Volatile Breath of Darkness

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Volatile Breath of Darkness Page 27

by Candice Stauffer

  them from snapping and going insane. They keep a stockpile of human females to supply their blood and

  to rape whenever the urge arises. Since they get off on torturing and inflicting as much pain as possible a

  woman’s greatest hope is to be killed by the first demon that rapes her. It seldom happens. They enjoy

  taking a woman to the edge of death, but they rarely push her over it because they have such a desperate

  need for blood.”

  “I am truly sorry that you were forced into such a horrendous group. They will be destroyed.”

  “By who? You?” She laughed. “You can’t do anything to stop them. They are too powerful, and

  their numbers keep growing.”

  His expression immediately hardened into stern lines as his gaze narrowed and searched her face.

  She got the impression that his temper was dark and unstable.

  “Everyone from the shelter was taken by bus to stay in rooms at a hotel nearby. Can I offer you a


  “I don’t normally get into cars with strange guys.”

  “My name is Adam Vlacic. I swear that I will do nothing strange while you are in the car.”

  It was against her better judgment, but she didn’t have any choice. “I would appreciate a ride.”

  ~Twenty One~

  RATHER THAN WAIT for his mother’s ghost to catch him unaware and strike out at him again, Carl left

  Brianna to rest as he searched the house. He went from room to room thoroughly exploring every corner

  as he called out to her, but she did not respond to him.

  When he reached the basement door he wondered if she had finally departed for Heaven, but he

  quickly rejected the notion after giving it a little consideration. She had spent too much time and energy

  during her life fighting for the redemption of his soul to up and walk out on him. Though she did not

  believe he would ever be worthy of God’s grace, she refused to quit fighting. Being that he did not

  deserve it, her effort was not for his sake. Her endeavor was meant to protect and decrease the number of

  his victims.

  It was her duty. She had given birth to him. As long as she believed he was a vessel of darkness she

  would feel a large degree of responsibility to destroy him before embracing a new beginning. Why else

  had she tried to murder him by shoving him down the basement stairs? The reason she had not made any

  move to communicate, intimidate or attack him now was because she wanted the evil spirits he had

  harbored for so long to become complacent so that they would become easier targets.

  “Whether or not you reveal yourself means nothing. I feel you hiding in the shadows all around,

  watching me and waiting for the best opportunity to take me by surprise. No matter where I go in this

  house I feel the enormity of your hatred for the evil mantel my father placed over me.” He sensed her rage

  building and knew that it was only matter of time before she attacked. “You have no need to punish me

  anymore, Mother. I am free now. I have defeated the power of the darkness that had its claws in me for so

  long. I swear it’s true. I fought hard to defeat every unclean spirit that had worked through me to destroy

  life. I defeated them and in doing so I’ve earned God’s forgiveness.”

  He was not shocked that she still refused to talk to him. Just as when he was a young boy she was

  taking a moment to savor the gratification she received by going to war against the evil in him. Even as a

  child he understood that combating immoral behavior was more than just a method of passing time to her.

  While she enjoyed finding ways to help him memorize scriptures, she never experienced a greater sense

  of pleasure than what she received when she fought against the terrible dark powers of the curse his

  father’s wickedness had forced him to carry.

  Staring at the basement door it occurred to him that she attempted to lead him to her resting place.

  He knew it was a trick. She planned to make an attempt to kill him on the stairs again. It was the only

  thing she could think of to put an end to the malevolent forces that she still believed he obeyed.

  He needed to gather enough courage to go down into the basement. He had to find a way to convince

  her that he was no longer a vessel of darkness. If she was not willing to hear him out he would take her to

  Brianna. If she saw his virtuous bride she would have no other choice than to finally believe that God had

  deemed him a righteous man.

  He opened the door, keeping his hand on the rail to prevent him from falling to his death when she

  shoved him again; he slowly made his way down the steps. Once at the bottom he was instantly filled

  with so much happiness that it bubbled out of him in form of uncontrollable laughter. She knew he was

  free from the curse. She knew that he was a different man, a holy man. Why else hadn’t she attacked him

  as he made his way down the steps?

  As soon as he regained his composure he made his way to her grave and knelt down next to it. He

  would never forget the pain in her pleading eyes as they narrowed and focused entirely on his when he

  pushed the knife into her stomach. It was the first time she had ever permitted him to be the center of her

  attention. When she looked at him she never saw him. She saw the evil inside him. He finally knew what

  it was like to be the only one that mattered to her. Nothing could pull her gaze from his.

  It was the first time he had ever killed. He had expected to be hammered by some form of shame or

  remorse, but he did not experience that either. The only thing he felt was a sense of victory. After

  searching for so long he had finally discovered a way to make himself important.

  Some small part of him wanted to share the pleasure he was receiving as he watched her life fading

  from her eyes, but then overcome by weakness, she closed her eyes. Anger, frustration and

  disappointment slammed into him so hard and fast that he flew into a rage. He yelled and cussed at her.

  He slammed his fist against her face again and again. Eventually the loss of being significant to her

  caused him to become so desperate that he began to sob and plead with her to open them again. Just when

  he had given up all hope that she would do it, her eyes began to flutter as she made an effort to look at

  him. Feeling the most amazing sense of anticipation his entire body began to tremble as he waited. The

  moment she finally opened her eyes again and his heart began to pound like never before.

  He was immediately lifted up to an incredible level of ecstasy as her gaze held his. He had never

  seen anything more profoundly beautiful than the death he saw in her eyes. Instinctively he knew that it

  was time to end it, to allow her to feel the last great release of her spirit being set free from the confines of

  her flesh.

  The sweetest whimper he had ever heard escaped her mouth as he slowly pulled knifed from her

  belly. Making sure the point of the blade was directly over her heart he gripped the handle with both

  hands and put all of his weight into it as he pushed it into her chest. His body shivered as he recalled the

  satisfaction he felt when he watch her gasp for a final breath that never came, then her life slowly faded

  from her eyes.

  All of the sudden the sound of his mother’s voice penetrated his mind. You are your father’s son in

  every vile way imaginable. Look at you on your knees in the dirt savoring the memory of your wicked

  deed to the point of reliving the ecstasy you received while c
ommitting it. You are and always will be a

  son of wickedness, lusting after whores. You are pathetic. Do you truly believe you can bring a filthy,

  disease spreading dog into my home and pass her off as a virtuous bride sent by God?

  “You are wrong. God gave her to me. There is no other woman alive that is more virtuous than she

  is. Not even you can compare.”

  That is not what you said when you happened across her practically screwing a man on the street.

  “Shut up!”

  Her laughter chased him all the way up the steps as he ran from her. Attempting to stop her he

  slammed and locked the basement door on her and then ran away, but this did not keep her from pursuing

  him. She was right on his heels making fun of him every time he tripped over his own feet and fell. The

  pressure in his head was unbearable. His skull felt as if it were getting ready to explode. He had to get

  away from the sound of her mocking him before it killed him. She followed him as he fled all the way up

  to the third floor. He opened his mother’s bedroom door and closed it quickly in hopes of keeping her out.

  At last all was silent. Watching the door he waited for several minutes before he allowed himself to

  believe the encounter was over. The moment he turned his back to the door he heard a strange gasp

  coming from the bed. He moved closer and stared down at her. Her eyes were open, but even though he

  was in her line of sight she appeared unhappy. Anger surged through his mind and body. He had done his

  best to defend her honor and yet she had decided to side with his mother.

  He was not going to allow her to go unpunished for betraying him a second time. Sitting on the edge

  of the bed he wrapped his hands around her throat and squeezed until no air could get to her lungs. She

  did not struggle. She did not do anything to save herself. It was the most unexpected response he had ever

  received from a woman. Then he remembered that she was blind. “Stupid me!” He released her throat at

  once. It really was stupid for him to forget such an important detail about her and then get so upset that he

  punished her for it. Of course seeing him could not make her happy since she couldn’t see anything.

  Though he had stopped choking her it appeared that she was in distress. There was no arguing the

  fact that her breathing was labored and uneven or that her body was twitching as if her muscles were

  having some sort of spasms. Looking down at her he could not deny that she did not look well at all, but

  he could not think of a reason for her to be so ill. He had taken such great care to pad the back of her head

  with thick gauze bandages before he gave her the most comfortable bed in the house to rest. She should

  be well on the road to recovery.

  A revelation came to him as he stared down at her. He should have figured it out at once. It was

  obvious that she was having some sort of a nightmare. It had to be the work of his mother waging war in

  the spirit realm. Sitting down on a chair next to the bed he watched her sleep as he worked on coming up

  with a plan to get his mother see the truth. If he failed to get it done soon, he knew Brianna would never

  recover. She would die. He would never get her back. It was not long before exhaustion took hold of him.

  Deciding to keep watch over his bride he stayed in the chair as he closed his eyes and allowed himself to

  drift off.


  Nikolas and Demetri had just arrived at the search area at the same time Joseph started to send everyone

  to Kent Avenue to begin investigating the homes nearest the shelter. The demons and vampires were able

  to remain unseen by humans while they searched every room in the houses. At the same time Eli had his

  pack searched the yards and outer buildings for the car. It was not long before they cleared the residences

  that were close enough to be damaged by the explosion.

  A thunderous boom shook the earth. It definitely got Nikolas' attention, but it was not something

  that would have startled him. He knew the instant he experienced the sensation of jumping out of his skin

  that it was Brianna’s reaction. Brianna! He remained completely silent and still as he waited for her to

  respond, but she didn’t. Regardless, he knew she was with him. Her presence was extremely faint due to

  her being unconscious. It was possible she had been with him before the explosion and he could not

  detect her. He might have never felt her presence if the sound of the blast had not reached her. It shocked

  her and caused the intensity of her presence to spike.

  The knowledge of her still being alive helped him immensely when he had reached the point of

  feeling as though he might simply fall apart. It had been way too long since he had felt her. Now,

  knowing right where she was hiding so quietly in his mind, he should be able to use it to track her. Since

  he ached to hold her in his arms he surrounded her presence in his mind with love and comfort. It’s okay,

  little one. I’m coming for you. He had no idea if she could hear him, but he had to try. Just in case. In

  theory, as long as it was a measurable amount, he would know by the strength of her presence and

  connection whether he was moving closer or further away.

  He entered another house and went from room to room until he had checked every inch of the

  interior. As he was leaving he walked passed an elderly woman struggling to get out of a recliner. Unable

  to walk by and ignore her situation, he stopped give her a boost up out of the chair without ever touching

  her. “Thank you.”

  He stared at her trying to determine if she was looking at him or something behind him since she

  shouldn’t be able to see him.

  She shook her head. “It is just my luck that you would finally come into my home again and not have

  anything interesting to say. Of course I made it easy for you by thanking you. A smile with a polite,

  you’re welcome, would not have required that much effort.”

  “You see me?”

  “You’re tall, dark, handsome, big muscles everywhere and a bit less worn and broken than the last

  time you stopped by.”

  “I’ve never been here.”

  “What was it that you said to tell you when you argued over being here or not?” She grinned and

  winked at him. “Don’t worry I’m only playing, son. You haven’t actually come here yet. I’d say it is

  about five years from now when you realized you made terrible…no you wanted me to say the most

  terrible mistake ever. You tried to find her, but no matter had much you tried it never worked. That’s why

  you came here. When you find Brianna tonight you must not make your decision based on what her mind

  remembers. The small presence you feel is not her mind reaching out to your mind. It’s her soul reaching

  to your soul.”

  “I would not risk her fate becoming darker by altering what has already been.”

  “Believe it or not I was waiting for you to say that. Stay right there.” He watched her walk into a

  dining room area until she turned a corner and left his sight. “Aren’t you coming in to take a look at what

  I have for you?”

  He went right to her. She was digging through a drawer in a cabinet. “I knew it was in here.” Turning

  around she faced him. “This is what you gave me.”

  His hand trembled as he stared a picture of Brianna in the center of his bed. He might have thought

  she was just sleeping, but he knew by looking at her that something was wrong. S
he was too pale and


  “In your own handwriting on the back it explains that she has been in a coma for five years. You told

  me that there was some special thing for you to do, but you feared doing it, if she didn’t know you. It’s a

  ritual thing. That’s all you could say. You wanted to keep trying to heal her mind because you didn’t want

  to kill her. The problem was that there was too much damage done to her brain for you to repair. While

  you kept trying to fix her body, her soul slipped further away. You told me that you can still feel it every

  once in a while, but it is always gone in the same instant you first perceive it.”

  “Did I by any chance leave an address with you?”

  “It’s funny you should ask. It just so happens I remember you giving me piece of paper with an

  address written on it.” She started to go through the drawer again. “You actually told me that you’re on

  the right street. I know it’s in here somewhere.”

  “Did I mention why I came to you with all of this?” Nikolas asked.

  “You said something similar to your earlier speech about fate. You needed someone that didn’t know

  you. That wouldn’t be tempted to warn you. You picked me because you remembered helping me get up

  out of that chair.” She turned to him and handed him an index card. “I’m still not sure why you need the

  address. It’s just four houses down.”

  He gave her a hug. “Thank you for helping me.”

  “You’re very welcome. Now go get your girl. And make sure you dispose of that animal.”

  He was already headed for the door. “I will.”

  “What are you doing? You showed me the disappearing thing you do when you need to get

  somewhere in a hurry. Don’t waste time running.”


  As soon as Nikolas left the house Demetri shed the disguise of the old woman and returned to his normal

  form as he headed for the door. He hadn’t considered the fact that he might get close enough to hug the

  elderly woman. It was a close call. Too close. If he had figured out what was going on it would have

  ruined everything. He had put too much effort into this plan to have it blow up in his face. He had no idea

  if it would work. It might. It might not. When Nikolas tried to take Brianna’s last mortal breath and


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