The Day He Went Away

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The Day He Went Away Page 22

by Millikin, Jennifer

  Harper gives me the details and I end the call by telling her I’m having dinner at a coworkers house and need to go.

  She says goodbye with a flirtatious tone, and I get the feeling I’m falling on a sword. But I’m quickly learning that I’ll do just about anything for Kate, including accompany Harper to an event.

  All my missions in the Army were life or death. But this mission?

  It may be my most dangerous one of all.



  “Do I need to dress you tonight?” Harper’s standing in my bedroom, hands on her hips. She looks into my bathroom mirror and watches my curling iron release a section of hair.

  It’s the night of my work party. All day I’ve toyed with the idea of suddenly coming down with an illness. If I had better attendance at work in the past six months I might develop a sudden case of food poisoning, but the fact is that I don’t have a stellar attendance record right now, and I can’t afford to miss out on this event.

  I wind my last length of hair around the hot wand and avoid Harper’s gaze. “I didn’t go shopping.” Maybe it’s because I think it’s just a silly party, or maybe it’s because I’m trying to keep myself from making a big deal about being Trent’s new colleague. Either way, I was planning on wearing a cocktail dress I already own.

  “Of course you didn’t.” Harper spins and walks away.

  She’s been a royal pain in the ass all day. I was granted a few hours reprieve when she went to the event site to oversee set-up, but then she was back, full of energy and annoying remarks. My patience is starting to wear thin.

  “Here.” Harper sails back into my room. I set down the curling iron and walk to where she stands next to my bed. “Don’t spill a drink on it or I’ll kill you.” She carefully lays a plastic bag on my comforter and removes the dress.

  It’s knee-length with a deep scooped neckline. “I love that shade of purple.” I run my hand across the fabric. It’s smooth and cool.

  “It’s aubergine,” she snaps.

  Breathe… She’s just stressed. This party is a really big deal for her.

  “Thanks for letting me borrow it.”

  She points a stiff finger at me. “No stains.”

  “I heard you the first time,” I murmur.

  “And use this clutch. I have another one that looks just like it, so we’ll be twins.” She tosses the shiny silver purse on my bed. “I’m going to get dressed. Nick will be here any minute.”


  I open my mouth to ask, but she’s already gone. She did that on purpose.

  I follow her. Just like she wants me to. Just like she knows I will.

  I stop at the entrance to her bedroom. “Why will Nick be here any minute?”

  Harper steps carefully into her dress. She pulls it up and admires herself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror on her wall. I’m pretty sure only blondes look that incredible in aquamarine.

  “Can you zip me?”

  She gathers her hair and holds it out to the side. Her gaze is down, expectant.

  Dutifully I grab the metal and yank. The sound of the zipper mimics my irritation. Short and loud.

  “Why will Nick be here any minute?” My voice is strained by the effort I’m expending to stay calm. She’s up to something.

  She looks at me through the mirror. On her face is a carefully placed look of innocence and surprise.

  “Oh, he didn’t tell you? That’s weird, I thought you were close.”

  I breath deep. “Tell me what?”

  “Nick asked if he could attend the event with me.”

  My heartbeats pick up. It’s not a big deal, I tell myself. Nick’s single. Harper’s single. This was bound to happen. And yet, I hate it.

  Nick’s kind, funny, and caring. He’s truthful, almost to a fault. He’s insightful, and empathetic. He’s an all-around good person. He gave me a coloring book to heal my broken soul, for God’s sake.

  And Harper… She’s not going to start boiling kittens anytime soon, but she’s not the girl for Nick.

  But he asked her out. Sort of. Why didn't he mention any of this to me on Thanksgiving? We were all there, minus James, stuffing our faces with too much food, and Nick didn't tell me he was coming to my company party. Or that he's interested in my roommate after all.

  My smile is forced. It makes my cheeks puff up and my eyes squint. “Good for you. I know you’ve been hoping he would be interested in you.”

  Harper turns around. “Oh, Kate, don’t be upset. Liking Nick just isn’t in your best interest.”

  I balk. “What are you talking about?”

  “It would just be weird, you know, with the whole Ethan connection.”

  I keep my mouth shut and let my irritated sigh exit my nose. “Please stop speaking in riddles.”

  “Oh, you’re still doing the denying thing. Sorry, I thought your attraction to Nick was out in the open.” She bares her teeth, making a face that says ‘whoops’ for her. “Don’t worry, I’m going to take him off your hands. Help you avoid a situation that wouldn’t be any good for you.” She pats my shoulder.

  I’m so frustrated and irritated with her that I want to pull my hair out, strand by strand.

  I return to my room to get dressed, and refuse to think about the two of them going on a date tonight. To my work party.

  The aubergine dress slips over my head. My hand glides over the soft fabric. In the mirror is a girl who looks so different than the girl who, a little over five months ago, lay in her bed dying of a broken heart. I've come so far.

  I grab Harper's silver purse off my bed and go find her. “Have fun with Nick tonight.” I stick my head into her room. “I’ll see you both there.”

  “Wait, let me see you.” Harper walks from her bathroom, threading an earring through her earlobe. I stand up straight.

  “You're perfect. Good thing you lost that wine weight. A dress like this would show any imperfection.”

  Was that a dig? Or a compliment? I can't tell.

  “Right… Thanks. See you at the party.” I hurry from the apartment. I don’t want to be here when Nick arrives to pick up Harper.

  My sigh of relief fills my car as the needle on the speedometer ticks higher and higher.


  I didn’t know Royal Palms was at the base of Camelback. But there it is, and there is the sign for the resort. I follow the directions spouting from my phone until I reach the narrow driveway and turn in. My car bumps over the stones as I stare up at the mountain towering over the resort. The setting sun has swathed the peaks in pink. Shadows lie on the sides facing east. My car rolls to a stop in front of the valet. He takes my keys and points me in the direction of the event room.

  I step through two big, Spanish-style wooden doors and into the party. Sarah spots me right away and comes over.

  “Isn’t this place beautiful?” She points at the wooden beams on the ceiling, then to the intricate tile beneath our feet.

  I glance where her finger tells me to, but just for a second. My gaze is stuck on what’s beyond the other set of doors leading out to the large patio and pool. Camelback sits right in my view. Pain and yearning skitter across my chest.

  “Come on, let’s go say hello to Lynn.” Sarah yanks my arm, taking me away from the open doors.

  Lynn stands at the end of the bar, sipping a glass of wine. We make small talk, but it’s hard to focus. I keep thinking of the last time I was on Camelback. I reach down and run a hand over my healed ankle.

  Someone else joins us and wants Lynn’s attention, and I use it as my cue to walk away with Sarah. She wasn’t really participating in the conversation with Lynn anyway, even though it was her idea to go say hi. She added a ‘hmm’ and ‘how interesting’, but for the most part her attention was fixed on who was entering the party. It’s clear she sees this merger with Maxim as her big opportunity to find the man of her dreams.

  A server with a tray full of bright pink martini’s stops us and asks if we would like
one. Sarah takes two and pushes one into my hand. “Drink this. I need you to be happier.”

  “I’m happy,” I grumble. I look down at the martini. At least it’s not wine. A martini, I can resist. I’ll hold it and pretend.

  “Well, you should be. You look amazing.” She motions with her drink. “That guy over there thinks so too.”

  I follow her gaze. When I see who it is, I snap my eyes back to Sarah.

  “Please tell me he isn’t looking anymore.”

  “He's not looking at you so much as he is walking to you.”

  I want to run and hide.

  Trent stops in front of us with a plate of food in his hand and an insincere smile plastered across his face.

  “Kate. Long time no see. Or talk.” His voice sounds friendly, but I know what’s beneath the smooth tone. He’s conniving. He’s manipulative. And he still hates me.

  “Careful, Trent. One might think you’ve missed me.”

  Trent chuckles. “You look good, Kate. Finally crawl out of the bottle?”

  My sharp intake of breath leaves the top of my lungs with an ache.

  Trent twirls one of his long, ugly fingers in the air. “Word gets around.”

  Who would there be to talk about me? I don’t go places. I don’t see people. Just Nick. And Harper.

  Oh my God. Harper.

  I’ve come to expect her attitude, her intolerance for my grief, her snarky comments. But this?

  “Nice to see you again, Trent. My friend and I were just headed to the ladies’ room. Excuse us.” I grab Sarah’s hand and march away, leading us through groups of chatting people. I don’t even know if I’m going in the direction of the restroom. I just know I’m headed toward the front of this large, wide open event room. I could leave now, before Harper and Nick arrive. The idea is tantalizing. Lynn has already seen me. There are enough people here that she wouldn’t miss my absence. I’m still walking in that direction when the massive wooden front doors open, and in walks Harper. And Nick.

  My sudden stop makes Sarah bump into me. Bright pink liquid sloshes over the full glass and onto my dress.

  I’m struck by how good they look together. The tall blonde with curves in the right places, the dark haired man with piercing blue eyes. Her dress matches his eyes. Sort of.

  Harper grins when she sees us, and she looks genuinely happy. This is where she shines. She has Nick on her arm, there haven’t been any problems with the event, and everyone is having a great time. Of course she’s happy.

  I can’t even begin to fake a smile when Nick and Harper reach us.

  “Sorry we’re late. We had a drink before we left.” Harper winds her arm through Nick’s and looks up at him. The satisfaction on her face is so blatant, I almost feel embarrassed for her. Since when does Harper try this hard for any guy? It’s usually the other way around.

  She leans in and curves her shoulders toward me. “Have you seen Trent yet?”

  My nose wrinkles as I recall his obnoxious words. “Yes.”

  “How did that go?”

  “He said something very interesting, actually. Something that only one person could have told him.”

  Harper’s careful not to have a reaction. I see her eyebrows start to rise, but she pushes them back down.

  “Well, you know Trent. He’s all about starting shit.”

  “Who the hell is Trent?” Nick’s voice is hard.

  “This guy that hates Kate.” Sarah pipes up from beside me. “And Kate hates him too.” She sticks out her hand. “I’m Sarah Maxwell, by the way. I work with Kate.”

  “Nick Hunter.” He turns to me as he shakes Sarah’s hand. “Trent’s here?”

  “His company is merging with my company.”

  Nick’s lips form an angry line. Memories from Halloween flow through my mind. Michael against the wall, Nick’s arm at his throat. The wild, untamed look in Nick’s eyes. We don’t need a repeat performance.

  My hand rests on Nick’s forearm. The one that Harper doesn’t have her arm wound protectively around.

  “Trent is all talk. I’ve been handling him for a long time.”

  Nick’s gaze is intense. “How do you know him?”

  I swallow hard. “He was Ethan’s college roommate.”

  “Ethan never mentioned him. He must not be that important.”

  “He’s not.” I mean it in every way possible. He’s not worth your temper, Nick.

  Nick nods and relaxes his stance. “Okay, cool. Everything’s fine then.”

  I relax too, and the DJ switches to a fast song.

  “I love this song. Let’s go, the dance floor is set up outside.” Harper pushes her clutch to my chest and pulls Nick across the room and out to where I saw the patio and the pool. And Camelback.

  A server stops next to me, and I set my full martini on his tray.

  This is going to be a long night.


  I’m sitting alone at an outside table. The sky is dark, but the bright bulbs strung from the trees lining the outdoor event area give off an incandescent glow. The pool shines a watery blue. I keep waiting for someone to fall in it when they walk by. Sarah was swept away by a guy, and from the thumbs up she gave me behind his back, she’s having a good time with him. Harper hasn’t let Nick leave her side. I’m pretending not to notice his frequent glances.

  I don’t like watching them together. I don’t want him to get hurt. He’s emotional and sensitive, two things she has a distaste for.

  My phone vibrates inside my clutch, and the whole table shimmies. I grab the phone and open it to the home screen.

  You’ve got to be kidding me!!!!

  What? Trent’s texting me? Wait, this isn’t my phone. It’s Harper’s. Trent’s texting Harper?

  I scroll down until I reach the beginning of their text messages.

  Trent: Hi Harper, it’s Trent. Hope you don’t mind I’m reaching out, Kate gave me your number a long time ago and I’ve been meaning to use it. Heard you’re planning a big party for us.

  Harper: Hey Trent. The word is true, I’m putting together a fantastic event to celebrate your company merging with Kate’s. Bet you were happy to hear the news.

  Trent: I’m happy because it means I’m getting promoted. Lowest performers are getting canned. And I’m not one of them.

  Harper: Congrats on the promo.

  Trent: Thanks. How are things with you? Kate still a big bore?

  Harper: Things are weird. Kate’s finally crawling out of her hole. She’s been medicating with the bottle, if you know what I mean.

  Trent: No way? Kate Masters?? Perfection personified?

  Harper: Yep. But now she has someone to help her move on from Ethan.

  Trent: Poor bastard. Who?

  Harper: Do you remember Nick Hunter, the guy Ethan was friends with from the army? Remember him from the funeral?

  Trent: Yes…

  Harper: I think there might be something starting with them. Kate’s beginning to act like Kate again, but not until he started coming around. I tried to stop it, but I'm not sure it worked.

  Trent: WHAT?

  Harper: I feel the same way.

  Trent: Classic Kate. She’s finds a way to screw Ethan over, even when he’s not alive.

  Harper: Before you go apeshit, keep in mind I’m not positive they're into each other. I just have a feeling.

  Trent: When are you going to figure out what the deal is?

  Harper: I’m working on that. Kate denies she likes him, but she lights up when he’s around. And he goes out of his way to care for her. I’m telling you, it’s coming.

  Trent: And here I thought I was just reaching out to you to say hello.

  Harper: More than you bargained for, huh?

  I stop reading.

  I’m done.

  I’m so done with her.

  Slowly I slide the phone back into the purse. My eyes find Harper on the dance floor. She faces Nick, her arms on his shoulders, and shakes her ass. Nick’s eyes meet mine
, and he holds my gaze. He looks like he has so much to say. What if Harper’s right? What if Evie's right?



  My Ethan.

  It doesn’t matter that Nick is a great person who slowly, day by day, coloring book by cooking lesson, walked with me through the darkest part of my life.

  He’s not Ethan, and that’s all that matters.

  I break our gaze.

  “Well, well, well, look who we have here.” The voice comes from behind me. A lock of my hair lifts from my shoulder.

  I don’t turn my head.

  “Trent, we’ve already seen each other tonight. But then again, I’m a big bore, so you probably don’t remember.”

  He leans down until his face rests on my shoulder. The scent of whiskey is so strong it burns my nostrils.

  “What would Ethan think of you?” His whisper is soft but cuts through me, a sword piercing my heart. “You’ve become a drunk and a slut. So much for the perfect Kate Masters Ethan was stupidly in love with for so many years.”

  Don’t engage. He’s drunk. His face gets heavier the longer it’s on my shoulder.

  “Kate, are you okay?”

  Nick’s at the other side of the table, knuckles white as they grip the chair he stands behind. Always so ready to defend me. Harper runs up behind Nick. She has the concerned ‘v’ in the middle of her brows, but I know it’s not concern for me. Harper only cares about Harper. I've learned that the hard way.

  I lean away from him and stand, forcing Trent to stand too. My shoulder throbs a little from his heavy head. I take one step away from the table.

  “I’m fine.” I assure Nick before his temper boils over. “Harper, Trent is going to need an Uber.”

  Nick walks around the table. His arm grazes mine as he extends it. “We haven’t met. I’m Nick Hunter.” His tone is even, but I know how much he’s holding back.

  Trent stares at Nick’s open hand and sneers. “We haven’t met officially, but I know who you are. Ethan told me about you, and he always said good things about his new friend. Of course, he didn’t know you were a girlfriend thief.”


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