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Havana Page 18

by Mark Kurlansky

  Kurlansky’s, here, here

  publicity photographs of Hollywood stars, here

  black festival in Havana, here

  blanquitos, here

  boats, lack of, here, here

  La Bodeguita del Medio, here, here, here, here

  Bolívar, Simón, here

  Bosch, Juan, here

  botijo (earthenware jug for playing music), here

  Brent, William Lee, here

  British invasion of Havana, here, here

  brothels, here

  “Buried Statues” (Benítez Rojo), here

  La Cabaña, here

  cabildos, here

  Cabrera, Lydia, here

  Cabrera Infante, Guillermo, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Capablanca, José Raúl, here

  El Capitolio (the Capitol), here

  Caribbean ports, here

  Caribbean sea, here, here, here

  Carnero, Osvaldo “Ova,” here

  Carpentier, Alejo, here, here, here, here

  cars, here, here, here

  Casas, Bartolomé de Las, here

  Castillo, Julián, here

  Castillo de la Real Fuerza, here, here

  Castro, Fidel

  baseball prowess, here

  and Batista, here

  budget allocations bypassing Havana, here

  CIA assassination attempts, here

  as El Caballo of La Charada, here

  extemporaneous, lengthy speeches of, here

  good looks of, here

  and Hemingway, here

  and ice cream, here, here

  landing on the coast of Pinar del Río, here

  laws governing who can live in Havana, here

  and Martí, here

  and martyrdom, here

  and May Day rally, here

  non-Habanero Spanish spoken by, here

  and opponents in exile, here

  “Pepito” jokes about, here

  and prostitution, here

  Castro, Raúl, here

  Catholicism, here, here, here

  cattle and leather as commodities, here

  Cayo Hueso, Centro Habana, here, here, here, here

  Cayuco (Oscar Blas Fernández), here

  Cecilia Valdés (Villaverde)

  about, here, here

  carriage of wealthy character, here

  and dancing, here

  on gaming houses and government, here

  iced drinks, here

  Spanish language at the time of, here

  on sweat, here

  ceiba trees, here

  Cementerio Cristóbal Colón, Vedado, here

  Centro Habana

  about, here

  Cayo Hueso, here, here, here, here

  old photographs of, here, here

  See also Habana Vieja

  ceramic making, here

  Céspedes, Yoenis, here

  chain gain, Plaza de la Catedral, here

  Changó, here, here, here, here

  La Charada (artist unknown), here

  The Chase (El Acoso) (Carpentier), here, here

  Che. See Guevara, Ernesto “Che”

  Chibás, Eduardo “Eddy” or “El Loco,” here, here

  chicken stew recipe, here

  Chinese, here, here, here

  Chino de la Charada (artist unknown), here

  Chino (Rolando Oye), here

  Christmas celebrations, here

  Church Committee, U.S. Senate investigation of CIA, here

  CIA, here, here

  Cienfuegos, Camilo, here, here

  cigars, here, here, here

  The City of Columns (Ciudad de las Columnas) (Carpentier), here

  clubs for entertainment, here, here, here

  cockfights, here

  cocktails and iced drinks, here, here, here

  Cojímar, Cuba, here, here

  cola problem, here

  Colón (cemetery), Vedado, here

  Columbus, Christopher, here, here

  Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), here


  about, here, here

  and expensive hotels, here, here

  state ownership of restaurants, here, here, here

  See also Batista, Fulgencio

  La Conspiración de la Escalera (the Ladder Conspiracy), here

  Coolidge, Calvin, here

  Coppelia ice cream store, Vedado, here, here

  Cortázar, Julio, here

  courtship at a window, here, here

  crime families, here, here, here, here, here


  about, here

  American occupation, here, here, here

  challenges after collapse of Soviet Union, here

  demographics, here

  police state, here, here


  War, here

  uprisings against Spanish rule, here, here

  cuba libre (iced cocktail), here, here

  Cuban Academy of Language, here

  Cuban convertible pesos (CUCs), here

  Cuban culture

  carriages as status symbols, here

  criticism of government, here

  death, here

  and mulatas, here, here

  music, here, here, here

  racism, here, here

  social status by race, here, here, here

  suicides and martyrs, here, here, here

  and sweat, here

  transculturation process, here, here

  and windows, here, here, here, here, here

  See also Cecilia Valdés; religion; special period

  Cuban Missile Crisis, here

  Cuban Revolution (1959)

  and Coppelia ice cream store, here

  Cuba saved from being like Miami, here

  effects of, here, here

  goals of, here, here

  Jews leaving after, here, here

  and Martí, here

  and Museo Hemingway, here

  music of, here

  posters and slogans, here

  slave owners’ opposition to, here

  and status of women, here

  suicides during, here

  See also post-revolution

  Cuban Revolutionary Army and Bay of Pigs invasion, here

  Cuban Revolutionary Party, here, here

  culture. See African culture; Cuban culture

  Dahomey, African kingdom of, here, here

  Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., here, here, here, here

  dancing, here, here,



  in Cuban culture, here

  suicides and martyrs, here, here, here

  Death of a Bureaucrat (La Muerte de un Burócrata) (film), here

  de Bobadilla, Inéz, here

  de Lobera, Juan, here

  Desnoes, Edmundo, here, here, here, here, here, here

  de Sores, Jacques, here

  discrimination against blacks, here

  divination, numerology-based, here

  Dobronyi, Sepy, here

  dolls in windows, here

  Don Azpiazú and his Havana Casino Orchestra, here

  Dworin, Adela, here

  Eire, Carlos, here

  electricity, here, here, here

  embargo, United States on Cuba, here, here, here, here, here, here


  clubs, here, here, here

  concerts, here, here

  dancing, here, here

  international performers, here

  masked ball and mulata, here

  movie theaters, here

  television, here, here

  See also specific films

  Espín, Vilma, here

  Estadio Latinoamericano,


  Estévez, Abilio, here, here

  Estrada Palma, Tomás, here

  Europe, soccer as symbol of Cuba’s relationship with, here

  Evans, Walker, here, here
, here


  Castro’s opponents in, here

  gusañeros and gusanos, here

  Habaneros in exile, here, here, here, here, here, here

  hatred of Castro, here

  sending goods and money back to Cuba, here

  Fábrica de Arte Cubano, Vedado, here

  Falange (Spanish Fascist movement), here

  Family Code (1975), here

  family homes as privately-operated restaurants (paladares), here

  farmers markets, here

  Federation of Cuban

  Women, here

  Fernández, Oscar Blas “Cayuco,” here

  Fernández, Wilfred, here

  Fernández Diaz, Joseíto, here

  Fernández Supervielle, Manuel, here

  Figueredo, Perucho, here

  film noir. See black-and-white images

  Finlay, Carlos Juan, here

  Finney, Michael, here

  fish and fishing, here

  El Floridita bar and restaurant, here, here, here, here

  Flynn, Errol, here

  food rationing, here

  free blacks and mixed race mulatas

  Abekuá, here

  and slave revolts,


  slaves buying their own freedom, here

  women and sex industry, here, here

  women smoking cigars, here

  See also slaves and slavery

  Fresa y Chocolate (Strawberry and Chocolate) (film), here

  Garcia, Julio, here

  García Lorca, Federico, here

  Ginés, Teodora, here

  Ginsberg, Allen, here

  Giraldilla (statute), here

  Girona, Mario, here

  God, here, here, here

  Gómez, Máximo, here

  González, Elián, here

  González Echevarría, Roberto, here, here

  Goyri de Adot, Amelia, here

  Granados, María, here

  Grau, Ramón, here

  Greene, Graham, here, here, here

  Grobart, Fabio, here

  “Guántanamera” (Diaz), here

  Guantánamo, here

  Guas, Mariano, here

  Guevara, Ernesto “Che”

  death of, here

  good looks of, here

  industrialization of Cuba, here

  on the revolution, here

  role in the revolution, here

  Socialism or Death! poster, here

  Guillén, Nicolás, here, here, here

  gusañero (exile who supports the revolution), here

  gusano (worms, exiles), here

  Gutiérrez, Pedro Juan, here, here, here, here

  Habana Riviera, Vedado, here

  Habana Vieja (bay and its waterfront)

  about, here, here, here

  as Kurlansky’s film noir setting, here

  Malecón, here, here, here

  narrow streets and sidewalks, here, here, here, here

  photographs forbidden, here

  slave owners’ mansions, here

  wall around, here, here, here, here

  See also Centro Habana


  about, here, here, here

  attraction to women with ample posteriors, here

  and baseball strategy, here, here

  and Batista dictatorship, here

  Cuban women and European men, here

  and dancing, here

  exile experience, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and government, here

  and Havana weather, here

  and movie stars, here

  pets of, here

  and the sea, here, here

  waiting in line for ice cream ritual, here

  Haiti, here

  Haitian Revolution (1804), here

  Hassam, Childe, here, here

  Hatuey (Taino leader), here


  about, here, here, here, here

  Americans purchasing real estate, here

  architecture, here, here, here

  and Batista dictatorship, here

  British invasion of, here, here

  Cementerio Cristóbal Colón, here

  founding of San Cristóbal de la Habana I, II, and III, here

  growth during American occupation, here, here

  growth of, here, here, here

  and Hurricane of Santa Teresa (1768), here

  impressions of, here, here, here, here, here

  paranoia in, here

  restaurants, bars, and gambling venues, here, here, here

  Spanish conquerors, here

  street names and development, here

  technology in, here

  See also Centro Habana; Habana Vieja

  Havana Bay, pollution in, here. See also Habana Vieja

  Havana Electric Railway Co., New York, here

  Havana harbor, here, 34. See also Habana Vieja

  Havana Hilton (Habana Libre), here, here

  Havana Red (Mácaras) (Padura Fuentes), here

  Hazard, Samuel, here

  Hemingway, Ernest, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Hemingway Museum, here, here, here

  Hernández Catá, Alfonso, here

  Heroes Are Grazing in My Garden (Padilla), here

  hijackers and “the hijacker house,” here

  historic building restoration, here

  Hollywood stars, here, here

  homosexuality, here

  Hotel Ambos Mundos, Habana Vieja, here

  Hotel Nacionale, here

  housing shortage, here, here, here, here

  Hughes, Langston, here, here

  Von Humboldt, Alexander, here, here

  Huntington, Anna Vaughn Hyatt, here

  Hurricane of Santa Teresa (1768), here

  Hurricane Wilma (2005), here

  “The Hymn of Bayamo” (“La Bayamesa”) (Figueredo), here

  ice cream, here, here

  iced drinks and cocktails, here, here, here

  “I Hate the Sea” (“Odio el Mar”) (Martí), here, here

  La Imprenta Restaurant, here

  Inconsolable Memories (Desnoes), here, here, here, here, here

  Industriales baseball team, here, here

  international airport in Havana, here

  Jews (polacos), here, here

  Jobabo mine slave uprising, here

  journalists in Cuba, here, here, here, here

  Kennedy, John F., here

  Key West, Florida, here, here,


  Korda, Alberto, here, here

  Kurlansky, Mark, here, here,


  Ladas (cars), here

  the Ladder Conspiracy (La Conspiración de la Escalera), here

  Lalique, René, here

  Lam, Wifredo, here

  Lansky, Meyer, here, here

  de Lares, Amador, here

  The Last Supper (La Ultima Cena) (film), here

  leather products, here

  Lemus, José Francisco, here

  Leslie, Frank, here

  Lezama Lima, José, here,


  lobster, here

  London, Cuban exiles in, here

  Lonely Planet guidebook, here

  López, Narciso, here

  Lorca, here, here, here

  Loynaz, Dulce María, here, here, here

  Luque, Dolf, here

  Mácaras (Havana Red) (Padura Fuentes), here

  Machado, Gerardo, here, here, here

  Malecón, here, here, here

  mameyes, British as, here

  Manifest Destiny doctrine, here

  “El Manisero” son (Simons), here

  Martí, José “Apostle of Freedom”

  about, here

  as abolitionist, here

  and baseball, here

  on being in exile in Spain, here

  and Cuban Revolutionary Party, here

  on Cubans who supported th
e Spanish, here

  fighting the Spanish in Cuba, here, here

  irresistibility of, here

  in New York City, here

  obsession with death, here

  opposition to U.S. possession of Cuba, here, here, here

  statutes of, here, here, here

  on white people’s fear of black people, here

  writings of, here, here, here

  Martínez, Ángel, here, here

  martyrs and suicides, here, here, here

  masked ball and mulata, here

  Mayan workers from Yucatán Peninsula, here

  May Day rally, Plaza de la Revolución, here

  McKim, Mead and White, architects, here

  McKinley, William, here

  medicine shortage, here

  Meilan, Antonio, here

  Memories of Underdevelopment (Memorias del Subdesarollo) (film), here

  Mercado, Manuel, here

  Mercado 19 y B open-air market, here

  Meucci, Antonio, here

  Mexico, United States invasion of, here

  Milanés, Pablo, here

  Miramar, here, here

  Mojito recipe, here

  Montaner, Rita, here

  the Morro, here, here, here

  Motivos de Son (Guillén), here

  movie theaters, here. See also television; specific films

  La Muerte de un Burócrata (Death of a Bureaucrat) (film), here

  Muir, John, here

  La Mulata del Sabor paladar, here

  mulatas, here, here. See also Cecilia Valdés

  Museo Hemingway, here, here, here


  about, here

  African, here

  nueva trova, here, here

  pachanga, here

  of the revolution, here

  rhumba, here

  son, here, here, here

  muy atrás (ample posteriors), here

  neighborhood services, here

  New York City, here, here

  nicknames, here

  Nin, Anaïs, here

  nocout (baseball game ended after seventh inning), here

  nueva trova music, here

  numerology-based divination, here

  Obatalá, here

  “Odio el Mar” (“I Hate the Sea”) (Martí), here, here

  Oggún, here, here

  oil and gasoline shortage, here

  Old Man and the Sea, The (film), here

  opera, here

  Operation Mongoose (CIA), here

  Orbón, Julían, here

  organic farm in Atabey, here

  organized crime, here, here, here, here, here

  orishas, here, here, here, here, here. See also specific orishas

  Ortiz, Fernando, here, here, here

  Orula, here

  “Our America” (Marti), here

  Our Man in Havana (film), here, here, here

  Our Man in Havana (Greene), here

  Our New Possessions (White), here

  Oye, Rolando “Chino,” here

  pachanga music, here

  Padilla, Heberto, here, here

  Padura, Leonardo, here, here, here, here

  Padura Fuentes, Leonardo, here

  Paisaje de Otoño (Havana Black) (Padura), here

  Palacio de los Capitanes Generales in the Plaza de Armas, here, here


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