When the Dead Come a Knockin'

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When the Dead Come a Knockin' Page 28

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Oh, not again.” I groaned. Isaac snickered as he dropped down in my lap like a kid, his arms around my neck and his brother.

  “We care about you Red, but don’t be that stupid again.” Isaac’s voice was serious. I rolled my eyes. I agreed with him, but I wasn’t going to admit it to him. That would just create a monster.

  “You’re family, Lexie.” Asher’s rich voice had me looking to him. His ocean eyes settled on mine. “Our family always comes first.” I nodded, letting him know I heard him. They really meant it. They cared about me and weren’t going to leave me. I needed to accept that and stop poking at it. That warm feeling ran through me threatening to choke me. I needed to change the subject before I cried.

  “Okay, squishing small girl.” I pointed out. The boys refused to budge. I looked at Zeke.

  “Help?” Zeke shook his head.

  “You deserve this one,” he told me. I sighed, then came up with a better idea.

  “Boys, there is food in the kitchen for breakfast.” I pointed out in a sing-song voice. Both the twins’ heads came up, then they were shoving themselves off me and headed to the kitchen. Asher and Miles burst out laughing. Everyone got up to follow but Zeke. He was coming around the coffee table toward me. Oh, shit. He took my arm gently and pulled me with him into the foyer.

  “Zeke…” Miles' voice called.

  “Just having a talk.” Zeke shot over his shoulder; his voice was grumpier than usual. He grabbed my jacket, handed it to me and pulled me outside with him. Fuck, it was cold! I quickly started pulling on my coat. How the fuck wasn’t he freezing? His body heat was rising off his broad shoulders in steam. How could he stand it? When he had me out of Asher’s hearing range, he stopped and pulled me closer. There was going to be yelling I was sure of it. His ice-blue eyes met mine; his face hard. “From now on,” He began, his voice low and quiet. “Anyone fucking messes with you, I want to know.” I raised my eyebrows at that. Seriously? “Dylan said those girls kept tearing into you. What did they say?” Oh, yeah. He was pissed. His shoulders were rigid, his voice was telling me not even to try to get out of this. This wasn’t Zeke’s overprotective shit; this sounded like it was nearing a trigger. But... that didn’t make sense. They were girls. I didn’t try to figure it out I just answered him.

  “The usual, that I was a slut, that I was trying to bang all of you.” I shrugged not knowing what else to tell him. So, I summed up. “They basically tried to make me feel like a piece of shit, or… like I was nothing.” His eyes were burning as they ran over my face.

  “Did they?” I scowled at him.

  “Fuck no, they just pissed me off.” The corner of his mouth twitched. I pulled my jacket closed and crossed my arms over my chest from the cold. “Zeke, I can’t tell you whenever someone messes with me. That’s not...” I didn’t know what word to use, a waste of time? Normal? A huge time suck? “Realistic.” Yeah, that sounded reasonable. His eyes narrowed on mine.

  “You’re on probation.” His voice was hard. I went still. Probation?

  “Huh? What the hell does that mean?” He took a deep breath and let it out slow, his jaw was still clenched.

  “Those bitches were tearing into you. You didn’t tell us.” His voice was a low growl I’d never heard before. “You didn’t tell me.” My chest burned as I realized what not telling him did. I hurt him. Shit. “You didn’t trust us. Because of that, I’m not trusting you right now.” I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to fix this. I reached up and put my hand on his chest to try to... I don’t know. His eyes never left my face as he reached up and held my hand there.

  “Zeke I didn’t mean to…. I’m sorry….” I tried to apologize, but he gave my hand a squeeze. I shut up.

  “You’ve got a fucking month.” He said, his voice a little softer. “You will tell me every fucking day if someone messes with you. You will tell me what they said, and you will tell me who.” I winced.

  “For a month?” I asked cringing.

  “For a month.”

  “Then... you’ll trust me again?” I hated to ask, but I wanted to understand. He sighed deeply as he looked over my shoulder at the front door.

  “Yeah.” His eyes were back on mine. “You tell me everything for a month, and I’ll trust you again. Every insult, every fucking dirty look, every catcall. I want to know.” He wasn’t growling anymore; his voice was back to his normal gravelly one. I took a deep breath and let it out. A month. Once we get back to school, I was going to have to keep a list or something.

  “Okay.” I agreed. “A month.” I could do that if it would make Zeke trust me again. I looked up at him guilt gnawing at my stomach. “I’ll tell you everything.”

  “Come on, let’s get some breakfast before the twins eat it all.” He said, his shoulders relaxing again. I turned and walked with him back inside feeling awful. I really hadn’t meant to hurt Zeke. I didn’t even think the guys would see it that way. But probation? What the hell was that? His big hand went to the back of my neck, his fingers kneading. He must not be that mad at me, not if he was touching me. When we got inside his hand dropped. I took off my coat and left it on the banister. I walked into the kitchen just in time to hear Zeke.

  “Lexie’s on probation.” He announced to everyone as he was pouring a cup of coffee. The guys laughed. Isaac was practically giddy. Apparently, this was something Zeke had done before. It made me feel a little better about it. This wasn’t the first time he’d done it.

  “Well, it’s majorly official now. You’re family.” Asher said smiling. “How long did you get?”

  “A month,” I admitted. The guys started laughing again.

  “You got in trouble.” Isaac taunted me as he filled his plate with food. I rolled my eyes and got my breakfast.

  “A month isn’t bad, Beautiful.” Ethan caught my attention as he loaded up a few melon slices. “Isaac once got three.” I chuckled at that. I looked at Isaac.

  “What did you do?” Isaac shook his head.

  “The rule about probation is, you never have to tell why.” Isaac snickered.

  “The fucker stole my Jeep,” Zeke informed me. My jaw dropped as I looked at Isaac. He just shrugged looking like he didn’t regret it one bit.

  “Do you have a death wish?” I asked suddenly feeling even better about this whole thing. The guys laughed. I looked over at Zeke who was grinning. “What did he have to do?” Zeke’s gave me his big smile, the one with teeth. Those were rare.

  “Every time he got in a car he had to send me a text of whose car it was, where he was going and when he’d be home.” I winced. Every time? For three months? That would get old fast. But Zeke wasn’t done. “And if he was driving he had to send me a picture of the license plate to prove it was theirs.” I burst out laughing. I looked over at Isaac.

  “Never did that again, did you?” I asked smirking. Isaac was chuckling as he answered.

  “Hell no. I ask for permission just to get in that thing now.” I snickered.

  “What did you end up with, Beautiful?” Ethan asked putting eggs on his plate.

  “I have to tell Zeke if someone messes with me at all, every day,” I grumbled. The guys all burst out laughing. Except for Zeke, he just drank his coffee. I just shook my head and looked at all of them. They were crazy. No wonder I fit in.

  It was almost an hour later, and I had just finished off my second cup of coffee. The guys were still telling me about their own probation stories. I had just finished my piece of toast when someone’s cell rang. Asher pulled his phone out and frowned. He sent it to voice mail before reaching for another slice of melon. Then another phone rang. Ethan pulled his out and sent it to voice mail too. I was smirking now.

  “So, what is everyone doing today?” Miles asked just before another cell phone rang. I shook my head. Isaac pulled out his phone and sent it to voice mail.

  “I was going to hang out with Trisha, but now I think I need to cool off before I see her,” Asher admitted rubbing the back of his

  “Same here, I’m going to have it out with Faith. But not yet. Maybe this afternoon.” Ethan added.

  “Oh, I’m getting on the phone with Cece after breakfast, and we’re having it out,” Isaac said plainly.

  “You know you’re all welcome to hide out here.” Miles reminded them. They all nodded.

  “Sounds good to me,” Ethan said

  “Yeah, friend time sounds good right now,” Asher admitted.

  “After my call, I’ll be free the rest of the day,” Isaac added. “There’s no way I can look at her today.”

  “I’ve got to meet Riley at two for a movie, but I’m free till then.” Zeke shrugged as he looked around the group. “What about you Lexie?” I met his eyes across the coffee table.

  “Well, I’m working on building that link to the Veil today. I’m expecting a lot of pain.” I admitted. I looked around the group at them. “So, probably me in the fetal position looking pathetic the rest of the day.” The guys suddenly looked worried. Oh yeah, I didn’t tell them that part.

  “Then I’m not going anywhere,” Ethan announced. “I can talk to Faith on the phone just as easily here.”

  “That’s my plan,” Isaac pointed out.

  “It’s probably better if I don’t see Trisha during that conversation anyway.” Asher agreed.

  “I can cancel with Riley; she’ll be fine with it,” Zeke said as he pulled out his phone.

  “Zeke, don’t bail on Riley,” I told him. “The other’s will be here. I’ll be fine.” His brow drew down as he eyed me.

  “You sure?” He asked uncertainly.

  “Yeah, it’s going to be kind of boring anyway,” I said giving him a small smile. “I’ll be in my little trance, and that’ll be all you guys see.” At least that was what I hoped.

  “Okay.” Zeke put his phone away. Cell phones went off again. I snorted as the guys sent the girls to voicemail again.

  “I got ten, that they are all together and trying to figure out what I told you.” I offered. All the guys shook their head. No one would take my bet.

  “I can push your rock climbing lesson to tomorrow if you need Ally.” Asher offered.

  “I already had one tomorrow.” I reminded him.

  “Okay, Tuesday.” Asher tried again.

  “Fighting training,” Isaac answered. I decided to end this before it continued.

  “We can do two in one day, or we’ll have to make it up Friday if I can’t make it today, it’s the only free day,” I told him. Asher frowned.

  “Your schedule is really packed, Ally,” Asher said. I gave him a small smile.

  “Yeah, luckily Dylan lives in another town.” I shrugged. “It’ll ease up after I get the link going. It should... okay, I’m really hoping here.” The guys chuckled. My cell phone rang. I looked at the screen.

  “Uh, who’s number is 555-7424?” I asked the group. Ethan cursed.

  “That’s Faith, how the hell did she get your number?” Ethan groused.

  “Ever leave your phone with her?” I asked. He frowned and looked pissed all over again. “Should I answer?” The guys nodded.

  “On speaker, don’t let her know we’re listening,” Zeke said in his ‘I’m not really asking’ voice. I answered on speaker.


  “Are the guys with you?” Faith’s voice was sharp and pissed off.

  “Yeah, they’re out in the kitchen right now, we’re doing our usual Sunday breakfast thing. How’d you get my number?”

  “Off Ethan's phone.” She said it like it was obvious and normal. “I’m coming to your house. I need to talk to him.”

  “Be my guest, we’re not there,” I said keeping my voice pleasant. “And how the fuck do you know where I live?”

  “Then where are you?” She demanded, ignoring my question. Ethan was shaking his head already. I gestured for him to be quiet.

  “We’re at Miles’ house; it’s our friend only zone,” I said, keeping my voice pleasant.

  “Tell me where he lives, I want to talk to Ethan.” Faith demanded.

  “Miles doesn’t want any of you to know where he lives, so, no,” I told her just as clearly. “Call Ethan’s phone if you want to talk to him.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what that nerd wants, next time I see him, I’ll chew him out over it. But right now, I’m dealing with you.” She snapped at me, her voice full of attitude. I became pissed off calm.

  “I warned you twice and told you there will not be a third,” I told her keeping my voice calm. “Now if you so much as come near Miles, I’ll fuck you up.” The guys smirked, Ethan just looked furious. He gestured for me to hand him the phone. I handed the phone over.

  “Bring it on, bitch.” Faith shot at me.

  “What the fuck, Faith?” Ethan spoke at the phone. The phone went quiet. I expected Ethan to get up and walk away to talk to her, but he stayed put.

  “Ethan, that was so out of context that it’s crazy.” Faith's voice changed to her sweet one. “You don’t know what that bitch has been saying to me on the phone.”

  “Yeah, I do, I was sitting here listening the whole fucking time.” He countered.

  “Honey, I-”

  “I also know all about the shit from this week now too.” Ethan snapped.

  “She’s lying-” Faith tried.

  “She didn’t tell us. Dylan did.” He snorted. “And here’s the real fucked up part. Lexie is the one who just sat here, convincing us guys to give you girls another chance.”

  “Really?” Faith’s voice was hopeful. Ethan licked his lips and pressed them together hard.

  “Yeah. And you just fucking blew yours. No one treats my family that way. We’re over.” He hung up the phone. I noticed his hands shaking. I pulled out my mp3.

  “Ethan,” I called. He looked at me. I tossed it to him. He gave me a tight half-smile and handed me my phone back.

  “I’ll be down in the workout room,” Ethan announced before getting up and heading into the long hallway. It was quiet for a while. Then I had to ask.

  “Where’s the workout room?” The guys burst out laughing. I just waited for an answer. When they finally calmed down, they told me about the hidden staircase in the kitchen to the basement. I thought they were messing with me until Isaac took me in there and showed me. The door just looked like another fucking pantry. Apparently downstairs was just as big as upstairs. There was a workout room, a theater for movies, a sauna and a few other rooms that Miles never even bothered to use. I walked back into the living room and looked at Miles.

  “Can I move in?” I asked only half kidding. Miles laughed and smiled. It was the best smile of the morning.

  It wasn’t long before the guys went to play video games and I went to the conservatory. I went to my chair and sat down. I had never tried this without the guide, but I was sure I had the steps memorized by now. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I let every thought go, every worry, every emotion go and just sank. I went a lot faster. I didn’t so much as sink as fall this time. The images of my life flashed by so quickly that I didn’t even know which were which. Then I was there. The white plain and golden sky stretched out above it. I looked at the white plain and the white sand. It was peaceful here; it was me. I took a breath and tried to picture the Veil. I was pulled hard across the white sand. Before I could get scared, I stopped. I was standing on a ledge. The ledge stretched out to the sides so far, I could barely see the curve of the edge of my center. Out across from the ledge was a field of black with stars scattered across it. Like diamonds over black velvet. Out in that space, I saw the Veil. It was like an island. Just floating there, but something was… I needed more light. As soon as I thought it the blackness pulled away, like a sunrise over a mountain. I finally saw the Veil for what it was. I looked above me and saw the golden sky change to the dusk of dawn; it had texture. Like fabric being pulled and pleated. I followed it out to the Veil. The closer the fabric of the world got to the Veil the more it folded over on itse
lf to attach to that island out there. I looked over the edge and saw the same below. The fabric was pulled and pleated below just as it was above. This side connected to the bottom of the Veil. The Veil really was just a portal to two different sides. Now, how the hell do I get out there?

  Maybe if I made a bridge? I tried to create a large stone block out of a memory, nothing important just something I wouldn’t miss. The block appeared in front of me. I pictured where I wanted it to go. It moved to the ledge and pressed against the edge. Then I let go. The stone dropped like, well, stone. Pain burned through my head making me wobble on my feet. Fuck. Okay, that hurt! And I suddenly couldn’t remember what my third-grade teacher’s name was. Okay, so don’t use memories because that fucking hurts. The other me or the person who was pretending to be me said making the link would hurt, but something told me that wasn’t what she was talking about. So, let’s figure out what else would hurt. I looked over the edge and decided no jumping. I paced along the ledge looking out over the stretch of sky trying to think of a way over. A balloon? No. A rope bridge? Attached to what, Lexie? That other me, the pretender me, had said that a lot of my gift was instinctual. I have to get out of my own way to figure this out. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I cleared my mind again. Then looked out over to the Veil. Walk. I froze. It was the first thing to pop into my head. I frowned, it couldn’t be that simple. Could it? Oh fuck, I’m going to wake up with amnesia or something. I should be shaking. I should be feeling my heart racing. But I didn’t. I was afraid but I didn’t feel the physical effects of fear. It was really unnerving.

  I had a fleeting thought of sending my love to the guys. Then I was sliding my foot out over the ledge. My foot met with resistance, so I pushed. Pain lanced through my head, taking my breath from me. I stepped back. When I could see straight, I looked down. The ledge had extended out over the field of stars. Yeah, walk. Pushing against the fabric of the world hurt like hell. Well, the pretender me had been right. This was going to hurt a lot. I walked back up to where the ledge had extended. I put my hands up in front of me, a little farther apart than my shoulders. If I was opening a way, then I was going to have it be big enough for me to get through. I took a couple of deep breaths. I rested my hands against that invisible wall in front of me. I slid my foot and pushed with my arms at the same time. Pain washed over me as every nerve I had was lit on fire. I grunted through my teeth as the wall moved back and I took a step out. Sharp knife points dragged along every nerve in my body as I kept pushing. I was grunting, yelling, screaming as I pushed and pushed. Making a new pathway in the fabric of the world required pain, sacrifice. Everything had a fucking price. I thought about Sophia when I wanted to stop, I thought about how I would have to tell Ethan I couldn’t help her cross. The knife points along my nerves became blades. My vision doubled, and I still pushed. I kept pushing and pushing. Step after step. Until the world began to flash around me. I was too exhausted to keep going right now, my body hurting too much, my center was yanking me back. I looked across and saw I had only made it about a third of the way across. Fuck. I felt myself get yanked back and thrown up.


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