Fighting to Save US

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Fighting to Save US Page 20

by Sarah Stevens

  “I’d love to be married before the boys arrive, and we still have a few months before that happens since I’m only halfway through my pregnancy. But when will we have time to plan a wedding, move, and prepare for the boy’s arrival? Hell, we don’t even have any names picked out for them, let alone anything we need.” I can feel the anxiety of everything starting to pile up on me. I take a few breaths and try to relax, but there’s just so much going on—all of it good, but still a lot.

  “Babe, we don’t have to have a big wedding if you don’t want to, but if you want a big wedding, I’ll make sure you have it. What do you want? Either way, the boys will have my name when they are born, and as long as you’re by my side, we can wait to get married.”

  “I don’t need a big wedding, but I do want to have your name when the boys are born.”

  “How fast can you find a dress?”

  “Knowing Kat and my mom, I can have one within a week.”

  “Then we get married in two weeks. Leave it all to me. We can have it at your parents’ house, get a Justice of the Peace, and have all the people we care about there.”

  “Two weeks, huh? I better call my mom and Kat.”

  “I’ll call them and get everything set up. You just worry about finding a dress and being there.”

  Max takes out his phone and calls my mom, and the two of them have everything planned within an hour. He then hands me the phone.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hey, sweetie. Be ready tomorrow morning. There will be a car waiting for you at eight a.m. We’ll be going to Boston tomorrow to find you a dress. Now you take it easy tonight, get some rest and be ready to shop. I love you, bye!”

  Dazed for a minute, I look at the phone, wondering what the hell just happened, then I let it sink in and enjoy the fact that I will be marrying Max in just two short weeks.

  I hand Max back his phone and snuggle into him. “You are amazing, and I love you.”

  “I’d do anything for you. Anything. And if my name is what you want, I’ll gladly give you that as soon as I can.”

  “Thank you.”

  The next day is crazy. We go to two boutiques as soon as we get to Boston, then stop and have some lunch, then at the third boutique we find the dress I can’t live without. A V-neck beaded bodice with wide lacy straps, an A-line tulle and lace skirt with a court train. The back is just as beautiful with the laced up back and continued beading. It is such a perfect dress for me. They are able to measure for alterations before we leave and tell me my dress will be ready by Friday to have the final fitting. With my ever-growing belly, I decide that I want to wait until as close to the date as possible to have the final alterations done. We set up an appointment to come back the next Wednesday, leaving a little room for any additional fixes.

  The week flies by, and we are back in Boston for the final fitting before I know it. Max has been running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Between getting the business started and open, planning the wedding that he won’t let me help with, I feel like I hardly get to see him. The following week after the wedding, we’ll be signing the final paperwork for the house and getting the keys. I still need to decide on furniture for the bedroom and living room; everything else can wait since we have an island in the kitchen that we can eat at for the time being.

  While Max and my mom are busy planning, I grab Kat and Steph to go shopping and pick out the furniture we’ll need. Everything is coming together so quickly that I’m starting to get overwhelmed by it all.

  By the end of the day, Kat and I’ve picked out an amazing living room set and a bedroom set that I hope Max will like. I set up delivery for the day after we close on the house. We make our way back to the Old Port and go our separate ways. Steph was starting to get cranky, so it’s definitely time to call it a day. When I arrive back at the apartment, Max is there sitting on the couch, looking a lot more relaxed than I feel.

  “Hey, babe, how was your day? Find everything you wanted for the house?”

  I walk over and collapse next to him, and he immediately pulls me into his side, kissing the top of my head. “Yeah, I got the living room and bedroom all ordered and scheduled for delivery the day after we close. How was your day?”

  “Busy, but I think everything is all set for Saturday. Are you ready to become my wife?”

  “More than ready, but do you feel like we have too much going on all at once?”

  “A little bit, but once Saturday is here and I can call you my wife, we can concentrate on the house. Black Knight is open, and our schedule is already filling up. We have two cases that we need to work on but Mike is doing all the foot work for those, for the time being. I just need you to show up at your mom’s house by nine on Saturday morning. Everything’s all set and ready to go. Your mom is amazing— I’ve hardly had to do anything besides make final decisions.”

  “Yeah she does like to plan a party, whatever the occasion.” I laugh.

  The rest of the night, we sit and cuddle on the couch after ordering Chinese for dinner. Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment and glucose test. After a long day of house shopping, I’m tired, and fall asleep while watching a movie with Max.

  When I wake up, I’m a little disoriented because I don’t recall how I got into bed. My last memory of the night before was being on the couch, watching a movie. I turn my head to the side and see Max lying there, snoring away. I don’t want to wake him, so I get up and take a shower, getting ready for the day. Because of the glucose test, I have to skip breakfast. Now that I can eat and keep it down, they want to take that from me. It isn’t the end of the world, but today it feels like it, because I really want a bagel and cream cheese.

  Once I’m ready, I wake Max up so he can get his shower. My appointment is in an hour, so he has about thirty minutes to get ready, which he does in record time, as always. Soon we are both at the door, ready to leave.

  The appointment goes well, and the glucose test went as well as can be expected, especially when you have to drink something that tastes like flat orange soda. It was disgusting, but I made it through. I have my blood drawn, drink the orange mixture, wait an hour, and have my blood drawn again. Max was there by my side, so the hour went by quickly, having him to talk to.

  When we get back home, Max gives me a kiss and leaves for the office. I’m bored and feel helpless because everyone else is doing everything for me. I decide to start packing some of our things up that we won’t need over the next week, to prepare for the short move to Falmouth. I’m really going to miss living in the city, but I can’t wait to get my hands on the house and decorate, especially the boys’ nursery. We have enough space where they could each have their own room, but for now, we’ve decided to keep them together to make the night time a lot easier on us.

  Once I feel accomplished, I sit down with the baby name book. Not only do I have to find one perfect name, but I need two.

  I mark a few names that jump out at me, make myself a snack, and do what I do best lately, lie around. The day drags on as I wait for Max to return home, but it isn’t Max that shows up at my door, it’s Kat—along with our moms.

  “What are you all doing here?”

  “Get yourself ready we’re going out,” Kat says. “It’s bachelorette party time!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “We’re just going to go have a really nice dinner and celebrate your last night of being single,” my mom pipes in.

  With a little sigh, I go get myself ready the best I can with my ever-growing belly. I haven’t really bought any nice things for maternity wear, so I find myself a pretty maxi dress that has a lot of stretch to it, quickly do my makeup, and twist my hair up into a messy, stylish bun.

  “Okay, I’m ready. Do I look all right? I really don’t have much I can wear out these days.”

  “You look great. Now let’s go, we have a reservation.” Kat tugs at my arm, barely giving me the chance to grab my phone and purse off the counter before shoving me o
ut the door.

  A short drive later, we’re pulling up to one of the best restaurants in the city. Kat hands her keys to the valet as we make our way to the hostess, who is dressed in all black, sleek and skinny. I think to myself how I miss the days of dressing in my favorite clothes and being skinny. Lately, I feel like a whale. Kat catches the look on my face and asks, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, just missing my waistline a little bit.”

  “You look amazing, sweetie, and I know Max only has eyes for you. He planned this night for you. He wants you to have the best of everything. He loves you with everything he is. I know you have been a little lost lately, with so much going on around you and you just sitting back and watching, but just you wait until things calm down. When you’re in your new house and the babies arrive, you’ll realize that everything is perfect. Well, almost everything—it will be a lot of work with two little men to care for, but I’ll be there to help, and so will our moms. Right, Moms?”

  “Right,” they say in unison.

  I’m surrounded by the three women that mean the most to me, and I realize I’m being foolish. I’m not alone, even though I feel like it sometimes lately. When I wanted to be alone, no one would stay away, but now that so much is going on, and I don’t want to be alone all the time, everyone is busy—but busy helping me and Max begin our life together. With a new resolve, I lift my chin and slap a smile on my face.

  “Thank you. Thank you for everything you all have been doing to help. I’m sorry, I just got into my head a little too much.” Looking to Kat, I say, “I needed that little pep talk, girl.”

  “I’m always here for you, even when you’re being a cranky pregnant woman.”

  We all laugh and follow the hostess to our table.

  The night goes well, and we all enjoy talking and catching up. I am reassured that tomorrow will be perfect, and Max has done an amazing job getting everything together. I hug Kat and start walking to my apartment, but before I go, I call over my shoulder, “See you in the morning!”

  “Hey Bren, we have a car coming at eight-thirty to pick us up and take us to your mom’s house. Be ready.”

  “I’m more than ready!”

  I haven’t looked at my phone all night, and when I do, I’m disappointed to see Max left me a text saying he won’t be coming home tonight but staying with Jackson at the hotel.

  I finally text him back.

  Bren: Love you, miss you

  Max: Love you too. See you tomorrow to begin the rest of our new life together.

  Bren: I’ll be there. Night!

  I take a shower and head to bed, waiting for my life to forever be changed.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  I get woken up by Jackson the next morning, a coffee cup shoved in my face.

  “Wake up, Prince Charming, time to go get you married.”

  I rub my eyes with one hand and grip the hot cup in the other. “I’m up, thanks for the coffee. What time is it?”

  “Just after eight. Kat called to let me know they are on the way to Bren’s parents’ house. Everything is going as planned.”


  “I have breakfast waiting in the other room. We should plan on leaving by ten.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I get up, eat my breakfast and then start to get ready after I shower. By nine-thirty I’m pacing the floor. Jackson walks out twenty minutes later, and I can’t wait any longer, dragging him out the door to the car. We swing by and pick up James and Steph, who looks adorable in her frilly dress. Once we have Steph settled in her car seat, we’re on our way.

  “Ready for today, Max?” James asks.

  “More than you know, man. I’m ready to officially make her mine.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing they’ve got her there on lockdown, then.”

  The drive feels like it takes forever, but even when we arrive, I still have to wait to see Bren until eleven, when the ceremony starts. James, Jackson, and I wait in one section of the house with Bren’s dad and Kat’s stepfather, until everyone is ready. James took Steph up to where the girls are and delivered a gift I had for Bren. Kat made sure to have the something old and something borrowed, and I made sure she had something new. I can’t wait to see the earrings dangling from her earlobes.

  After a quick swallow of scotch each, we all make our way to the backyard, and I meet the Justice of the Peace. The guys are all ready as everyone starts to take their seats. The music starts to play, and Kat starts her walk down the aisle. Once she makes it to the front, the music changes, and I see a glimpse of Bren’s dress peek around the corner just before she appears in front of my eyes, latched on to her dad’s arm. The first thing I notice is her smile—it lights up her whole face, much like the smile that’s on my face, I’m sure. She’s beautiful, and her dress is perfect. I watch her slowly make her way to me, and it seems like it takes forever. I have to stop myself from meeting her halfway.

  She stands two feet away from me, still holding her dad’s arm, when I hear “Who gives this woman to be married?”

  “Her mother and I do,” he answers, before slipping her hand into mine. The movements feel almost automatic, because I can’t keep my eyes off of hers. We stand there, facing one another, as the Justice of the Peace goes through the ceremony. I almost forget my cue when I’m supposed to say “I do,” because I’m so engrossed in Bren and her smile. The ceremony is quick, and before I know it, I have my wife by my side and we’re making our way back down the aisle. When we get to the end, I pull her into my arms and pour all my love into one kiss. I only pull away when I hear someone clear their throat to get our attention.

  “Let’s get some pictures before we start to party,” Jackson says.

  “Sounds good,” Bren answers, and we pick a beautiful spot in the backyard for what seems like an excessive amount of photos.

  We’ve had pictures taken, lunch has been eaten, the cake has been cut, and the bouquet has been tossed to Kat, the only one not married yet—but she has a ring on her finger already. I’m ready to take my wife away for the next three days for a short honeymoon.

  “Bren, are you about ready to head out?” I ask.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I've planned a short honeymoon for a few days before things get really crazy for us, between the house and the babies. Are you ready to start this adventure with me, wife?” I smile because I like the sound of that word. I never thought I would be married, let alone married with twins on the way.

  “More than ready, husband.”

  I like the way that sounds just as much. I give her a quick kiss then turn to our family.

  “This is where we call it a day, everyone. It’s time I whisk my wife off for a mini honeymoon, but before we say goodbye, I want to thank each and every one of you for everything you’ve done for both of us. It hasn’t been easy on us, and I imagine not very easy on any of you.” I bring Bren into my side, holding her close. “We couldn’t have gotten here today without each of you.”

  “I love you all, thank you!” Bren says from my side.

  Everyone surrounds us to say their goodbyes, giving us hugs, and then we are on our way. Our bags are already packed and in the car, and we head to a chalet in New Hampshire for a quiet romantic weekend.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  Today was perfect in every way possible. Max, Kat, and our moms did an amazing job with the wedding, and now I sit hand in hand with my husband, on our way to our honeymoon. Wow, it’s kind of weird saying it, but it’s exciting at the same time.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “I rented a chalet in New Hampshire for the next couple of nights. Nothing tropical or extravagant, but I wanted to do something special before the chaos takes over our lives.”

  “That sounds absolutely perfect to me. I love you, husband.”

  “I love you too, wife.”

  We sit in comfortable silence during the car ride, hold
ing hands, still in our wedding clothes. I think we’re both letting the day sink in. Hell, I’m trying to let my life sink in after everything that has happened. A short while later we pull up to a beautiful chalet nestled in the White Mountains. It’s early evening by the time we arrive. Once Max has the car in park, he comes around to my side, opening the door and pulling me to my feet.

  “I can’t believe you are my wife,” he says as he kisses me, before scooping me up into his arms and carrying me to the door. He fumbles with the keys to the place before unlocking the door. When he carries me inside, I gasp at the beauty of the place, with natural wood finishes and slick hardwood floors. There’s an amazing fireplace on one end and stairs that I assume lead to the bedrooms on the other, with a kitchen in one corner. The entire place has an open concept to it, and I love it.

  Setting me down on my feet he asks, “Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful. I love it.” I rise up on my tiptoes and capture his mouth with mine. He picks me up, tulle and all, as I wrap my legs around his waist the best I can with a couple of little boys nestled in my tummy between us. As much as I feel like I weigh five hundred pounds, he carries me up the stairs like I weigh nothing and finds the master bedroom. I don’t bother to take a look around, because all I can think about is making love with my husband for the first time. Well, not the first time, but the first time as his wife.

  Max brings me to the edge of the bed and gently lays me down on the mattress. He stands and looks at me like I’m his next meal, and it doesn’t bother me at all. I’m all his, but then I realize it took three women to get me into this dress, and it won’t be coming off easily, with the woven ribbon that is laced up my back.

  “Max, before anything happens, you have a job to do.” He raises his eyebrow at me in confusion until I roll over onto my tummy and he sees the laced ribbon.


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