We Are the Children of the Stars

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We Are the Children of the Stars Page 20

by Otto O. Binder

  This is another example of the principle of overendowment that we dealt with in the last chapter. Genius is the greatest possible overendowment factor of all, as Wallace clearly saw a century ago.

  Therefore, we see that this great man (himself a genius!) tends to support our basic concept, even if only by implication. He contends that Man “is a contrary small exception to the orderly workings of the theory of natural selection.”

  He meant “small” only in comparison to the immense number of other species of animals who did faithfully follow evolutionary laws.

  Wallace's statement about “exceptional intellectual activity” (genius, in a word) is our springboard for another concept that may be among the most clear and unequivocal items of evidence that the Hybrid Man theory is correct.

  It is the rather shocking concept that in general, Man's forebears were more intelligent than modern Man! We mean earthly men of B.C. times. And that the rate of occurrence of genius then was much higher than now.

  But, because there were so few of such mental giants, and so many average people came along at a constantly increasing ratio, the “genius gene” was incessantly and continuously “diluted” in the racial gene-pool.

  Today, with the enormous burgeoning of human population into multibillion quantities unknown to those early days, that dilution has made it very difficult for the genius-gene to crop up in our times and among our people, so that mental masterminds are rarer per capita than the fabled dodo, even though they may total up to a sizable sum.

  Is this indigestible in your mind? Do you believe that people today are “smarter” on the average than people of B.C. times? How can we twist it around and claim those “ignorant, backward, half-civilized” people of ancient times had more brainpower than we can boast of?

  But ponder this. Studies have been made in which sober scientists present that very view – that the incidence of genius and of high-caliber minds was proportionately greater in olden times than today. It is too complex to give all the intricate data, but some of the renowned figures of earliest times, since history was recorded, stand out as supreme thinkers who may be unmatched today.

  We must not be misled by the flowery writings of B.C. times, nor smile at the “ignorance” shown of the simplest principles of modern science. The point is what great advances in human thought and behavior and ethics – all the higher and more spiritual attributes of mankind – were first inaugurated in those long-gone days. We must look behind the obsolete language-expressions and “funny” wordings to the great golden nuggets of primary thought and principles that they formulated, to our everlasting benefit.

  To many impartial scholars, a brief excursion into the past of art, poetry, literature, and government has served to show that we have reason to suspect that some of the geniuses of the past were greatly superior to our best present-day geniuses. (Even in the field of science and technology, amazing archeological finds show that the battery and electrical current were known in ancient Babylon, the telescope in Assyria, and the blast furnace in India.)

  The incredibly beautiful poetry of the ancient poet Sappho, to some minds has never been equalled.7

  Certainly it is true that statues of the best Greek periods cannot be surpassed today by some of our best sculptors.

  The basic concepts of government, first deduced by the Romans and their contemporaries, still serve today, 2,000 years later, as models for the best democratic (republic) governmental systems in the world.

  The ringing style and clear purposeful prose of writers who lived long before Caesar's time serve today to fasten firmly in men's minds concepts of morality that many of us these days would have great difficulty in formulating.8

  In ancient Greece, many fundamentals of science were discovered by sheer deduction. Thales taught that the stars are made of the same matter as Earth. Epicurus proclaimed there was a plurality of inhabited worlds that were similar to Earth in all ways. The atom was known to the Greeks, as were the circumference of the Earth and the fact that it was round, the principles of basic optics, the principle of specific density of matter (Archimedes and his famous golden crown in the bath), the basic mechanical instruments, the fact that the moon was a small, round world too, and many other scientific principles.

  And all without the huge laboratories and elaborate electronic apparatus we have today. Surely that was genius of the first magnitude shining through.

  To go even further back, the great piles of mammoth bones in Europe show conclusively that ancient Man constructed most ingenious means of capturing those monsters. In fact, he probably hunted them to extinction.9

  We see it is possible that genius – respected as it is today is inferior perhaps to the genius that conceived the design of the great Pyramid of Cheops or discovered the wheel. We also see that genius may have been much more common per capita in ancient days than it is at present.

  This would explain the marvelous cave artwork at Altamira, Spain, and the incredible persistence of the caveman living on the fringes of the glaciers during the Ice Ages in Europe.10 It would also explain the marvelous flint-flaking techniques that we know existed in prehistoric times, and which no one can master today, oddly enough.11

  Genius could easily be, as we have seen, an evidence that Man is a hybrid. Certainly, it offers a startlingly logical explanation for what we know about high-quality intelligence.

  Why is this to be considered strong evidence of the hybridization of mankind? It comes out of the fact that no other animal displays the slightest sign of genius.

  In his famed book, Desmond Morris goes through the process of how the human baby rapidly learns to think and then goes on to gain one other mental skill – “Other images are born [in the baby's brain] – flowers, houses, animals, boats, cars. These are heights the young chimp can never, it seems, attain. After the peak has been reached . . . the animal continues to grow [physically] but its pictures [in the brain] do not. Perhaps one day a chimp genius will be found, but it seems unlikely.” (Italics added.)12

  An ape da Vinci, for instance, would be so far above his fellows that he would learn to read and write like humans, at least in rudimentary terms. This ape genius – who has never yet appeared on Earth – would astound scientists by his feats, such as counting to ten or using a typewriter intelligibly even if clumsily, or fixing a broken toy.

  The complete absence of shining intellects among the primates or any other species of animal – no genius horses or dogs or cats are known either – must make all of us ask in surprise why the human race alone produces outstanding individuals far above the common herd in mental powers.

  It seems there can be only one explanation – the introduction long ago of extraneous superintellect genes into the mainstream of human life. Only this can account for a Ptolemy, Galileo, Newton, Edison, Einstein, and all the other great brains that have graced mankind's history.

  And only great-brained men from extraterrestrial sources could have injected those supermind genes into the racial bloodstream of mankind on Earth. Otherwise, science and biology simply have no explanation for genius except to call it a “fortunate” mixture of genes and chromosomes, but one that violates the laws of heredity.

  And why doesn't that happen to other animals?

  A supposed evolutionary process that takes place only with humans, and excludes all other species, is highly suspect. It goes entirely against natural selection as defined by Darwin.

  And look at the Bible, which gives us a brainteaser that has its roots in some extraordinary biological event in prehistory – “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown” (Genesis 6:2-4).

  What could be plainer? As we asked before, who could the “sons of God” be but extraterrestrial visitors? And when they mated with the “daughters of men” and bore them children, those children became “mighty men, of

  That biblical quotation alone is enough to place something like the blessing of divine truth on the Hybrid Man theory.

  If not, how can biblical scholars and theologists possibly interpret that verse in any other sense-making way? And it is quite noticeable that this scriptural bombshell is shunned, or passed off glibly, and never fully analyzed in any sermon in church. The religionists tend to consider such enigmatic verses as “imaginative” passages of garbled import, written when the inspired authors were less than “inspired.”

  But what if those words are truly “divine” (truthful) writings straight from “headquarters”?

  Certainly all religious people, if they are sincere in wanting to understand the truths buried in the scriptures, should deeply ponder those words and wonder if not only science but all theology has been preaching a false doctrine about the origin of humanity. Preachers and scientists have been woefully wrong before. Are they once again abysmally wrong, or blind to the truth? If so, it is indeed a “cardinal sin” any way you look at it.

  To return to the subject of genius in men, we find another hybridization clue in science's study of the human brain's structure.

  The cerebrum, or upper portion of Man's brain, is huge in proportion to the rest of the “primitive” cerebellum inherited from our animal ancestry. And surrounding the cerebrum is the accordion-pleated cortex, an “envelope” that produces all thoughts and abstract ideas. As recent authorities put it:

  The cortex is not only the seat of intelligence, it is also, and perhaps more significantly, the association center of Man's brain. . . . Among animals, many patterns of action are nearly automatic, performed by instinct or through previous conditioning. In Man, for the most part, these patterns are performed consciously. . . . This use of the brain results in what is known as reasoned behavior, a mental phenomenon that only Man is capable of because only he has the large cortex that is necessary in order to achieve it.13

  Now, it is not only a popular notion but a scientific fact that we humans only use a part of our full brainpower. Some say we use one-tenth and leave nine-tenths fallow. Others say one-third and two-thirds. But in any case, the full or even nearly full use of the brain probably results in what we call genius.

  But if the average human brain is already an overendowment, as we have seen, then what can we call genius but a super-overendowment! The laws of natural selection are here so utterly violated that no evolutionist can possibly deny it.

  The next pregnant question is: Where did that enormous cerebrum cortex, which gives us overendowment piled on overendowment, come from?

  If it cannot conceivably be a product of earthly Evolution, it must have come from a nonearthly source in outer space.

  Surely anyone reading this can add that obvious two and two and get the simple and inexorable answer: that our magnificent thinking apparatus came from another world. That our great cortex was biogenetically bestowed on Hybrid Man by his Starman colonizers.

  We are almost tempted to say, We rest our case. But we won't because our case is far from through! There is more, much more, to add to the circumstantial proof of our Hybrid Theory in the rest of this book.

  Genius may in another way be an indication that Man is a Hybrid. For in the mystery of genius, why is it that we cannot produce it whenever we choose? We can breed cats with no tails, dogs as big as small horses, and rabbits that weigh ninety pounds. We cannot, however, breed geniuses in our own, our very own, human race!

  It has been tried. Time after time, in ancient times as well as modern, men and women of surpassing intellect have married in high expectation, only to find that their children were either quite ordinary or quite intelligent – but not geniuses.

  This points out quite plainly that human breeding, in relation to its mental attributes, does not follow the Mendelian laws that are a corollary of natural selection.

  We can predict or anticipate blue eyes, color blindness, and perhaps light or dark hair – but not where and when genius will appear in which children. This indicates the genius-gene is not Evolution-born, where it would operate in a “normal” manner in the human race, but is instead an alien gene that randomly pushes to the surface at odd and unpredictable times.

  One of the authors, Max H. Flindt, has come up with his own special outlook on this matter of the quality of the human mind.

  We have seen, he says, that each person is a mixture of physical and mental traits, a mixture whose complexities we have so far not seen clearly. But we can suspect that there is an order in these complexities.

  That is, just as a list of chemical elements can be arranged in an extremely useful table (Periodic Table of the Elements, as per Mendeleev), we may be able to place each person living today in a “niche” or “category,” both physically and mentally, to make up a grand Periodic Table of Human Beings.

  And further, just as we combine two elements from their precise table of properties to form a predicted compound, might we not similarly use our Periodic Table of Human Beings so that a couple, male and female, could produce offspring who are guaranteed geniuses in advance?

  A breathtaking thought! But don't smile. Some modern geneticists are boldly stating that in time, we will be able to manipulate the genes in wholesale fashion to produce any desired “find” of humans with the precision of an automated baking machine turning out pies. They shy clear, quite naturally, from stating what kind of “planned humans” would be best to turn out, but surely no one would object to producing an increased number of pure geniuses.

  Looking at how one Einstein completely overturned science for the better, within the past half-century, we can almost visualize how much a dozen Einsteins – per year! – would advance civilization.

  And yet, perhaps there is a warning in this. The genius we specifically aim for should be in the fields of the humanities, not science-technology. It almost seems as if the starmen slipped a bit and infused too much of the technology gene into us, and not enough of the social gene.

  That is, we need true leaders toward a better world, statesmen of far vision, social geniuses, human-relationship experts, philosophical masterminds, peace-promoters – every kind of humanitarian mind.

  The human race has overbalanced the scales and rushed too far ahead into an automated and mechanistic “paradise” that is growing into a spiritual hell, because people are at odds with one another and lack sympathetic communication.

  Can the Periodic Table of Human Beings, used with judicious wisdom, miraculously bring forth on this world men of Christlike genius, who will use ten-tenths of their awesome minds to guide the human race away from possible cataclysm?

  And if we are indeed a Hybrid colony of the unseen starmen, who may still be our silent watchdogs today (see last chapter), are they striving as best they can to somehow promote biogenetic science on Earth and thus open up the path for us to better the world by producing better minds?


  Mental Clues

  FROM THE SUBLIME to the unsublime. In fact, from the greatness of the genius mind to the tragic state of a mind that is ill. That is our next foray into the mental mysteries of humanity as a whole.

  It is quite possible that one disorder of Man's mind – schizophrenia – may be key evidence that Man is a Hybrid. Schizophrenia literally means “split mind.” Split mind?

  What is there about the human intellect that could cause an investigator or physician to label any mental illness as having “split” the mind? Actually, the medical term schizophrenia describes quite appropriately what does happen to its victim. He splits, mentally, and gives evidence of being only partly a rational human being, as far as his mind is concerned, and becomes a personality of dual nature.

  Further, as we shall soon see, there are some schizophrenics who give evidence of the behavior patterns of prehistoric Man in short, ape-man. Just as genius is a possible evidence of the superintelligent outer-space ancestors of Man, schizophrenia is a striking parallel evidence of Man's eart
hbound ancestral forms.

  A schizophrenic may simply be showing that he is part Starman and part Hominid. Thus, the very symptoms of schizophrenia are credible evidence that Man is a Hybrid.

  Why? Simply because animals who are products of straight Evolution never show evidence of schizophrenia whatsoever (as established by animal psychologists in many unique experiments).

  Approximately 0.85 percent of the United States population is affected, at some time or other in their lives, by this cerebral malady. This means that about one out of 130 citizens becomes a victim.

  It has been estimated that before the new tranquilizers were introduced in America, more than 45 percent of all mental-hospital patients were long-term schizophrenics. In a recent year, it was calculated that more than 250,000 people in the United States were under treatment for this unfortunate affliction.1

  Schizophrenia is not only the single most common mental illness, it is also the most puzzling. What actually causes schizophrenia is one of the major mysteries of medicine.2 Many theories are current about the origin of the disease and it has been said, not entirely in jest, that there are as many theories about schizophrenia as there are psychiatrists.

  But, as yet, no single theory has received the unqualified endorsement of even 50 percent of the practicing psychiatrists. And the symptoms of this psychosis were first described long before 1900. Obviously, therefore, although tranquilizers are doing wonders as an alleviating treatment for schizophrenia, we still lack a clear picture as to the real reason why people get this mind disease.

  Through the years, some very unusual things have been discovered about schizophrenia.

  For instance, it has been found that many victims of this disease have some very peculiar body hair patterns.3 More specifically, men who are prone to this disease display feminine bodyhair patterns, and women victims often display the converse.


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