When the Dead Come a Knockin'

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When the Dead Come a Knockin' Page 43

by B. L. Brunnemer


  The sun was already up when I opened my eyes. I felt different. It was... I wanted to get up and move. I wasn’t groggy. I wasn’t cursing everything under the sun. I had gotten a full fucking night of sleep. Pure happiness filled me; I grabbed my phone when my ball of love woke up too. He slid off the bed and started looking around. Oh no. I quickly picked him up, grabbed his treat bag and hurried downstairs. I barely stopped to shove my feet into the galoshes by the back door before I was out and putting Hades down. He looked around the snow and moved to a spot before he took a leak. I checked the time, and my mouth gaped. It was ten in the morning; I had missed my workout, and no one had come to yank me out of bed. I smiled. Hades decided to move to another pristine patch of snow and color that one as well. I texted the guys.

  Alexis: IT WORKED! I slept all night.

  It didn’t take long before my phone blew up.

  Isaac: Awesome Red!

  Asher: How do you feel, Ally?

  Ethan: No more eye baggage for Beautiful!

  Zeke: Did he eat your pillow too?

  Miles: When you didn’t show up this morning we called Rory, he told us you were still sleeping.

  I loved my guys. I looked up in time to watch Hades taking a squat. Then I was back on my phone.

  Alexis: I feel fucking fantastic! No, he didn’t eat my pillow. Tell me what kind you want, and I’ll pick it up before I see you guys tonight.

  Zeke: I want my old pillow, but uneaten.

  I snickered at Zeke. I looked up to see Hades was done. I called his name and went over to him. I gave him two treats and gave him some love. Then I picked him up, and we went back inside. I had forgotten my coat, so now I was freezing. I put Hades down inside, and he ran to his food dish. I went back to my phone.

  Alexis: Well, I can give you the remains of that pillow, or I can get you a new one. Your choice.

  I snickered as I hit send. I went to the kitchen not even bothering with coffee this morning. I was pouring my cereal when my phone vibrated again.

  Zeke: Soft but firm.

  I snickered. My dirty side came out to play.

  Alexis: I said pillows Zeke, not boobs.

  I hit send. My phone blew up.

  Isaac: Nice Red.

  Ethan: LOL

  Asher: That so just made my morning.

  Miles: Even I thought that was funny.

  Zeke: Ha ha, who is it that needs help training her dog?

  Alexis: I’ll get your pillow, any particular brand?

  I went back to making my breakfast and started eating. Hades apparently was doing the same.

  Zeke sent me the name brand of the pillow he prefers. I couldn’t blame him, if I were as big as him, I’d be picky about my shit too. I looked around the house and realized I was alone. Then I looked at the couch. I decided to do some Veil work. I sat down on the couch and got to work.

  I pushed as much as I could today, but it was still getting harder the closer I got to the Veil. I managed maybe eight feet today before I had to stop. Fuck. I was tired, so I came back up and out.

  I opened my eyes to the real world again. My nose was bleeding, head pounding and I was fucking starving. I checked the time it was one in the afternoon. After my nose had stopped bleeding, I got up to make a sandwich and realized I hadn’t let Hades out. I had a mess to clean up. Mental note: Get puppy sitter during Veil link work. I was in the middle of eating when my phone rang. It was Dylan.

  “Hey, cutie.” I greeted him smiling.

  “Hi, Sunshine. Did you sleep last night?” I smiled my big happy smile.

  “Oh yeah. Slept like a fucking rock. I even slept through my alarm and missed my workout this morning.”

  “Good, I’m glad it worked.” He paused. “Though I think I might still need some naps with you.” I chuckled.

  “How are you doing today?” I asked eating a chip. He sighed.

  “Edgy, I want to get out of here to see you. But I’m stuck here at the store, where it’s dead as a doornail.” He grumbled. I smiled.

  “Sorry honey, but if it makes you feel better, I’m just playing with Hades and napping anyway,” I said watching Hades chase one of his balls across the floor.

  “You named him Hades?”

  “Yep, God of the Underworld.” He laughed as I ate another chip.

  “Oh, that’s so you.” He said, his voice sounded like he was smiling. “By the way, after you left last night I told Dad about your presents.” I bit the corner of my bottom lip; my gut knotted instantly.

  “And?” I prompted when he didn’t say anything.

  “And he’s making Mom’s meatloaf tonight.” I smiled. “He really loved it Sunshine.”

  I felt all warm inside. I was glad I had just gone with it instead of hemming and hawing over it.

  “I’m glad. I really didn’t want to put my nose into your guy’s business but-”

  “It was the best Christmas we’ve had since Mom died.” He chuckled. “After I showed him the binders he looked at me and told me to hold onto you because I needed to marry you the minute we turned eighteen.” I burst out laughing, my face turning red. Oh, wow. Dylan’s dad did like me after all. It took a bit before I could stop laughing at that, by then my gut knotted.

  “Tell me you reminded him we’ve been dating for like, a week?” I asked. He better not even think of fucking asking. I’d hang up immediately and not talk to him again until he got the damn idea out of his head. Dylan chuckled.

  “Oh, yeah. I put a stop to that really quick.” He waited for a few beats before adding. “He was still mumbling about a ring this morning, though.”

  “Aw, you’re just going to have to keep saying no.” I taunted him. He snickered.

  “I will Sunshine, didn’t mean to scare the shit out of you.” His voice was soft and teasing.

  “You didn’t.” I lied through my teeth. He laughed quietly.

  “Oh, yeah I did. That was hilarious.” He wasn't quiet about laughing anymore. “Your voice actually got high pitched.” I winced.

  “Okay, I’m hanging up.” My face was turning red again.

  “No, I’m sorry. I’ll stop teasing you.” He promised. “It was just really cute.”

  “I’m not cute Dylan. I’m a pain in the ass.” I countered.

  “Yeah, a really cute pain in the ass.” He mumbled. I felt my face warm again. “What’s the plan tonight anyway? If Trisha’s a bitch did Asher give you permission to start swinging?” I snorted that would be great, but I really needed to work on my violent tendencies.

  “We’re going to the bowling alley. They’ve got that whole section of just pool tables.” I said watching Hades start sniffing. “Shit, give me a sec.” I got up, hurried to him picked him up and opened the back door. I set him outside while I put on those galoshes again. I stepped outside and shivered a bit. “Sorry, Hades was sniffing around for a leak.”

  “No worries, so we’re playing pool tonight. I’m pretty good, how about you?” He sounded a bit cocky to me. I smirked.

  “No, I’m not that good. Only played a couple of times in LA.” I lied through my teeth. I spent a lot of time in a pool hall that let minors in. I didn’t have any friends, so I’d play pool by myself. That would be kind of sad if I thought about it. I pushed the thought away.

  “Well, then we’ll have to play a game. I can help if you need it.” I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

  “Sounds good to me.” I managed to keep my voice normal. I watched Hades take his leak and look up at me expectantly. I smiled, I gave him his treat, and his love then took him back inside. Dylan was laughing at me. “Shut up.” I snapped at him as I closed the door behind me.

  “That was the girliest I’ve ever heard you sound.” He pointed out still chuckling. I sighed.

  “It’s my puppy, of course, I’m going to be girly.” I countered still feeling my face warm.

  “It’s just really cute, Sunshine.” He finally stopped laughing. I rolled my eyes. Hades brought me his rope, and
he wanted to play. I sat down on the floor and started playing tug-a-war with my dog.

  “Yeah, yeah. The guys thought it was funny as hell too.” I admitted. He snorted.

  “Do you want me to pick you up tonight? Or do you want to meet there?” I heard him doing something in the background.

  “I can meet you there, no point in you having to drive across town and back,” I said distracted by Hades yanking on the rope.

  “I love that you value gas.” His voice told me he was smiling again.

  “Just the kind that goes in the tank, not the other kind.” I snickered, he groaned.

  “And a fart joke. Sunshine, you're just…”

  “Awesome, stupendous? Funny as hell?” I offered, smiling. He chuckled.

  “All those things, Lexie.” His voice had gone soft again. It made me smile.

  “Well, I try.” He sighed. There was a bell.

  “Customers, I’ll see you at six Sunshine.” He hung up the phone before I could say anything. Which didn’t really bother me, he was at work. I played with Hades until the booger passed out. Rory came home and agreed to dog sit tonight. I explained how I was supposed to be training him. When Rory started protesting about it, I explained Zeke’s experience with dogs. Rory’s eyebrows went up; then he agreed to do it the way Zeke told me to. I ran upstairs to get ready for our group thing tonight. I hoped it wasn’t going to be a disaster.

  I was standing around in my usual black underwear trying to figure out what to wear. My hair was already done into its thick curly mass, so was my natural makeup. I really wanted to wear the necklace Dylan gave me tonight. Though with how long the necklace was it I was going to end up showing a little more cleavage than normal. I wasn’t going to be hanging out like, well, Trisha. But it was going to be more than usual. I finally settled on a shirt. I pulled on my blue jeans, black boots, and grommet belt. Then my shirt and necklace. I looked in the mirror. The forest green top v neck was long sleeved and form fitting. The shirt clung down to my hips. The neckline wasn’t plunging; it just showed a bit more cleavage than I usually did. And with the long sleeves, it wasn’t too much. Yeah, I’m a little more modest in how much skin I’m showing, you would be too if you were pale as fucking snow. I keep covered up so I don’t blind people. The necklace worked beautifully with the shirt. I made sure to put a hair tie around my wrist; I knew I was going to need it when I kicked Dylan’s ass at pool. I grabbed my beads and made sure to put them in my coat pocket. I put on my rosemary oil, got my cell phone and headed downstairs. I said goodbye to Hades and thanked Rory for watching him then headed out. I made a point of picking up the pillow Zeke wanted before I drove to the bowling alley and headed in.

  The inside of the bowling alley was warm, so I took off my coat. The place was busy, after all, in this town, there really wasn’t much else to do. I headed towards the back section of the building where the pool tables were. I spotted Riley and Zeke in the back-left corner. Zeke was in his usual, black jeans, black long sleeve shirt, motorcycle boots and wallet chain. Riley looked great tonight in a black and purple plaid that showed off her assets, black leggings, and black knee high boots. I headed over. Riley’s eyes went wide.

  “Lexie, is that some cleavage I’m seeing?” Riley asked as I got closer, my face went red. Zeke rubbed a hand across his eyes.

  “Yeah, am I blinding planes yet?” I asked seriously. Riley laughed. I looked at Zeke who still hadn’t looked at me. “Zeke, I’m showing less than Riley is. Chill out.” Riley laughed and hugged Zeke.

  “Honey, her shirt is a fraction of an inch lower in the neckline. You’ll live.” Riley reassured him. He sighed and looked at me. I stuck my tongue out at him. He snorted, and he relaxed.

  “Your pillow is in the Blazer, so grab it before you take off tonight,” I told him. Then I looked at Riley. “I’ve got your photos.” I chimed smiling. Her face lit up as I pulled out my cellphone. I went to my email and opened the first email address I didn’t recognize. It wasn’t the photos.

  Your voice is like music to my ears- S.A.

  It took me a second to realize what I had just read. Then I read it again. Okay, that’s weird.

  “Did Dylan send you that?” Riley asked as she read over my shoulder.

  “No… I think someone has the wrong email address.” I backed out of that email and threw it away. Then I opened the next one that had a different email address; this one was Dylan’s. I downloaded the photos to my phone, so Riley could see them. I handed her my phone, so she could send the pictures she likes to herself. I sat down across from Zeke. “So, are we expecting Trisha to be able to keep her shit together? Or are we taking bets tonight?” I asked smiling. They both laughed. Zeke shook his head.

  “I say no, she’s gonna have an issue tonight,” Zeke predicted.

  “I think so too, but I will be on my best…. okay, least obnoxious behavior.” I promised. He raised an eyebrow at me. “To her,” I smirked. Riley cracked up. Zeke just shook his head. “I’m going to try. But if she starts shit, I will not put a hand on her. Unless she touches me first.” Zeke grinned. Though is she mentions Dad again the guys might have to stop me from killing her.

  “Then it’s war?” He asked.

  “Then I’ll rip the bitch apart,” I admitted. Zeke chuckled. He gestured with his chin behind me.

  “The twins are here.” I scooted my chair until the back was against the wall. The twins came in smiling. Ethan was in his usual all black. Isaac was wearing jeans, a gray sweater with blue horizontal stripes and one orange one. He also had a big black eye. They grabbed chairs and brought them over to us.

  “What happened to you? Didn’t you just get a bunch of safety equipment?” I asked looking at his swollen eye.

  “Wasn’t watching my guard during sparring today,” Isaac grumbled. “The trainer kept reminding me, but Zeke got fed up with it.” I shot a look at Zeke. He shrugged.

  “Better he gets a black eye now then another concussion later.” Zeke pointed out. Okay, he had a point. I looked at Ethan.

  “Remind me not to spar with Zeke,” I said to Ethan. Zeke huffed loudly and shook his head.

  “Uh-uh, no. You are not sparring with any of us Lexie. You're going to spar with a girl or not at all.” Zeke said in his ‘don’t fuck with me on this’ voice. I gave him a small smile. Riley raised her eyebrow as she eyed Zeke. Did she not know Zeke’s trigger? Should I tell her? Or is that meddling?

  “I was making a joke, Zeke.” I pointed out. He glared at me.

  “Not a funny one.” He snapped back. I rolled my eyes at him. Riley handed me back my phone.

  “Have you seen my puppy yet?” I asked her. Her eyes went wide.

  “What puppy?”

  “The guys got me a puppy for Christmas.” I brought up the photos and showed her.

  “Aw, he’s fucking adorable.” Riley cooed. The guys groaned.

  “She’s going to be all girly now because of that puppy,” Isaac said. I flipped him off and kept talking to Riley. The boys laughed. Soon enough Zeke and Isaac went to shoot pool while me and Riley talked. With Ethan joining in with gossip. I always found it hilarious that Ethan liked to gossip, but not with the guys. I asked if anyone wanted a soda then headed up to the concession stand to order a couple. I was on my way back when a guy passed me. Then he came back. He was two heads taller than me, had black hair and lovely brown eyes. He had a sweet face.

  “Hi, you’re Alexis, right? You moved here a couple of months ago,” He asked his voice friendly and open.

  “Yeah, that’s me.” I had no clue who this guy was. “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.” He smiled.

  “Of course not, you're the only redhead in school so everyone can recognize you.” He began making a joke of it. “The rest of us are a little harder to recognize. I’m Clay. You actually stole my usual parking spot.” Oops. I winced. If he was irked enough to talk to me about he could have his spot back. It was just a fucking parking spot.

  “I’m sorry.” I
began. “I’ll park in a different spot from now on. Didn’t mean to put anyone out.” He looked at me surprised for a second.

  “No, no. I wasn’t asking for my spot back.” He laughed “There are plenty of open spots in the student lot…” He exhaled and tried again. “I just meant that’s how I know you. So, I don’t come off creepy, and it’s not working, is it?” I laughed.

  “It was until you said that,” I told him honestly with a smile. He closed his eyes and groaned, then looked back down at me.

  “Let me try this again.” He said. “Hi, I’m Clay. It’s nice to meet you.” I snorted.

  “Hi, everyone calls me Lexie.” I spotted Ethan coming this way, his shit-eating grin in place. That wasn’t good. I also noticed Miles had shown up wearing his usual khaki cargo pants, and green button down. I looked back up at Clay, I didn’t know what this guy wanted. Did he just want to chat or something?

  “So, where did you move here from anyway?” Clay asked. I took my eyes off Ethan to look back at Clay.

  “Um, LA,” I said mostly worrying about Ethan’s grin. “It’s freaking freezing here.” He laughed. Ethan stepped up and took my soda from me.

  “Hey Beautiful, Zeke says if you pick him up nachos he’ll buy you some too,” Ethan announced. I raised an eyebrow. Nachos? Sweet. Ethan looked up at Clay. “Hey, Clay Ordin right?” Clay smirked.

  “Yeah, you're Ethan Turner. Heard your band playing a couple of weeks ago, you guys are good.” Clay said making Ethan grin.

  “Thanks, man,” Ethan said before drinking out of my soda. He looked back at me grinning. “Thanks for the drink, Beautiful” He snickered before trying to take off. I snagged hold of his belt forcing him to a stop.

  “Oh no, you don’t, you shit!” I snapped at him. Ethan chuckled and looked over his shoulder at me smiling. “If you're going back, you're taking Riley’s soda. Apparently, I have nachos, and a soda to get now too.”

  “Fine,” Ethan grumbled.

  “Then you can send your brother to help carry.” He snickered.

  “Sounds good to me.” Ethan giggled. He held his hand out over his shoulder, and I passed the soda to him before letting him go. He walked off snickering. Clay raised an eyebrow at me.


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