Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6)

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Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6) Page 17

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Soon, my love. Soon.”

  Chapter 21

  Lora’s stomach hurt from laughing. Sandy was always entertaining, but alcohol infused Sandy was hilarious. Especially with Billie’s friend Abbie next to her. Abbie Martin’s personality was as big as Sandy's, and all Lora could think was if Dallas was there with them the pub would never be the same.

  According to Marina, they all didn’t get to have a night out together very often. All of them had kids, and if anyone understood that it was Lora. Apparently, all the kids were abducted by the various grandparents giving all the brothers and their significant others a kid-free night.

  “I’m so freaking happy.” Sandy wrapped her arm around Lora and Abbie.

  “I can see that.” Lora laughed.

  “No, seriously. You and Nick.” Sandy hiccupped. “Awesome.”

  “Thanks.” Lora smiled.

  “Now, if we could just get this one here to get her head out of her ass and make a move on Trunk, we’d be all set.” Sandy motioned her head in Abbie’s direction.

  “If you start that again, I’m going to get Ian to cut you off.” Abbie pointed a finger in Sandy’s face. “Trunk is an ass with a capital A.”

  “But you want to ride him like a bucking bronco.” Sandy laughed.

  “Ian,” Abbie shouted, but Sandy covered her mouth before she could get his attention.

  “I swear those two get together and they're worse than sailors that were out to sea too long.” Billie laughed and ran her hand over her swollen belly.

  “That’s a good description of them.” Lora glanced toward the stage.

  “Looks like A.J. won’t be going home alone tonight.” Billie nodded toward the blonde at the end of the stage dancing as if she should be spinning around a stripper pole.

  “Isn’t that the blonde that comes into the restaurant?” Jess leaned toward Lora.

  Lora nodded, because it was the same one that had been eyeing Nick like he was on the menu a few weeks before. Aaron was giving her all the attention she seemed to want, but Lora didn’t miss the bitch’s glances toward Nick.

  “Who is she anyway?” Billie asked.

  “She works at the dance club up the road. I think her name is Jocelyn.” Kristy squeezed herself between Billie and Lora.

  “So why is she here?” Jess sipped her drink.

  “Isn’t that obvious.” Billie shuddered, and Kristy gagged as Aaron crouched down to whisper into the giggling woman’s ear.

  “He’s such a whore.” Sandy rolled her eyes.

  “He’s single and hot.” Abbie pointed out the obvious. “Why shouldn’t he get it when he can?”

  “From what I’ve heard about her, he better double bag it.” Kristy snickered.

  “You guys are terrible.” Lora laughed.

  “And now you’re one of us.” Sandy hugged Lora and kissed her cheek.

  “Run. Now. While you still can.” Abbie laughed.

  Lora did feel like one of them. Especially, when Nick managed to come down from the stage. He'd pull her out to the dance floor for a slow dance and a sweet kiss. Of course, he made sure she was okay and having a good time.

  On her third trip to the lady’s room with Marina and Billie, Lora felt a chill run down her spine. It was so intense it made her turn around. She didn't see anything, but almost bumped into a woman walking behind her.

  “Something wrong?” Marina asked as Lora walked into the bathroom.

  “No, I just got a weird chill.” Lora shook it off.

  While she waited for the two pregnant women to relieve themselves, Lora fixed her hair and reapplied her lipstick. It was impossible not to smile as the two women complained about how often they had to pee.

  “I swear this child is using my bladder as a squeeze toy.” Marina sighed as she waddled to the sink.

  “How much longer do you have?” Lora asked.

  “Seven weeks.” Marina beamed.

  “I’ve got five weeks left.” Billie came out of the stall.

  “I’m finally getting my little girl.” Marina’s happiness was evident on her face.

  Lora assumed after three boys, having a little girl would be a gift for the family. Molly was a joy, and Lora couldn't imagine her life without her daughter.

  The door to the bathroom swung open, and another very pregnant O’Connor wife hurried through the door. Emily scurried to the nearest stall and let out a huge groan of relief

  “Oh yeah, leave the other preggo to fend for herself.” Emily narrowed her eyes at them when she came out of the stall.

  “You know, I’m starting to think being around you women could be dangerous.” Lora laughed, but having another baby wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

  “Yeah, it’s contagious.” Billie rubbed her shoulder against Lora. “There, now you’ve been infected.”

  “I’ve been vaccinated.” Lora retorted.

  “Oh, those O’Connor men can find there way around those vaccines.” Emily laughed.

  “How long do you have left?” Lora asked Emily.

  “She is due the day before me,” Billie responded before Emily could answer.

  “Maybe I could go early; then we could get a group rate.” Marina laughed as they left the bathroom.

  Lora had just made it back to the table when someone grabbed her arm and tugged her from the chair. Lora clenched her fist ready to fight whoever was trying to pull her away. She snapped her gaze up to see Nick smiling at her.

  “Did I scare you?” Nick pulled her into his arms and kissed her cheek.

  “Enough that you almost got a fist in the face." Lora held up her fist.

  "Nice to know you can defend yourself." Nick ran a finger down her cheek. "I'm sorry for startling you."

  "You can make it up to me with a dance.” Lora tugged him toward the dance floor.

  As she wrapped her arms around his neck, she got lost in the music and Nick's embrace. She never felt safer than when she was in his arms.

  It was difficult to keep his control as he watched her in that cop’s arms. He’d been so close to her, but then that stupid woman stepped in his way, and he lost his chance. He could have saved her right then and there.

  He needed to get back to the house before the old man woke up. He slipped a couple of sleeping pills into the man’s food and waited for him to fall asleep before he made his way to the pub. The last thing he needed was that old man spoiling his plan by calling for help.

  The old man lived alone and had no family, or at least none that the old man cared to talk about. That was a good thing, because he didn’t have to worry about anyone spoiling his plan. The only thing that could, was if the old bastard woke up before he got back to the house.

  “Soon, my love,” He whispered as he disappeared through the exit.

  Chapter 22

  It was the first time the band had two gigs so close together. Nick wanted to make sure he was ready to sing the song he’d been working on for the Canada Day celebrations. The one just for Lora.

  There hadn’t been any more missing women, but it made Nick nervous. Cory and Steve questioned the people on Lora’s list again, but there wasn’t anything new. It was as if they hit a wall in the investigation.

  John kept a close eye on Lora’s old phone, but except for several texts sent the same day she'd received the first ones, the phone was quiet. The one thing that terrified Nick, was Lora stopped hiding in Hopedale.

  “What’s the point of trying to keep out of town? He knows where I am anyway.” Lora argued when she wanted to have lunch with her old boss, Dallas.

  “You can’t make it easy for him, baby.” Nick tried to reason with her, but as if something in the universe wanted to make his life even more complicated, Nanny Betty scurried into the diner.

  “Are ya ready ta go ta town?” Nanny Betty smiled at Tom as he entered the diner, he’d offered to help out during rush hour.

  “I’m just waiting for Jess, Nan.” Lora raised her eyebrow.

  He knew
what she was doing. It was dare to argue the point with his grandmother. Lora knew that none of them would ever challenge Nanny Betty.

  “Dats grand. Jess never told me she was comin’ too.” Nanny Betty fixed her collar and glanced up at him. “Nicky, if ya go out wit dat face ya’ll scare da sun away.”

  “Gee, thanks, Nan.” He bent to kiss his grandmother's cheek.

  “He’s a little upset that I’m going to town.” Lora smiled at him.

  “Why?” Nanny Betty stared up at him.

  “We still don’t know who this guy is, Nan….” Nick wanted to groan when his grandmother held up her hand.

  “Isn’t da big fella Hulk comin’ wit us?” Nanny Betty glanced at Lora.

  “Yes,” Lora’s amusement with the situation was obvious.

  “And Jess?” Nanny Betty tipped her head as if she was questioning his sanity.

  “And don’t tink I’m gonna let her outta me sight.” She pointed a finger at him.

  Nick dropped his head back and stared up at the ceiling to keep from rolling his eyes. Nanny Betty probably would hit him with her purse. His grandmother was barely five-feet tall and maybe a hundred pounds, but whatever she carried in the bag was hard.

  “See, Nick. I’ll be perfectly safe. Plus, Dallas will be there too.” Lora rested her hands on his hips, and he gazed into her eyes.

  “I’m calling the station and getting off early.” Nick was on duty and only dropped in for lunch because he knew Jess was working with Lora at the diner.

  “No, you're not,” Lora warned.

  “But…” Lora pressed her finger to his lips.

  “I’ll be safe.” Lora ran her thumb over his lower lip, and he kissed the tip of it.

  “I’m ready, let’s go.” Jess’s voice sounded from behind him.

  “Okay, now Nicky get back ta work.” Nanny Betty fixed her ever-present black purse on her arm and linked the other into Jess.

  “I’ll be fine.” Lora cupped his cheek and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “I promise, I’ll stay close to Bruce and Jess.”

  “I don’t like this.” Nick sighed.

  “I got this.” Nick felt the big hand on his shoulder.

  “Thanks, Hulk.” Nick didn’t look at him he just kept his gaze on Lora.

  “I love you,” Lora whispered against his lips.

  “I love you too.” Nick cupped the back of her head and pressed his lips to her temple and inhaled her scent.

  Lora smiled as she walked around him to join Nanny Betty and Jess at the exit. Hulk was behind them as they walked through the door. His heart thudded in his chest when she disappeared from his sight.

  “If you want, I can tag along with them.” Bull appeared next to him. “Kristy’s working today, but I'm off.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind?” Nick couldn’t shake the bad feeling.

  “Not at all. I got you, bro.” Bull quickly exited the restaurant with Nick behind him.

  Nick stood on the step as Hulk drove out of the lot with Jess, Nanny Betty and Lora in his SUV. Bull pulled out behind them in his truck and gave Nick the thumbs up as he followed behind the love of Nick's life.

  At least knowing Bull and Hulk were with them made him feel a little less tense. Jess was with her too, and his cousin was a damn good cop who would protect Lora no matter what. Plus, he was pretty sure nobody would get close to Lora with Nanny Betty around.

  Before he could think about anything else a call came over the radio and he made his way to the cruiser to help the officer in need of assistance.

  The soft knock on the door startled him. He’d been at the old man’s house for almost two weeks, and it was the first time anyone came to visit.

  “Who's at the door?” he whispered to the old man.

  “It’s the Lawton girl. She comes here to clean the place.” The old man shifted in the chair. “If ya don’t answer she’ll go on her way. It's what I do when I don't want her here.”

  Footsteps sounded back and forth on the front deck, and he held his breath. He pressed his body against the wall as he saw the shadow against the large window. He’d closed all the blinds and drapes, but he couldn't take any chances. Not when he was so close.

  “Mr. Batten, it’s Sunshine Lawton,” The girl shouted through the door.

  “Keep your mouth shut.” He growled at the old man.

  “Mr. Batten, I’m here to do your cleaning,” The girl yelled, and he pressed his lips together as the doorknob rattled.

  If this girl didn’t go soon, she’d ruin all his plans. He crept to the front door to see when she left. After she’d knocked once more, he heard her footsteps click down the steps.

  “About fucking time.” He peeped through the opening in the curtain.

  The girl walked down the driveway and hopped on a bicycle. When she turned left at the end of the path, he stepped back and walked back to Albert.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about her?” He grabbed the old man by the front of his shirt.

  “I forgot about her. I’m old for Christ’s sake.” Albert snapped.

  He had to give Albert credit. Only once did he show he was afraid of what would happen. The old bastard was snarky and sarcastic which he respected. It was probably why he hadn’t killed him yet.

  “Well, you better think real hard and remember if there will be any more visitors.” He warned Albert.

  “Look, I got no family that comes here. I was never married and no kids. I live here by myself, and the only one comes by is that girl. She cleans the dump, and I pay her. I don’t like people and you being here is getting on my last arthritic nerve.” Albert grumbled as he lit a cigarette.

  “You’re a cranky old bastard, aren’t you?” He shook his head.

  He didn’t like when Albert smoked because it smelled. It was also the reason he drugged the man every time he left the house. He couldn’t take the chance of him not only calling for help but catching the dwelling on fire.

  “I’m not cranky. I like to be alone.” Albert blew out the smoke and started to cough.

  He sat at the computer and kept glancing at Albert. He’d drugged his coffee, and he was waiting for the old bastard to fall asleep. He needed to be ready when she went to town. He heard the argument she’d had with the cop before she left the house that morning. He needed to follow her and see if it was his chance to finally save her.

  Chapter 23

  Lora sat across from Dallas and Jess. Nanny Betty was next to her, and both Hulk and Bull took a table across from them in the downtown coffee shop.

  She’d argued with Nick all morning about going to town, but the truth was, now that she was at the old coffee shop where she went every day, she felt uneasy. Lora glanced around the place she hadn’t been inside in almost a year, but nothing looked out of place.

  Most of the staff were the same except for a young woman wiping down the table across the room. Lora felt a chill on the back of her neck, and she spun around in her seat.

  “Lora, is something wrong?” Jess grabbed her hand, and Lora turned back to face her.

  “Yes… no… I'm just paranoid. I’m sorry.” Lora forced a smile.

  “Doncha be sorry fer bein’ worried. Dis is a nice shop.” Nanny Betty sipped her tea. “Hulk, ya look like ya lost yer best friend. Smile,” Nanny Betty shouted across to the table where the two men sat.

  “Nan, don’t bring attention to them.” Jess sighed.

  “It’s not like every woman in da place is not staring at dem.” Nanny Betty huffed. “Maybe if he smiled he’d find a lass fer himself.”

  Dallas had a huge smile on her face and was definitely enjoying Nanny Betty’s company. Lora adored the woman. Nanny Betty said what was on her mind and didn’t care who heard her.

  “Mrs. O’Connor, could you adopt me.” Dallas reached across the table and placed her hand over Nanny Betty’s.

  “Not if ya keep callin’ me dat. Mrs. O’Connor was me mother-in-law and let me tell ya; she was a witch.” Nanny Betty popped a piece
of her muffin into her mouth. “Ya call me Nan, and we’ll talk.”

  Dallas threw her head back and laughed so loud that everyone in the entire shop turned to look at them. Lora covered her face, but Jess laughed right along with Dallas. She loved her friend, but Dallas was loud, and a lot like Nanny Betty. Her friend said what was on her mind and didn’t care what people thought.

  “I still can’t believe how lucky I was with my damn phone,” Dallas said a little while later.

  “No kidding. I’ve lost two in the last year, and the damn things are a pain in the ass to replace.” Jess nodded to the waiter who appeared at the table to refill their cups.

  “I’ve never lost mine, but changing my number so often was a pain in the ass,” Lora remembered talking to the provider and them questioning why she was changing her number so often.

  “Did you ladies want anything else besides coffee and tea?” The attractive waiter asked and smiled at them.

  “Your number.” Dallas propped her elbows on the table and rested her chin in the palms of her hands.

  “Umm… I… Yeah.” The waiter blushed and stammered over his response.

  “He’s a little young fer ya, Dallas. We’ll take ya to see my Cora. She can help ya.” Nanny Betty patted the waiter's arm, and he scurried away.

  “I’m drawing up the adoption papers for you to sign, Nan.” Dallas chuckled.

  Lora still couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. She glanced at Hulk, and he raised an eyebrow. Maybe she wasn’t as brave as she tried to make Nick believe. Lora had secluded herself in Hopedale for so long, that it was unnerving to be in a place where she wasn't surrounded by the safety of the small town.

  Her phone buzzed, and she pulled it out of her pocket. It was from Hulk.

  Hulk: What’s up? You look spooked.

  She was about to send him a return text, but a loud crash drew her attention. Lora glanced up at the table directly behind Hulk and Bull.

  The pregnant waitress dropped the coffee pot and was in the process of slapping away the hand of the customer she served. Not that he tried to help her pick up the mess. His hand was on the back of the girl’s leg under the hem of her uniform.


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