Royal Atlas

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Royal Atlas Page 9

by HJ Bellus

  “You’re here with us. That’s enough,” I whisper.

  “I couldn’t save him and now I can’t even hold up his dying wish. I’m not that man.”

  My hand on his beard makes him look up at me. “I lost my brother, Guy. I lost you. I lost my mother and father. They’re not the same people. We’re all shattered and hurting. It’s not just you.”

  Guy keeps his eyes closed not responding to me.

  “I’m here and won’t leave. My family is hurting. We need to heal again and that requires you, Guy. You have the ability to make us whole again.”

  “I’m trying, Molly, I’m really trying.”

  “You wear girly pink panties,” I whisper into his ear with hearing loss.

  He pulls back and looks at me.

  “Do you agree with me?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” he replies.

  I lean in again. “You’re a girly asshole.”

  “Agree with that?” I quirk up an eyebrow.

  “Sure do,” he replies.

  I kiss the tip of his nose then pull back to stare into his eyes.

  “You just agreed to be a girly asshole who wears pink panties.”

  I can’t help the giggle that escapes me because it’s damn funny.

  He shakes his head from side-to-side while scrunching up his eyebrows.

  “The first thing you need to do is admit you’re not okay because it’s okay to not be okay.”

  “Okay.” He smiles this time.

  “I realized you were deaf in one ear while working in the barn. At first, I chalked it up to you being a raging asshole on steroids.”

  “Raging asshole on steroids?” He quirks up an eyebrow.

  “I’m putting it mildly to be nice.”

  “Ouch.” He rubs his chest.

  “Let us in, Guy.”

  He nods. “I can’t handle being broken.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you. I actually like the not being able to hear in one ear.”

  “You’re fucking crazy, Molly.”

  I laugh. “You make me crazy.”

  Our lips crash without any other conversation. We’re starving for each other. The warmth of the old us seeps between our bodies. My shirt is pulled over my head while his large palms run up and down my sides. Instinctively, I push my hips into his lap while racing to get his shirt off.

  His hands cup my face tilting my head up to the full moon. His beard tickles my skin while his teeth nip at the tender skin on my neck. Moans escape as my hands hold on tight to the top of his shoulders.

  “Hold on, baby,” he growls.

  I feel Guy’s body slide off the tailgate until he’s standing. My ass is placed right back down on the cold metal. He scoots me until I’m nearly at the edge of it. My skirt is shoved back and his face disappears. That goddamn beard is going to be the death of me in the sweetest of ways.

  He drags it along the inside of my thigh. His tongue blazes a trial on my flesh until I feel him rip my panties. The sound of them tearing is sweet. Before I can react, he’s breathing on my sensitive part causing me to scream. His tongue darts out, lapping the entire length of me. He adds swirling fingers inside of me with the combination of his tongue. The movements throw me straight into a screaming, toe-curling, life changing orgasm.

  His name rolls off my tongue as I chant his name until I come down from the high.

  “Holy shit. Holy shit,” I whisper.

  Guy covers my body quickly. I didn’t even realize he’d taken his pants off. Our flesh connects and I feel the marrying sensation zing through us. With one hard push, he’s inside of me.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, baby.”

  “No, Guy. No. Take me. Take all of me and finally give me all of you back now.”

  My fingernails dig into the flesh of his shoulders. I attack his lips again soaking in the taste of beer from his mouth. Guy unleashes, slamming into me over and over again. One of his hands is palm down on the bed of the truck while the other one is clutching the back of my head, tugging on my hair.

  The pulls become harder and harder until I feel tears sting at the corner of my eyes. They’re not sad tears. Oh no, they’re life altering, soul crushing tears filling my entire body. Guy grunts out his pleasure and it’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.

  I have him back. I finally have the love of my life back. The Princess and Cowboy fairytale is back in the books.



  “If I was a vampire I’d go after old people ‘cause they’re slow and they probably taste like jerky. And jerky is delicious.” -Amos

  “He’s doing good.”

  I look over at Grandpa and sneak my hand down his pocket shirt grabbing a caramel. I unwrap while watching Guy work Royal Atlas in the circle pen. The horse is healed from the outside, but has a long way to go on the inside just like his trainer.

  “He’s working hard with Royal.”

  “Nothing like a horse to mend a broken heart and soul.” Grandpa continues rocking while we both watch Guy.

  The large and very strong horse refuses to give in to Guy. His dark mane waves in the wind while he rounds the outer part of the pen. Guy finally throws down the halter sinking down to his knees in the pen.

  I love watching him out there since the night in the bed of his truck. He doesn’t watch his back or show any tells of his scars of war. He simply lives and only focuses on Royal Atlas. The two have so much in common and the moment they connect it will be a beautiful thing.

  I relax back and enjoy a cold beer. Soon I kick off my boots and wiggle my toes since all of my chores are done. I’ve been working hard with the horse Trig brought me. She’s a runner and will be one hell of a barrel horse. Since Amos passed, I haven’t entered local rodeos. The desire vanished once my world fell apart. But with everything coming back together, I have the need to compete again.

  I take one last gulp of the beer and set it on the table. My mom chooses this time to step out on the porch. She looks at the beer can then me and then whacks me in the back of the head. She hates that I drink beer and lets me know it.

  “Dinner is ready.” She wipes her hands down her apron.

  I whack her ass hard and then pull her down into my lap. She squeals out her disapproval. It’s something Amos use to do to her. He’d wrestle her around in a loving way, tickling her until she swatted at him.

  My heart hurts when she falls into my lap. She lost a good thirty pounds, has black lines under her eyes, and rarely produces a genuine smile anymore. I bend over and lick her face then pull back to miss her hand heading for my cheek. I successfully dodge her and then lick the other side of her face.

  “Hop.” She swats at me again.

  I begin laughing hard at her squirming in my arms. She’s so light she’s easy to hold to me. I bend down pretending to lick her face again from the chin all the way to her forehead, but go in for a tender kiss on her forehead.

  “I love you, Momma, I love you so much.”

  “I miss hearing you two fight all the damn time. Never thought I’d say that.” A lone tear escapes and rolls down her cheek.

  I catch it with the pad of my thumb.

  She continues on. “You rushing into the house screaming, your dad hot on Amos’ heels to whip his ass, and then Amos finally making it back into the house. I’d scold him, but every single time I couldn’t help but hug him. Everything is so quiet without him.”

  “I know, Momma, I know.”

  Her tears fall faster. “Why did he have to die?”

  “I don’t know. We still have each other.” I brush her hair to the side. “And look.”

  I rock forward so she can see the circle pen. Guy is still kneeling down in the same damn position. Royal Atlas has inched in on Guy’s space sniffing at his knees. He remains still, allowing the horse time to adjust and feel safe in the environment.

  I smile wide because I fucking swear it’s exactly what Guy and I have been doing. Love will always win out when given the patience of

  “He’s healing,” my mom whispers.

  “He is.”

  “Molly.” My mom doesn’t look at me as she continues to speak. “Don’t you dare ever stop loving that man.”

  “I promise.”

  Guy slowly stands up not trying to halter the horse. His movements are deliberate, not spooking his new friend. Royal Atlas, of course backs away easy, which is a huge improvement that he doesn’t buck off. Guy throws him two flakes of hay before walking up to the porch.

  He takes long strides with a sexy as hell smile covering his face. Smiling is definitely the new sexy.

  “Nice work, son.” Grandpa stands up. “He’s coming around. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thank you.” Guy nods his head adjusting his ball cap.

  “We just need to get you a damn cowboy hat now.”

  “Baby steps, old man, baby steps.”

  Grandpa chuckles deeply. “Going to wash up for dinner.”

  “Oh, dear.” My mom rustles in my arms. “Hop, let me go. I need to fix Guy’s plate.”

  I go in for one more lick, but this time my momma grabs me by the ear. I laugh hard and she only tugs harder until I stand her up.

  “Um…I think…” Guy’s deep voice breaks in. “I’d like to eat dinner inside tonight and from now on.”

  He nods, swallows thickly while biting down on his bottom lip. Momma bolts from my lap standing up quickly then races inside. It might be the biggest smile I’ve seen on her face, besides when I was licking her.

  I slowly stand to my feet, swaying lightly from the couple of beers. Guy ambles up the steps to the porch. He portrays a scared little schoolboy trapped in a large, strong body. I smile brightly at him, but don’t make a move.

  His strong arms wrap low around my back tugging me into him. His chest is my shield and feels damn good. My cheek rests on his hard, sweaty chest inhaling his manly scent. It’s home.

  “You were right.”

  “About?” I whisper.

  “Royal Atlas is good for me.”

  “He is.”

  “He’s scared. Healed, but scared and not able to trust the world.”

  “Yeah,” I mumble.

  “I think we can learn to trust each other.”

  “You will.”

  “Thank you for giving me a chance at life again.”

  I look up at him with a sweet, mischievous smile. “Say the first part again.”

  He crooks up an eyebrow at me.

  “The part where I’m right,” I urge him on.

  A stinging palm slaps my ass causing me to erupt in laughter.

  “Some things never change, Little Hop. You’ve always had to be right.”

  “It’s about time you learn,” I reply.

  His lips crash down on mine. I moan when he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth. His teeth sink in causing slight pain that only morphs my lady parts into a heated pool. His hands come up to my face cupping each side. His thumb rolls in small circles before he pulls back.

  “I love you so fucking much, Molly. Thank you for saving me.”

  And I can only smile back up at him.



  “90% of the ocean remains unexplored and you’re telling me mermaids don’t exist? Idiot.” -Amos

  The rodeo circuit has changed with my absence. I’m not sure if I thought it would just pause like my life or what in the hell I thought. There are new players and way more competition than high school rodeo. I have a shit ton of rodeos to get under my belt to get my pro card. It’s something that’s kept me up late at night. I want the card, hell, my heart lives to be on the back of a horse, but I’m torn about being away from the ranch. My momma needs me and I need her.

  I don’t miss the looks sent my way while warming Broker up. I can physically feel the daggers being shot into my back. I have big boots to fill and only hope my heart is in it. I’m just focusing on running barrels. It’s my first true love and Broker’s for that fact.

  Up in the stands, Guy sits next to my momma. He has her hand clutched in his. It’s been difficult getting her out of the house. It’s like people find the dumbest things to say once a loved one has passed away. Where Momma used to love the community and volunteer at everything, she hates going out anymore. It warms my heart to see her here.

  My fingers tremble and palms begin to sweat when I’m up next. Something that used to be so natural has now become terrifying. My brain goes right into freak out mode and I begin over thinking everything. I catch Grandpa out of the corner of my eye.

  He’s leaning on a gate and sends me only a simple nod. The world is in that nod. I see the plea in it to give us our lives back. This is the first baby step to going back to living. We all need it. Actually, our souls crave it. A bird flies above my head swooping down and squawking loudly.

  “Don’t you dare, Amos,” I whisper.

  He’s always there, surrounding us.

  Broker takes the lead, pounding his front feet on the hard ground while throwing his head up and down. His energy and eagerness to take back the arena sends a thrill through me. My heart begins beating again at full force, pounding against my chest.

  I kick Broker into action sending him into full speed. The sound of his hooves striking the arena dirt brings back the innate reactions to rounding each barrel. I can’t force the smile from my face as he hugs them as tight as possible then turns his head to race toward the next one. After the third barrel, I urge him home.

  I feel the muscles in my inner thighs rip as my legs fly home with his running action. I plant back in the saddle after finishing the pattern, pulling Broker to a stop. Both of our hearts race out of control even though he was the one that did all the work. I lean over and wrap my arms around his neck.

  Tears shock me as they pour down my face. I bury my nose in his neck and relish the feel of being alive again. I feel a pat on my leg and look down to Grandpa who has a smile on his face bigger than the state of Texas.

  “You did it, Hop.” He reaches into his pocket and passes me a candy.

  I don’t have to look to the leader board because in reality it doesn’t matter if I just broke an area record or came in last because I’m back in the saddle. I peer over my shoulder to see Momma on her feet and cheering with a similar smile covering her face. We are doing it, all of us…we are all learning to live again as a family.

  “How’s she coming along?” Trig asks with a beer perched in his hands.

  “Good. Really good. She has a lot of heart, but lots more training to be done.”

  “Sounds like someone else I know,” he smarts.

  I punch him in the shoulder and then notice Guy in the background leaning up against the trailer. I refuse to push him, hell him being here is enough.

  “Are you doing okay, Molly?” Trig asks after a long pull on his beer.

  I offer him a weak smile because that question is damn loaded. “Actually, I can answer you honestly. A week ago, I would’ve lied, but you know what? I really think everything is going great.”

  The bottle of Pendleton was passed around and finally handed back to me. It was one of the prizes for winning the round tonight. It’s half empty, but that’s okay because I don’t need much of it. I pour a good portion into my red solo cup half full of Pepsi and then pass the bottle back around the circle.

  I don’t excuse myself before turning to go to Guy. The group is a gang of friends from high school rodeo and they’re enjoying themselves harassing Trig about missing his calf tonight.

  “Hey, sexy.” I plant my free hand on Guy’s chest.

  The simple action garners a wide smile.

  “What are you doing later? You look pretty lonely over here.” I take a long drink from my cup waiting on his answer.

  “There’s a girl,” he replies.


  He removes the cup from my hand, damn near polishing it off. “She’s hot as fuck and I’m just waiting for her to see me here.”

“She sounds lucky.”

  I take the cup and a small drink from it.

  “This is kind of her circle and not my thing, but she’s hot as fuck strutting around in tight ass jeans and a cowboy hat.” He grabs my hand from his chest and lowers it until I’m cupping the bulge in his jeans.

  “You like her ass?”

  “And her tits, smart mouth, gorgeous eyes, crazy hair, and wild soul.”

  “Mmmm.” I purr. “Keep talking.”

  “This girl is about to make me nut right here out in the open.”

  I giggle. He won the verbal war leaving me speechless.

  “What do you say my little princess? Want to help me?”

  I raise both eyebrows answering him. I still hear the crowd of friends behind me chatting in their drunken stupor. It’s dark out with only the moon lighting the night and a few dim lights in the parking area for trucks and trailer. I feel my pants being unzipped and then his warm knuckles grazing down my panties.

  I clutch the plastic cup in my hand causing it to make popping sounds. He takes it from my hands and downs the rest of it before tossing it to the ground. I plant my hand on his shoulder to keep myself upright. When he sinks a finger then two inside of me, I drop my head to his shoulder rolling my hips in unison with his movements.

  “Guy,” I whisper.

  “I don’t like the way that fucker looks at you,” he growls, keeping his rhythm steady.

  “Wh-oo-oo.” I sound like a damn owl forcing the words out between the rolls of pleasure.

  “Trig. He wants you.”

  I moan in response not being able to muster up a single word of protest.

  “If he touches you, I can’t promise what I’ll do to him.”

  “Shut up and fuck me, Guy. I need you, only you.”

  My words send him into action. He tugs me around to the other side of the truck. My palms slap the metal while Guy pulls down my pants. The night’s cool air hits the flesh of my ass. Guy’s fingers sink right back into me.

  “More. I need more.”

  Guy grunts while fucking me hard with his fingers. There’s no hope of him stopping.


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