Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2

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Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2 Page 13

by Aaron Hicks

  Repus and Esolc laughed at Laurilli’s excitement and Uktesh glanced up to see that both Pamfilo and Leilani were beaming at Uktesh.

  Heathyr however said, “I was already uncomfortable with the knowledge that my little girl would become a woman eight months from now. I don’t know if I could handle that being pushed up to two months from now. Plus, didn’t you need to learn the Mujra from someone before you leave? How are you going to do that, train with the dragons, and set up a wedding in the two and a half months we have left?”

  Laurilli said, “First, we’d be getting married in two months; let’s just cut that, ‘and a half,’ nonsense out right now. I don’t need to learn the Mujra, I just wanted to, but Uktesh likes the Raqs Shraqi and Raqs Baladi enough as it is.”

  Uktesh decided that the clouds deserved some attention at that moment. Laurilli continued, “Plus this way we won’t do, ‘that thing that we’re not supposed to do before we get married,’ before we get married!”

  Heathyr said, “Wait, what? You two are-,” she paused, “You’re thinking about…,” She shook her head.

  Laurilli said, “Sex? You mean sex, right Mom?” It was suddenly Heathyr’s turn to blush while Laurilli continued, “Yes we’re thinking about that, it’s pretty much all we think about, but we’re trying to be respectful of you. Let’s be honest, though. We’ve been living together for nearly a year so it’s a miracle we haven’t yet. Those four did within two weeks of knowing each other!”

  Suddenly it was Esolc, Repus, Leilani, and Pamfilo’s turn to look uncomfortable. Heathyr said, “They’re adults! And….”

  Laurilli pounced and said, “So that means the rules don’t apply to them? I think the rules don’t apply to anyone except for those who willingly follow them. Which Uktesh and I will no longer follow, unless you agree with our logic and agree that we can get married in two months.”

  Heathyr said, “I’ll make you a deal,” Uktesh was surprised and turned his head to Heathyr so fast that he almost whiplashed himself. “First, you have to find someone to teach you the Mujra. Second, you have to set it up yourself, food, flowers, dresses, everything. Then you, Uktesh, have to find a ring for her, one suitable for the love of your life.” Uktesh nodded and tried to think where he could get such a ring. “I guess fourth, you, young lady are moving into my house until you get married, if what you both want is to do that thing you’re not supposed to do until you’re married.”

  Laurilli sighed, “Mom you can say sex, you’ve done it! I’m here and alive so I know you and dad ‘did it.’”

  Heathyr turned bright red and said, “Those are my conditions. Take them or leave them.”

  Laurilli grinned at Uktesh, who grinned back; together they said, “Deal!”

  Repus said, “Can we get back to eating and drinking? All this talk about sex has made me thirsty!”

  Leilani said, “I’ll get you something.” She asked, “Does anyone else want something?” Esolc and Heathyr nodded and Uktesh realized that he’d drank both of his drinks already. He and Laurilli both nodded. Leiliani, Laurilli, and Pamfilo all left to get the drinks.

  Esolc said, “Your fiancée just had to bring us into the argument.”

  Uktesh laughed and said, “I can’t believe neither of us thought to do that before.”

  Repus said, “Do you think you’ll be able to do all four tasks?”

  Uktesh nodded, “The only one I’m nervous about is the Mujra, but I have a feeling that Laurilli is making another deal to have either Pamfilo or Leilani teach it to her.”

  Heathyr frowned and looked to where the three girls were talking as they got the drinks. Esolc said, “If it wasn’t them it’d be someone else. Now that Heathyr’s made it a priority, that girl won’t quit until she learns it or dies trying.”

  Uktesh said, “Well then, for my sake, I hope she learns it quickly.”

  The three girls returned smiling, and Repus announced, “Uktesh called it.”

  Laurilli said, “Called what?”

  Uktesh said, “I just told them, that unless I was quite mistaken you were making a deal with one or both of them to get them to teach you the Mujra. What, if anything, do I need to do?”

  Laurilli said, “Well, it’s a dance that is only taught from mother to daughter, unless the mother dies before the child can learn it. In that case an island woman can teach the girl, but it’s usually an aunt or sister. They said that they wouldn’t teach me unless I became an islander and I just found out that all dragons are considered islanders even if they weren’t born on this island.”

  Uktesh asked, “Do you think you can become a dragon, and learn the Mujra in time?”

  Laurilli said, “No, but here’s the good news. If you become a dragon and marry me I become an honorary islander. They’ve agreed, because of the time issues we have, that if you become a dragon, they’ll teach me the Mujra before we get married so that we can get married quicker.”

  Uktesh sighed, and said, “Fine.”

  Laurilli said, “What’s with the ‘tude mister? This is great news?”

  Uktesh said, “I’m still on the fence about getting that giant tattoo. I guess now I have to get off that metaphorical fence and deal with it. Since I’m done with my food, I’ll head over there now and get it done.” Uktesh turned to Leilani and said, “I assume you’ll be at your bar for me to show you proof?” She nodded and he stood up. He threw back his drink in one big gulp and kissed Laurilli. “The things I do for you.”

  Laurilli pinched his behind and said, “Hurry up. These two don’t know if two months will be enough time for me to learn it. I’ll even put your dishes away for you if you hurry.”

  He walked off rubbing his bottom where she’d pinched him. He figured that now was as good a time as any to practice his Bolt. I guess it’s now a Charge. He Stepped, then Charged up the path. He stopped Charging as he passed up the path to the hidden cave entrance. Wow! That’s so much faster than Soaring!

  He walked to the cliff edge and made his way down to where Dayho was currently teaching a group of forty dragons how to Shadow Step. Wow, so I guess there are quite a few dragons. He sat on the edge of the stairs and watched them practice. Some were close to understanding the difficult move while most we not. He had to wonder if all of them would be able to figure it out.

  As he watched, one of the dragons Shadow Stepped into a wall. Uktesh tried not to laugh. The man’s arms and legs were like rubber as he sank to the ground.

  Dayho demonstrated the next level of Shadow Step and Shadow Walked instantly to the man’s side and lowered him the rest of the way to the ground. The class continued as Ryth used her spirit to help the man’s spirit repair the damage the wall had done to his face. That was the most advance level of spirit mastery there was. Uktesh walked over to her and watched her work. Though he couldn’t see her doing anything, he felt as if she was directing the man’s spirit to his skull. When the class was over Uktesh still hadn’t had much insight into what she’d done.

  He walked over to Dayho and said, “Grand master, I was wondering, am I a dragon?”

  Dayho raised an eyebrow, “Why do you care?”

  Uktesh said, “It’s come to my attention that something Laurilli wants is attainable if I’m a dragon. I was wondering if I already am, or if there is something I needed to do to become a dragon. Also do I need to get that big tattoo?”

  Dayho said, “You wish us to bestow the great honor of becoming a dragon to you, so that your girlfriend can learn the Murja?”

  Uktesh nodded, surprised, and said, “Yeah, how did you know?”

  Dayho said, “Every woman on this island has either been asked, or knows someone who’s been asked by that girl to learn the Mujra. Word like that gets around, even to us.”

  Uktesh smiled and asked, “Does that mean I’m not a dragon?”

  Dayho said, “You could be a dragon. Each person’s dragon is different just like each person is different. The tattoo is just an outward representation of the dragon within u
s. Some have long curving dragons that wrap around their bodies. Others, like myself, have a dragon that only we can see.” He removed his shirt to show that he didn’t have a dragon tattoo.

  Uktesh asked, “How do you get an invisible tattoo?”

  Dayho said, “If you believe yourself to be ready, follow me.”

  Uktesh followed Dayho deeper into the dragons’ lair than he’d ever been before. He noticed that they were moving downward as they walked. Dayho stopped before a metal door that was twenty feet tall and ten feet wide. Dayho said, “Beyond this door is the test of the dragon. If you think you can survive it, enter. If you feel you’re not yet ready, do not.”

  Uktesh said, “What can you tell me about what’s beyond that door?”

  Dayho smiled, nodded, and said, “Not much, just that all your skill in martial arts won’t save you. You must rely on your mastery of yourself.” Uktesh swallowed, and nodded.

  Dayho gestured, the giant door opened, and Uktesh stepped through. “Learn as much as you can from the Grand master, but come back!” Uktesh wasn’t sure why Dayho was telling him to learn from the Grand master, because Uktesh heard the capitol G in Grand master.

  The heat that he’d been ignoring assaulted his body. The large cavern was lit by a central pit that was full of lava. The door closed behind him and the heat became more intense. Uktesh looked at the cavern and the lava pool dominating the center of it. He was that it was in a roughly circular shape about four hundred yards in diameter. He walked around the lava pool as he searched the cavern. It was similar to what he and Laurilli had done with the lagoon, but this time he was certain there was something in the pool. He made a full circuit of the room and sat on a boulder looking at the lava.

  Uktesh noticed that two eyes were watching him from the lava. If that heat doesn’t even bother its eyes, I need to make sure not to anger it—or him or her. He pulled his feet up and assumed the meditative position. He didn’t actually meditate to the point where he lost track of his surroundings, but sat in a meditative, time passing, but definitely, eyes open trance.

  The creature’s neck rose out of the lava. Uktesh had assumed that he knew where the tattoo of a long snake-like dragon came from, but as the creature continued to rise out of the lava Uktesh saw two things. The first was that his idea of the tattoo was wrong, very wrong. The second was that as big as the cavern was, this giant animal wouldn’t fully fit in it. Uktesh didn’t move as it brought its face inches from his own, where would I, or could I, go to escape this? If grating rocks had the deepest base voice it would’ve been a soprano compared to when the giant beast said, “You are not one of my People.”

  Uktesh couldn’t believe that it could talk. He also couldn’t form any sentence other than, “Sorry.”

  The dragon continued to fill the cavern as it pulled the middle part of its massive body out of the lava. It rolled and rocked the cavern as it lay down against the ledge surrounding the lava pool. Uktesh could barely keep his panic under control as more and more of it continued to emerge from the lava and rest on the edge of the cavern. Uktesh wasn’t certain of its color, but had to guess that it was red, and maybe that it had flecks of orange along its throat. The deep resonating voice said, “You’re one of the Ancient People from across the sea.”

  Uktesh felt like an idiot when he repeated, “Sorry.”

  As the rest of its body continued along the cavern Uktesh realized that it was larger than the cavern. Uktesh didn’t feel any less trapped when its tail blocked the door and continued to rest up and over its neck. He Shadow Stepped away from a few drops of lava that landed where he’d been sitting. Almost as soon as he’d reoriented himself the dragon had also turned its face directly in front of his again. How can something so big be so fast? Uktesh couldn’t stop his legs from shaking. Nothing, nothing he could think of would harm a beast this massive. If I had a sword the best I could do would try that double perfect Woodman’s Work, but at best that would only work on the tip of its tail or a claw. Uktesh felt its voice rumble through his body as it boomed, “What does one of the People of Light want with a Wyrm of Darkness?”

  Uktesh answered, “I wish to be a dragon!”

  The dragon crashed its head into the ceiling and its whole body started to convulse with deep peels of what Uktesh realized was laughter. Its massive eye peered at him, inches from his face, “You? You would be both Light and Darkness?” It continued to chuckle to itself, “Very well, I’ve lived long enough. Let us see if you can bring about my destruction.” It breathed a jet of green flame at Uktesh. Although he Shadow Stepped around the room the massive head was able to follow him everywhere. Uktesh knew that he needed to do something to get away from the flames, so he Stepped, then attacked the giant door with a perfect Palm Strike.

  The door broke open as Uktesh was grabbed by a massive claw. As the green flame enveloped him he though he heard Dayho shout, “No! He’s not ready for that!”

  When Uktesh woke up he couldn’t make out where he was.

  “You’re in my chambers,” said a voice.

  Uktesh turned his head to see Dayho sitting on a stool. Uktesh noticed that it was especially bright in Dayho’s room. He asked, “How long was I out?”

  Dayho said, “You’re lucky, it was only an hour. Most people who are prepared for that are out for days. The Grand master said that you’d be more than fine and that you’d become, ‘more than he was before,’ but we don’t know what that means.”

  Uktesh asked, “He didn’t do that to you?”

  Dayho said, “The Grand master only gifts other grand masters with its breath.”

  Uktesh said, “He’s a he, not an it, though I’m not sure how I know that. What did the flame do to you?”

  Dayho said, “Fire. There aren’t five of us because there can only be five, there are five because we are the Shadow Walkers. To be a grand master means to master the Shadow Walk. Once you do that you visit the Grand Master again. I gained the ability to control fire.” The flame from the lantern moved around the room, before it settled back in the lantern. “Do you know what yours is?”

  Uktesh shook his head, “He just said, ‘You would be both Light and Darkness. Very well, I’ve lived long enough. Let us see if you can bring about my destruction.’ That doesn’t really give me much to go on.”

  Dayho shrugged, “It will reveal itself when the time is right.”

  Uktesh sat up from the bed and saw that he had a dragon tattoo wrapped around his chest and stomach. As he watched it moved and settled a bit. Uktesh looked at Dayho and said, “Did you see that?”

  Dayho said, “Yes, that’s the other disconcerting thing. The Grand master is a being of the elements. All five of them. It seems he has decided that you will be the last of the true grand masters. He’s decided to reside on you and in you as a tattoo.”

  “What?” That’s impossible!

  Not for me Light One.

  Uktesh shouted and fell off the bed. Or would have had his push away from the bed not propelled him out of the room and into the hallway beyond. He looked at the ruined door and realized he didn’t have a scratch on him. This is impossible! Get off me!

  You asked for this Light One.

  Quit calling me Light One! I’m Uktesh! Get! OFF! The ground started to shake, the wind spiraled around him. Fire came from the rooms around him and joined the spiral; water flowed from a faraway room; and he felt the spirit of those near him begin to flow into him. He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and knew no more.

  When Uktesh woke up all five of the grand masters were watching him. “What happened?” he asked.

  Dusyd, the grand master of spirit said, “You’re what happened! You started draining every one of their spirit! Their life force!”

  Did I do that? Or did you?

  The dragon was silent, but he could feel its anger. Wyde, the grand master of earth said, “That was enough to collapse the entryway to the training grounds! It’ll take me weeks to rebuild that!”

; Uktesh couldn’t control his sarcasm, “Next time build it in a safer place.”

  Wyde stood up, and Dayho held out a hand, “We’ve had that discussion more than once. Don’t rise to his bait.”

  Mycha the grand master of air said, “This is all your fault, Dayho! We should’ve killed him when he defeated five of our dragons!”

  Ryth said, “We all voted and you and Dusyd were outvoted. We couldn’t have predicted that this would happen.”

  Hey instead of across my chest and stomach, can you wrap yourself around my right arm? I really don’t like the full body tattoo look for myself.

  If you try to expel me again, I shall revert to your chest. The dragon moved along his skin until it was wrapped several times around his arm, from his hand to his shoulder. Uktesh had to admit it looked cool.

  Mycha said, “And then there’s that! He’s taken the Grand Master!”

  Uktesh laughed until his sides began to hurt. “I took him?” He couldn’t stop another round of laughter, “He’s the one who hijacked my body! Ask him. He’ll tell you!”

  Uktesh lifted his arm, but when nothing happened he wiggled is fist up and down. Why aren’t you saying anything to them?

  I can’t, I can only speak with you.

  Uktesh looked up, closed his eyes, and shook his head. “He says he can’t speak with you, just me.”

  Mycha scoffed, “A likely story!”

  Utkesh tried not to sigh, “I tell you what, I’m going to leave. Once you decide what to do with this situation, let me know.”

  He imagined his house and thought about getting there as quickly as possible. Suddenly he was there! He looked around, shrugged, unlocked the door, and checked to see if Laurilli was in the house. She wasn’t, so he locked back up and headed to Leilani’s, only to find himself immediately standing in front of her bar. That’s useful!

  You’re welcome!

  What are you doing?

  Shadow Walking. There’s a limit as to how far you can go, but a few hundred yards, as long as you’re familiar with the destination, is no problem.

  I know how to Shadow Walk?


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