
Home > Other > Firewall > Page 18
Firewall Page 18

by Sierra Riley

  Justin took out his phone as he and Calder walked toward a parking garage. It was the most clichéd place to meet but it was massive and out of the way.

  “Hello, Wallace,” Justin said as he called Wallace’s number and Wallace picked up. Finding the number had been no issue at all.

  “Justin! I know you have something of mine and I want it back,” Wallace demanded in a hushed whisper.

  “If you want it back so badly, then you’ll meet me at the parkade on Elm Street.”

  “You bastard. I can send the cops after you.”

  “You could but then you’ll risk losing your hard drive to them, and you wouldn’t want that, would you?”

  Wallace growled. “I’ll be there in ten.”

  “See you soon.” Justin hung up, then nodded. “He’s on his way. Perfect timing, too.”

  Calder nodded as the two moved to the middle of the lowest level. “Are you sure about all this?”

  “Dead sure.”

  As the two waited, the concrete beneath them stained with grease and oils from cars that had come and gone, the silence was almost overwhelming.

  “This is it. If he doesn’t back away after this, then I don’t know what else to do,” Justin uttered as he gazed to his side at Calder.

  “Don’t worry about that right now, all right? One thing at a time,” Calder soothed as he reached for Justin’s hand.

  Justin took Calder’s hand without hesitation, his breath caught in his throat at the intimate and reassuring touch. He swallowed hard and nodded, gazing into Calder’s eyes. “Thank you for sticking with me throughout this. Any other person would’ve been out long ago.”

  “What are friends for?” Calder murmured.

  Justin winced but decided not to touch that one right now. Calder had to know by now that they were so much more than friends.

  But now was not the time to address it.

  Ten minutes later, Wallace showed up. He strode toward them with fire in his eyes. As much as Wallace unnerved him, Justin had to play it cool. He had the upper hand now, although that had changed quickly before, too.

  “Stop right there,” Justin demanded.

  Wallace slowed his pace and kept his distance, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides. “Give me the hard drive.”

  “I’m not sure that I can do that. I don’t think you’ll leave us alone even if you have this back in your hands. We know what’s on it, Wallace. Your secret’s not so secret anymore. You’ve been giving all of this information to Mr. Huang, haven’t you? And anyone else that’s willing to pay a handsome sum, I bet.”

  “There’s no harm in making a bit of extra cash.”

  “The law disagrees with you there,” Justin snorted. “So here’s the deal. I’m trying to move on and do my own thing. If we give this drive back to you, you never set foot near us again, all right?”

  The thought of Wallace having all of that information back again made Justin sick to the stomach. Justin prided himself in stopping this kind of shady business as his career, and now he was on the wrong side of it. Of course, he was smart enough download a copy of the information off Wallace's hard drive as backup. He had been tempted to delete everything but he wanted to confront Wallace once and for all.

  And give Wallace a taste of his own medicine. It was almost time but Justin had to stall a little longer.

  Wallace eyed them both. Justin’s heart was in his throat as Wallace seemed to mull it over. He then moved forward with a nod. “I think that’s a deal I can make.”

  Justin opened the garbage bag and removed the hard drive. He started to hand it over to Wallace when Wallace suddenly went for something in his jacket as well.

  Calder surged forward to intercept Wallace. A flash of metal glinted in Wallace’s hand off the dim lights of the parkade. Calder had a firm grip on Wallace’s wrist, pointing the gun upward as they wrestled. Wallace was smaller than Calder but determined and wry. He wasn’t giving up that gun.

  Justin didn’t have a sweet clue what to do in this situation as he clutched the hard drive. He was frozen on the spot and scared for Calder’s life.

  When Calder tried to get the upper hand, Wallace tossed his gun. It clanged loudly off the concrete as it slid away from them. Calder grabbed Wallace to restrain him, although Wallace was making every effort to get to his gun.

  It happened so fast that Justin wasn’t sure what had happened but Calder suddenly lost his grip on Wallace. In a split second, Wallace dove for the gun again.

  This is it. This is the end, Justin thought as Wallace grabbed the weapon and spun around to face them.

  “You know what? I was contemplating letting you two walk away but now that’s not going to happen. Especially since I know for sure you would've backed that drive up to have one more thing on me. Justin, and for that, your boyfriend will die.”

  Justin's world came crashing down as the horrid words rung in his ears. Without even thinking, he threw himself at Calder to protect him. He was fully prepared to hear a shot ring out and have hot metal pierce through his body.

  But instead, there was the sound of police sirens screaming as red and blue lights illuminated the darkness. Police cars screeched onto the scene and cops poured out with their own weapons drawn.

  Justin gripped Calder tight and was gripped tight in return as they were surrounded. He was somehow still half-expecting to be shot but Wallace wasn't taking it now that the cops were there. A large part of Justin was also afraid a police gun might go off as well.

  “You didn't think we'd come here alone, did you?” Justin stated, standing tall with Calder even though he couldn't let Calder go. Having the cops arrive on the scene had been the plan for meeting with Wallace. He had to get the cops involved to get Wallace and the hard drive to put an end to everything.

  Wallace snarled and put the gun down as he lowered himself to the ground. The police swarmed them and within moments, Wallace was in custody. As Wallace was hauled away and put into the back of a car, Justin stared after him in a daze.

  He broke the gaze and his grip on Calder to give the nearest police officer the hard drive. “Everything you need on him is on there,” he explained before drawing back. He couldn’t hear the response as sounds all blended together to become one again

  Now Wallace was going to get the punishment he deserved. Wallace was going to be behind bars in federal prison.

  It was all over.



  It seemed like forever before Justin and Calder finally arrived home. As soon as they did, Justin called Laura to let them know that everything was done. He didn’t tell Laura about the details yet since he needed time to process everything for himself.

  Was all of this something he’d ever really get over, though?

  He couldn't get the image of Calder wrestling with Wallace for the gun out of his head. Calder had been so quick, so brave, when disarming Wallace. Without seemingly thinking about it, Calder had jumped in there to save him.

  What if he had been shot then? Just like with the raid, images of Calder dying on the ground rushed Justin's mind. His clothes stained red and ragged last breaths... Those were the kinds of images that would be forever seared into his mind.

  “You were going to take a bullet for me.”

  Calder's words, the first words spoken since they entered the home, jarred Justin. He swallowed hard and nodded as he reached for Calder's hand. “It was instinct. I mean, the first time Wallace went for the gun, I froze, but...”

  “Don't blame yourself for that. That's an instinct, too,” Calder stated as he squeezed Justin's hand. “I just can't believe you did that for me. You're incredible.”

  Justin blushed as he inched closer to Calder. “I dragged you into all of this. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt.”

  “I'm supposed to be your bodyguard,” Calder lightly teased. The playfulness in his eyes and the lightness to the mood made Justin relax. He was reeling from everything but having Calder th
ere alive and well, and with him, was the best feeling in the world.

  “I can protect you now and again, too, y'know. Let's just not get involved with anything this big for a while, huh?”

  The two shared a laugh and then fell silent as they gazed at each other. Justin's eyes flickered between Calder's, his heart squeezing as the long, silent moments ticked by.

  What would Calder do now that it seemed like the threat was taken care of?

  “Stay with me,” Justin breathed.

  Calder's soft eyes held confusion now as he squeezed Justin's hand. “What?”

  “A few days ago, I overheard the conversation about you going back to working with your old employer.”

  Calder winced. “You heard that, huh?”

  “Yeah. I know the thing with Wallace is taken care of now but there’s still so much you can do to help with the company, too. You could continue being my PA and then moving on to be head of security, if you wanted. I’m not sure about how I’d do the pay until then but—”

  “Whoa, you’re rambling,” Calder laughed as he rubbed Justin’s hand to try and calm him down.

  “I just... I’m afraid of losing you now.”

  As Justin’s eyes teared up at the corners, Calder hauled him in for a strong hug. It wasn’t a manly half-hug thing but an actual embrace. That embrace was what Justin needed most in the world at that moment.

  “I’m not taking the job.”

  Justin raised his head, his chest fluttering. “You’re not?”

  “No, as tempting as it was, that’s no longer for me. I want to be here with you—for you—to start this new adventure. Don’t worry about the pay right now.”

  “I promise that once everything’s underway, you’ll get a good salary.”

  “I have more than enough money banked away to keep me going, so there’s no rush. I can probably invest a little in the firm, too, if you need it.”

  “Oh? I’d appreciate that,” Justin uttered, his heart light as Calder slid his arms around his middle in return. “So, would you consider still living with me?”

  “Since I already have my stuff here and all, yeah, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” Justin responded more quickly than he had meant to.

  Calder laughed. “I’ll just have to sublet my apartment back in Los Angeles but that shouldn’t be too big of an issue. I’ll have Vince take care of that.”

  “Do you think this is too much?” Justin asked, fidgeting in Calder’s hold.

  “What is?”

  “Well, everything’s happened so fast since you moved here.”

  “But it was years in the making.”

  Justin’s cheeks burst with colors at these words, his grip around Calder tightening. “Was it? I mean, I’ve already said that I liked you and have for a long time.”

  “I’ve always liked you, too,” Calder uttered as he lifted a hand to brush through Justin’s hair.

  “But as something more than a friend?” Justin pressed. He needed to hear it.

  “Yes, as more than a friend.”

  “But you’ve always been with women. I thought you didn’t have any interest in guys,” Justin breathed.

  “I don’t have interest in guys. I hardly have interest in women either. I’m only interested in you,” Calder pointed out.

  Justin’s head spun at the admission, his heart pounding in his chest.

  “I just never knew how to approach it,” Calder insisted. “And in some ways, I wish I had approached it sooner but my friendship with you meant more than anything and I didn’t want to fuck that up.”

  “I always felt that way, too,” Justin uttered as he nodded his head sharply. “I slept with other guys but they.... they never lived up to my expectations. I think I was always looking for you in them, as lame as it sounds.”

  “It’s not the lamest thing I’ve ever heard,” Calder teased.

  Justin laughed and shoved away from Calder but then grunted with surprise as Calder hauled him back in against him. The way their bodies collided together sent shivers racing up and down Justin’s spine.

  Justin licked his lips as he raised a hand to press to Calder’s chest. “So, do you want to try maybe being boyfriends instead of best friends?”

  “I’m happy to hold both titles.” Calder deeply chuckled as he ran a hand slowly up Justin’s back.

  Justin was speechless as he stared up into Calder’s eyes. That moment felt so perfect. It was then that Justin was hit with the fact that he’d never be alone again. In reality, he had never been alone. No matter what, Calder had been there for him even if it wasn’t in person. He had always been someone that Justin could go to, to rant about the bad days and enthuse about the good.

  And now they were going to walk down a new path together.

  “Take me to bed, Calder.”

  Justin didn’t have to ask twice as Calder hoisted him up into his arms. Justin gasped, wrapping his legs around Calder’s middle and slinging his arms around his shoulders. Having Calder’s muscular arms supporting him was an incredible feeling.

  “Anything for you,” Calder grinned.

  To show his affection, and catch Calder a bit off guard, Justin snuck in little kisses while playing with his short, blond hair. He even tried to grind a little while in Calder’s arms but that didn’t turn out too well as Calder wobbled a bit while going upstairs.

  “Hey, now,” Calder laughed. “Don’t make us fall.”

  “The only falling I want to do is into bed,” Justin giggled as he playfully nipped at Calder’s lips. The confidence he had around Calder was amazing. There was so much he wanted to do and explore with Calder.

  It seemed like the whole world was open to him now.

  By the time they made it to the top of the stairs, the kiss was anything but playful. Justin was going in for the kill, pressing himself hard against Calder and kissing him deeply. He was still somewhat clumsy but he definitely should have been given points for effort. Calder was responding well enough.

  Tonight there’d be no excuses. Tonight he wanted to hear sounds of pleasure tumbling from Calder’s lips. He didn’t want Calder to hold anything back, and Justin didn’t intend to hold anything back either.

  Tonight was all about them and Justin didn’t want them to feel restrained in any way.

  Well, except by each other.

  Justin moaned through the kiss as Calder walked through the doorway of his bedroom. He held on tight as Calder approached the bed and then dropped them both onto it. The weight of Calder falling on top of him as he was crushed into the mattress took the wind out of him but in such a good way.

  “Calder...” Justin moaned, not yet unwrapping his limbs from around his stocky body. The pure weight of Calder against him was more erotic than anything Justin could ever have imagined. It made everything so real.

  “Is there anything you want me to do in particular?” Calder growled, the invitation causing Justin’s cock to push even more insistently against the front of his pants.

  “So many things,” Justin breathed, shivering beneath the hunk of a man. “B-But I don’t have much experience in things, so we should probably go slow.”

  “I’ll go as slow or fast as you want and need,” Calder promised with a grin as he ground their bodies together. “And, you know, neither do I.”

  The heat and friction between them made Justin moan, arching upward. He untangled his legs from around Calder’s middle and pressed his feet into the bed, keeping his knees raised. His grip around Calder’s back remained as firm as ever. He never wanted to let Calder go.

  Justin tilted his head back as Calder leaned down to press kisses along his collarbone. The bit of stubble mixed with firm lips had Justin’s toes already curling. He didn’t want to come as fast as he had the first time they’d been together but he wasn’t sure if he could keep that silent promise to either of them.

  Justin’s heart was about ready to pound out of his chest, he was so excited and aroused by eve
rything. He wanted to see Calder’s naked body for the first time in his life. He wanted to experience it at its fullest.

  He wanted them to become one.

  Justin slid his hands down to the hem of Calder’s shirt, tugging it up. Calder shifted so that Justin was able to pull the shirt free. Once Justin tossed it aside and Calder sat up, straddling him, his eyes trailed over his magnificent chest. It was so perfectly sculpted, each muscle well defined. There was a light layer of hair across the pecs and down the center of Calder’s abdomen. Calder was just hairy enough to be sexy, since Justin craved the sensation of carding his fingers through chest hair but not getting them tangled.

  “Is it everything you dreamed of?” Calder murmured. For a brief moment, the tone was more imploring than a confident statement. Was Calder worried that Justin would be turned off at this point?

  “Definitely,” Justin assured his lover, reaching up and brushing his hands over Calder’s chest. “You’re even more handsome than I ever could’ve imagined. Those pictures online don’t do this chest justice.”

  Calder laughed but remained still as Justin explored him. Justin was entranced as he traced over the muscles and massaged Calder’s pecs. He wanted to go for the nipples but he was too shy to go that far yet.

  All in due time. He didn’t have to rush to do everything he wanted to try that night. There’d be many more days and nights ahead of them to build that kind of experience up.

  Then, when Calder brought his hands to Justin’s shirt, Justin blushed. He shifted around and helped Calder remove his shirt and then flopped back onto the bed. His cheeks were red as he stared up at Calder, then quickly removed his pants, leaving himself completely naked beneath Calder.

  “Oh, Justin, you’re beautiful,” Calder uttered.

  “Beautiful?” Justin snorted.

  “Beautiful, and sexy, and everything that I can’t put into words,” Calder insisted as he leaned down and pressed his hands to Justin’s chest. As soon as he did, Justin’s nerves came to life. He almost wanted to squirm away from the touch but held still.


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