When the Dead Come a Knockin'

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When the Dead Come a Knockin' Page 35

by B. L. Brunnemer

  By the time the guys showed up with the tree, I had been looking for the scissors for ten minutes. And doing that while not telling Miles why wasn’t working very well. When I finally gave in and told him. He just smiled down at me. Then he showed me where the good scissors were. Miles went to help put the tree up, while I went into Miles’ Mom’s room. I opened that huge fucking closet and went to town. I tore that place up. I cut up her designer clothes and broke the heels off several of the shoes, yanked off several straps for those strappy heels. I was concentrating on ripping the seam on the sleeve of a particularly elegant suit jacket when Zeke and Isaac found me. Zeke’s eyes went wide, Isaac’s jaw dropped.

  “Shit Red!” Isaac’s voice was loud. “Miles is going to kill you.” I snorted.

  “No, he won’t,” I said distractedly. I was concentrating on snipping only enough thread in the seam so I could tear the fucker off. I had been finding it oddly satisfying. “He gave me the scissors.”

  There was a full minute of silence in which the only sound was me tearing that sleeve off. Aaah. That felt great.

  “His Mom is going to kill him,” Zeke said as he was looking around the closet. I snorted again as I reached for another designer shoe.

  “No, she won’t.” I tried to cut the shoe, but the scissors weren’t so sharp anymore. Damn it. “Anyone have a pocket knife, I have shoes to destroy,” I asked looking up at them. They looked at me like I was crazy.

  “Red, when she gets back and-”

  “She’s not coming back,” I told him my voice matter-of-fact. The guys went still.

  “You mean for Christmas, right?” Isaac asked slowly.

  “No,” I said calmly, even though I was wanting to tear into more of her clothes. “She’s left Miles here. And decided that she didn’t need to come back to be with her son, ever.” I snapped the last part of the sentence. Isaac cursed and strode out of the closet saying mumbling under his breath. I went back to trying to cut the leather on the shoe. Zeke squatted down in front of me, getting my attention. His face was hard as he pulled out his pocket knife and opened it. He held it out to me hilt first.

  “Go to town, Baby.” His gravelly voice was hard even for him. I smiled happily, took the knife and did just that. With Zeke’s knife, it was so much easier. I even managed to get Zeke to break off a few heels I couldn’t manage myself. We sat in the closet and Zeke watched me destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of clothes. I didn’t think of donating them to charity until it was too late. Shit. That would have been more productive. Oh well. Maybe we’ll do that with what was left over. When I was done, well, for now. There really were a lot of clothes. I gave Zeke his now duller knife back. When I mentioned getting it sharpened he just smirked at me and told me it was fine. I smiled back and told him I was planning on borrowing it again, and he shouldn’t have to pay for it. He was still laughing when Ethan, Asher, and Isaac walked into the closet. They all looked rather shocked at the carnage. I just sat among all that devastation and smiled sweetly.

  “Now, there’s an image I’ll never get out of my head.” Isaac shook his head. I snickered before looking at Ethan and Asher.

  “Do you guys know?” I asked. Asher’s eyes narrowed on me.

  “Know what? Why you tore up Miles’ Mom's clothes? No.” I looked at Zeke and Isaac.

  “Can you guys go keep Miles company, so he doesn’t come looking for everyone, please?” I asked. Zeke nodded and got up. Isaac and Zeke walked out of the closet. I looked up at the guys. “Miles’ Mom bailed on him.” Asher’s face became drawn, and Ethan’s mouth dropped open. “She’s not coming back. Ever.” I swallowed hard as I remembered the way he clung to me. “We need to hang out here a lot more, I know we have since vacation. But I also mean when school starts.” The guys nodded. “I promised him he wouldn’t be alone. I know we can’t keep that for everything but-”

  “We got it, Ally.” Asher’s voice was firm. His fists were clenched, his knuckles white.

  “Yeah, we can do that,” Ethan added. His dark eyes storming. “He can spend the night at our house for Christmas Eve. Hell, Mom’s got presents for him anyway.”

  “I’ll take New Year's,” Asher said. Ethan nodded.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Ethan reassured me. “But we can keep that promise, Beautiful.” I smiled up at them, all the guys were so amazing. They didn’t hesitate to jump in when one of us were in trouble. I loved these big bastards.

  “Thanks guys.” I held up the scissors. “Want a turn?”

  Chapter 14

  Tuesday Afternoon

  Christmas Eve

  I was walking up Asher’s front walk the next day, still thinking about this morning's Veil session. I was still trying to get to the damn Veil, but I was about three-quarters of the way. The closer I got to the Veil, it seemed the thicker the fabric of the world was. It was taking more time than I liked. It was frustrating. That’s when it hit me, or two things hit me. One in the chest and the other on my shoulder. I looked up and spotted the twins running around the house giggling like maniacs. Okay, guys, it’s on. I ran after them scooping up snowballs on the run. I got Isaac in the back and Ethan in the butt before they reached their stockpile. Those little fuckers! I dove behind the picnic table and started making snowballs as fast as I could. A snowball came over the table and landed on my back near my collar. Mother...! The ice slipped under my coat. I stood up and started throwing. I nailed Isaac in the chest once then the face a second time. Then I dropped back down under my cover laughing my ass off.

  “Not cool, Red!” Isaac shouted.

  “You started it!” I shouted back making more snowballs. I heard Isaac laughing. Snowballs started flying over the table. Fuck! I kept getting hit. I scooted down looking for a better spot. The backyard was empty of any other cover, except for the tree and that was no good. Shit. Then I had a thought, where was Ethan? I barely heard the crunch of snow a second before water poured down on my head. I was instantly soaked through and freezing. “Oh, you fuckers!” I gasped as the cold air and water stole most of my body heat. I was shivering hard, my teeth chattering instantly. The twins were laughing hysterically.

  “What? Don’t like the ice water Beautiful?” Ethan taunted. I got to my feet shaking down to my bones.

  “You were ins-s-s-s-side y-y-you f-f-fuckers-s-s.” I managed to say as I shivered hard, hurrying toward the house. I needed to get inside fast, or this was going to be bad. The back door opened, and Zeke looked outside.

  “What’s going on now?” Zeke called. I couldn’t answer my teeth were chattering too much. The twins were still laughing. I had reached the back porch before Zeke got a good look at me. His eyes went wide as he saw my wet hair and where ice was starting to form on my coat.

  “Lexie, get in here!” He barked opening the screen door and moved onto the porch waiting for me. His eyes ran over me; his face grew hard. “They fucking soaked you?” I nodded as I finally reached him. He grabbed my arm and pushed me into the house. The house was hot, like a summer day and I knew that wasn’t right. Asher usually kept it around sixty-eight. I stopped a few feet in the door not wanting to track water through the house. Zeke turned me towards him roughly and bent down to look at my face. “Your fucking lips are turning blue.” His hands went to the buttons on my jacket. I couldn’t help my hands felt frozen. “Asher!” He bellowed as he opened my coat now stiff with ice. The air made me shiver even worse, I cursed. I heard footsteps running this way.

  “What’s going….” Asher’s voice trailed off. “What the hell happened?” Zeke was pulling my jacket off one arm when he looked towards the kitchen door.

  “We have to get her warm now.” He snapped. Asher moved to stand in front of me, his hands pulling off my gloves. I knew I should be scared right now, but I was just too fucking cold to care. Zeke stopped trying to be gentle. He jerked the jacket off my other arm. “We need to get her out of these clothes and into something dry.” Asher ran back down the hallway. Zeke bent down and
untied my shoes. I leaned against his shoulder, shaking as he yanked them off my frozen feet along with my socks. By the time I stood up again, Asher had come back with a blanket and towels. Asher wrapped the blanket around my shoulders, it covered me completely and pooled on the floor. Asher leaned down into my sightline and grabbed my chin making sure he had my attention.

  “Ally, honey, you need to take your clothes off.” He said calmly in a firm voice. “Either you do it, or we’ll do it for you. But the wet clothes have to come off now.” I nodded. My stiff fingers went to my jeans. I barely managed to unbutton them, and it took time. Zeke cursed. “Ally, you need to move faster. Your temperature’s still dropping.” I couldn’t fucking move faster.

  “C-c-c-c-can’t.” I managed through chattering teeth. Asher’s eyes went to Zeke over my shoulder then back to me.

  “Sorry, Ally, but we need to get the wet clothes off.” I nodded that I understood. He put the blanket down. His hands went to my jeans, and Zeke’s went to my shirt. My shirt came off over my head fast; the hot air hit my skin then Zeke had a towel around my shoulders and was hurrying around us and into the laundry room. I crossed my arms over my chest, not out of some sense of modesty. I was just that fucking cold. The back door opened as Asher was peeling my wet jeans down my hips.

  “What the fuck?” Isaac’s voice shot through the room. I was too fucking cold to care. Besides, my important parts were still covered. Zeke strode back into the kitchen, his face furious.

  “Get the fuck out!” Zeke shouted as he strode back towards us, his burning eyes towards the back door. “She’s hypothermic, you fucking idiots!” The twins cursed and the backed door closed. Asher got my soaked jeans down my legs. I had a weird thought of being thankful I shaved my legs today. I lifted one foot then the other, and the jeans hit the tile with a wet plop. Zeke’s arms came around me holding a large black shirt in his hands in front of me. Asher and Zeke helped me slide my arms in and slip it on. It was huge and reached my knees. Asher grabbed my chin again as Zeke pulled my hair out of the shirt.

  “Ally, can you get the rest?” Asher asked bluntly. I tried to move my fingers, but they still felt frozen still. Asher saw what I was doing and felt my fingers. “Shit, her hands are stiff. Zeke, unhook her bra. She should be able to get the rest off then.”

  “Sorry, Lexie,” Zeke whispered before pulling the back of the shirt up and exposing my back to the air. I was still freezing, and just that made me shiver harder. Zeke’s hands were at my back; I felt my bra unhook. Zeke dropped the shirt and made sure it covered me again. I pulled my arms into the shirt and pulled the bra off and dropped it to the floor. I moved my hands to my panties. Asher realized what I was doing.

  “Zeke hold the shirt down.” Asher knelt and held the hem in the front, while Zeke did the same in the back, and I moved a bit faster knowing I wasn’t going to flash someone.

  “This is the weirdest fucking day ever,” Zeke grumbled. Asher chuckled.

  “Yeah, stripping Ally naked in the kitchen. Not exactly on our list of things to do today.” Asher joked as I shimmied my panties down my hips and then my legs. Teeth still chattering I kicked them to the pile of wet clothes. I slid my arms back through the sleeves, crossed them over my chest and kept shaking. Asher grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around me. Zeke again pulled my still soaked hair out.

  “The electric blanket is in the family room already on. I’ll make her something warm to drink.” Asher said looking over my shoulder and stepping back. Zeke scooped me up in his arms, blanket and all. He was like a freaking furnace. I pressed myself closer because he felt so warm. He hurried into the family room, put me on the couch. Zeke wrapped the blanket around me. It felt scorching. I hissed at how hot it felt. Zeke heard and checked the controller

  “It’s only at a one.” He said gently squatting down in front of me. His worried eyes ran over my face. “It feels like that because you're so cold.” He pulled my hair out of the blanket and used the towel he brought to keep soaking up the water in my hair. His jaw was still clenched as his hands worked. The whole time he was cursing under his breath about the twins, how he was going to kill them, and in all the many ways. If I weren't still so cold, I would have agreed. The shaking was down to shivers when Asher came in carrying a mug.

  “Ally, can you hold this?” Asher asked. I nodded and took the mug. It felt like my hands were burning. I hissed. Asher took it back and felt the side. “It’s warm, honey. You're just cold.” He handed it back to me, and I didn’t bitch this time. I took a small sip and felt it go all the way down. Oh, it was warm. Thank God. Asher disappeared back into the kitchen. Zeke didn’t budge until the shivering was almost gone. He took a deep breath and let it out, his shoulders relaxing. He brushed some hair away from my face, his fingers still feeling hot to me.

  “Lucky it was my laundry day, huh?” Zeke said with that half grin of his. I snorted and smiled.

  “Y-yeah, who knew you had a dress.” I shot back my teeth finally not chattering anymore. He grinned at that, relief flooding his face. Then his anger was back.

  “I’m going to kill the twins now.” He told me his voice matter-of-fact before standing up. I snagged his hand before he could leave. The blanket fell off my shoulder, and I shivered immediately. Zeke reached down and wrapped it back around me. “You don’t want me to kill them?” I shook my head and grinned.

  “Call Maria.” He gave me a big smile, with teeth. Those smiles were few and far between. “Or blackmail.” He snickered.

  “I like the way you think, Lexie.” He ran his fingers through his hair, grabbed the controller for the TV and sat next to me. “You pick.” Zeke scrolled through the menu, and I saw what I wanted.

  “Pacific Rim.” Zeke chuckled as he put it on.

  “Monsters vs. Robots, why am I not surprised?” He mumbled. I smiled over at him.

  “Because it's great.” I pointed out, my body no longer shivering. I was still fucking cold, just not shivering. “And it’s not robots; it’s machines. Human run, so not a robot.” His eyes ran over me again, his face relaxed a bit more.

  “You're getting some color back.” He said. I snorted.

  “What little I have.” He snorted. He reached over felt my hands then turned the controller on the blanket to a four. “By the way, just to obey the rules of my probation.” I looked up at him. “The twins messed with me.” He shook his head, his jaw clenching.

  “No shit. What the fuck were they thinking? They know how cold it is outside.” His voice was hard again.

  “They weren’t.”

  “They do that a lot,” he grumbled. I nodded. The little shits went too far today. Something occurred to me. I snickered at myself.


  “I’m just glad I’m not girly enough to be embarrassed when I need to be stripped down by my guy friends in an emergency,” I said grinning. He chuckled. Then something else occurred to me. “Now imagine if Miles had been here.” We both burst out laughing, yeah it was probably from relief, but I liked to think I was just that funny. We were still laughing when Asher came back into the family room. He raised an eyebrow at us. We didn’t fill him in. When we calmed down enough, Asher used an ear thingy to check my temperature. I was almost normal again. He handed me a pair of folded sweats.

  “Your clothes are in the dryer, but I thought you’d like some pants.” He said sweetly. I looked up at him adoringly.

  “Thank you.” He gave me a small grin then looked at Zeke.

  “Ready to kill the twins? Cause I am.” Asher asked his voice growing firm. Zeke smirked evilly.

  “Oh yeah, get those fuckers in here.” Zeke got up, and they both went into the kitchen. I took the opportunity to get out of the blanket; I shivered almost immediately. I was just sliding a foot into the sweats when the front door opened. Shit. I hurried and slipped my other leg in.

  “I’m here.” Miles' voice came from the foyer. Shit, shit, shit. I pulled the sweatpants up just in time for Miles to walk in and see
me finish pulling them on. Miles froze, there was no point in turning around this time. I was tying the drawstring.

  “Lexie...” He closed his eyes his face turning red. “Why are you always naked?” He asked exasperated. I finished tying the knot and dropped Zeke’s shirt. Wondering what exactly he saw, I pointed at him.

  “Not my fault this time.” I insisted. Zeke’s shouting came from the kitchen. Miles looked towards the foyer then back at me. “The twins soaked me with a bucket of water outside. I ran in. Asher and Zeke had to strip me down because my lips were turning blue.” I sat down and wrapped the electric blanket around me, trying to look a bit pathetic. “They got me warm, and in one of Zeke’s giant shirts, my clothes are in the dryer, and Asher just brought me sweats. They just went in to yell at the twins, and I was just pulling them on.” I explained quickly, then felt compelled to add. “Sorry.” There was more yelling from the kitchen. Miles' face went blank, his eyes cold.

  “They poured water over you? Outside?” He asked, his voice chilling. I nodded, biting the corner of my lower lip. His mouth became a tight line. “Excuse me.” Miles put down the video games he had brought then strode into the foyer and towards the kitchen. Uh-oh. Zeke was explosive scary when he was mad; Miles was the opposite. Cold as ice, completely controlled. I really didn't want to be the twins right now. The yelling stopped in the kitchen. I figured Miles was talking. He never yelled that was its own kind of scary. I watched the movie as the guys had a talk about not almost killing me in the kitchen. At least, that’s what I assumed. It was awhile before I heard the kitchen door open. Ethan strode in with Isaac right behind him. They were both pale.

  “Red, we are so sorry.” Isaac started as he stood in front of the TV, his hands threaded behind his head. Ethan was by the end of the coffee table.

  “We were just trying to get your coat, and make it hard to take off,” Ethan admitted. “We way over did it.” Ethan was spinning one of his rings.


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