Black Hills Blessing

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Black Hills Blessing Page 16

by A. C. Wilson

  “Stop looking at me like that.” Rayne snapped at him, her anger once again breaking the surface. Garrett raised a brow, hardly surprised by that lash of her tongue, and pushed away from the wall.

  “Stop looking at you like what?” His eyes were wary and she felt the fight brewing like a summer storm across the plains. Her muscles tightened like a cat ready to give chase and Garrett looked about to step into her path. She itched for a fight. She hated the strain that fear and pity created when anger was the only thing that wiped the slate at least half way clean.

  “Like you’re not sure if I’m going to blow up!” Her hands flew up in the air, creating a visual of this imaginary blast. Garrett shook his head. “Oh come on, cowboy, from the moment we met you’ve been turned on by this,” she gestured between them. “Once you get past the sex, you have no idea who I am. I’m not even sure why you’re still here.” She shouted at him, her voice going an octave higher and a wild tremor rising from her toes all the way to the roots of her hair. Garrett didn’t even flinch. Royal would have taken off by now, slammed the door and headed for the bar or wherever it was he fled too. Rayne pushed by the muscular cowboy with the chocolate brown eyes and gentle hands. Her gut twisted at what she had just accused him of. She was good at hurting people. She was better off alone. Just as she cleared him, one of those calloused hands clasped her arm and pulled her to a stop.

  “You are going to blow up, Rayne. You are a bomb ready to go off.” His voice was flat with very little emotion. He pressed his mouth into a thin line and looked at her until she looked away. She couldn’t bear to see the disappointment in his eyes and she was sure it was going to be there. Her hair fell around her face. Garrett firmed his grip and tugged slightly.

  “Just say it. Say whatever you are going to say and go.” Rayne didn’t recognize the voice that spoke those words, but one glance at Garrett said it wasn’t his. Brown eyes stared into her golden ones and she searched for whatever his parting words would be. She knew she was being a fool. She was afraid of what might happen if he stayed.

  The planes of Garrett’s face hardened, his lips firmed, and the slim white scar that adorned his cheek seemed to jump. It was his eyes that unsettled her the most. They seemed almost to be set aflame. Their dark, fathomless depths pulled her inside and threatened to send her falling into an abyss. In one split second, he squared her to his chest and in two steps, pushed her back flat to the wall. She inhaled sharply, her hands flattening against the muscles that held her pinned. One thick thigh pressed in between her thighs so that she rode it. Rayne couldn’t swallow or cry out. All voice seemed to have been stolen from her and her heart was racing with a fury that frightened her. His quick, hot breaths blew against her ear, his lips at her neck as he leaned against her. Seconds ticked by in this heightened state of awareness and Rayne thought she was going to go mad before he spoke.

  “You’re a fucking time bomb, Rayne. Each nerve stretching out until you can’t take it anymore.” His deep voice whispered heavily against her neck. She shivered. She couldn’t do anything but listen to the words he spoke. “I’m the one that’s going to make you shatter into a million pieces and then you’re going to want me to do it again.” Garrett’s heart-stopping words held her body immobile, but her mind concentrated on each word he spoke. She knew enough about Garrett Johnson to know he spoke only what he meant. “After that, you’ll beg me to stay.”

  Rayne’s mouth fell open as he pressed those velvet lips to the spot just under her jaw. A fresh wave of shivers spread throughout her body. Her brain still couldn’t quite grasp what he was saying.

  “Really?” The question was but a breath against his face, but he heard her. He leaned back just far enough to look into her eyes so that she couldn’t doubt his honesty or meaning.

  “Try me.” Something lit in those chocolate depths that burned into her soul. If a man could be made of steel, this cowboy was forged in a fire hot enough to withstand her fury. “I’ve already told you that I’m not leaving and I have a hard time believing that you want me too.” One large palm slid down the side of her blouse, outlining her breast to her hip and his fingers pressed into her back. His other hand threaded into her long hair to cup the base of her skull. Firmly Garrett tipped her lips closer to his own and in one determined movement, he captured her mouth in a ravenous kiss.

  Rayne felt her cold resistance slipping away in the heady heat of his touches. Only the meaning of his words had been explicit, but she already felt naked. Her skin bared for his pleasure. Her body knew better than that. Already her desire burned red hot with his command and taunts. This time there was no denying that Garrett was in control and she was along for the ride. He pulled her thoughts back to him as he nipped her bottom lip and slid his mouth along her jaw to her neck. There he nipped, licked, and kissed as his hands found other tender spots. Warm, strong fingers pulled her blouse from her pants. She felt the cool air touch her stomach and his knee brushed that place that begged to be touched. Rayne couldn’t contain the groan that escaped as he shifted against her again.

  “Tell me you don’t want me to go, Rayne.” Garrett smiled darkly into her face as his hands moved to the waist of her pants. Defiantly she lifted her chin, tipping her head back to the wall and daring him to continue. She wasn’t sure she heard a chuckle unless it was masked by a determined growl. He pressed her more firmly against the wall, his lips following the vee of her blouse. Her breasts thrust out against his chest. She couldn’t deny the jolts of electricity that came with the brush of her bra over her nipples. The wetness that pooled at her core was testament to Garrett’s appeal. She wanted him.

  “I’m not playing, darlin’. Tell me.” His growl was louder now as he shifted his knee to that sensitive place again. Her eyes rolled back in her head. She wanted to melt into a puddle now. His words were sharper with more frustration now. Part of her relished taunting him and the other warned her that she didn’t know him well enough to test him. Still she pushed his demands to the side and waited. Opening her eyes when his hands paused, she was careful to keep the defiance visible. She couldn’t give in too easily, either for him or herself. There was a lesson, though she wasn’t sure exactly who was going to learn it. In one swift move, Garrett grasped her shirt in both hands and tore the buttons from their moorings. The sound of them dropping to the wood floor echoed in the living room. Rayne felt her jaw drop in shock and she couldn’t bring her eyes up from his hands holding her shirt wide. The bare flesh of her stomach rose and fell between them. Her nipples begged to be released next as they strained against the fabric of her bra. In deliberate intervals, Garrett reached with one hand and then the next to caress her ribs. His fingers trailed over the softness of her middle. Her heart banged against her chest in exquisite anticipation.

  How could someone she just met be so in tune to her mind? The cowboy had her melting into his hands and soon she’d be begging him to do passionate things to her body. Hell, she’d beg to do unspeakable things to his! Garrett lowered himself to his knees and instinctively Rayne’s fingers interlaced in his dark hair. He pressed his lips against her stomach and groaned as her finger nails lightly scraped his scalp. Feeling that exquisite heat so close to the spot she truly wanted him, Rayne felt her core flex and clench in demand.

  Holy mother of all that was good! Garrett’s tongue laved just above her waistband of her pants as his fingertips slid her top button free and opened her pants to reveal the black lace panties she had selected. In the back of her mind she had hoped he would see them. She leaned fully back against the wall and her hips thrust forward of their own accord. Every piece of her body and every inch of her skin begged to be touched. She felt his knowing grin against the top of her panties. Mentally she cursed her inability to deny him or better yet, to deny herself.

  “Rayne. My beautiful, beautiful Rayne.” Garrett’s deep voice surrounded her and his words caressed her soul. Her heart purred in contentment at such endearments. A cynical part of her sneered from the d
arkness that he couldn’t possible mean any of it. She shoved it down and slammed the door.

  “Cowboy.” Her voice sounded strange, distant and seductive. Her heart was pounding as he chuckled against the soft skin of her abdomen and then hooked one finger in the top of the black lace. He pulled the fabric down to reveal more delicate skin and he kissed each inch reverently as if she was meant to be cherished. The tender touches only heightened the need. Oh yes, it was a need now! There was no want to be loved by this man. There was a ferocious need to be loved, possessed, and kept by this man.

  “Come on, darlin’. You know we both need this chance. I need you to tell me what you are scared to say.” His eyes melted into hers as her pants fell to her ankles and his hands ran up the curves of her legs. Her thighs trembled as he erotically pressed molten kisses so close to where she ached for his touch.

  Damn the man! The hotness of his mouth was tearing each ragged breath from her lungs. She couldn’t help but tighten her hold on his hair. Desperately she hoped that he’d take pity on her and shatter her as he had promised. His palms reached around to cup her bottom and pull her into him. The instant his tongue tasted her, Rayne nearly jumped. So intense was the anticipation that when he finally did as her body was begging him too, the last vestige of control was broken.

  “Stay.” Had she said it out loud? She wasn’t sure at first. Her heart was beating so loudly in her ears that she could hear nothing else. Garrett hadn’t stopped tasting, touching, appreciating her body. Her eyes rolled back in her head when the first waves of triumph washed over her. She braced a hand against a bookshelf to keep herself upright.

  “Now was that so hard to say?” Garrett asked from in front of her. He’d gotten to his feet, his hands still on her backside. Rayne opened her eyes without offering a reply to his question. Likely he knew the answer to it anyway. With that stupidly sexy grin, he lifted her off the ground and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Without any further ministrations, he plunged deeply into her. She sighed at the satisfying fullness that stretched her. Garrett set the course, hard and fast. Rayne was more than fine with the speed as her body greedily took all he offered. It took no time at all as they raced to a finish line that welcomed them both with crackling shards of light.

  Rayne adjusted the sheet over her naked and fantastically sated body. They’d fallen asleep an hour or so ago after some rather intense sex. The afternoon had drifted away as she and Garrett had found multiple ways of disappearing from the present. She could almost forget that she’d buried her father this morning. She could almost forget she was in her family home in South Dakota. What she couldn’t forget was the fact that Garrett had told her he wasn’t leaving and then he had gotten her to ask him to stay. Well, to be fair, she had commanded him to stay. There was no question. Rayne fought to ignore the sickness in her stomach. She couldn’t even tell herself that she didn’t mean it or that she was pushed to the brink by a devious and passionately artful lover.

  Turning over with her back to Garrett, she closed her eyes. If hiding was possible, she’d probably try that, but it didn’t seem to matter how awful or distant she was with Garrett Johnson, he still kept coming back to her. The only other soul who had managed that was Ruger and the collie was currently curled up on the sagging couch. Tears pricked at her eyes. They were sore from crying earlier, but that didn’t seem to matter much. Her heart clenched with indecision and worry. If anyone felt misguided and adrift, it was her.

  So much for taking control of my life. Her inner voice grumbled as her phone rang. Startled for a second, she dashed the back of her hand across her eyes and sniffed before picking it up. Focusing on the screen, a 605 area code popped up. It was a South Dakota number. Taking a quick breath, she clicked it on.

  “Hello?” Her voice sounded scratchy as she waited for an answer.

  “Uh, yes, is Ms. Randall there, please?” It was a man’s voice and one that wasn’t familiar to her. She furrowed her brows in wonder as she nodded her head.

  “This is Rayne Randall.” Now she sounded annoyed and she reined in the attitude for a minute. Taking a deep breath, she added. “Is there something I can do for you?” She could hear papers in the background and another phone ringing.

  “Yes, Ms. Randall, this is Scott Valentine. Your father was a client of Valentine and Valentine Attorneys in Hot Springs, South Dakota. You and I talked earlier last week.” The man hurried on in his conversation and Rayne tried to keep up. “I know we have an appointment to talk about your father’s assets and will tomorrow, but could we possibly change that meeting to today?”

  Rayne felt Garrett sit up behind her and tuck his hand along her hip underneath the sheet. A reminder that he was there. If she didn’t know better, she’d think it was a possessive touch too.

  “Mr. Valentine, I am not sure if you are aware, but I just buried my father this morning. I’m not so sure that meeting this afternoon is a good idea.” Rayne had mixed feelings about meeting her father’s lawyer. She’d felt something was off with him at the conclusion of their first conversation. There was an eagerness to the man that she didn’t like or appreciate. Garrett squeezed her hip and shook his head when she looked at him. He didn’t think it was a good idea either. Yet another thing she needed to talk over with him, she thought as she turned her attention back to the phone.

  “Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I do wish there was a better time, but you see, I’m going to be out of the office until next week. I was under the impression that you wanted to be finished with all the legal obligations concerning your father’s estate as quickly as possible.” The lawyer’s voice took on an edge that she instantly found provoking. A shiver slid up her spine as she tried to understand what was happening to her judgment of people.

  Indecision. Gah! She hated that feeling. She either met with the man now or would wait until he was back in town. In other words, spend more time with Garrett Johnson or get the hell out of Hot Springs! She hadn’t made up her mind on this other mess of emotions either. She chewed her bottom lip. Letting out a trapped breath, Rayne shook her head and threw a hand up in surrender.

  “Fine. What time today?” She didn’t care that Scott Valentine might think she was snobbish or pissy. She could care less what he thought, but Garrett stiffened behind her, clearly disliking the fact that she had not taken his opinion into consideration.

  “I can bring the paperwork out to your ranch. Will half an hour be convenient?” The lawyer’s victory was shared in his voice and she gritted her teeth in irritation.

  Was it convenient? Hell no! Garrett shifted the mattress as he got out of bed and started to yank his jeans on. Rolling her eyes, she twitched the covers tighter around her naked body.

  “It’s fine.” Her whispered hiss was only a tiny fraction of the anger that was brewing again.

  “Good. See you then.” The phone call ended and Rayne stared at the screen for a moment before tossing the phone on the bed. Ruger was already on his feet and swishing his tail in happy greeting. All she could do was pat his head and throw a distracted glance in Garrett’s direction. He had his back to her. His very naked, very strong back. She could remember the contours of muscles and bone. She ached to touch them again. Pressing her lips in a firm line, she curled her fingers into her palm until her nails cut into the flesh.

  “What line did Valentine sell you?” His deep voice caught her a bit off-guard. She’d been ranting in her head, more at herself than him. Garrett skirted the end of the mattress and plucked her lace panties from the corner of the couch. Rayne felt a blush warm her cheeks when he tossed them her way.

  “He’s going to be out of town for a week. I need to take care of this business and put this all behind me.” Rayne snapped, moving the sheet only far enough to stick her feet through and pull up her underwear. She felt stupid and childish. It wasn’t like Garrett hadn’t seen every inch of her naked body and enjoyed it. Just at this moment she felt stripped of her usual armor and baring herself further to hi
m was troubling. Her eyes followed him about the room even as she tried not to let him catch her looking at him. Swiftly she hooked her bra and found her bag with extra clothes. Sighing at the knotted mess things had become, Rayne tugged on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt. Garrett grumbled as he pulled his shirt over his head and gave up trying to tuck it onto his jeans.

  “Garrett, I need to know why my father’s lawyer thinks I can’t wait to hear what he has to say. I need to know what issues I need to handle before putting this place on the market.” She waited for him to turn her way, but he didn’t. His back remained to her. “I respect your opinion.” She wanted to say more, but the words were all jumbled and wouldn’t come out.

  You’ve finally got a chance to get away from everything and this cowboy is stopping you! She furrowed her brow. Garrett was making her hesitate on all the plans she’d made thus far.

  “I get it, darlin’. I do.” He turned to her finally with a cautious understanding in his eyes. All inner emotions quieted as she held his gaze. “Most things are easier to run from than to face. I think you need to tread carefully here. You’ve been searching for a family for half your life and you could have one here. The anger you feel with your father could destroy the happiness you could have if you just reached for it.” He looked nearly as shell shocked as she felt. She couldn’t move for fear of breaking this thread between them.

  How had things gotten so deep so fast? She took a breath to keep from bolting for the door. If she put into perspective the words he said, Garrett could be right. Letting her anger and heartbreak color her feelings for her father had made her forget that he was the man her mother loved. She must have loved him for some reason. As an adult she knew that relationships and marriage for that matter were harder than they appeared. Things bubble under the surface that anyone other than the couple involved never see.


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