A Bear's Protection

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A Bear's Protection Page 8

by Dakota West

“That feels good,” Cora breathed, feeling Ash’s hand on her thigh.

  She realized for the first time that she was still wearing her skirt.

  “Don’t worry,” Ash told her, grinning. “We can take care of that.”

  Then he reached over and lifted her into the air, propping her over him so she was straddling him backwards, facing away, and in one motion he simply tore her skirt away from her, leaving her totally nude.

  In a flash, Cora reached down and took Ash’s cock in her hand, positioning it right at her wet, waiting slit. This time at least, she’d be in control.

  Behind her, Ash sighed, squeezing his hands on her hips, and Cora let herself slide down onto him, savoring the deep growl that came from behind her.

  She felt as if Ash was touching every single sensitive place in her body, all at once, and like sparks of electricity were flying all over her skin as she sank deeper and deeper, finally sitting on him, barely able to move beyond bucking her hips back and forth, almost insensible with pleasure, her eyes closed.

  Then she felt hands on her thighs and looked down to find Hunter, kneeling between her legs, grinning.

  Cora was confused until he darted his tongue out and licked her, swiping directly across her still-sensitive clit and sending a bolt straight through her.

  “Oh!” said Cora.

  From behind, Ash pinched both her nipples at once. Cora’s back arched.

  Hunter didn’t bother with teasing. Instead he flattened his tongue against her, licking her hard up and down, then moving his tongue in quick, hard circles, occasionally moving down to trace along her lips, stretched around his mate’s cock, and then moving back up.

  “Oh my god,” said Cora. She couldn’t think of any other words.

  “I’m gonna cum again,” she gasped, just before she felt the wave break over her, feeling like sparks flickering over her whole body, desperately moving her hips back and forth on Ash’s cock as Hunter’s tongue kept going and going, until, finally, she was finished.

  Ash was still hard, though, and even though Hunter was kneeling, she could see his erection as well.

  Without saying anything, Hunter stood, lifted her off of Ash, and tossed her onto the couch, so she was on her back, then knelt in between her thighs, his long, thick erection just barely poking at her wet entrance.

  Wordlessly, Cora flexed her back again, flinging one leg over the back of the couch, offering herself to Hunter.

  He took the invitation, sliding into her with a long, low growl, and in one stroke, his hips were flush with hers, their bodies joined completely.

  Cora let out a soft moan, glad for the cool leather of the couch beneath her overheated body as Hunter’s warm skin pressed against hers.

  For a moment, he was still inside her, and then he started moving, his face a mask of concentration.

  Hunter was slow at first, almost careful, as he thrust against Cora. But then his breathing grew ragged and she could see his hand gripping the couch, almost hard enough to tear through the thick leather. His cock inside her felt incredible, like it was touching every part of her — parts that no one had ever touched before.

  “Harder,” she whispered, her eyes closed, her head turned to the side. It was all Cora could do, she felt so nearly overwhelmed by the experience.

  He growled, a true animal noise, and for a moment, Cora thought he might look up to the terrifying sight of a grizzly bear over her — but it was still Hunter in human form, even though he sounded like a wild, feral animal.

  Hunter tossed both of Cora’s legs over his shoulders and thrust even deeper, and even though Cora had thought she was nearly spent, she arched her back and nearly screamed as he found the secret places inside her, driving her to dizzying new heights.

  Then, suddenly, Hunter went still, his whole body stiffening for a moment, then relaxing.

  Cora looked up, and there was Ash, close behind Hunter.

  “How’s that?” Ash asked, his voice a low, husky rumble.

  “More,” said Hunter, between gritted teeth.

  Ash did something, and Hunter groaned, breathing hard. Cora could feel his cock inside her like a rod of steel, almost set to explode.

  “Just give it to me,” Hunter said, his voice sounding dangerous.

  Ash moved back for a moment, then set a small bottle of something on the coffee table and leaned into Hunter, his face visible beyond Hunter’s shoulder.

  “Oh, fuck,” said Hunter. He grabbed Cora’s thighs, against his chest, and used them to push himself deeper inside her.

  Cora gasped, the edges of her vision going blurry.

  “Don’t stop,” Hunter growled.

  “It’s almost in,” said Ash. “Just another...”

  Then both men groaned at once, and Cora realized what was happening, her eyes going wide.

  Ash was fucking Hunter, who was fucking her.

  Then Hunter began thrusting again, slower and deeper this time, and she stopped worrying about what was happening, when all she could worry about was how incredible everything felt. Every time Hunter sunk himself into her, balls-deep, Ash would fuck him and Cora could feel it, like an echo of Ash’s cock.

  Almost like they were both fucking her at once.

  The thought drove her over the edge. Cora cried out wordlessly, arching her back and turning her head to the side, screaming into the couch pillows as her vision sparkled and her body seemed to have a mind of its own. Every muscle clenched with sheer pleasure, and she felt the waves break against her, over and over again, feeling completely at the mercy of her body.

  With no warning, Hunter grunted and then Cora suddenly felt him jerk and spurt inside of her, his hands digging into her thighs against his chest hard enough to leave bruises in the morning. At almost the same time, Ash grabbed Hunter’s shoulder, thrust hard twice — Cora could still feel the force of it, inside her — and then let out a long, low growl, finally resting his forehead against the other man’s back.

  The three of them were covered in sweat, and Hunter let Cora’s legs go and half-collapsed onto her.

  They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, all feeling completely spent.

  Then, slowly, Ash and Hunter managed to sit up, untangling themselves from Cora.

  “So,” Hunter said, leaning against the back of the couch, his eyes half-closed, “no sign of the stalker yet?”

  Cora was so utterly spent it felt like her bones had melted, but she still managed to laugh.

  “Is that what we were doing?” she said. “Watching for the stalker?”

  “Don’t worry, I was on very high alert,” Ash said. He had his head back against the couch, and his eyes were completely closed.

  That night, once they managed to get off of the couch and into Hunter and Ash’s enormous bed, Cora fell asleep feeling safer than she ever had before.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The next morning, Ash woke up with long hair in his face. That was usual, except this hair smelled distinctly feminine, like its owner used strawberry shampoo, which Hunter certainly didn’t.

  Then Cora moved slightly in his arms, her curves soft against his body, and the night before came flooding back to him.

  He grinned and sank his nose further into her hair.

  Ash was the first one up, which wasn’t unusual. Hunter wasn’t a late sleeper, but he did value his time in bed a little more than his mate, who considered sunrise a perfectly valid starting point for his day.

  It was all right. He didn’t mind having the time to make coffee and have some time to himself. Of course, this morning, he was mostly thinking about the night before.

  About an hour later, he could hear Hunter and Cora talking as they descended the stairs, Hunter wearing pajama pants and no shirt, Cora in one of Hunter’s old t-shirts, which fell just above her knees.

  Guiltily, Ash remembered tearing her skirt off of her the night before.


  “Who wants coffee and pancakes?” he asked.

  “Me,” said Cora, obviously still a little sleepy.

  “Anything from the creep?” Hunter asked.

  Ash shook his head. The first thing he’d done, as soon as he’d woken up, had been to patrol the perimeter of the cabin, both outside and inside, but there hadn’t been anything. Not a scent, not a hair, not the faintest clue that Neil had been anywhere near the house.

  Instead of making him feel better, it made him feel worse. He knew exactly how to deal with someone who tried to hurt Cora, but what about when someone refused to even show themselves?

  How was he supposed to deal with that?

  “Maybe he wants us to let our guard down,” Hunter said.

  “Or maybe he’s just going to keep sending me these weird notes and pictures and never actually try anything,” said Cora, opening the fridge and taking out some orange juice. “Is it cool if I have this?”

  “Sure,” said Ash.

  “If that’s all he’s going to do, we need to figure out how to prosecute him for it,” Hunter said, sitting at the table with his coffee. “It’s at least harassment, right?”

  We could prosecute by ripping his throat out, Ash thought.

  “Harassment won’t get him much more than probation,” he said out loud. He poured some of the pancake batter he’d made earlier onto a griddle. “The law isn’t really set up to prevent crimes like this from happening, just to punish the ones that do.”

  “Let’s talk about this after breakfast,” interjected Cora. “I’m safe for now, right?”



  Ash flipped the pancakes, and he could hear his own stomach growl.

  “Tell me about the cabin,” she said. “Did you two build it?”

  As they ate, Ash told her all about his grandparents.

  His grandfathers Eli and Sam had been in their mid-thirties when they finally settled down. It was long before humans knew about shifters, at least in most of the US — it had always been an open secret in Granite Valley, after all.

  After ten years of waiting for their triad to be complete, Eli and Sam had given up on finding a female mate. Sometimes it just didn’t happen, they knew, so they decided to build themselves a house anyway. Eli was a carpenter and Sam did a lot of woodwork, so they went for it, building a cabin on top of a mountain, the view going practically all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

  The day they put the very final touches on it, they were both standing outside, on the front porch, when a single young woman drove up in a car, hat, driving gloves, and all.

  She got out and looked at Eli and Sam.

  They looked at her.

  “You aren’t the Johnsons, are you?” she asked.

  According to the story, Sam had to poke Eli in the ribs to get him to answer, because the woman was so beautiful, neither of them could speak.

  “No, Miss,” Eli finally said.

  “I’m supposed to be their new nanny, but I can’t find their house,” she said. “Do either of you know where they live?”

  They didn’t, but they came into the driveway and talked to Rose, the young woman, for a long, long time. They talked for so long that it got dark and she was afraid to drive back down the mountain, so Sam and Eli offered to let her stay in their guest room.

  She never did find the Johnsons.

  Rose was Ash’s grandmother, of course.

  “So, I think the moral of the story is don’t wait on something that you don’t know is coming, because it’ll show up when you’re ready,” Ash said.

  “It doesn’t have to have a moral to be a good story,” Hunter said.

  “I think it’s romantic anyway,” said Cora. Her mug was drained and her plate was covered in sticky syrup.

  Then she looked down at herself.

  “Mind if I use your shower?” she asked.

  “Use the one on the first floor,” said Hunter. “Ash sheds and the one upstairs is gross.”

  “Thanks,” Ash said. “Thanks for that.”

  Hunter raised his coffee mug to his lips and grinned at his mate. Cora took her dishes to the sink, then walked out of the kitchen and into the bathroom, both men staring after her.

  They were silent for a moment, and then Hunter spoke up.

  “Last night really did happen, right? That wasn’t a great dream I had?”

  Ash turned to the sink and allowed himself a smile.

  “It happened,” he said, and turned the water on. “But we should think about how to deal with this Neil problem.”

  Hunter opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, there was a crash from the back of the house, the sound of glass shattering.

  Both of them ran. Hunter’s chair crashed to the floor behind him. Ash’s bear growled, and he could practically feel his fur standing on end, ready to shift at any moment and tear that creep apart.

  He ran into the living room.

  Nothing. To the downstairs bedroom, the door to the bathroom shut. The water in the shower was going, but nothing in the bedroom either.

  Back into the hallway, every cell in his body on high alert, he slammed closet doors open as he passed, knowing full well they didn’t have windows, until at last, he reached the mud room — really barely more than a porch with windows.

  There it was.

  Ash picked it up, not caring about the glass shards that still clung to it, and looked at the brick.

  It had obviously been taken from one of the paths outside the cabin. There was still dirt on it, and it had been flung through the ground floor window.

  Wrapped around it, folded in half and attached with a rubber band, was a photo.

  Ash tore the rubber band off. It snapped and flew across the room and Ash jerked the photo open.

  It was the three of them, from the night before. In flagrante.

  Where the fuck did he get a photo developed that fast? Hunter wondered.

  Ash didn’t bother to take his clothes off, and just let them be torn to shreds as he shifted. Hunter flipped the photo over to read the back:

  Shame on you, Cora! I thought you were special.

  Hunter shifted as well, and the two of them bolted out the door, noses to the ground, fury working its way through their veins.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Cora was standing in the bathroom, one hand under the running shower water, waiting for it to warm up. That was the problem, she thought, with cabins like this: lovely, but the hot water did take a while. They were probably on a well, after all, so the water coming from underground must be really cold—

  There was a click.

  “Put the shirt back on and let’s go,” a voice said.

  Cora froze, and then turned her head very slowly.

  It was Neil, standing in front of the open bathroom door, holding a gun up to her. He looked exactly how she remembered him: polo shirt and slacks, though now he was wearing running shoes instead of flip flops.

  An icicle of fear stabbed through Cora’s heart.

  Where are they? she thought. How did he get in?

  “The animals are busy,” he said, his voice sounding surprisingly calm. “Now get dressed and come on!”

  He said it like he was inviting her to a picnic, not taking her away at gunpoint.

  Cora didn’t think she had a lot of options, so she put Hunter’s shirt on again, and let Neil walk her out the front door of the house, the shower still going.

  Where are they, she thought, desperately. Even though Neil had a gun, she had a feeling it wasn’t big enough to mean much to a grizzly bear. It was small, almost dainty.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, loudly.

  “Don’t talk,” he said.

  They walked past the couch, and along the path they were walking, Cora saw her skirt and had an idea.

  Grizzlies have better noses than bloodhounds, right?

  She grabbed it, and almost instantly, Neil had her by the hair, forcing her to stand up again.

“It’s just my skirt,” she said. “I thought you wanted me to get dressed.”

  In response, he shoved her forward.

  No sign of Ash or Hunter.

  “Get in the car,” he said, once they were outside, gesturing with the gun toward a BMW coupe that sat in the driveway.

  How did they not notice this? she wondered.

  How did I not notice?

  Cora thought for a moment about running, but didn’t want to risk it.

  Instead, she got into the car, and while Neil was getting in himself, shut her skirt in the door so it dragged on the ground.

  It was the only thing she could think of, but she had no idea if it would work. Could they follow her scent if she dangled a piece of fabric from the car?

  Neil got in and started driving, the car surprisingly quiet.

  “Where are we going?” Cora asked. She tried to regulate her breathing to make it sound normal, but Neil still had the gun in his hand, the safety off, even as he shifted gears with the same hand.

  He looked over at her, and then smiled like he had a surprise.

  “Little spot I found,” he said, cheerily. “I think you’re gonna love it.”

  “Tell me about it,” Cora said, still trying to think.

  The moment they’d pulled out onto the small, two-lane mountain road, Neil had started going much, much too fast, and now they pulled around another hairpin turn. Cora’s stomach did flip-flops as she thought she could feel the car skid toward the edge.

  “It’s not far,” he said, still sounding cheery. “Just wait!”

  Sure enough, it was about two more terrifying minutes before he pulled up to a vista point. There was no one else there, just a low stone wall and a beautiful view.

  Is he going to propose to me? Cora thought wildly.

  He gestured at her with the gun.

  “Go on!” he said. “There’s a great view.”

  She stood and got out of the car carefully. His weird, cheerful attitude rattled her even more than if he’d been acting threatening.

  He didn’t seem dangerous, exactly, but he did seem very, very unstable.


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