Men of Intrgue A Trilogy

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Men of Intrgue A Trilogy Page 60

by Doreen Owens Malek

  “You can’t tell them not to drink, either,” Josie complained, adding another glass to her assortment.

  Holly shut off the vacuum and they lowered their voices several decibels.

  “That’s the best I can do with this rug for now,” she said to Angela. “I think you’ll have to have it cleaned professionally, but I got up most of the ash. I didn’t want it to get trampled into the fibers.”

  “Leave it,” Angela replied. “Go home. You look exhausted.”

  “I think I’ll take you up on that,” Holly said. “Did I leave the rest of my stuff in your room?”

  “Yes. I’ll call the car for you while you get it.”

  “I can take a cab.”

  “Don’t be silly. After all you’ve done tonight, the least you deserve is a ride home.”

  Angela went to the telephone and was hanging it up when Holly reappeared, dressed again in jeans, with her costume back in the bag.

  “Where’s Devlin?” she asked Angela in hushed tones.

  “I’m sure I don’t know,” Angela responded airily. “My guess would be that he’s sulking in his room.”

  “Are you sure you want to call Simmons and have him replaced?” Holly asked.

  “Holly, it’s almost two in the morning and I’m not sure of my own name right now,” Angela answered. “I’ll think about it tomorrow.”

  “Well, let me know what you decide,” Holly said.

  “I will.”

  Angela waited with her until the car came, and then said good night. Josie finished in the living room and started on the dining room, where the mess was worse. Angela opened the doors and glanced at it, then pulled on Josie’s arm.

  “Let’s forget this until the morning,” she said. “I can’t even look at it now.”

  “Everything will be crusted on the dishes by then,” Josie replied. “Just help me rinse them off and we can let the rest go.”

  “All right,” Angela said resignedly, leading the way into the kitchen. Josie was tenacious; if Angela didn’t help her she would do all the work by herself.

  The two women worked in silence for a while, then Josie said, “Where did Brett go?”

  “He must be in his room. He’s probably dodging the cleanup efforts. I always said he was smart.”

  “Avoiding you, more likely. Not that anyone would blame him, the way you’ve been treating him.”

  Angela froze with a platter in her hand, staring at Josie in astonishment.

  “The way I’ve been treating him! I can’t believe you said that.”

  Josie flapped her dishtowel in annoyance. “Don’t play the innocent with me, young lady. I’ve known you far too long. Don’t you think I see what you’ve been doing, giving him the cold shoulder all the time, speaking to him only when necessary, looking through him as if he weren’t there. Just because he doesn’t say anything doesn’t mean he’s not sensitive to your tactics.”

  “Listen to you!” Angela said. “Anyone would think you were on his side.”

  “I didn’t know we were choosing up sides. All I can see is that you’re doing your best to ignore him. How do you think that makes him feel?”

  “I hope it makes him feel hurt and rejected, because that’s the way he’s made me feel,” Angela burst out helplessly. She dropped the dish she was holding onto the table and ran out of the room.

  Josie started to follow, but gave up the pursuit when she saw Angela join Philip in the living room. This discussion would have to wait.

  “When is she going home?” Philip whispered, standing and nodding toward the kitchen.

  “In a few minutes. She’s just finishing up a few things.”

  “Good.” He winked. “I’d like to stay for a while.”

  Angela’s heart sank. All she needed now was for Philip’s triumph to make him amorous.

  “I’m really tired, Philip,” she said. “I’d like to get to bed.”

  Philip put his arm around her shoulder. “Just what I had in mind,” he said softly. “Don’t you think it’s about time?”

  Angela restrained an overpowering urge to scream.

  “Philip, I can’t. It’s been a long day and Devlin is here, he’s just down the hall. ...”

  “Oh, the hell with him,” Philip replied. “Who cares what he thinks? He’s useless anyway, he just hangs around casting a pall on everything.”

  Josie bustled out of the kitchen and went to the hall closet for her coat.

  “I told the driver to come back after he dropped Holly off,” Angela said to her, not meeting her eyes. “He’ll take you home.”

  “Thank you. And I’d like to continue that talk we were having in the morning.”

  “All right,” Angela said reluctantly. “Thanks for everything. Good night.”

  Josie stood by the door until the driver returned and then left. The minute the door shut behind her, Philip pulled Angela into his arms.

  Angela struggled. “Philip, I said no. No means no.”

  Philip seized her shoulders and turned her around to face him.

  “I don’t understand you. I really don’t. How long do you think we can just go on this way? I’m only human and I’m not a monk. You’re treating me as if we were sophomores in high school instead of mature adults. I’m getting sick and tired of this old routine. I don’t think I’m asking for much. We’ve been seeing each other a long time.”

  “Philip, do we have to talk about this now?”

  “When are we going to talk about it? You’ve been avoiding the subject for weeks. As a matter of fact, ever since that Devlin showed up you’ve been as cold as ice to me. Not that you were exactly passionate before.”

  “He has nothing to do with it!”

  “I’m not so sure.”

  Angela pulled loose from his grasp. “Philip, I’m exhausted. I can hardly see straight. This is not the time to debate the nature of our relationship. Why don’t you go home and we can hash this all over tomorrow when we’ve had some rest? Everything will look better then.”

  Philip’s mouth hardened. “Stop talking to me as if I were a four year old overtired from a day at the circus! I’ve had it with your evasions and your excuses. You just worked hard to help me with this party and I’m feeling up because it went well, and I just wanted to share that feeling with the person responsible for it.”

  “By taking me to bed,” Angela said sarcastically.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to, that’s why not!”

  Philip grabbed her again, his grip like steel. “Well, I do. And I’m not taking no for an answer this time.” He pinned her to his side and tried to kiss her.

  Angela twisted her head, evading his mouth. “Let me go!”

  “No chance,” Philip panted. “Stop fighting me.”

  Angela beat her fists on his chest. “Leave me alone.”

  “You heard the lady,” Devlin said in a dangerously quiet voice behind them. “Leave her alone.”

  Philip started, releasing his hold on Angela. She scampered out of his reach.

  “Look who it is,” Philip said sarcastically. “The man without a function. The bodyguard who doesn’t seem to do anything but appear where he isn’t needed.”

  “Go home, Cronin,” Devlin said. “Angela doesn’t want you here.”

  “I’ll be the judge of what Angela wants,” Philip sneered.

  “Not as long as I’m around,” Devlin answered.

  “You won’t be around long if I have anything to say about it,” Philip replied.

  “You don’t have anything to say about it. Stop forcing yourself on a woman who doesn’t want you and get the hell out of here.” Devlin took a step closer, his expression belligerent.

  “You have no right to throw me out of this house!” Philip said, outraged.

  Devlin raised his fist. “This gives me the right.”

  Angela stepped nervously between the two men. “Philip, just go. I don’t want a fight.”

  Philip turned on her.
“Then why don’t you tell this Neanderthal to shut up? He’s the one who’s threatening violence.”

  “Because you can’t behave like a gentleman,” Devlin interjected.

  “Please,” Angela said.

  “Look who’s giving me lessons on gentlemanly behavior,” Philip said with a grim smile. “You cretin. You’re just a hired gun, a feebleminded bunch of muscles too stupid to make a living like other people. All you can do is throw your weight around and you don’t scare me. If I want to kiss Angela, I will, and it’s no concern of yours.” He reached out for Angela again and she stumbled unwillingly against him.

  Devlin moved so fast he seemed a blur. He set Angela carefully aside with one long arm, then punched Philip with the other hand. Philip flew backward, crashing into an end table and upsetting a pottery vase. He landed on the wood floor in a hail of earthenware fragments. Angela moaned and closed her eyes.

  “Get up,” Devlin said. “Get up and face me, you jerk.”

  Philip lurched unsteadily to his feet, wiping his bloodied mouth with his hand. He backed away, watching Devlin like a trapped animal.

  “That’s it,” Devlin snarled, “back right on out the door, golden boy. I think I hear your mother calling you.”

  “You’ll pay for this,” Philip said softly. “You assaulted me. You’ll hear from my lawyers.”

  “I’m terrified,” Devlin said. He picked up Philip’s coat and wrapped costume from a chair and threw them at him. “Don’t forget your duds, junior.”

  Philip hesitated. Devlin took a step toward him, and the other man was galvanized into action. He pulled his jacket on hastily.

  “I’m leaving because I don’t want to upset Angela,” he said.

  Devlin laughed derisively.

  “I’ll call you in the morning,” Philip said to Angela, opening the door.

  “Don’t bother,” Devlin called after him.

  “Did you have to hit him?” Angela asked in a tired voice as the door shut behind Philip.

  Devlin turned to her incredulously. “What did you expect me to do? Just let him maul you?”

  Angela pushed her hair back off her forehead. “Why did you come out here anyway? I thought you’d had enough of us for one evening.”

  “I heard you trying to get rid of him. I thought I’d better help you do it.”

  “I suppose I should thank you.”

  Devlin’s expression changed. “Don’t strain yourself,” he said in a hard voice.

  Angela bridled. “I won’t!”

  “Fine. Don’t!” Devlin kicked a shard of clay and it skidded across the floor. “I should have let him manhandle you for all the good it did me to intervene. You’re still on your high horse, treating me like an outcast.”

  Angela’s eyes filmed with tears. “I can’t imagine what you’re referring to, and I don’t care to think about it. I’m very tired and I’d like to go to bed. Good night.” She gathered her skirts in her hands and ran up the stairs. Once in her room she slammed the door and leaned against it, her heart pounding.

  Devlin stood rooted for a few seconds, his hands at his sides, and then charged up the staircase after her.

  He had the look of a determined man.

  Chapter 6

  Devlin stopped outside Angela’s room and banged on the door.

  Angela jumped, lurching away from the door as if it were on fire.

  “Can you hear me?” Devlin yelled.

  The dead can probably hear you, Angela thought wildly. She had a strong feeling that the barrier of silence was about to be broken.

  “Listen to me, Angela,” Devlin commanded. There was a pause, and then his tone changed.

  “I know I don’t have as much money as Philip Cronin, but in the future it’s possible that...” His voice trailed off as Angela waited, puzzled. What on earth was he talking about?

  “That’s not true,” Devlin picked up again in a resigned tone. “I’ll never have a real lot of money, but I will be able to make a good living, and is money that important anyway?”

  Angela edged closer to the door, intrigued. Whatever was coming she was all ears.

  “What I’m trying to say is, I don’t believe you love that guy, and I’m fairly sure you love me. . . .”

  He had Angela’s complete attention. She stared at the back of the door, her pulses racing. Then she reached out with a trembling hand and turned the knob slowly. The door swung open and she faced Devlin, now only inches away.

  “What are you trying to say, Brett?” she asked softly.

  She stood still as he cupped her face tenderly between his hands and ran his thumbs over her lips. His touch was infinitely gentle, and everything he felt was there in his searching eyes.

  Angela released a long, shuddering breath, filled with relief and happiness. “Say it, my darling,” she whispered. “I promise it won’t hurt you to say it, and I need to hear it so much.”

  “I love you, Angela,” Devlin said huskily, and she flung herself into his arms.

  Devlin held her tightly, his eyes closed, his lips buried in her hair.

  “I’ve waited so long to hear that,” Angela sighed, her nails digging into his hard shoulders as if to ascertain his reality. “I thought I never would.”

  Devlin picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

  “Will you stay with me this time?” Angela asked as he set her on the edge of her bed. “You won’t stop, and pull away?”

  He fell to his knees beside her and put his arms around her waist.

  “Not this time,” he responded thickly, his voice muffled by her body. “And never again.”

  Angela held his head against her, his mouth searing her breasts through the thin silk of her dress. She sank her fingers into his lush hair, arching her back to press him closer. His fingers went to the zipper at her neckline and he moved away as the gown fell to her waist.

  Angela watched as he pulled his sweater over his head. He wore nothing under it, and she held out her arms, eager for the sensation of his skin against hers. When he embraced her again she gasped with pleasure, pulling him onto the bed with her.

  Devlin kissed her hungrily, restraining himself with difficulty. He didn’t want to scare her but the long weeks of deprivation welled up in him until he was handling her too roughly, too desperately. He sat up quickly, trying for calm.

  Angela followed after him, clinging. “What?” she murmured, running her lips over the smooth skin of his shoulder. “What?”

  He closed his eyes as the touch of her mouth sent urgent messages to every nerve in his body. “Angela, you don’t know what you’re doing to me.”

  “Yes, I do,” she whispered. “At least, I hope I do.” She lowered her head and tongued his nipple. He groaned and then pulled on her hair, making her look at him.

  “I want to be gentle with you but I’m losing control,” he said, touching her lips with his finger. “I don’t know if I can wait.”

  Angela hugged him, kissing him again. He responded instantly, pushing her down and crushing her to him.

  “Don’t wait,” she said against his mouth. “I feel the same way.”

  He molded her to him, slipping his hands under her hips and fitting her body to his. “I love you so much,” he said hoarsely. “I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through. I never meant to hurt you.”

  “Shh, shh,” Angela soothed, kissing his cheek, rough with stubble, smoothing his disordered hair. “It doesn’t matter now. We’re together and that’s all that counts.”

  If only that were true, Devlin thought, but he soon forgot his misgivings in a frantic surge of desire as Angela’s searching hands drove all reason from his mind. He rolled off her and removed the rest of her clothes, then stood to undress himself. Angela’s eyes followed his every move, impatient, lambent with need. When he dropped down next to her she turned to him readily, twining her limbs with his.

  “I think you’re beautiful,” she said shyly, hiding her face against his chest.

e smiled indulgently. “Compared to whom, Miss Wealth of Experience? The hundreds of men you’ve had in your bed?”

  “Don’t make fun of me. I know what I like.”

  He turned her face up to his and kissed her tenderly. “So do I.”

  The kiss soon escalated into a rushing torrent of passion that carried them both away. Devlin moved over Angela, his mouth traveling to her throat, her breasts, as she twisted and turned to accommodate him, yielding herself in an excess of surrender. His lips teased one nipple, then the other, abrading her sensitive flesh until she was whimpering with pleasure. He still was not a talker; he didn’t shower her with endearments, but his mouth and hands said everything for him, telling Angela that she was cherished and treasured. She was loved.

  Devlin stroked her thighs, his hand slipping between her legs, caressing her to a state of anxious readiness. She strained against him, running her hands over his muscular back, damp with perspiration. She could feel the great tension in him, the coiled spring power of his arms and legs. He was holding back for her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him closer, forcing him into position. When she felt him so near she made a small sound of blissful satisfaction.

  “Take me now,” she murmured into his ear. “Brett, I need you. Now.”

  His breath stopped for an instant and he lifted himself on his hands. His eyes locked with hers as he entered her in one urgent motion. Angela gasped and her head fell back against the pillow. Devlin gathered her to him and pressed his flushed face into the hollow of her shoulder.

  “At last,” Angela whispered, her voice breaking. “I was afraid I would never know this with you.”

  His response was to raise his head and kiss her lingeringly on the mouth. At close range his lashes were so long and silky they were like a child’s, but there the comparison ended. The rest of his face was ruggedly male, with its dark, heavily marked brows, carved features and dusky skin. Angela absorbed his presence wonderingly: was this really happening? She had dreamed of it, wished for it so long, that it was hard to believe.

  Then Devlin moved within her and she knew that it was real. She stilled him quickly, holding him fast.

  “Stop,” she gasped.

  He obeyed, his lashes lifting as amber eyes gazed into hers from a distance of inches.


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