Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6)

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Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6) Page 19

by Rhonda Brewer

  Lora completely understood why Stephanie would feel that way, because when Nick walked up to the microphone, he smiled down at her and her heart kicked up a notch. Then he started to play the same song he’d sang in the pub the day Alice got hurt. His eyes never moved from her through the entire song. If it was possible, Lora fell even more in love with him.

  “Oh, you two got it so bad.” Kristy squeezed in between Lora and Stephanie.

  Lora laughed as Nick’s cousin knelt between them. Her fiancée stood next to Hulk and kept his eyes focused on Kristy. Nick’s family were funny and teased each other mercilessly but they were there for each other, and from what she’d seen, they’d bend over backward to protect each other.

  It was the reason she felt safe in such a large crowd. Then again, she felt safer in Hopedale than she ever did in St. John’s. At least until her stalker found her again and killed all those women. Lora constantly felt the hair on the back of her neck prickling, and the nightmares were back.

  She didn’t tell Nick about the uneasy feeling. Nick would think she didn’t trust him to keep her safe. Lora wished the police could find the stalker, so she could get back to her life. It figured when she finally found the man of her dreams something would threaten to destroy her happiness.

  “Hey, are you okay? Marina took Lora’s hand and spoke in her ear.

  “Yeah, sorry I was watching the kids playing.” Lora forced a smile.

  James’ wife didn’t seem to believe Lora's explanation of why she'd drifted off for a few minutes. Marina didn’t say anything, just squeezed Lora’s hand and laughed as her youngest son started to dance to Mike’s version of Hippy, Hippy Shake.

  “I swear Colin is getting as foolish as A.J.” Marina laughed.

  They were right next to the stage and had to shout when they spoke to be heard over the music. Lora glanced behind her when she felt someone brush against her back. Nick’s mother smiled down at her and smoothed her hand over Lora’s head.

  “I thought I might find all my daughters-in-law down here.” Kathleen chuckled as she unfolded a blanket and spread it out on the ground behind Lora, Marina, Stephanie, Kristy, and Emily.

  “Where else would we be?” Emily shouted.

  “How did you and Marina manage to get down on the ground in your condition?” Sandy appeared and plopped down next to her mother-in-law.

  “Getting down is easy. Getting up might take some help,” Marina shouted.

  “I keep telling you to come to the house and try yoga with me,” Sandy replied.

  Lora laughed when Emily held up a fist and then slowly wound her hand as if she was turning a crank. Her middle finger gradually raised to give Sandy the one figure salute.

  “Kathleen, do you see what she’s doing to your favorite daughter-in-law.” Sandy linked into Kathleen’s arm.

  “Billie’s not even here.” Kathleen glanced around with a grin.

  “Thanks a lot.” All of the women married to Kathleen’s sons shouted together.

  “Stop it. You know she loves all of you the same.” Kristy rolled her eyes.

  That was what it was like to be in the middle of the O’Connor family. It was fun, and Lora wished one day that she could be included with the banter as one of the O’Connor wives.

  Wait? What?

  Lora never thought about marriage before, even with Molly’s father. She always believed it wasn’t necessary if you were with the right person, but with Nick, she wanted to be married to him. She desired to take his name and if it was possible to have his baby.

  “Mommy, I need to pee.” Molly leaned over and whispered in Lora’s ear.

  “Okay, let’s go.” Lora stood up and clasped Molly’s hand.

  “Where are you going?” Kristy was on her feet in seconds.

  “Molly needs to go to the bathroom,” Lora told Nick’s cousin.

  Before Lora knew it, Emily, Marina, Sandy, and Kristy were behind her with a line of children who also needed to relieve themselves.

  As the line of them made their way to the portable toilets, she couldn't help but giggle. It was comical. Each child lined up to go inside, and when they came out stood in another line to wait for everyone to finish. Hulk and Bull stood behind Lora, and it was honestly starting to get on her last nerve.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate what they were doing, she was just tired of having a shadow anywhere she went. Lora knew it was necessary, but she couldn't wait for the day when she could take a walk on the beach by herself.

  After the parade to the bathroom had returned to the stage for the third time, the sun had set, and the firefighters set off the fireworks. Molly managed to get through without falling asleep, and Lora couldn't help but smile at the amazed look on her daughter's face. With each explosion Molly would squeal excitedly at the multitude of colors in the clear night sky.

  Molly enjoyed it, but didn’t hesitate when Lora’s mother and Kathleen asked if they wanted to go home. Lora waved to Molly as she watched Kathleen, Cora, her mother, Nanny Betty, along with Stephanie and Marina’s mom herd the tribe of young children to Nick’s parent's house.

  “I love all those women.” Sandy pressed her hands against her chest.

  “I can’t believe they're going to keep all the kids for the night.” Lora shook her head in awe.

  “That’s what it’s like to be in this family.” Billie showed up just before the fireworks.

  “It’s a breeze for those women. There were times all of us stayed at Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Sean’s place all weekend.” Kristy laughed. “Think about it. Seven boys and four girls camped out in their living room.”

  "And we weren't always the angels that we are today." Jess smiled sweetly.

  “Angels?” Sandy almost choked on her water.

  “Sounds fun.” Lora laughed, but the truth was, it did sound incredible.

  The band still had another hour in their final set, and the crowds were starting to thin out. The firefighters broke down all the booths that were set up for the games and food. Some people still hung around to enjoy the music, but not as many as earlier.

  “I have to pee so bad, and I’m not using that stinky box they call a toilet.” Kristy wrinkled her nose.

  “Me too.” Emily struggled to get to her feet.

  “Let’s go to Jack’s Place. That way we won’t get the kids all upset if we all show up at Aunt Kathleen's to pee, and then leave again." Kristy suggested.

  The three women squeezed through the smaller crowd, but they were stopped by Bull and Hulk. The two men stood in front of them with arms folded across their chest.

  “Where are you going, Kitten?” Bull gazed down at Kristy.

  “I’m going to relieve my bladder.” Kristy tried to step around him, but he took her hand.

  “The potty is right there.” He nodded toward the large blue boxes.

  “I’m not using that. It’s gross, and God knows who else was in there all day.” Kristy kissed his cheek.

  “You let all the kids go there earlier.” Hulk chuckled.

  “Yeah before all the drunks got in there. There’s probably piss all over the floor and the seat.” Kristy gagged. “We’re just going to the pub, relieve ourselves, and we’ll be back.”

  “I’m coming with you.” Bull cupped her face in his hands as he brushed his lips lovingly against her forehead.

  “Are you going to do this the whole time?” Kristy groaned in annoyance.

  “While you’re carrying precious cargo, yes.” Bull smiled at his fiancé.

  “You’re pregnant?” Emily gasped.

  “Shhh… We aren’t telling anyone yet.” Kristy covered Emily’s mouth with her hand.

  “Why?” Emily asked when she managed to push Kristy’s hand away.

  “Because I don’t want Kurt kicking the shit out of me for knocking up his daughter before the ring is on her finger.” Bull chuckled.

  “That’s not true.” Kristy rolled her eyes.

  “Sure it is.” Hulk grinned. />
  “Shut up, Hulk.” Bull slapped his friend on the chest.

  “Look, I would really like to finish this little chat, but I’m going to pee in my pants if we don’t go now,” Emily complained.

  Bull and Hulk filed in behind the women as they made their way toward Jack’s Place. Kristy complained several times that Bull was smothering her, but he managed to quiet her when he whispered something in her ear that made her eyes flutter and her breath hitch.

  “That’s mean,” Kristy whined.

  They’d just arrived at the pub when they heard a voice from behind them. Keith sauntered up to them with a huge smile on his face. He went straight to Emily and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  “Princess, why didn’t you tell me you were coming here?” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I didn’t realize I needed to tell you when I had to pee.” Emily did the, I have to pee dance, as Kristy opened the door to the diner.

  Emily practically pushed Kristy and Lora to the side once the door was unlocked. Lora followed her into the bathroom with Kristy close behind.

  A few minutes later they left the ladies room with Kristy laughing at Emily’s impersonation of Keith when he was hovering over her. Apparently, the middle O’Connor brother was a little too overprotective of his pregnant wife. According to Emily, he was even worse with the second pregnancy.

  “Your voice is not quite deep enough to be me, Princess.” Keith narrowed his eyes.

  Before she could respond, she let out a squeaked and glanced down at her feet. Lora followed her eyes and realized what had the woman standing stock still.

  “Did your water just break?” Kristy gasped.

  “Yes.” Emily held onto her stomach.

  “It’s too early.” Keith took her hand and helped her walk toward the chair that Bull held.

  “It’s only four weeks, and I went early on Noah too.” Emily eased down in the chair.

  “But I can’t drive you to the hospital. I’ve had a few beers.” Keith crouched in front of her.

  “I can drive you both.” Bull ran for the door. “My truck's in the parking lot. Kristy come on.”

  “I’m not going. I’m going to let everyone know what happened.”

  Bull clenched his teeth and was about to say something when Emily grabbed her stomach and groaned. He glared at Kristy for a second and then ran out through the door.

  “Come on, Princess.” Keith lifted Emily into his arms.

  “Keith, put me down. I can walk for Christ's sake.” Emily grumbled.

  “Not a chance.” Keith stomped toward the exit.

  “Keep us up to date,” Kristy shouted, then turned and glanced down at the puddle still in the middle of the diner floor.

  Without another word, Kristy hurried toward the kitchen. Lora grabbed the disinfectant behind the counter and proceeded to clean the seat of the chair where Emily had sat.

  Fifteen minutes later the mess was cleaned up, and they headed out with Hulk a few steps in front of them. As Kristy locked the door to the diner, Hulk pushed open the main entry.

  A loud roar from Hulk had both Lora and Kristy spinning around to see what happened. He staggered back from the entrance gasping, with his hand over his eyes.

  Before Lora knew what happened, a figure entered through the door. He was dressed in black from head to toe and a ski mask covered his face. The only thing visible was his mouth and eyes.

  “Lora get behind me,” Kristy whispered.

  There was no way Lora was going to let Kristy put herself in danger when she was pregnant. Lora glanced toward Hulk and realized he was incapacitated with something either thrown or sprayed in his face. He was coughing and trying without success to open his eyes.

  “Fucker,” Hulk wheezed.

  “My love, come on. You can escape now.” The man held his hand out to Lora as if he’d just done her a favour.

  “Escape from what?” Lora didn’t recognize her own voice, and she certainly didn't know the man.

  “I know these people have been keeping you from me. Now we can be together.” He grabbed for Lora’s hand, but she stepped back.

  “Who are you?” Kristy stepped around her.

  “You’re one of them.” The man growled, and his hand raised slowly.

  Lora stepped in front of Kristy as soon as she saw the gun. She wasn’t going to let this man kill another person. This was the man she’d been hiding from all this time.

  “Don’t hurt her.” Lora tried to sound firm, but her entire body trembled.

  “Hurt her? She’s one of your captors.” He growled and waved the gun in their direction.

  Hulk managed to get to his feet and staggered toward the man. It was as if everything happened in slow motion as the man turned the gun on Hulk and fired. Kristy wailed as Hulk fell back against the door to the pub.

  “Stop, please.” Lora howled as she lunged toward the man, grabbed his arm, and pushed it up into the air.

  “But they’ve kept us apart, my love.” He grabbed Lora’s arm harshly, and she winced.

  “There’s been enough killing.” Lora glanced toward Hulk hoping to God he wasn’t dead

  The large man was motionless on the floor, and she could see the blood seeping through his shirt. She wasn’t sure if this guy had killed Hulk, but she wasn’t about to let him hurt Kristy too.

  “You’ve saved me.” Lora forced herself to smile and tried to sound convincing.

  “Yes, my love. I’m your hero.” He cupped Lora’s cheek, and she tried not to flinch.

  She attempted to see if she could recognize the voice, but the adrenaline coursing through her body made it hard to concentrate. He was taller than her, but not by much, and his eyes were dark brown. There was something familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

  “Yes. Hero.” Lora glanced at Kristy.

  Kristy’s eyes were focused on Hulk, but when she tried to move toward him, the man stepped in front of her. As a nurse, Kristy would be able to help him until Lora could get the crazy man out of the pub.

  “What are you doing?” He growled.

  “I want to check on him.” Kristy snapped.

  “The only thing you’re going to do is…” His growl was sinister as he pointed his weapon at Kristy.

  “No,” Lora shouted and put herself directly in front of Kristy. “You can’t hurt her. She’s going to have a baby.”

  Lora couldn’t see the expression on the man’s face since it was still covered, but his eyes widened. He slowly lowered the gun and a grin crossed his lips.

  “Boy or girl?” His tone sounded almost reverent as he spoke to Kristy.

  “We… I don’t know yet. I’m only six weeks.” Kristy grabbed Lora’s hand and they both squeezed.

  “Well, I guess you’ll have to come with us too. I can’t leave a poor innocent child to be born with these evil people.” He kicked Hulk’s foot away from the door and pushed it open a little.

  Once he checked outside, he pointed the gun through the door. Lora felt Kristy’s grasp tighten again. Probably because she was expecting this asshole to shoot someone else.

  “Let me protect you both. Come on, let’s get out of here.” He cooed.

  At first, Lora or Kristy didn’t move, and he stared at them. She felt Kristy move, but not toward the exit. That was when he pulled Lora out of the way and saw what Kristy was doing.

  She’d pulled her phone out and was trying to message someone without the crazy man finding out. He growled raised his hand and backhanded Kristy across the cheek. She yelled in pain, and her phone dropped to the floor.

  “I know these people got you brainwashed and you don’t know what you’re doing, but I’ll help you and my love through this.” He grabbed Kristy’s arm and pushed her ahead of him.

  “Please, don’t hurt her,” Lora begged.

  “As long as she behaves herself she’ll be safe.” He waved the gun in a motion that told Lora she better follow Kristy.

  Before he herded the
m through the door, he fired his gun through Kristy’s phone. He also held his hand out to Lora, and she knew he wanted hers as well. She slipped it out of her back pocket and held it out to him. He tossed it next to Kristy’s and shot a bullet through it.

  When they got outside, Lora hoped someone had heard the gunshots, but Nick’s band were still playing, and the sound traveled all the way up Harbour Street. They were in trouble, because there wasn’t another soul around to save them.

  Nick, please help us.

  He was so excited as he pushed the two women into the back of his van. He hadn’t planned on taking the other woman, but she was having a baby, and he had to protect the innocent child. It was hard to contain his glee at the thought of raising a child as his own.

  The hardest thing he had to do was secure both women in the back of the vehicle. They were brainwashed, and he knew they might try to escape or do something while he drove them home. He couldn’t take that chance, and he’d heal them soon enough.

  The one called Kristy was a lot like his love. She was small and beautiful. He wanted to keep her as well, and he hoped his love wouldn’t mind sharing him. After all, he had plenty of love for both. Now that he had his love next to him, he wouldn’t have to try and replace her with women that didn’t even come close to her.

  “Where are we going?” Her voice was music to his ears.

  “Home, my love.” He singsonged. “Home to the place we met and fell in love.”

  “What’s your name?” She asked.

  Anger bubbled in the pit of his stomach and he tried to swallow it down. How could she not remember his name? She loved him. He took a deep breath and tried to remember that she’d been with her abductors for almost a year. They’d probably erased any memories of him, but he’d fix that. It was why he kept his face covered. He didn’t want to shock her or do any damage by revealing himself too soon to her. After all, she had to be cleansed and healed.

  Chapter 26

  “I hope everyone had a great time tonight. Please be safe on you’re way home. We’re Rockin’ The Law.” Aaron’s voice echoed through the air as soon as they’d finished their final set.


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