Let Me In

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Let Me In Page 24

by Parker, Ali

  With my position, I couldn’t quite lift my ass to make the removal of the damn things any easier. That didn’t stop him from getting them off. He yanked until my pretty blue thong shredded under his force.

  I didn’t care. He was planting a trail of kisses up the inside of my thigh. I could think of nothing else except what he was doing to my body. When his mouth closed over my hot core, I felt like I had been struck by lightning. Heat flashed through my body. His tongue lapped over my folds, parting me until he was moving it inside me.

  “Oh god,” I moaned. It was too much. I wanted more, and I wanted him to stop. I was going to die a million deaths if he didn’t stop. No, if he didn’t keep going.

  My body writhed, shaking and jerking with every swipe of his tongue over my clit. He licked and suckled before scraping his teeth over the sensitive nub. I was convinced I would pass out from the pleasure. I couldn’t take anymore.

  My body erupted into a glorious fountain of ecstasy. It seemed to last forever. His mouth kissed my belly, moving steadily upward until he released the front clasp of my bra. Then more kisses over each breast.

  I felt like I was floating, hovering above the bed as he loved me with his mouth. He moved over me, holding his weight off me with his strong arms.

  I reached up to cup his cheek. “That was incredible.”

  “You are incredible. I think I’m addicted.”

  An electric shock zapped me, causing me to shudder. “I don’t know if my body can survive anything like that again.”

  “I certainly hope so because I’m going to need that on a regular basis. Don’t even think to deny me.”

  I slowly moved my head back and forth. “Never.”

  “Now, there’s another little something I need,” he whispered as he reached down to guide himself to my entrance.

  I jerked, still sensitive. “I need you.”

  “You have me. Every last fucking inch of me.”

  He slowly moved inside me, both of us savoring every inch of the invasion. I closed my eyes once again and let my body do nothing but feel. I cleared my mind, focusing on his touch and the feeling of him moving deep inside my body.

  “Like that,” I groaned. I reached up to run my hands over the corded muscles in his back. I slid them down his sides and gripped his ass, yanking him against me. “Just like that.”

  “Damn, you make me feel so good,” he whispered. “I can’t get enough of you. I think about you—this—all the time. I get hard when I hear your voice over the phone. My body reacts to you like nothing I have ever known. You are dangerous.”

  A slow smile spread across my lips. “I like to be dangerous. When I hear your voice, I get this little tingling sensation between my legs. Sometimes, I think about going into the bathroom and touching myself while I think about you.”

  He grunted and jerked, and his erection grew bigger inside me. I gasped, the stretching triggering a new series of delicious sensations.

  “Do you?” he growled. “Do you touch yourself when you think about me?”

  I kissed him, sliding my tongue inside his mouth as my nails dug into the flesh stretched across his muscular torso. “Yes. When I’m lying in bed and missing you, I do it. I picture you over me, just like this.”

  He released a loud roar, pounding inside me. “Do you get off?” he asked through gritted teeth. “Do you make yourself come while you’re thinking about me?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, dragging the word out as he continued to rock back and forth. “Every time. Sometimes, I don’t even need to touch myself. I can close my eyes and think about you and it just happens.”

  He was shaking. His body was wound so tightly, I worried he would fall apart. “I want you to do it for me. I want to watch you touch yourself.”

  I shuddered. The very idea was unthinkable. It was too naughty. Too far outside my comfort zone. “Later. Right now, I have the real thing and that’s what I want.”

  I couldn’t believe I had just promised to do that for him. I actually wanted to. I could feel how badly he wanted it and I wanted to give him that pleasure. He made me feel safe enough that I could do it without being embarrassed. I would do it for him.

  “Fingers or a dildo?” he rasped.

  “Fingers. What about you?”

  “What. About. Me?” His breathing was coming hard and fast. I could feel him getting close to the edge.

  “Do you rub yourself and think about me?”

  He smirked. It was a cocky little smile that almost made me explode. “All the fucking time, baby.”

  I gasped. The confession sent shockwaves of heat and desire through my body. I understood what he felt. It was a huge ego boost. It was erotic and sensual and so damn good to know he thought about me and pleasured himself.

  “Do you think about my mouth wrapped around you or do you think about you inside me?”

  He grunted, moving harder and faster. “Both.”

  “In bed?”

  “Everywhere. I beat off in the shower. I think about you and stroke myself until I’m squirting my desire all over the shower wall.”

  His words triggered a visceral response that I had zero control over. I bucked, exploding around him. I shouted out his name and a lot of other words that made no sense. He was yelling right back at me. I heard him cursing, ordering me to fuck him and a series of other things that were lost in the fog of ecstasy that consumed me.

  He fell on top of me, his hard chest pressing against mine. I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t want to breathe. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, anchoring his body to mine. He moved off me, breaking my grip around him with ease. He lay on his side next to me, facing me with a sexy smile on his lips.

  “You are nothing like I expected you to be when I first met you,” he said.

  “You were expecting what?”

  “I don’t know. A good girl. A cold fish. A woman who preferred missionary style and never broke the rules.”

  I grinned, reaching up to cup his cheek. “And now?”

  “And now I know you are a bad girl that breaks all the rules.”

  “Not all of them, but I have a feeling if I’m with you much longer, I just might break a lot more.”

  “Good. I want you to break them all. You never have to hold back with me. I will never judge you for being who you are. I know you are a little vixen. A horny little vixen.”

  I couldn’t stop the silly giggle from erupting from my throat. “I am not horny.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Wanna bet? Woman, you try to climb me every chance you get.”

  “Okay, I’m horny for you.”

  “Good girl,” he said and kissed my forehead. “Are you hungry? I’ve got that chicken halfway cooked down there.”

  I thought about it for a second. “I am, but I think I have something else I’d prefer to munch on.”

  He jerked, his cock springing to life against my thigh. “Dammit, woman. You have to let a man recover.”

  “You feel recovered to me,” I teased.

  “Stay the night and we’ll see how fast I can recover.”

  “I have an event tomorrow,” I told him. “I should probably go home and get some sleep.”

  “Should is a word one uses when they really don’t want to do something,” he replied.

  “You are right but should is the word a responsible person uses when they are trying to convince themselves about what needs to be done.”

  “Stay,” he whispered before kissing me. When he pulled away, he was looking at me with such tenderness I nearly melted. “I will make your toes curl and you will be screaming my name over and over.”

  “I have no doubt in my mind that you will, but I have to walk tomorrow. You are going to leave me worn out.”

  He winked, his silly grin making my heart skip a beat. “That sounds like a challenge.”

  I groaned. “No, not a challenge.”

  “Let’s go downstairs and grab a snack. Then, I’m dragging you right back up here. I think you made
me a promise, one I intend to make you fulfill.”

  The words I had whispered in the heat of the moment flashed through my mind. Now, I was embarrassed. “Xander.”

  He put a fingertip to my lips. “Uh uh, no takebacks.”

  I pulled away from him, stood up beside the bed, and looked down at his naked form. The man was hot as hell. I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to crawl into a bed with him. Better than that, he wanted me. He craved me. That would make any woman feel like they were queen of the world.

  “How about I go find us something to eat and you lie there and recover?” I asked with a smile.

  He grinned and reached down to grab his dick in his hand. “I don’t need long. I’m already thinking about yanking you back down here.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be right here watching the clock. Every second you are gone will feel like an eternity.”

  I rolled my eyes and reached for one of the pillows. I playfully tossed it at him. “That is so cheesy.”

  “But it’s true. Hurry. I would hate to have to take the edge off myself.”

  I looked down, watched him stroke himself, and decided food could wait.

  Chapter 39


  I dropped Evie off at her apartment and immediately headed over to Charlie’s place. He was probably still in bed, but I was going to wake him up. I had an idea and I wanted him to be the first to see it.

  After talking with Evie a little, I knew I was on to something. She didn’t understand the mechanics and all the little intricacies of a ship’s propulsion system, but Charlie would. He would be able to offer advice and help me make this thing real. My week had been relatively productive, and I couldn’t wait to show him what I had.

  I pounded on his apartment door. “Charlie, get up.”

  There was no answer. I knew he was inside. At least, I assumed he was inside. His car was in the usual spot. I supposed he could have gotten a ride. I slapped my hand against the door again.

  One of his neighbors pulled open their door and glared at me. I smiled in return. “Charlie, I’m not leaving. Open the door.”

  I heard the lock on the door finally turning. When Charlie pulled open the door, he looked like hell. I winced, taking in the bloodshot eyes, the hair that was sticking up in the back, and the rumpled shirt that I had a feeling he had worn the night before. The odor emanating from him was damn near toxic.

  “Holy shit. Death warmed over would be a step up for you.”

  “Fuck you. Why are you pounding on my door like you are the damn police?”

  I gave a small shrug. “Because I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Phones, asshole. That is why we have phones. You call a person. They don’t answer. That doesn’t mean you drive to their house and pound on the door.”

  “So you did hear your phone?” I asked.

  “Yes, and I hit the fuck-off button! That means leave me alone. It means the person you are trying to reach doesn’t want to talk to you.”

  He did not look well. In fact, he was looking a little green around the gills. “You are grumpy. That’s really no way to treat your best friend.”

  He growled, glaring at me through eyes that were barely open. “Xander, please go away. Go away and I will call you later.”

  “I don’t want to wait until later, which is why I am here now. If you would have just answered your phone, I could have given you another hour. You didn’t and now I’m here. Get up.”

  He whimpered, sounding very childlike. “What. Do. You. Want?”

  I grinned. “How about I go get some coffees and something greasy and eggy while you shower? You stink. Bad.”

  He glared at me. “Did you come over here to insult me at,” he paused to look at his watch, “nine in the fucking morning? On a Saturday?”

  “I didn’t come over here with the intention of insulting you, but you made it very easy. Have you seen you?”

  He groaned, leaning his head against the partially open door. “Xander, I love you, and usually, your neurotic behavior is cute, but not today. Today I want to sleep. I want to do nothing but sleep and not think.”

  “Are you hungover?” I questioned, even though I already knew the answer. I needed him to admit his problem. I was sure that was the first step to curing the hangover.

  He gave me a dry look. “No, not at all. I usually look like this first thing in the morning.”

  I shook my head, clicking my tongue at him just like a mother hen. “Aren’t you getting a little old for this nonsense?”

  “Again, why are you here? Can you just text me the lecture?”

  I held up a hand. I knew what it was like to be hungover. Not recently, but I remembered the college years. Even then, I didn’t remember ever being quite as bad as he looked. I liked a good buzz, not a good drunk. It was probably part of that need to be in control all the time. I didn’t like my brain to be muddled and foggy. “I’m going to get the coffee and food. Take a minute for yourself. I’ll be back in fifteen.”

  “Don’t come back,” he whimpered. “Please, drive across town and get the stuff.”

  “I’m coming back. Trust me. I have something to show you and you want to see it.”

  I walked away and went to retrieve the usual hangover cures. Greasy breakfasts were the ultimate cure. I was knocking on his door once again twenty minutes later. He opened the door with a towel slung low around his hips, his hair wet but still sticking up.

  “This had better be fucking good,” he snapped, snatching one of the coffees from the tray I carried.

  I pushed the door open and put the food on his small table before pulling out one of the Egg McMuffins. “It is good. I think it’s good. It’s going to need some tweaking, but I got the general idea.”

  “Please, for the love of all that is holy, speak English. I can’t understand geek right now. My brain feels like a wet sponge and my mouth a dry cotton ball.”

  “Sit, eat, and I’ll explain.”

  He flopped down in the chair and grabbed one of the sandwiches. “My skull hurts.”

  “Did you at least have a good time?”

  He grinned and nodded. “Of course.”

  “Is your good time still here?”

  “Nah, I went to her place.”

  “Good plan.”

  He sucked down the coffee. “What’s the thing you need to show me?”

  I smiled and wiped my mouth. “Remember your problem?”


  “The rudders and the ships in the harbor.”

  He nodded. “Yes. Two separate problems.”

  “No, the same problem. Rather, both problems solved with one solution.”

  He rubbed his head. “God, you are exhausting.”

  “Eat and I will show you.”

  “Show me where?”

  “Down at the docks,” I answered.

  He did not look impressed. “I don’t want to work. I want to relax.”

  “You don’t have to work. I want you to watch. I want you to observe and give me feedback. I trust you to tell me where it’s wrong. I need a second pair of eyes and only your eyes will understand what you are seeing.”

  “Can you tell me what you’ve got up your sleeve?”

  I winked. “I have to show you.”

  “Where’s your girlfriend? Can’t you show her?”

  “I just dropped her off. She is working today, and she wouldn’t understand like you.”

  He grinned. “You had another sleepover.”

  “I did.”

  “Damn, one more and I think that means you are official,” he said. “I knew you liked her.”

  I wasn’t afraid to admit it. “I do like her.”

  “Are you going to tell her?”

  “Tell her what?”

  “That you like her,” he answered.

  The conversation was very strange. It felt like we were in the sixth grade, talking about a girl. “I think she figured that part out all on
her own.”

  He crumbled up a sandwich wrapper and tossed it at me. “Not like that, asshole. You guys were supposed to be doing this casual thing. Whatever you have going with her is not casual. Have you had the talk? You know, the talk about where is this going, and blah, blah, blah.”

  I slowly shook my head. “No. Not yet. I don’t think we need to ruin things by trying to put a label on it. It’s cool just the way it is.”

  “Maybe for you, but she’s a woman.”

  “No shit. Well that explains a lot.”

  He shot me a dirty look. “You know what I mean. Women think differently. She’s probably already picking out China patterns and redecorating your house. You better figure out what you want before you wake up one morning with two kids and a wife.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t think that’s quite how that happens. We aren’t there yet. We aren’t even close to being there. It was a sleepover. I’m not going to be proposing anytime soon.”

  “That’s what they all say, and then one day, they are wearing a tux and being dragged down an aisle to be shackled forever.”

  “You have a very twisted view on marriage. You should get therapy.”

  “I don’t need therapy,” he said, finishing his second sandwich. He was already looking a little better. The greenish hue had faded and now he just looked pale and washed out.

  He got up from the table and returned five minutes later dressed and ready to go. I drove him to the docks and popped open the trunk to pull out my prototype. His dark sunglasses shielded his eyes, but I knew he was glaring at me. “You dragged my ass out here to play with one of your toy boats?”

  “No, I want to see if my theory will work.”

  “What are you planning?” he asked, sounding a little more enthusiastic.

  I put the boat in the water and used the remote to steer it while I explained my idea to improve speed that would allow better control. We messed around with the boat for a couple of hours. Each of us took turns controlling it.

  “What do you think?”

  He smiled and handed me the remote. “You are a genius. Do you think it will really work on a large ship?”

  “I don’t know. In theory, it should. But there are a lot of details to work out. It isn’t just the rudder. It’s the propeller and the thrust—”


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