The Three Barons

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The Three Barons Page 70

by J. W Lateer

  So what was the secret that Jack Ruby knew? The answer is fairly simple. As usual with statements which were made by assassination figures which sounded crazy, they almost always turned out to be accurate. So when Ruby said he was afraid of being murdered by “anti-Semites,” he wasn’t blowing smoke. The anti-Semites to which he referred were in fact the most prominent ex-Nazis in the world who had survived and prospered after World War II. Probably, Ruby knew that the source of the JFK plot was a group of Nazis, or at least people whose agenda was driven by anti-Semitism.

  Jack Ruby had been an informant for Richard Nixon (and implicitly HUAC) while still a young man. Ruby was not a babe in the woods. He had to know a thing or two about our government and about sinister secret activities.

  There are names of the very top echelon of prominent U.S. and Canadian Jews which have been associated with some sort of inside role very close to the assassination plot. There was General Julius Klein, former President of the Jewish War Veterans of America. There was Major Louis Bloomfield, a Canadian who was very high up in British intelligence circles. Both of these men were members of the powerful Sonneborn Institute which sponsored the nuclear program for the State of Israel.

  And there was the Israeli Mossad itself which doubtless had contacts inside the U.S. who knew about things that were unknown to the average American. And Stanley Marcus of Dallas was one of the most prominent Jews among those involved in international relief organizations for holocaust victims and similar causes. He was the owner of the exclusive Nieman-Marcus department store in Dallas.

  It is very likely that the names of Bernard Weissman and Jack Ruby were deliberately associated falsely with the JFK assassination in the hope that Americans would somehow blame Jews for the murder of JFK. Since this was, apparently, the motive behind involving Bernard Weissman and Jack Ruby, this presents a prima facie case of the involvement of the Old World in the murder of JFK. To a former Nazi, it would be assumed that Americans would eagerly blame Jews for the death of JFK. But any American would know that this would never happen. To most Americans, the religion of the assassin or his associates would be irrelevant.

  Ruby was indeed in a state of complete emotional upset when he went out to murder Lee Harvey Oswald. But his upset was due to his situation. He was caught between a despicable act of ex-Nazis and the fears of his co-religionists. Powerful American Jews would be in a state of terror (or at least uncertainty) as to what would happen to them in a confrontation between the U.S. government and the worldwide network of former Nazis.

  Americans could scarcely think of Nazis without at the same time thinking of Jews. Would they think that JFK was murdered due to a vendetta between Nazis and Jews?

  Jack Ruby knew he had to resolve this situation by murdering Oswald. The “committee” that, according to rumors, had decided to murder Oswald could have been a committee of concerned Jews or their allies. We will probably never know the precise details of that.

  But what we do know for sure, is that if ex-Nazis had murdered JFK and if Jack Ruby knew that to be the case, that could explain Ruby’s willingness to face the electric chair for the murder of Oswald. That would explain the seemingly irrational actions of Ruby. In fact, once the blame for the murder of JFK is laid at the door of the Nazi’s, then the actions of the Jewish Ruby are no longer a mystery.

  Another footnote to the Ruby-Judaism theory just described is the behavior of film-shooter Abraham Zapruder. Zapruder was another Jewish citizen of Dallas. Zapruder famously mounted a concrete pedestal in Dallas to film the assassination. The pedestal was just a few feet away from the limo when JFK was killed. Mounting the pedestal had to require very strenuous effort for the businessman Zapruder. Could Zapruder, as a Jew, been part of a desperate plan by powerful Jewish interests to foil the plot by his actions in filming? Or could his filming have been intended as a way to strike back against Nazi conspirators by proving the extent of the conspiracy, and thus leading to their being exposed? This could be another of those “coincidences” where someone just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

  Chapter 41

  The Organizational Chart Of The Kennedy Assassination

  This is the organizational chart of the assassination. It traces the lines of authority which ran from the highest levels of influence on planet earth, right down to the lowly people on the street, the Lee Harvey Oswalds, the Jack Rubys and Officer J.D. Tipits.

  When JFK was murdered, it was the first time that the most powerful person on earth had been assassinated since the assassination of Julius Ceasar on the Ides of March, 3/15/44 B.C. Something like this cannot happen with the act of a lone gunman when there followed four governmental investigations, hundreds, perhaps thousands of books written and the names of many of the most powerful in the world brought into question. If one puts all the cards on the table, the above chart is what results. All the other chapters herein describe the role of most, if not all of the persons on this chart. Out of approximately 350 names which are cited in the top 100 of more than one of the 30 best assassinations books, only the 65 names on the above chart had a functional role in the assassination. The test of whether to include a name in the chart is basically a legal one: it hinges on whether the individual did some act which furthered the plot or participated in the cover-up before the fact which includes the on-the-ground pre-planned cover-up in Dallas in the aftermath.

  The roles of each of the persons on the chart are treated in the various other chapters. The chart, showing the lines of authority, speaks for itself.

  Chapter 42

  Factor Analysis and JFK Assassination Research

  In order to use statistical methods to analyze the JFK assassination books and identify which theories they are following, it is necessary to reduce the information into quantitative form.

  To do this, I used the data found in the indexes of various books. I attempted to identify the names which were roughly the top 100 names cited in each book. If the top 100 or so were cited three times each, then 3 citations was the cutoff. This method would obviously not yield exactly 100 names. The range of names cited nearest to the top 100 actually varied from about 80 to 120. In each book there were almost exactly 50% of the names which were duplicates with at least one other book. In assembling the names, a database was gradually developed consisting of approximately 1500 names. The statistical software which was used allowed a maximum of 1500 names as data and this limit was reached at around 30 books. The software package used was one of the simplified editions of SPSS, which is the gold standard for statistical software.

  The statistical technique chosen to analyze the data is known as factor analysis. This sounds technical but it is actually fairly simple. Let’s take the example where the 30 books were the variables. In factor analysis, the computer calculates the correlation of the frequency of citations of the names between books.

  For example, the Warren Commission Report and Rush To Judgment by Mark Lane are highly correlated. The WC might cite Lee Harvey Oswald on 100 pages. Mark Lane might cite Oswald on 90 pages. The WC might cite James Hosty on 20 pages. Mark Lane might cite him on 35 pages, and so on. In this manner, the correlation between the frequency of citations for each book to each of the other 30 books is put, by the computer, into a matrix. It would be a 30 x 30 matrix. Then the rows in the matrix are moved around so that the books that are most highly correlated are in the first four or five rows and columns. Four books that have high correlations in the number of citations of names are Rush To Judgment by Lane, the WC Report, Deep Politics by Peter Dale Scott and Accessories After The Fact by Sylvia Meagher.

  So these four books are grouped in the upper left hand corner of the matrix.

  Next, a second group of books that are highly correlated are identified. For example, these four books are next highest in correlation: A Farewell to Justice by Joan Mellen, Heritage of Stone and On The Trail of the Assassins by Jim Garrison and Me & Lee by Judyth Vary Baker. This makes sense because all four b
ooks are dealing with suspects located in New Orleans and three of them actually deal specifically with the Garrison investigation. So these books form the next grouping on the matrix, just below and to the right of the books which correlate to the Warren Commission.

  The process is repeated until all 30 books are thus grouped. Some books don’t correlate to any other books. For instance, The Last Investigation by Gaeton Fonzi has virtually no correlation to any other book. That’s because Fonzi focuses almost exclusively on the anti-Castro Cubans and suspects like Antonio Veciana. After these groupings are complete, one can easily see which books are similar and one can also easily see which books are the most diverse. Farewell America by James Hepburn correlates to four different groupings.

  Next, the groupings have to be interpreted and identified. That can be done by simply examining the names most often cited in the four books in the grouping. If the names are mafia names, then that group is a mafia-oriented book. If the names include a lot of Warren Commission witnesses, then it is a Warren Commission-oriented book.

  Six books were included which are not JFK assassination books. These books were written about groups like the Minutemen and the John Birch Society. This was done to make it easier to sort out the multitude of right-wing organizations often accused of complicity in the assassination. It is easy to identify Carlos Marcello as a mafia person. It is not so easy to place a name like Clarence Manion, who was one of the founders of the John Birch Society.

  There is one technicality which might iinterest statistically-oriented readers. As we have seen, the books are grouped together. In one technique, once the books are grouped, they are eliminated from the matrix and the remaining books are then grouped without them. If they are totally eliminated after grouping, this is called “without rotation.” If they are left in for the next grouping, this is called “with rotation.” The option “without rotation” gives cleaner groupings. But using “with rotation” allows for the overlapping nature of factors. For example, LBJ might be in a grouping of “Texas cronies” or he might be in the grouping for “world leaders.” So something might be gained by not totally eliminating him after the first grouping.

  Note that we have also switched from grouping books to grouping individuals like LBJ, RFK, Lee Harvey Oswald and so on. The same technique that we used on grouping books can be used on the individuals cited.

  To do this, the names of individuals appearing most frequently in the 14 most diverse assassination books were used. Then, for statistical reasons, persons cited frequently in only one book were eliminated. This narrowed the list of names from 1500 down to 191.

  Since we did our procedure on 191 individuals, that gives a matrix 191 by 191, which is a very large matrix.

  But the power of doing this should be readily apparent. In this situation, the computer could theoretically determine which individuals were working together by putting them in groups where the human mind might not recognize a relationship.

  This produces some spectacular results. As mentioned later, when each of the factors are examined and the order of “loadings” for each factor are sorted by individual, the computer can put people together in an amazing way. When the group of 191 names was examined in this way, Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles appeared next to each other on the list for factor two. They were, of course, brothers. But the Dulles brothers are normally not intentionally discussed together in any of the JFK assassination books.

  Factor Analysis Using The Individuals As The Variable

  The following is a listing of the seven factors which are obtained by treating the individuals, not the books, as the variable. Instead of 30 books as variables, we have 191 individuals which can be used as variables because they are cited in the top 100 citations in more than just one book.

  In the listing of the factors below, 14 books were selected for the diversity of the theories and the correlation of the books between each other. Only individuals who were cited often in at least two of these books were considered.

  The books selected were Deep Politics by Peter Dale Scott, Brothers in Arms by Guy Russo, TMWKTM by Dick Russell, Bloody Treason by Noel Twyman, Farewell America by James Hepburn, Me & Lee by Judyth Vary Baker, On the Trail of the Assassins and Heritage of Stone by Jim Garrison, LBJ: Mastermind by Philip Nelson, Permindex by Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), The Torbitt File by William Torbitt, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam by L. Fletcher Prouty, General Walker by Dr. Jeffrey Caulfield, and Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper.

  There were serious limitations on the software available for the analysis by individuals. The program used only allowed for 50 variables and there were actually 191 individuals to be analyzed. This problem was solved by breaking the 191 into four groups of less than 50. The first factor was extracted from each group. Then the four output matrices of the correlations to each factor were combined and sorted. This created one matrix of the seven most important factors.

  Next, those individuals loaded for the first factor were removed from the list and the process was repeated for each of the next 7 factors. However, for factors 5, 6 and 7, the matrices were combined and the factors which were extracted for 5, 6 and 7 were used, without eliminating each list of individuals separately. This was done in the interest of saving time and the last three factors are obviously of less importance than the first four.

  Factor 1 shows 15 out of the 33 suspects on our list of 191 names. These 191 represent names which are cited in approximately the top 100 most-often cited in the 14 most diverse assassination research books. Only the names which are cited in two or more books in the top 100 were considered. Note that Perry Russo has been classified as a suspect when he was merely present when Clay Shaw allegedly paid money to Lee Harvey Oswald. That is apparently why the computer has grouped him with others who are true suspects. Note the Vietnam connection of the world leaders on the list, especially Henry Cabot Lodge, the Kennedys and the Diems.

  In some cases, individuals were highlighted as suspects when they are not actually on the organizational chart. An example is General Edward G. Lansdale.

  One of the most amazing results was in regard to the Dulles brothers. When the list for factor 2 is sorted by loadings, rather than as printed here, Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles appear next to each other. The two brothers are never discussed in the assassination books in relation to each other. But the computer seemed able to place them next to each other in the list of the 191 people sorted by factor and then by loading.

  Also note that Reverend Billy James Hargis and Reverend Carl McIntyre appear next to each other as they were associated by the computer.

  Note that most of the CIA agents are grouped by the computer as well as the Cubans. Both are grouped under the same factor because the CIA was working so closely with the Cubans.

  Richard Case Nagell groups with three other CIA-involved individuals. Ambassador Thomas Mann was technically not a CIA employee, although he was the U.S. Ambassador in Mexico City where the CIA was very active. This is apparently why he correlates with the CIA agents.

  Note that of the world leaders listed in factor 1, they were basically currently serving as world leaders. However, the world leaders in factor 2 were predominantly past world leaders such as Harry S. Truman and Winston Churchill. These past world leaders were nevertheless highly correlated as a group, falling into the second-highest factor.

  For some reason the suspects who have fallen down to the level of the 5th factor are there because they are mostly suspects who were identified with the localities of New Orleans and Dallas. It could mean that the relationship between the suspects in factor 1 and factor 5 was somehow different. Note that Senator James O. Eastland and Representative Hale Boggs appear next to one another. They were the members of Congress most closely involved in the New Orleans area.

  Also significant is the fact that General Medaris and Jack Ruby are grouped next to the Cubans in factor 4. The mafia involvement of Jack Ruby is well documented and the Cubans were work
ing with the Mafia in the attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro. In 1959, Jack Ruby was involved with running guns into Cuba.

  Another surprise here is that the very lowest correlation out of the entire 191 names analyzed was that of General Reinhard Gehlen. Ironically, there is a remote possibility that Gehlen was the one individual who planned the entire JFk assassination. Perhaps we get our result because Gehlen was so good at keeping himself distanced from the other plotters.

  Factor Analysis Using The Books As The Variable

  The percentage of variance explained is listed across the top of the matrix. The captions at the top such as “Warren Commission Evidence” represent the best interpretation of the data for that factor. Note that the Warren Commission evidence accounts for 34% of the variance. Second is the Castro-Mafia factor. Third are the Jim Garrison (New Orleans) suspects. Fourth is the LBJ – J Edgar Hoover theory. The percentages fall off quickly after that.

  The overriding discovery in the analysis is that roughly one-third of the information published about the assassination traces back to matters introduced by the Warren Commission. To the extent that this was intended as disinformation or that the Warren Commission excluded relevant information, one sees how influential and successful the Warren Commission was in biasing the universe of data.

  Another interesting discovery is exactly how many factors a particular book might be correlated with. In other words, which books are more broad and not merely focused on one theory. In that respect, Peter Dale Scott, James Hepburn, Noel Twyman, William Torbitt, Judyth Vary Baker and Jim Garrison-Joan Mellen each have higher loadings on four factors. None are loaded on five.


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