jumbled. Forgive me. I know you are trying to show me what is wrong, but I do not


  She could not even think to blame him for not being able to make sense of her thoughts for she was

  at a complete loss. “I want to go with you, Nikolas. Take me with you today.”

  He frowned. “I am so very sorry. I did not mean to push you. It was not my intent to make you feel

  bad for staying here today with your friends.”

  “I know. And you do not have any reason to be sorry. You did not do anything to make me feel bad.”

  “I know being here is important to you. I am happy as long as you are happy.”

  “I love being here. I love sharing time with my friends. I am sure I will always enjoy it, but not

  today. I want to be with you. Only with you today.”


  “Everything is so new for us right now. It took watching you walk away from me for me to realize

  that the only place I want to be today is with you. Stop questioning me. Admit you feel the same.” She

  narrowed her eyes on him. “Unless you don’t want to be with me today.”

  His eyes lit up. His lips curved upward in a sexy smile that took her breath away. “You’ve made my

  day, little one.” He took her hand and kissed it, and then he led her to his Harley. He got on and then

  turned to help her get up behind him. Settling close to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist to hold

  on tight. He started the engine and, with one hand over hers, he took off.


  Mia watched Nikolas and Brianna from the window. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “What?” Caylee walked over to her.

  “Love blossoming.”

  Caylee laughed. “It’s a long and sometimes winding ride, but you’re right. It’s a damn beautiful

  sight. I was starting to get worried he’d never come around.”

  “When do you think he’ll do it?” Mia asked, knowing Caylee would understand that she was talking

  about Nikolas taking Brianna’s last mortal breath and replacing it with his immortal breath.

  “It’s hard to say. I wish we could warn her.”

  “We don’t need to. She trusts him just like we trust Joseph and Haden. It’s meant to be but he’ll drag

  his feet for a while. They are so concerned with protecting us that they can’t comprehend that it’s scarier

  for them than it could ever be for us. They would follow us anywhere. Even to death. They don’t realize

  what they mean to us. They don’t understand we would also follow them anywhere. I believe it’s more of

  a test for them than it is for us.”

  Julie walked out from the restroom and stood by them to look out at Nikolas and Brianna. She

  sighed. “You guys are all lucky. You each have a muscle bound bad ass hunk with eyes for only you.

  They love you so much. They would do anything for you.” She laughed out loud. “And yet they all roll

  over in your laps like puppies begging for you to scratch their bellies.”

  Detecting deep sadness in Julie’s voice, Mia bit back the urge to laugh at a vivid memory of Joseph

  that the analogy triggered. “Don’t forget you have Caleb doing the same.”

  “No. Not anymore. He’s nothing like your guys. You were right about him. I already told him that

  I’m not seeing him anymore.”

  “When?” Mia was shocked.

  “Last night.”

  Mia was going to push but Caylee stopped her by pointing out the window. “Joseph and Caleb are

  headed this way.”

  “Get rid of him. Please Mia. I can’t see him.”

  “I will but perhaps whatever problem you’re having with him can be worked out.”

  “No. Please, Mia, I’m begging you. Don’t let him come in here.”

  Mia connected with Joseph. Don’t bring him in here.

  Sorry. He needs to talk to Julie.

  No. Not now.

  You have to stop trying to keep them apart because you don’t like what he is. They belong together.

  They need to work through a problem. A misunderstanding.

  Bring him in here and I will kick your ass, Joseph.

  He lifted his head and made eye contact with her through the window and smiled. I have already

  warned you that dangling a tantalizing threat in my face to stop me from doing something will always

  result in me doing it. I have always told you that getting my ass kicked by you is a temptation I will never

  be strong enough to resist. He’s coming inside with me.

  Stop screwing around. I’m serious. This has nothing to do with me not liking him. She’s very upset.

  She isn’t ready to talk just yet.

  Did she tell you what their misunderstanding was about?

  No. It doesn’t matter. She isn’t ready. I will defend her right to say no.

  Emily has been turned. A corrupted vampire attacked her. Emily showed up and attacked Julie.

  Caleb was only defending Julie. Emily would’ve turned or killed Julie if Caleb hadn’t intervened.

  Whether she likes it or not she needs Caleb to protect her. Doing anything to encourage her to stay away

  from him right now wouldn’t be wise.

ia turned to Julie. “Why didn’t you come to me about Emily?”

  Julie crossed her arms over her chest. “You hate vampires. You’ve always made it clear that you

  don’t like Caleb because he’s a vampire. And he is…he was always so good to me until last night.”

  “It wasn’t that I didn’t like him. I was worried about you.”

  “Because he’s a vampire.”

  “I would’ve been worried no matter who you chose to start a relationship with. You’re like a little

  sister to me. I get a little carried away when it comes to your happiness and safety.”

  “You didn’t get carried away. You were right about him. He’s no good for me.”

  “You have to understand that he was…” Stopping her mid-sentence, Joseph and Caleb walked in.

  Julie glared at Caleb, and then she looked at Mia. “I understand it all. He was going to kill Emily.

  Maybe you don’t care about her now that she’s a vampire, but I do. She doesn’t have to die. Nikolas is

  going to take care of it.”

  “How?” Caleb asked.

  “His cousin Zack Savage has been searching for her. He can make her better.”

  “What do know about it?” Mia directed the question to Joseph.

  “Nikolas did not say anything to me about it. He must believe that Emily is Zack’s mate. With all the

  vampires running around supercharged with Zack’s blood, it’s likely the vampire’s blood in her system

  was mixed with Zack’s blood. If that’s the case there’s hope for her.”

  “If not, she must be put out of her misery,” Caleb said.

  “How can you say that? You’re a vampire?” Julie asked.

  “I am different.”

  “Not in my eyes. You’re a heartless, ruthless killer. You have no remorse anywhere in you. Not even

  for my own sister. I saw the look in your eyes. If it had been me you would’ve killed me.”

  “I would never allow you to suffer.”

  “Just leave. I don’t want you here. I never want to see you again.” Julie walked out of the room.

  Caylee followed her.

  Mia knew Julie would never understand at the moment. She was overly emotional. She was young

  and had no concept of what had happened. She knew Caleb was being matter of fact. He was trying to

  explain something she was not able to grasp.

  “She needs time, Caleb. Give her some space.”


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