Heated Sweets (A Taste of Love Book 3)

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Heated Sweets (A Taste of Love Book 3) Page 18

by A. M. Willard

  I set up my computer and get everything ready for when Neil comes back. We’ve got our drinks and sandwiches, along with about a thousand pictures to go through. Explaining to him that we need to pick out the best twenty before we start to edit them, he eyes them, taking them all in before he has his pick. Lucky for me, he has a great eye, and we pretty much agree on the same ones. I have a few that I love and will add to the mix, just because I think they shouldn’t be left out. I’m not sure how long we both sit here clicking, explaining, and saving when Evan’s voice filters through the house.

  “In here,” I call out from my office.

  “What’s my two favorite people up to back here?”

  “Daddy, you have to see them,” Neil states, pointing to the computer, causing me to look up at Evan and smile.

  “Well, scoot over and show me.”

  I slide over so Evan can drag over the extra chair I keep in here, and allow Neil to point out all the pictures that he loves. When his hand hoovers over the one of us two at the bottom of the slide, my heart constricts with happiness. I can’t wait to print this out and frame it. It’s one of my newest favorite’s and needs to be showcased for the world to see. Just as I’m thinking this, Evan reads my mind. “I need a copy of this one, please.”

  My mouse hovers over the print icon, sending it to the printer that I have here in the office. It’s not the best, but it works for what we want to do. The swooshing of the cartridge moves back and forth, mesmerizing me enough that I don’t notice Evan taking the mouse from my hands.

  He’s clicked on a wide angle shot that I did of Neil climbing the monkey bars.

  “Where did y’all go today?”

  “To the park, Dad, where else would they have monkey bars?”

  “No, which park, Frankie,” he asks, and I’m taken back by how his voice has changed. It’s protective, and I’ve never heard it boom against the walls like this before.

  “The new one a few blocks over. We’ve been going there for weeks now, why?”

  “Neil, I love your present and thank you both for doing this, but can you give Frankie and me a moment?”

  “Sure, can I go watch TV?”

  “You sure can, buddy. Take your drink with you, and call me if you need something,” I say, eyeing his father with suspension.

  “Frankie, have you seen this person here before?” he asks, pointing to a blonde lady sitting off to the side on a bench.

  I get closer to the screen, looking at her before answering, “Yes, I’ve seen her a few times, why?”

  “That’s Neil mother.”

  “Oh…” is all I can say as I try to push the thoughts down that this is where it all ends.

  “Has she tried to speak to either of you?”

  “No, and I’ve never seen her approach Neil either.” Evan grabs my hand into his and squeezes it tight. “Don’t worry, I knew she’s been keeping tabs on him. I just didn’t think she’d stalk y’all like this.”

  “What do you mean? Have you been in contact and haven’t told me? Does she want you both back? What’s going on, Evan?”

  “No, I haven’t been in contact with her since that day in the city all those years ago. I’ve just heard from a few of our mutual friends that she’s back in the city. You, Frankie, have nothing to worry about, I promise. She walked away and gave up her rights. I can’t stop her from being at the same park, but I can make you aware. I’m glad I noticed her, though. Neil doesn’t know what she looks like and neither do you. Just be careful, okay. She won’t cause any trouble. I just don’t want to confuse him.”

  “Okay, and you know it might be good if he meets her; have you ever thought about that?”

  “A million times, but she needs to make contact—not me. Until then, which I don’t think she ever will, this is how it goes.”

  “Are you okay?” I ask, praying that he is. I can’t imagine how he nor Neil feels about this, and I might never know.

  “I’m perfect,” he says, reaching across me for the prints that are finally done on the printer. “I love this of the two of you.”

  “Same, I hope it was okay to take the pictures for you and include myself in some. I hope you know, Evan, how much the both of you mean to me. Honestly, I need you to know that without you the last few months, I don’t know where my mind would be.”

  “I feel the same about you, and you’ll know just how much soon enough,” he says, winking at me. “You and your hints are driving me MAD, just so you know.”

  “Oh I know, are you ready for tomorrow?”

  “You mean for the show? The biggest moment of my life? No, and yes.”

  “Well, come on, let’s get Neil and go have dinner. You can tell me all about it on the way.”

  Just like that, Evan pulls me up and leads me out to where Neil is watching TV. We head out to the new Italian restaurant that we’ve become regulars at. I go over the events for tomorrow and how I already have a ton of appointments for the Boudoir shoots. That causes us to laugh as not one of us can picture the stuffy pearl-wearing ladies getting hot for the camera. Then again, I’ve witnessed a few shoots that I thought were going to be boring, and they surprised me.

  Chapter 21

  I have an hour left before the doors open to the studio, and I’m currently leaning into a brown bag trying to breathe. My work’s been showcased in magazines for years, but I never had to witness a person in real life staring at them. I never had to take the chance of hearing the disapproval from their mouths while gawking at the pictures. Tonight, it’s all different. Everyone that shows up could hate everything, and then what do I do? Smile at Devon and say sorry I ruined your big night? I’ll pack my bags and leave now? I grip the counter next to me holding a few refreshments and bend at the knees as the room starts to swirl around.

  “Oh, no you don’t. You’re not sinking like a ship tonight. Pull your shit together,” Zara says from next to me.

  “You’re early.”

  “I am because I knew you’d be dying in the corner alone. Now, what needs to be done?”

  “Nothing, the clock just needs to hit six.”

  “Well, I didn’t bring the magic wand with me, so I can’t make that happen. Are you ready? Is Devon ready?”

  “Go home and get the wand. I need magic tonight, please. Yes, we are both as ready as we can be. The staff has done everything, we just have to smile and mingle.”

  “Well, let’s freshen up and mingle. When’s everyone else getting here?”

  “I have no idea; hell, Zara, I don’t even know who’s coming. Is that bad of me?”

  “It is, but I won’t hold it against you. Come, let’s find the others.”

  When we walk back out to the grand area, I notice how they’ve transformed the room. Makeshift walls line the area, boxing sections in. I’ve got a large area off to the left, and Devon’s section mirrors mine on the opposite side. In between are some local artist friends of his. The work tonight bounces from photography to oil-based paintings. I notice our group huddled in a circle, my feet carrying me straight toward them. I make my way around, hugging them and thanking everyone for coming when my eyes land on the one person I was waiting for—Evan. I know you thought I was going to say Brody, but he’s still not talking to me, and that’s fine. Last I heard he and Mary Beth took a vacation, and I can’t be prouder of him than I was when I heard that. I didn’t ask where or when they’d return. When the time is right, we’ll see each other again. However, I know from a good source that he asks about me on a regular basis as I do him.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Evan says, looking me up and down with eyes that could undress me. As much as I wanted Neil to tag along, we both agreed to have him spend the evening with his grandparents’. Our plan is to do the gallery, eat, and then make sexy time happen FINALLY. But I have a special surprise for him before we leave here tonight. One that I’ve even shocked myself with.

  “Frankie, it’s show time,” Devon announces, breaking me away from my friends. I smile big at
them and follow his lead away from them. This is the part that terrifies me… I’ve got to walk around, talk, introduce myself to people, and wait to hear what kind of feedback happens.

  Picking the photos for this was easy. I went with a Southern theme—if it happened in the South, it’s on the walls. Most of them are from here, but some are even from Savannah and outer lying areas that I’ve visited. A few of them are from an old run down plantation that I was able to sneak in and snap some shots from. The old barn that was falling down and a large maple tree hangs front and center in the middle of my work. The girls tried to get me to show some of the ones I did in Myrtle Beach, but those are for me—from a time in my life that I don’t want to share with anyone else. Those are meant to be kept away, or showcased in my home—not here for the world to see.

  Hours pass by, and I can’t believe that almost all the prints have sold but one. I’m shocked that this one is still for sale; the plantation was sure to sell first. As I’m standing in front of it, I stare at the way the black and white tones underlay with the hints of color that burst in sections. I jump out of my skin when his voice lands at my ear. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  I don’t turn around. “It is,” I say in a low voice just for him.

  “Good thing I just bought it,” he says, causing me to turn in his arms.

  “Why would you buy this? I can print it out and give it to you, or take it down and hang it in your house.”

  “I wanted to own the only copy of this, and it reminds me of you. Black and white, only allowing parts of you to shine until you fully open up like the sun,” Evan says while I reach up and wipe the tears from my face.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “Only one, you about ready? I think everyone else has left already.”

  “Almost, I need you to follow me. I have something for you.”

  I drag Evan behind me as we make our way to the private room where I’ll be doing the Boudoir shoots. Flicking the light on, I drop his hand from mine and move across the room to where I have the folder sitting on the tiny desk off to the side of the room. He’s fast on my heels, and I can’t wait to show him what I did. I recruited Devon to help me with this, and as crazy as it sounds, I’m scared to hand this over to Evan.

  Taking a deep breath and letting out a long sigh, I raise my eyes up to meet his. “Evan, this is for you. But before you can open it, I need to tell you something. Before I met you, I found a way to hide from the world, to allow my scar to define me. It wasn’t until you and the new scar that made me realize something… I told you once that I wanted it all, and you’ve asked when… Well now is when, today is when I want it all. I want it all with you, and I’m more than ready for what comes next as long as I have you next to me,” I say, passing the folder over to him. He doesn’t speak, his fingers start to unwind the string that holds what I want to give him hostage. Sliding the flip open, he reaches in and takes out what’s inside. I couldn’t blow this up, as little eyes would be staring at it. So I did the next best thing. I created a photo shoot of myself in a side by side wallet size picture and a 5x7 that he can store where he’d like.

  Evan’s eyes travel the pictures, taking in both pictures of me showcasing myself to him. The first shot is of me in a black teddy with my back to the camera, my head slightly turned to the side with a profile. The one next is me in the same outfit but this time facing the lens. My hands are in the waist band of my panties, dragging them down to show my scar.

  It’s me accepting me and the world.

  It’s me not hiding anymore.

  It’s me giving myself completely to the man I love.

  Evan stays silent a little longer. My heart’s beating so fast in my chest it’s about to leap from the cavity and run away. I want to speak, but I’m afraid he’s reconsidering those words we spoke about so long ago. When I chance another look up at him, I notice he’s kneeling before me and my heart stops. I forget to breathe. I forget how to speak. I forget everything that is me and us in this moment.

  “Frankie, I was going to do this tonight at dinner and in front of your friends who are surprising us at the restaurant. Please act surprised when we arrive, because Zara scares me more than you know. I can’t wait or miss this moment here with you right now. I’ve been debating on asking you and afraid that you weren’t ready to say when, but this is proof that when is now. Will you become my wife, the mother to my child, and help me raise him to become the man that I know he’ll be? Will you join me on an adventure that includes the three of us, where we never hide again from the world,” Evan says, and before he can continue, I drag him up by his shirt and claim him with my mouth. Every emotion, feeling, and answer is portrayed with this one kiss. Right here in this room I allow him to take all the worry away as I want to be his everything. Pulling back, he asks, “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes, that’s a yes,” I answer before be takes my hand into his and slides the three round diamonds onto my finger. “I went with three because it explains us. It’s our past, our today, and our future.”

  “I love it, so are we going to do this again at dinner?”

  “No, I don’t think I can recreate that moment we just had. Do I get to show these shots to my friends? Because they would totally be jealous.”

  “You show anyone, and you’ll be sleeping in a twin-sized bed for a month while I cuddle with my little guy.”


  Evan and I walk hand in hand down the sidewalk and around the corner to Tapas on 5th that the girls and I love. We’ve not been here in awhile, and I can’t wait to order a Watermelon Cooler drink. I know Zara will be sipping on a Black and Stormy, Natasha a Strawberry and Rose Sour, while Morgan throws back a Sangria. Entering, I spot them in the corner at a long table and drag Evan in that direction. As soon as we approach, I hold up my hand letting the light bounce off the new addition to my hand.

  “Evan, you were supposed to wait,” Zara beams as she pushes Evan out of the way, wrapping her arms around me so tight I can’t move. When she releases me, the rest of the group congratulates us. Morgan hands me my drink that she ordered before we sit down and chat amongst ourselves. I’m anxious for dinner to end as I want to hurry home and commence this relationship like it needs to be done.

  I lean back and watch Evan interact with my friends, taking notes on how easily he’s embedded himself into not only my life but theirs, too. It’s become Frankie and Evan, and I like it. Now, I just have to figure out how to break the news to someone else. I want him to hear it from me and not one of them. It’s the right thing to do. I lean in to Zara. “When’s Brody coming back?”

  “Not sure, I think he’s gone for a few weeks. They just left on the trip, and he’s going to see his parents’ afterward; why?”

  “Can you let Hatcher know to not tell him. I need to be the one who does it.”

  “Sure, and I think we both agree with you on that,” Hatcher says from behind me. “Zara, we need to get home, I’m sure Madison is ready to see us.”

  I stand, wrapping my arms around Hatcher which causes him to whisper, “I’m happy for you, Frankie, and just know you need to tell him as soon as he gets back. I think he’ll be fine with the news, but it needs to come from you. Congrats, and we’ll see you later.” Hatcher pulls away to help Zara from her seat. Offering him a nod of understanding, I bid my friends goodnight.

  The table has been wiped from all the food and drinks when we notice it’s time for the last of us to leave. Evan and I have been chatting with Natasha and Diesel since the others left. I’m surprised by how close the four of us have become. Seems Evan has a thing for fast cars, and this has formed a bromance between the two guys. Natasha and I have been talking about Cassidy, and she’s given me a few tips on how to ease myself into the mom role with Neil. I don’t think he’ll have a problem with me marrying his father, but it definitely is a concern. I want the dynamic of our home to resemble theirs. Somehow they’ve become this tight family that you’d never
second guess about not being one from the start.

  “Ready for the rest of the evening?” Evan asks, and I wonder what he has up his sleeve now. I mean, how much better can tonight get?

  “Ready,” I say with a smile.

  Evan flags down a taxi when we step outside, and I wonder why since we have a car around the corner. I don’t question him as I follow his lead. I miss what address he tells the driver, and it’s not until a few minutes later that I realize where we are. Escorting me from the back seat, Evan tosses money up to the driver, and we walk in to the Hyatt. The need to not ask but to follow rules out everything else. I laugh as he drags me toward the bank of elevators.

  “Already planned this, huh?” I ask as we enter and hit the button on the panel to our floor.

  “I did... Guess I was a sucker for thinking you’d say yes.

  “No, Morgan would call this being a romantic. Hoping for something that you want and it coming true.”

  “I want to make all your dreams come true, but first I need you. I’ve been waiting for too long to have you, and I knew waiting would be worth it over the last month.”

  “You have no idea how bad I’ve been dying for you to say those words,” I respond in a sultry voice as I can feel the heat rise from the ground at the thoughts of what’s about to happen.

  Kicking the door open, Evan attacks me like he needs this to live. Clothes fall to the ground; our bodies knock into things as we move toward the bed. It’s when I bounce up from the mattress that I take in the animal standing before me. Bracing myself for what’s to come next, I crook my finger and beckon him to me.

  Tonight is about creating a future with each other. It’s showing the other person just how much they mean to the other. It’s blending our two souls together, and praying that the passion we have in this room never fades away.


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