The Shadow Wolf

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The Shadow Wolf Page 10

by Bonnie Vanak

  “Never.” He drew her into his arms. “You’re mine, Megan. I always protect my own.”

  “I’m my own person, Gabriel. I ran away to make my own choices.”

  “Then I’ll have to convince you.”

  Chapter 12

  Silvery moonlight dappled the Spanish moss dripping from the live oak branches. Wind rustled through the trees, stirred the carpet of dead leaves on the moist grass. Her eyes adjusted to the inky night as the woods beckoned her animal side. Megan stared up at the full moon, hoping it would help her transition into wolf.

  Anxiety coursed through her. It had been so long, and she yearned to run wild and free. Yet what if she couldn’t shift? Something that came as normal and natural to Draicon had been denied her. Shadows had a harder time shifting than Draicon because of their tremendous abilities to cloak themselves. Their DNA was different.

  The back door opened and Gabriel stepped out. His long-legged, confident stride sent a tingle down her spine. She watched in sheer sexual interest. Clad in jeans and a button-down blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to display muscled forearms, he was barefoot.

  “I checked on the girls before coming out.” Gabriel rubbed a hand over his night whiskers. “They’re such cute sweethearts when they’re asleep. Their hair is blond now, too. Haven’t seen a color like that in a long time,” he remarked again. Then he looked her square in the eye. “What are you doing out here?”

  She swallowed hard. “I want to run with the moon.” Hated having to ask, but he was Draicon. “Will you show me?”

  Gabriel said nothing for a moment. Then he gave a brisk nod. “I’ll teach you, but I’m not shifting tonight.”


  “Let’s focus on you. Ready to do this, darling?”

  The husky whisper in the night caressed her. Megan nodded and swallowed hard.

  “Take your clothes off.”

  She stared at his unsmiling face. “When I shift, my clothes vanish. Why should I get undressed?”

  “It’ll make the transition easier on your body if your magick doesn’t have to take care of the clothes.”

  He stood in silence, watching her. She wanted this so badly, her hands shook as she stripped. Naked, she lifted her chin and faced him. A shaft of silver moonlight speared through the live oak tree and spilled on her right breast.

  Gabriel heaved in a ragged breath. “Now, lift your face to the moon. Remember what it was like. Remember the wolf inside you, the animal longing to be free and run with the wind. You can do it.”

  Natural authority rang out in his deep voice. She summoned the wild beast, the wolf that had once enjoyed running along the beach, snapping at seagulls on her island home. Megan stretched out her arms in a plaintive plea for her body to cooperate.

  Blue and red sparks shimmered in the air. The change was happening! She felt her bones lengthen, fur ripple along her spine.

  Then it stopped. She glanced down to see herself still on two legs, her hands normal.

  Still human.

  She slammed a fist against her thigh. “I can’t do it. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I be like a Normal? It’s so easy for them, I just want to run with the moon!”

  “It will happen. Just give it another try. C’mon, darling, you can do it. I know you can.”

  Taking a deep breath, she tried once more. This time, no sparks filled the air, as if her magick had well and truly died.

  “Your body may need more protein, more energy. You’ve been under a lot of stress, Megan.”

  Excuses, she thought, her stomach twisting in knots. He was trying to make her feel better.

  Nothing could make her feel better, not when she was denied something she wanted so very much. How could she ever blend if she couldn’t even shape-shift?

  “I have to be alone for a while.”

  Picking up her clothes, she ran toward the lake. On the slope of the front lawn, she threw her clothing down and sat on it. Megan hugged her knees, staring at the water.

  What was wrong with her?

  “Nothing’s wrong with you. It’ll just take time, that’s all.”

  She heard the thwack of a blanket snapping out but ignored him as he sat down beside her. Gabriel patted a spot. “C’mere, chère. I won’t bite and the blanket is softer than your clothing.”

  No reply. He couldn’t understand what she was going through, how freakish she felt for her defect. The one thing that connected her with Normals, the one ability she had that would enable her to blend into this world, was gone.

  “I have no future, no hope,” she finally whispered.

  “Quel espoir et quel avenir, mais, moi, je vais avoir?”

  She turned her head toward him.

  “What hope and what future am I going to have? I’ve often thought that before. Tell me what you are going through. I want to help.”

  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “I might, more than you think,” he said darkly. “Talk to me.”

  Finally she joined him on the blanket. Megan stared at the water, emotion clogging her throat. “When I was younger, after the time when all Draicon go through the Change, the Draicon teens visiting our island used to tease me because I couldn’t run with them. I’d try and try to shift, but by the time I became wolf, they were long gone, running down the beach.”

  Tears finally trickled down her cheeks. “And now, when I need it most, not because some kids are mocking me, but because I have to blend into this world and pretend I’m normal to be accepted, I can’t do it. I feel so alone.”

  Cupping her face in his palms, he turned her toward him. Moonlight splashed over his angular features, reflected in the gentleness in his dark eyes. Gabriel wiped away her tears with a thumb. “Megan, I know all about being different, and hiding what you really are. You are not alone. Shifting into a wolf is part of what we are, but it isn’t who we are. That’s inside, in here.”

  He touched her bare chest. “Only you can decide that. Who Megan is, the qualities that you have, your spirit and your fire. They can never take that away from you. And if you must hide some of the things that others won’t accept or understand, remember that spirit inside you that will always burn bright.”

  “But I don’t want to hide, Gabriel.” Megan put her hands on his wrists, anchoring him, needing his understanding as well as his strength. “I want to be free, open, and accepted for who I am.”

  “Sometimes that’s not possible. People won’t accept you, no matter how hard you try to get them to understand your true nature holds no harm for them.”

  Insight filled her. “What is your true nature, Gabriel? What are you hiding?”

  She would ask that question. Gabriel’s jaw worked hard as he dropped his hands. For a long moment he said nothing. Finally he settled on a truth.

  “My true nature is that of a bonded male for his female.”

  A quivering breath, and a soft touch upon his arm. So silky.

  His brain blanked out at her sweet, still-innocent scent. Fresh wildflowers sprinkled with feminine musk.

  Raw sexual need roared as his gaze swept over her supple, naked body. The curve of her hips, her slender waist, the lush bounty of her breasts…

  Beneath his jeans, his cock hardened at the thought of laying her back and tasting all that sweet flesh beneath his tongue.

  His animal sensed she wouldn’t be in heat for a week yet, so sex was safe. No chance of making babies who would turn out like him.

  Male possessiveness filled him. The animal inside wanted nothing between them but skin. A snarl rose in his throat. He choked it down, not wanting to scare her.

  Gabriel gambled on a confession. “I have a tendency when I get emotional…to get Feral.”

  Anxiety flared in her gaze. He touched her mind, saw her fear of Feral wolves, their savagery, their animal halves often taking over the human side. Gabriel sent her his reassurances. I will never hurt you.

  He flexed his long fingers. “It happens when I get sexually a
roused by you, as well. I don’t want to hurt you, Megan. I’d never hurt you.”

  “I’m not afraid. Gabriel, look at me.”

  When his gaze finally met hers, she took his face into her hands. Sugar-spun blond hair tumbled past her slim shoulders. Wide blue eyes the color of a deep, still lake regarded him. Her heart-shaped, exotic face had a delicate air, but Megan was tough as honed steel. He relished her fighting spirit.

  The gentleness of her touch made him tremble with yearning. Tenderness wasn’t part of his world. His brothers roughhoused, fought alongside him. His parents loved him, but kept their distance. He craved a connection with her, ending the constant loneliness. Everyone in his close circle, even those unaware of his powers, respected and feared him. Past lovers enjoyed his wildness in lovemaking, and were equally fierce in their need, often leaving their nail scratches across his muscled back.

  He craved Megan’s softness and tenderness.

  “Maybe this is why we’re meant to be together. Because you know what I do, that in here—” she took his hand and placed it over her heart “—is what we should never hide.”

  “I don’t want to hide from you, Megan.” He hissed as the beast clawed in fierce need.

  Her voice dropped as she caught the wild look in his eyes. “What’s wrong, Gabriel?”

  “I don’t know if I can control it. The man inside me wants to love you slow and long, ma petite chou. The wolf wants to mate.”

  Her pupils dilated. The scent of her arousal obliterated all sense. Gabriel fisted his hands. Primal instinct took over, his powerful body ready to penetrate, claim and conquer. The beast growled in approval as he envisioned mounting her naked body, letting his mate feel his enormous strength, his virility. Hearing her erotic moans sing in his ear as she arched up to meet him as he sank deep inside her.

  He could no longer wait.

  Gabriel’s eyes flashed amber.

  His shirt came off with a powerful rip, buttons exploding from the seams like bullets. “Have to feel you under me,” he muttered, tumbling with her to the blanket.

  Beneath each stroke of his hands she trembled. Her body sang with life, her breasts heavy and full. Megan strained against him as she wriggled to draw him closer. He caught her breasts in his palms and gently squeezed. Sensations sizzled through her as his thumbs rubbed against her pearling nipples.

  “I need your mouth,” he growled. Gone was the haunting, musical lilt of his Louisiana accent.

  The kiss was demanding, insistent. Savage possession was in each deliberate thrust of his tongue. Wet heat gathered between her thighs. She ached, her body hot and yearning for something she couldn’t define.

  Then all his guards dropped and she saw into the heart of him. The beast, shaking with desire to touch and claim her as his own. The feel of her soft, naked body beneath his sending him spiraling out of control.

  Dark eyes flashing amber. Mine, the wolf snarled. All mine.

  Breath caught in her lungs as he unbuckled and unzipped his jeans. He pushed them past his thighs. His penis sprang out, reddened and stiff, thick as her wrist.

  Dark silky hair spilled over his wide shoulders. Intent glittered in his gaze. His control splintered as he spread her legs wide. Gabriel leaned over her, his stiffened cock stroking against her thigh.

  He would take her without thought, without care. The Feral need to mate and claim pushed away her Gabriel, the one who had regarded her tenderly moments ago. Fear and desire warred inside her.

  Trembling, Megan reached out for the man she knew.

  “Please, Gabriel. Come back to me.” In utter trust, she held his gaze as he pinned her wrists to the blanket.

  Pushing off her, he hovered, uncertain. Gabriel stared down at her. A heartbeat of silence quivered in the moist night air.

  “Touch me, Megan.” He took her hand, guided it to his face. “Let me feel your warmth, your gentleness. No one’s been like this to me in a long time.”

  The ache in his deep voice turned her heart over. Megan cupped his face, soothing away the Feral beast with each slow stroke of her thumbs. Long lashes swept down to his cheeks as he closed his eyes on a shuddering sigh.

  Gabriel bent his head and nuzzled her neck. Breathing in her scent. His mouth was warm and firm as he slid a trail of kisses along her throat.

  A thought flashed from him over and over. The yearning to please her, to make it special and show her how high passion could take her.

  Gone was the beast. He pressed a soft kiss to her mouth, his eyes filled with warm tenderness.

  He undressed. Gabriel knelt before her. Hunger rose as she stared at his sleekly muscled flanks, the broad torso sprinkled with dark hair. His limbs were strong and powerful. A hank of dark silk spilled over his forehead.

  Megan slid her arms around her wolf, demonstrating her own need. Her kiss spoke of yearnings and dreams. Bonding with her mate, having a place where she at last belonged.

  She sensed the beast was leashed as he responded, his kiss a lazy and sensual stroke of his tongue. Heat sizzled between them.

  Turning on her side, she moved against him, restless and now impatient. His eyes opened as he gave her a tender look.

  “Slow,” he whispered against her mouth. “Easy, chère. We’ll take it slow, make you ready for me.”

  “I want to be one with you, Gabriel.”

  His big hands explored. A long, lazy stroke down the arch of her spine. Megan sensed his fierce control, the power inside him tapped, the ferocious, protective Draicon desired now only to pleasure her.

  So many hidden layers to her Gabriel. The courageous fighter. The protective, wary Draicon. The duality of roles he played in helping Shadows. He’d suffered tremendous loss, and yet he pushed on, meeting each challenge with determination.

  Then he again cupped her breasts and slowly thumbed them, arousing her need. Whetting her own passion. His mouth encased one hard nipple. A haze of passion clouded her mind as he suckled her, his tongue swirling and stroking. Driven by her own feral need, she pumped her hips upward in nameless longing. Gabriel released her nipple. Rolling her onto her back, he smiled tenderly and slid a hand down her hip, delved teasingly into the damp curls.

  Stunned, she instinctively slammed her legs shut.

  “Open up for me, chère. Let me in,” he whispered.

  His fingers stroked, slid between her soaked folds. Megan clutched his broad shoulders as he touched the aching, shivering flesh. Each caress erased past fears. He slid a finger deep inside her, teased. Fire mounted within her, licking and then roaring into an inferno.

  Megan arched and cried out his name as she shattered. When her body finally ceased shuddering, she saw frank male satisfaction gleam in his eyes.

  He dropped a gentle kiss on her mouth, rubbed his cheek against hers. Rough bristles abraded her soft skin.

  Settling his lean hips between her legs, he looked down at her.

  “Look at me,” he softly ordered. “I need to see your eyes when I take you.”

  Jaw tightened, he slowly pushed inside her. The pressure built, stretching and burning. Megan grit her teeth as he slid past her innocence. He felt hard and thick, her inner muscles shuddering to accommodate him. She writhed, trying to find some ease as he penetrated fully. A small tear trickled out of the corner of her eyes. He gently kissed it away.

  “Shh,” he murmured. “Relax, ma petite chou.”

  He remained motionless, as if waiting for her. Pain faded slightly. Megan slid her arms up around his neck, feeling the tensile muscles there. Her bonded mate. Her wolf. She moved her hips upward and felt him withdraw slowly, then thrust again.

  A hint of untamed danger lurked in his eyes. The Feral beast, barely held at bay. As if to anchor himself more closely to her, Gabriel laced his fingers through hers.

  A delicious friction began with each powerful stroke. Gabriel’s muscled shoulders flexed as he strained over her. She sensed the beast howling with need, the clawing demand for rough, uninhibited sex. Megan squ
eezed his fingers.

  In silent understanding, she whispered into his mind. I can take you, Gabriel. All of you. I want all of you.

  He consumed her, filled every pore with awareness of him. For a moment, their spirits tangled together fiercely, the Feral wolf and the emboldened Shadow. Megan lost herself in pure sensation as his silky chest hair rubbed against her tender breasts, his muscular abdomen sliding against her soft belly. She arched to meet his rhythm as the heat between her thighs intensified.

  His thrusts came harder and faster and then he stiffened. Megan watched him throw back his head, cords on his powerful neck straining.

  With an inhuman cry, he released himself into her. The warmth of his seed spurted deep inside her. He shuddered as the orgasm tore through him and she felt him swell inside her. Something sizzled and raced through her. It felt like a million dancing points of pleasure. She writhed, straining from the erotic sensation.

  Murmuring her name, Gabriel collapsed atop her. His ragged breaths feathered over her cheeks as he buried his face against her neck. She bore his weight, stroking his sweat-dampened hair.

  “What was that?” she whispered. “At the end, it felt like…”

  “My magick. My powers.” He raised himself off her with a solemn look. “When I come inside your body, I fill you with my magick, as well. All our cells contain our powers, so when a male releases inside a female, she receives some of his magick. It’s why I never have sex without a condom. Except with you.”

  He nuzzled her cheek. “Ah, I’m not like other males, also, so when I come…I get bigger. It will take a few moments. If I pull out now, I could hurt you.”

  Rolling over, he let her sprawl over his body. Wanton and savage need swirled in her. Megan sighed happily, knowing they were bonded in the flesh.

  Chapter 13

  She was his.

  The thought of having her for life made his pulse soar. Gabriel hummed as he put butter into a pan and began frying onions and mushrooms to make omelets. If she didn’t like it, he’d make her something else. Warm with sexual possession, he cooked Megan breakfast while the twins slept on.


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