Welded: MM Mpreg Romance (Industrial Alphas Book 1)

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Welded: MM Mpreg Romance (Industrial Alphas Book 1) Page 4

by Lorelei M. Hart

  As I focused on my tasks, the flickering flame reflected by my shield was as hypnotic as always, a focus I used to ensure accuracy, but for once my mind was drifting. The particular work was not too difficult, and I could do it with both eyes closed—although that would not be advisable. Construction sites held dangers at every turn. I forced my attention back until coffee break time when I squatted against a shaded wall and sipped at my coconut water, today a mango-flavored version.

  Miles had given me more information than he probably intended; in our little town there were indeed few men who met the criteria he outlined. Although he had tried to keep me from doing something criminal, I couldn’t stop worrying that whoever it was would not give up looking for him easily.

  The thoughts remained with me through the rest of the day but no brilliant ideas resulted. Rather, I continued to run the possibilities in my mind, considering and rejecting one after another. Every solid, wealthy citizen I came up with had either a partner or a spouse. But did that mean they didn’t have an omega on the side? Maybe in an apartment somewhere?

  I forcibly pushed all that back as I parked and gave a beep of the horn. During lunch I’d texted him about going to the store and he promised to be waiting list in hand when I got there.

  True to his word, he came out and hopped in the passenger side, which I let him do despite my urge to run around and open the door for him. He was my employee and not my omega even if he did smell incredible. “Good evening, Miles.” I drew in a long breath, grinning as I backed out of the driveway. “Have you been baking cookies?” Butter, lemon, sugar...the scent was mouthwatering.

  He held out a folded napkin in the palm of one hand and opened it with the other to reveal a stack of four round, golden cookies. “I wanted to make you my lemon cornmeal cookies, but with what you had on hand, I had to do something a little simpler. I hope they’re okay.”

  I eyed them longingly, about to grab them as I stopped at a red light, but he did something that stopped my hands on the wheel. The omega brought one of those lemony scented circles to my lips. “Take a bite. And be honest.”

  Bite the cookie? I could barely breathe for the desire to kiss those fingers, lick them, draw them into my mouth. And maybe bite them just a little. They were smooth, with rounded nails and none of the rough skin and calluses that covered my own. Could I even dream of touching him? He was so much younger than me. Despite the fact he was not a virgin, when I lifted my eyes to his, I saw such a deep innocence. How could anyone have been unkind to him? In just a couple of days I’d grown so used to him being there and making my life better, I already hoped he’d never leave.

  “Alois?” His soft voice caressed by senses. I was in so much trouble.

  “Hmmm?” All this and cookies, too.

  “The light turned green,” he no sooner said than a series of blaring horns from behind me reiterated the point, and I moved my foot to the gas pedal.

  “Why, so it has. If you keep distracting me with cookies, I’ll forget my own head.”

  “It’s the way to an alpha’s heart, my dad used to say.”

  “Are your parents living?” I asked, wanting to know everything about him.

  “Yes.” He pulled the hand with the cookie back and instead placed the treat in mine where it lay on the seat between us. “Hey, there’s the store already. I didn’t realize it’s close enough to walk to from the house.”

  Accepting his change of subject, I nodded and turned into the parking lot and found a spot. “Yeah. But somehow I never do. My doctor says even with my job I should do more walking. Want to take a short hike with me somewhere this weekend?” Unable to wait any longer, and a bit abashed at my daring, I shoved the whole cookie in my mouth and chewed the lemony goodness. The ingredients for this were in my house? Seemed impossible. I didn’t think I even had flour.

  He paused in the act of unclicking his seat belt and blinked at me. “Uhh, you want me to go? With you?”

  “Yeah, I need the walking, and you will probably need to get out after being in the house all week.” And I want to spend more time with you...oops. “But I understand if you have other plans. I didn’t mean to be a pushy boss...mine is the worst.”

  The early evening sun chose that moment to shine through the window behind him, haloing around his head, and casting his face in shadow, but his expression was still clear. As was his body language. Why did he suddenly seem to curl into himself? What did I say?

  But before I could figure out how to even ask, he gave me a weak smile. “Bosses, huh? No, I’d love to walk with you. Where shall we go?”

  Torn between elation that he had agreed and concern about what he was upset about, I decided to let it go for now. He would tell me in his own time. After a bad relationship like his, trust was hard to give.

  We went into the store together, the mood lightening again as I got him to tell me the story of making patisserie-worthy cookies from pancake mix. “And I really wasn’t sure they’d be any good at all,” he finished.

  “Oh, they’re good. Didn’t you think so after all?” I’d already eaten three and held the fourth poised for devouring. “They’re sure better than anything I’ve ever eaten.”

  “I didn’t eat any.” He flushed.

  I wheeled the cart into the first aisle and stopped. “Whyever not?”

  “My ex...that is, he thought I was too fat. All those calories…”

  My god. “Miles, you’re if anything too thin. Nobody in their right mind could call you too fat.” I looked at the last cookie and, as he had to me, held it to his mouth. “Eat this right now and tell me if it isn’t delicious.”

  “I can’t, really.” He shook his head. “I made it for you.”

  “Then, please,” I said in a low tone, brushing the cookie against his closed lips, “take a bite for me. Because I want you to. And because you deserve all the best things.”

  Holding my gaze, he opened his mouth, and I held the treat while he took a tiny nibble then his eyes drifted closed. He chewed with an expression of such ecstasy, my cock hardened in response. Finally, he swallowed and opened his eyes wide. “It’s not bad. I mean, considering.”

  “No considering at all. It’s delicious. Let me see your grocery list.” He held it out and I scanned it. It was pretty short. “Is this really everything you want to buy?”

  He shrugged, his tongue peeking out to lick a crumb from his lip. I swallowed hard. “Well, there are a few more things. Some spices, and I would love to make you my dad’s game hens if you like game hens?”

  I slung an arm over his shoulder and waved the other arm wide. “Get everything, get anything. You’re talented and I am very willing to enjoy the fruits of that. Let’s shop!”

  He laughed, and the moment was truly broken, but that was okay. He still worked for me and I didn’t want to be a harassing employer. No, I wanted to be his alpha, but under the circumstances, he’d have to make that decision. After he’d had time to heal from a very long and bad relationship.

  I still wanted to kill whoever the bastard was but turned my attention to the moment and pushed the cart up and down the aisles while Miles filled it with ingredients for dishes he described to me as we went. By the time we’d canvassed the store, the cart was piled high and I was starving.

  We were in the veggie aisle, Miles selecting fresh green beans one by one, insisting we avoid any with the slightest bit of “rust” on them, whatever that was, when I heard that voice. “Well, isn’t this a pretty scene.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Bile rose in my throat as the voice of my nightmares pierced my eardrums. I stopped dead in my tracks, and my knees began to wobble. Alois turned and scrunched up his nose before correcting it.

  “Kent, good to see you. This is Miles.”

  Kent’s sleazy smile made me shudder. “Very nice to meet you, Miles. You two look cozy.”

  Alois removed his arm from around my shoulders. “We just met a few days ago, actually.”

/>   “Is that so? And already shopping together.” I heard my heartbeat in my ears, and my palms and the back of my neck began to sweat. Would he take me right then? Grab me by my shirt and drag me out.

  No, he did business in this town, and we were in a public place.

  He knew better. He wouldn’t let his reputation be smudged.

  Alois shrugged. “A man’s gotta eat.”

  Kent slid his gaze up and down my body. “That’s so true. A man does have to eat. Well, I’m glad I caught you here, Alois. I’d like to see you in my office in the morning. I have a proposal for you.”

  Alois nodded but didn’t seem pleased about the prospect. What would Kent pull to try to get me back?

  “I’ll do that. We have to go now. Take care.”

  With Kent watching us with his steely gaze, we walked away, Alois pushing the basket while I held onto the side of the metal cart for dear life. I glanced over my shoulder several times, but Kent stood in place, arms folded over his chest. And then, as we turned the corner to go down a different aisle, he winked at me.

  God, I hated when he winked at me. It was usually before he revealed I had done something wrong that deserved his punishment.

  My throat still dry, I nodded here and there when Alois pointed to things and dropped them into the buggy. We checked out, and I had to hold on to the counter and then fist Alois’ shirt for fear of fainting.

  We put the groceries into his truck, and even the shutting of the tailate made me jump and squeal a little.

  By the time he opened the passenger-side door and helped me into the cab, I was a shaking, uncontrollable mess.

  “Is that him?” Alois asked after taking his seat, his hands clutching the steering wheel, eyes staring ahead. “Miles, tell me. Is that the bastard?”

  I wrapped my arms around my torso and nodded. He reached for the knob on the dash and cranked up the heat after putting my seat belt on for me.

  A thousand Kent-apocalypse scenarios had run through my mind on the drive to his home, and I found myself frozen in his truck.

  Should I run?

  Should I stay?

  “I’m coming over there. Don’t move.” I heard Alois’ voice so far away and yet I knew he was in the truck next to me. He got out and crossed around the front then opened my door. In seconds, I was in his arms and being carried toward his house. My chest rested against his hard and warm one, and soon he laid me down on the couch and knelt beside me.

  “I’ll be right back. Just getting the groceries. Stay here.”

  I concentrated on the ceiling and breathed the best I could while he moved in and out of the house. Two trips and he was done. I heard the locks click and him kicking off his boots. His hand enveloped mine and, finally, I could breathe again.

  “I had a hunch. I did. But you didn’t tell me his name, and he’s never mentioned an omega. I’m so sorry. It was my idea to take you to the store. Fuck. He won’t touch you ever again. Listen to me, Miles. He won’t get near you.”

  I turned to see tears brewing in his eyes. “He knows where you live. I need to leave.”

  Gods, leaving him was the last thing I wanted to do, but staying here wasn’t an option anymore. I knew Kent and the lengths he would go to in order to keep me with him. I’d tried to run once before, resulting in broken bones for the poor minister who tried to find me a place to stay in a local shelter. If he’d do that to a man of God, what would he do to an alpha who actually took me under his roof? I wouldn’t put Alois in danger. It was the last thing I ever wanted to do.

  “No, he doesn’t. He has no idea where I live.”

  I reached out to wipe away a tear that escaped from his eyes. “He is your boss. Accessing records is easy for him.”

  He smiled and kissed my forehead. “No. They have a PO box. Usually jobs require a physical address, but his company didn’t. Just a place to send mail. He doesn’t know where I live, and he won’t.”

  I covered my face with my hands. “That’s not all, Alois. Think about it. He wants to meet with you tomorrow. He’ll threaten you—take your job—either that or try to bribe you to take me back. Either way, I’ve ruined you.”

  He pulled my hands away from my face. “You haven’t ruined me, omega. In fact, you’ve brought joy to me. I’m not going tomorrow. I’ve already made up my mind. I’ll call the office and tell them I quit. And no money in the world could ever buy what I think I’ve found in you. I’ve got plenty in savings, and I can find other jobs.”

  He seemed to have an answer for everything. It was actually the only thing about him that was the same as Kent.

  “It would be easier for you if I left,” I whispered.

  He leaned down, his mouth only inches from mine. “Easier isn’t always better, omega. I’d rather keep you, if that’s okay.”

  For a big, brawny guy, he sure did have a way with words. I’d never been spoken to quite so gently. I let myself take one deep breath and then pulled him down, closing the distance between us. His lips were firm and his eyes widened as I moved my mouth against his, but soon desire took over, and in seconds, he was sitting on the couch and me on his lap, facing him. With his hands on my hips, he pulled me closer and finished what I’d tried to start. He moaned as he licked my bottom lip, and I opened for him, gladly. He kissed me until my heartbeat was racing, and his need was evident against my own.

  Pulling back, he smiled. “Do you trust me to keep you safe? I will. Gods help me, I will keep you safe with my life.”

  “I trust you.”

  And for once in my life, I did trust someone.

  Chapter Twelve


  I hadn’t planned to kiss him. As I marched in with the groceries and placed the bags on the counter, the table, and the floor, I had no intention of doing anything but offering my protection. Oh, and quitting that job. The more I reviewed my earlier thoughts, the more I saw the flaws in them. Sure, he could put word out about people, but my skills were in high demand, and I had friends in the industry. Other people I’d worked for who would not take his word over their own experience.

  It was a little daunting to realize how a bully could hold people in thrall. Make me doubt myself. It took an emotional shock like this one to shine a light on the truth. One day I would leave construction entirely to pursue my art full-time. I had clients lined up for my work, but I wanted to lay aside a bigger nest egg before taking the chance. Starving artist did not suit me, but an upcoming commission might make the difference.

  For now, I’d make a few calls and pick up some work at another job. Since my former employer did not have my address, and I used only the post office box for anything else as well, making me as sure as I could be of Miles’ safety. And I had kept an eye on the rearview all the way home to ensure I hadn’t been followed. Darkness closed in just as I set the last bag on the floor.

  Tomorrow could deal with itself. Tonight, Kent’s confrontation had the opposite effect from what he’d likely intended. Although, what had that been after all? Had he believed Miles would keep his mouth shut and run again? Perhaps run back to him? He’d held him in thrall for five years...five fucking years. I barely contained the urge to smash in his ugly, smirking face in our occasional work encounters. An urge that, with the additional information, I felt comfortable I would no longer have the ability to keep from doing. So, even if I had wanted to go to that meeting, it would only result in imprisonment after I rearranged his features.

  Something that might still happen, but that I was granting him the opportunity to avoid. Just this once.

  “I trust you.” The words from my omega’s lips making my heart double in speed. If I hadn’t been certain he was my omega, I would have questioned his quick trust, but if he had been anything else, I’d have packed him up, taken him across the state, and helped him get set up far from his former partner.

  But circumstances being what they were, I would keep him close to me. We kissed again, his arms stealing around my neck and clinging there, his body
so close to mine I could feel his quick breaths against my chest. I wanted him, wanted to take him to my bed and make love to him all night long.

  I didn’t think he’d say no.

  But as an alpha, my job was to put him first. To tend to his needs and desires, and while I wanted to express my desire, I must tread carefully. Treat him as if I was his first. While I’d had lovers, of course they’d been casual, usually one-nighters, never more than a few times. Many of my friends had settled down already and I’d asked, how do you know when you’ve found your omega? They told me it was unexplainable, but assured me that when the right one came along, I would have my answer.

  They were right.

  Ending the kiss, I sat up and caressed his cheek. “Let me make you feel good,” I told him. “Would that be all right?”

  His eyes were saucers. “Oh, no, I...I should take care of you.”

  “Omega, you already take care of me. By the way, we need more cookies tomorrow.” There were a few left, although I’d gobbled most of them while carrying in the shopping. “Can you make me those cornmeal ones you mentioned?”

  “Gladly,” he breathed, watching me slip to my knees and place both hands on his waistband. “You don’t have to…”

  I pressed my lips to his pants before slipping the buttons on his jeans free one by one. “I do have to. Just lie back and relax, omega. It’s my turn to take care of you.”

  Although I could see the confusion in his face, he obeyed, leaning against the back of the sofa while I pushed his jeans and shorts to his ankles and freed his cock. It rose, long and proud, as ready for me as I was for it. “May I kiss it?” I asked him, and, at his nod, pressed my lips to him, tongue flicking out to taste the glistening droplet of precum. I asked no more permissions before gripping the shaft in my fist and closing my mouth around the bulbous head, sucking a little before taking him deeper. I’d rarely done this for an omega, in those casual encounters, but found special satisfaction in bobbing up and down with his hands laced in my hair, his gasps ringing in my ears. I relaxed my throat and released my hold on his shaft to take him deep and paused there, swallowing against the intrusion.


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