The Pack: Mercy's Choice (Born to be Were series book 2)

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The Pack: Mercy's Choice (Born to be Were series book 2) Page 17

by Flynn, Donna

  “Thank you for telling me about your mate,” she said, hugging him close.

  “Amelia, her name was Amelia,” he told her before walking away, leaving her and Alec alone to deal with their situation.

  “Hey,” she said as she reached Alec’s side, ignoring his scowl as he stared at her.

  “Did you have a good time?” he asked, his voice trembling. He was past angry, he was infuriated by their continued separation. It had been a month’s since their argument and not once had he been able to get her alone, or hold her in his arms. He was tired of missing her, tired of waiting for her to be ready to accept him, and it was a fragile thread that held his wolf at bay now that she stood before him looking confident and happy with herself.

  “Alec don’t do this,” she pleaded, sensing he was spoiling for a fight.

  “Do what, question why my own mate would prefer my father’s help to mine? Wonder why I can’t seem to get you off my mind even though you begged me to leave you alone?” He pulled her close and looked down on her, his eyes pleading with her to understand. “I spend every minute of every day wanting you, and what do I get in return for my patience?”

  Mercy reached up, capturing his face between her hands, and pulled him down to her, kissing him with all of the passion she had been holding back for the last few months. He wrapped his arms around her, melding their bodies together, savoring the taste of her lips after such a long absence. The warmth of her skin against his was like coming out of a cold rain into a cozy cottage where the fireplace roared, and he absorbed it all happily. So consumed by her touch was he that forgot everything, including where they were. All that mattered was her in his arms, willingly kissing him, giving herself over to him without hesitation.

  Lucan looked out of the door and cleared his throat, breaking them apart, and she smiled, patting Alec’s cheek then turned and walked into the house leaving him standing there alone stunned by her actions. For the last few months, she had practically ignored him, and now she had almost attacked him. He wasn’t sure whether to scream in frustration or cry out in happiness that at last she was once again responding to him.


  “Where’s Alec?” Gregory asked as Mercy entered the kitchen looking smug.

  “Oh he’ll be in,” she told him with a satisfied smile, taking her seat. “I’m starved, Luc, everything looks delicious.” She reached for the serving spoon, casting only a quick glance at the still stricken Alec as he shuffled into the kitchen before helping herself to the food on the table.

  “Son, are you alright?” Gregory asked, as he took in the rather dazed look on his son's face.

  “He’s fine,” Mercy told him pulling out the chair next to her and patting it. “Take a seat.”

  Alec sat as she asked, staring at her as if seeing her for the first time. She took his plate, piled it high with food, then smiled, and placed it back in front of him. He lifted his fork and ate slowly contemplating the change in her, unsure how he felt about it. The kiss had been wonderful and unexpected, but her confidence was what threw him. She had never been quite so free before, so ready to give herself over to him, and it was puzzling.

  “So, does anyone want dessert?” Lucan asked, breaking the silence as they finished dinner.

  Alec looked up from his half-eaten plate seemingly unaware of the question and looked to Mercy. “You kissed me,” he said, almost accusingly.

  “Yes I did,” she answered taking another bite of her mashed potatoes.

  “Why did you kiss me?” he asked dumbly.

  “Because I wanted to kiss you,” she told him leaning closer. “And you know what?” He shook his head no, and she grinned. “I’m going to do it again whenever I want.” Her laughter filled the room as she stood and threw the napkin on the table then walked out leaving him staring after her.

  “So, Luc, where is Cade?” Gregory asked, giving his son time to accept that the young girl he had known had changed into a confident young woman who was now going to make his life hell.

  “He took Hailey back home to see her folks, but they will be back in a few days.”

  “Does that bother you?” Gregory asked, knowing Mather was trying desperately to get one of them to commit to being his heir.

  “I told Cade I had no desire to leave your pack,” he answered smoothly then looked to where Mercy had exited the room, and Alec still stared like a lovesick fool. “Besides I am going to very busy over the next few years since Mercy seems to have come out of her shell.”

  “Let the games begin,” Gregory said, sitting back and enjoying his son’s puzzlement.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mercy walked down the steps towards the kitchen the next morning dressed in tight black jeans and a form-fitting pink T-shirt, sporting a leather jacket over one arm, and a pair of leather motorcycle boots on her feet. She knew Alec had three motorcycles, he used to drive everywhere, but because of her, he had put them up in the garage and driven his car because she was terrified of dying on one of them and refused to get on with him. Her fears seemed foolish now though, since she knew she was a werewolf and could recover from most wounds easily. So she had made a secret call the night before and even now, Rich had Alec’s Ducati out front ready for them to take to school. She smiled as she stepped off the bottom step and turned into the kitchen where Alec waited with her brothers, anticipating his reaction when he saw her, and he didn’t disappoint. As she turned the corner and walked into the kitchen his jaw dropped, his cheeks flushed, and he looked her over with a mix of shock and sheer male appreciation.

  Alec’s throat went dry as he stared at the goddess who walked through the doorway. He couldn’t believe the gorgeous female before him was all his. Mercy had always been beautiful, but now she exuded confidence and a sexiness, which was raw, and so damned tempting, he found himself near drooling as she stopped at his side.

  “Good morning,” she said as she sat down.

  Lucan laid her plate in front of her and frowned as he caught his first glimpse of her outfit. It was just jeans and a T-shirt but the way Alec was acting she might as well have been dressed in a bikini. “Good morning,” he said since Alec had yet to manage a single word. “You better hurry or you will be late for school.” He shot Alec a warning look, but he just continued to stare at Mercy as if she was the only one in the room.

  “Good morning,” Nina called from the stove where she had been making breakfast. “You look great today, almost glowing.” She gave her a thumbs- up before turning back to her work.

  “Thanks, I feel good today as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.” She looked to Alec and smiled happily. “Are you alright?” she asked, taking a bite of her toast.

  “I’m fine,” he said looking uncomfortable as he stared at her chest where the shirt she wore was stretched tight displaying a picture of a Phoenix rising from the ashes. It could have been just a fashion statement, but he had the feeling the shirt meant something more to her.

  “Are you sure, because I can change if my clothes bother you so much,” she offered, placing her hand on the table to rise.

  He placed his hand over hers stopping her instantly. “Uh… no we don’t have time, you wouldn’t want to be late, right?” The last thing he wanted for was her to change. She looked incredible, and he wanted to be able to stare at her all day without her brother’s eagle eyes on him.

  “No, I guess not,” she agreed.

  He smiled and looked away for the first time, but his eyes fell to Lucan who watched them warily, clearly not happy he was ogling his sister.

  “You ready to go?” Rich called through the screen door.

  “On our way,” Mercy called out, her jean clad hip brushing against Alec’s arm as she bent over to grab her backpack, a move that left him breathing uneasily.

  Alec managed to get up from his chair, instantly snaking his arm around her and pulling her close. “What is this all about?” he asked, his voice choked with emotion.

  “You’ll see,”
she told him. “Later Nina, Lucan,” she called out, letting him lead her out of the door to the driveway where his bike waited for them.

  “What is going on?” he asked, looking from his bike to her. “There’s no way you’re riding that, you hate motorcycles and you could get hurt.”

  “Alec I’m a werewolf, it would take more than an accident to kill me, and besides I trust you to keep me safe. Isn’t that what mates do?” she asked, dropping her bag on the ground and wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “Mercy … I…”

  He stuttered like a grade-school boy talking to his first girlfriend, and she grinned. “You think too much, just kiss me,” she purred, lifting her face to his.

  Alec did as she asked; kissing her so deeply and intensely that Rich had to look away. After a few minutes, he reluctantly let her go and took a step back, grinning as he stared down at her, taking it all in once more before he turned his attention to his bike. He ran his hand over the leather seat with a grin, excited at the prospect of riding again.

  Rich handed her a helmet, and she placed it on her head, reminded of his warnings earlier that morning that although they heal quickly, head wounds were a bitch to recover from even for them.

  Alec smiled at the sight she made in her leather jacket and helmet, encouraged by her new attitude towards life. With practiced ease, he pulled his leg over the bike and put on his own helmet, then held out his hand to her.

  Placing her backpack over her shoulders Mercy took his hand and straddled the bike behind him, pressing close and wrapping her arms tightly around his waist as he started the engine. A low purr filled the air, and she looked over to Rich who smiled happily astride his own motorcycle, then with a roar they took off out of the driveway. At first Mercy closed her eyes, the sway of the bike was unusual, and more than a little terrifying, but after a while she opened them, amazed to see how beautiful the landscape truly was looked as they sped down the long winding road. She was almost sorry when he turned into the driveway of the school and ended their drive, but the look of astonishment on Amber’s face when she saw them pull in, made it worth stopping.

  Mercy threw her leg over the back of the bike, and took off her helmet, shaking her hair free, and Alec let out a low growl that made her look around for danger. Instead of trouble, she turned around to find every male eye in the parking lot watching her. Alec got off the bike, tore his helmet off and threw it to Rich, then pulled her against him kissing her long and slow his arms wrapped around her protectively. It was a move to make them understand she was his and not so long ago Mercy might not have understood that, but now that she did pride welled up inside her. She had always been Alec’s, nature had ensured that, but now it was because he wanted her by his side, not because fate had dictated it. It was a whole different feeling, and she couldn’t help but smile happily, as he led her into the school, his arm around her waist, his fingers drumming against her hip as he fought the jealousy that consumed him with every male glance in her direction.

  “Alec, you’re going to snap if you don’t release some of that tension,” Rich said behind them.

  Mercy looked up at the tight features of Alec’s face and realized Rich was right. She stopped walking and turned to Alec placing her hands on either side of his face, and he looked down on her with a soft growl.

  “Relax,” she soothed, staring deeply into his eyes.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” he growled.

  “Then I am succeeding at my master plan,” she teased, kissing him playfully.

  “Let’s go, man, we are going to be late,” Rich reminded, happy to see his longtime friend so enamored of his mate.

  Alec glowered at him, but took Mercy’s hand and began walking her down the hall. She was his world, had been since he first met her, but now that she recognized their relationship for what it was and embraced it in a way he had never thought she would, he was filled with mixed emotions. It was intoxicating and a little scary how much she had changed in the last few months, and he had the feeling he was going to have his hands full with her, but he relished the challenge.

  “Way to go, he’s going to be in a daze all day,” Rich told her with a grin that would have done the Cheshire Cat justice.

  “I have no clue what you are talking about,” she said innocently.

  “I’m so glad I get to see this. It’s about time a female drug him around by the nose,” he told her with a loud chuckle.

  “You having a good time?” Alec snarled at his friend.

  “Oh don’t worry about me, I’m just enjoying the show,” Rich responded happily, taking a step back when Alec took a swipe at him.

  Rich became all business, though, when Amber came into view, her venomous stare drilling into Mercy as they advanced down the hall. The veins in her forehead were near popping out of her skin as Alec placed his hand on Mercy’s waist possessively.

  A few months before Mercy would have made some snide comment about Amber because she was so insecure about her place by Alec’s side, but now she knew that Alec wanted her and that she was worthy to be the mate he needed, she kept silent and opened her locker to retrieve her things ignoring the she-wolf’s outraged glare.

  “Later,” Rich said taking off towards Amber hoping to distract her before war erupted between the two females.

  “Do you have everything?” Alec asked as she turned from gathering books from her locker.

  She looked up to see him gritting his teeth and knew he was having a hard time accepting the new her and decided to make it clear where her feelings lay. “I need one more thing,” she murmured, placing her hand behind his head, pulling him to her, kissing him long and hard. Catcalls and hooting from the other teens in the hall filled the air reminding her they were not alone, so reluctantly she let go and took a step back, satisfied she had gotten her point across to him. He stood silently as she closed the locker, but when she turned around, he grabbed her hand and clenched it tightly, looking down on her with so much love, she wondered how she could have ever doubted his feelings for her.

  A loud bang across the hall gained Mercy’s attention, and she looked to where Amber stood at her own locker, her face red, her hands clenched tightly at her sides as she watched them with unconcealed malice. Rich was by her side, frantically pleading with her to go to class, but she told him where to go, and began stalking towards them instead.

  Alec heard Amber’s locker slam and looked to Rich, who grabbed Amber’s arm and halted her progress so they could get away. With a warm smile, he took Mercy’s hand and led her down the hall towards their first class.


  By the end of the day, Alec stood next to Rich, outside of the gym after the girls’ cheerleading practice wondering what happened to the scared and meek Mercy he once knew. Throughout the day, she had laughed, flirted, and stolen kisses with him between classes, driving him crazy. Never had he envisioned the changes a few months could make, but now it was clear she had found herself and that she was staking a claim on him.

  “Mercy has changed a lot these last couple of months,” Rich said as if reading his thoughts. Alec grunted but kept his eyes on the door of the locker room. They had sat through cheerleading practice as they did every day, but this time Alec had watched Mercy with an intensity that was so primal, Rich had been afraid he might do something foolish like grab her and carry her off in front of all the humans.

  “Here we are,” Gina said as she opened the door of the locker room.

  Alec only had eyes for Mercy though, and when she took his hand in her own, he pulled her close lifting her chin and pressing his mouth to hers, finally releasing all of the pent-up desire he had been under since she had started practice.

  Mercy sighed and leaned in into Alec, desire racing through her from the first brush of his lips. While practicing she had felt his heated gaze on her, it had been intoxicating to know he had such depth of emotion for her, and she had gloried in it, anticipating the moment he held her in his arms again.
br />   “Well, someone get me a fan, I’m roasting here,” Gina said waving her hand in front of her face.

  “Uh, we need to get home,” Rich reminded them.

  “Sorry,” Mercy said, as they broke apart, shocked by the intensity of what she had just experienced. Alec stared down at her rubbing his finger on her cheek saying nothing, which brought a satisfied smile to her face.

  “No problem, but Rich is right, your brother will wonder where we are,” Gina added, knowing Mercy hated to worry Lucan.

  “Ready?” she asked Alec who was staring at her as if he wanted to devour her.

  Alec blinked once then took her hand in his, caressing each finger gently. “Yeah, I think I am.”


  The ride home was exhilarating. The feeling of freedom that riding behind him gave her was thrilling, and she was sorry she had waited so long to experience it. Once he parked in the driveway, she hopped off the bike and took off her helmet shaking her hair free. Alec dismounted behind her, and before she could say anything, he was pulling her close and kissing her once again. Rich made some excuse about seeing to something or other, and left them alone.

  Sensing her brother was not home, Alec steered her away from the house and towards the woods wanting time alone with her without prying eyes on them. As soon as they were out of view, he pulled her close and kissed her again this time slowly, savoring the feel of her against him, loving the easy response she gave, no hint of the fear that had always felt before.

  Mercy felt the bark of the tree he pushed her against it scratching her skin through her shirt, but was too lost in him to care about a few cuts and scrapes. His warm hands moved over her body, his hips pressed against hers, and she knew she had succeeded in her quest to make him want her and not just because she was his Bond Mate, but because he truly desired her as a female.

  Alec’s breathing grew irregular, and he pulled back suddenly, placing a hand either side of Mercy, taking deep breaths to calm down himself ignoring her groan of protest. “We so can’t do this,” he whispered even as his mouth descended upon hers once again. It was wrong, they were in deep, and he was supposed to be the one in control, the one who could say no, but he wanted her more than anything he had ever desired before and couldn’t find the strength to back away. Her arms tightened around his neck, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he lowered her to the soft leaves on the forest floor never breaking away from the kiss that consumed them. His hands moved to her waist, his fingers splaying over her belly as she moaned softly under him, her breathing erratic, her heart beating so fast he could hear it pumping wildly inside her chest. He could make her truly his, he knew she would not stop him, but he did not want to start their lives together in such a fashion. He wanted her to choose him in front of his pack, to bond with him the way it was supposed to be, the way he had always imagined it. Often he had dreamed of the night they would join, and never was it on the forest floor just steps away from her brother’s house. No, he wanted to be in the house he had built for her all the years he had waited for her to grow up, the home he had lovingly created just for her and their future children. Most of all he wanted them to be married and joined in the way of his people, bonded to each other for eternity. The sound of leaves rustling drew his attention and he raised his head glancing around the forest for the source of the sound his senses immediately on alert.


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