Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6)

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Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6) Page 23

by Rhonda Brewer

  Of course, they called him other things as well, but since there were children within hearing distance most of them had been holding in those words.

  The couch dipped next to her, and Lora turned to see who sat beside her. Her mom smiled as she held the tiny baby. Lora still couldn’t believe the hospital allowed Emily to leave with the baby after less than forty hours.

  “He’s so adorable.” Her mother cooed.

  Lora couldn’t disagree. The little boy was the cutest thing she’d seen since Molly was born. His hair, and he had lots of it, was dark with auburn highlights. His lips pursed as he stretched in her mother’s arms and made a little grunt.

  “Imagine, he’s not even two days old, and he’s home with his family.” Her mother shook her head. “In my day you were lucky if they let you go home after a week.”

  “Except for Mike, all mine were born at the hospital, and I remember being so sick of the hospital by the time they sent me home.” Kathleen sat on the coffee table in front of Lora and her mom.

  “Times sure have changed.” Lora looked up at Nick’s father. He’d placed his hands on Kathleen’s shoulders and bent down to kiss the top of her head.

  “Yeah but the more they change, the more they stay the same.” Kathleen glanced toward the dining room.

  “They’ll find this son of a bitch,” Sean whispered and winked at Lora.

  “I’m so sorry for bringing all this around your family. I…” Lora was stopped when Nick’s Aunt Cora touched her shoulder.

  “Honey, you are family.” Cora smiled and kissed the top of Lora’s head.

  Those words brought tears to her eyes, and she glanced toward the dining room again to hide them. Nick met her gaze and when he noticed he furrowed his brows as if asking her what was wrong. She smiled and blew him a kiss. Nick seemed to understand that her watery eyes were happy tears.

  Lora, Stephanie, Sandy, Kristy, Jess, and Isabelle scurried around the large kitchen in Nick’s parents home. After feeding what seemed like a million people, they gathered in the kitchen to clean up.

  She was still amazed at how Kathleen, Nanny Betty, Cora, and her mother were able to put enough food together to feed such a large crowd. They used disposable dishes which Nanny Betty had declared a gift from God, but there were still tons of pots, pans and serving platters to be rinsed and squeezed into the dishwasher.

  “We talked Mom into keeping the pub closed for the rest of the week,” Jess handed another serving dish to Lora.

  “I thought she would throw something at me when I mentioned it. Not because she wanted to open or anything but that we would think she would be so inconsiderate of Hulk.” Isabelle wiped down the counter.

  “I think it’s for the best. At least until the foyer is cleaned.” Sandy was in the middle of closing a full garbage bag.

  “I feel like all this is my fault.” Lora sighed as she closed the full dishwasher.

  “No, it’s not, and don’t think for one second any of us think that.” Stephanie placed her hands on Lora’s shoulders.

  “Fuck, no.” Sandy tossed a cloth into the sink. “That bastard is why this happened.”

  “I know, but if I’d left the province like I was going to…” Lora shook her head.

  “Then he probably would have killed more women or worse, followed you,” Sandy told her. “Look, people like this are crazy. Something in his brains isn't wired the way yours or mine are. They may look and act normal around people, but something could set them off, and it probably wasn’t even anything you did or said.”

  “I know that in here.” Lora pointed to her head. “I just wish I knew who it was, so I could figure out why he's so focused on me.”

  “From what I could figure out when he so sweetly took us for a drive and put us up in his lovely dungeon, he thinks you love him, and he loves you.” Kristy reminded her of the things he’d kept saying.

  “Is it possible he’s an old boyfriend you’ve forgotten about?” Jess asked.

  “I’ve been over that with the police and Nick. All the guys I’ve been with were checked out, and they’re either married, in other relationships or out of the province. The only one that is unaccounted for is Molly's father, but this guy is not Simon. I saw his arms, and there weren't any tattoos.” Lora shook her head. “I just don’t know, but there's something familiar about his voice.”

  “I did notice he never called you by your name.” Kristy leaned against the counter next to her. “He just kept saying, my love.”

  “Yeah, see. That right there is creepy.” Isabelle shivered and she wasn’t wrong.

  For the second night in a row, Molly spent the night out. Stephanie promised the girls princess movies and s’mores. Her mother and Ethan went to town to have dinner at Roman's house. It left her and Nick alone again.

  “Have you heard anything on Hulk this evening?” Lora asked Nick when she’d finished her bath.

  “Just that there’s no change, but he still has brain activity.” Nick was on her bed looking at his phone.

  Nick's jeans were still on, but unbuttoned. His feet were bare as well, and his legs were crossed at the ankles as his back was propped against the headboard.

  “That’s good that he hasn’t gotten worse, right?” Lora crawled onto the bed and knelt next to him.

  “Yeah, it is.” Nick dropped his phone and lifted her to straddle his legs.

  “Why do I hear a but there?” She ran her hand over the top of his head and linked them behind his neck.

  “No but. I’m just not going to be able to relax until this fucker is behind bars.” Nick rested his forehead against hers.

  “I hate what this is doing to everyone.” Lora closed her eyes and let out an exasperated breath.

  “I hate what it’s doing to you. I hate what he could have done to you.” Nick cupped her face in his hands, and she opened her eyes.

  God, she loved this man, but she hated the worried look in his eyes. She couldn’t forget the anguish that was on his face when he’d come to get her at Roman’s house.

  Before she could sink any more into concern, a loud explosion practically shook the house causing them both to jump. Nick yanked on a t-shirt and shoved his feet into his running shoes at the side of the bed. He grabbed his weapon from the drawer next to the bed. He’d started to keep it there over the last couple of days.

  “What was that?” Lora gasped.

  “I don’t know, but stay behind me and if I tell you to run, go as fast as your legs can carry you.” Nick held her hand. “Go right to Ian and Sandy’s and call for help.”

  “Okay,” Lora’s voice was barely a whisper.

  “Promise me, Lora,” Nick demanded.

  “I promise.” Lora met Nick's eyes.

  He kept a tight grip on her hand, and held his gun in front of him. Lora heard the explosion, but she wasn’t smelling smoke. She was about to point that out to Nick, but a second explosion sounded.

  “Jesus,” Nick looked out the kitchen window.

  Lora glimpsed over his shoulder, and her heart felt like it stopped. Black smoke swirled up over the line of trees into the sky.

  “Isn’t Mr. Batten’s house over that row of trees?” Lora gasped.

  “Fuck, Sunny asked us to check on him. Fuck. Lora, call nine, one, one and lock the door as soon as I leave.” Nick made her swear to stay in the house and not leave unless she felt like the house was in danger.

  In ten minutes sirens blared as fire trucks bounced up the unpaved road toward where Lora saw flames start to shoot up above the trees. She felt useless, and she was terrified for Mr. Batten as well as Nick. He'd run through the line of thick pine trees to get to the elderly man's property. Her hands were clasped in front of her chest as she watched out the window and waiting for Nick to return.

  It seemed like hours since Nick disappeared into the woods. The dark smoke made it more difficult to see where he'd run, and flames had started to become visible over the line of trees.

  Lora couldn’t stay i
n the house another minute. She needed to know if Nick was okay. As she was about to turn away from the window, he appeared walking slowly toward the house.

  Lora ran to the front door and unlocked it while she waited for him to come up the steps. When she yanked it open the sight before her was like a punch in the stomach.

  Chapter 30

  Nick ran as fast as he could through the dense trees between Lora’s place and Mr. Batten's house. Sunshine asked them to check on the man, and with everything that happened with Lora and Hulk, Nick completely forgot. As a third branch hit him in the face, he cursed wishing he’d just ran down the driveway and up the road toward the house.

  He broke through the trees to see the entire house engulfed in flames, and his heart dropped. Nick wasn’t sure where the explosions came from but from what he could see there was no way he could get into the house to see if Mr. Batten was still inside.

  Nick took a step toward the house but stopped when something cold pressed against the back of his neck. He froze when a faint whimper came from behind him.

  “Nick,” A quiet, quivering voice spoke behind him.

  “Turn around cop, and remember if you make one wrong move, the little girl here will pay for your error.” A male voice spoke from behind him. “Now put your hands over on top of your head and turn around slowly.”

  Nick felt his weapon pulled from the back of his jeans where he'd shoved it after he left Lora. He raised his hands slowly as he turned to face the man behind him.

  “Sunny?” Nick gasped.

  The young girl trembled next to a man Nick didn’t recognize. The guy didn’t look much older than Sunshine but the look in his eyes said the fucker was crazed. Sunshine’s hands were zip-tied in front of her, but it was what was around her neck that made Nick’s stomach lurch.

  The man held a piece of wood in his hand with what appeared to be a wire attached to it. Kurt would call it a garrote, and it was now digging into Sunshine’s slim neck. The blood that was seeping out from under the wire around the young girl’s neck made Nick want to lunge at the man.

  “Let. Her. Go.” Nick growled. “You’ve got me.”

  “Officer, I’m not a stupid man. Look at me. You're twice my size and could probably snap my neck with one hand.” He grinned down at Sunshine and aimed the gun at her head. It gave Nick the chance to see where the asshole had put his weapon. He'd shoved it into the front of his pants, but Nick couldn’t take a chance and risk Sunshine’s life.

  “What do you want?” Nick’s gaze met Sunshine’s terrified one.

  He’d known this girl since she was born and watched her grow into a sweet young lady. Now her life was being threatened by a crazy asshole that Nick wanted to kill.

  “I want you to walk back through that woods to where my love is waiting.” He backed up to leave space for Nick to squeeze through the path.

  “She’s not your love,” Nick barked and soon regretted it when Sunshine gagged as the bastard pulled the garrotte tighter.

  “Are you sure you want to test me?” The asshole narrowed his eyes.

  “Stop,” Nick shouted as he eased through the trees.

  He prayed Lora saw them before it was too late. Nick walked slow in order to give her time to make a call for help. He just hoped she was watching.

  “You’re smarter than I thought. Now, move it. I don't want those sirens to find us.” He chuckled. “Now keep your hands on your head because this will only take a couple of more twists before it cuts off her air.”

  Nick’s jaw clenched as he made his way slowly back toward Lora’s place praying he could give her a signal. The sound of Sunshine’s terrified sobs behind him was pure torture.

  A sigh of relief whooshed out of him when Lora stood in the window, but before he could give her a warning she disappeared. Hopefully she’d saw what was going on and called the nine, one, one.

  Nick moved slowly toward the front door. He even went as far as pretending to trip over his feet to give her more time. When the door opened, his heart sank.

  “Nick,” She gasped as she noticed the scene behind him.

  “My love, I’m back to get you away from these people.” Was this man fucking serious?

  “It’s you?” Lora stepped back into the house as Nick, and Sunshine were led in behind her.

  “You know him, Lora?” Nick heard the door close.

  She nodded, but looked in a complete state of shock. With the way she shook her head, it was as if she couldn’t believe what was in front of her eyes. As if this guy was the last person she expected to see.

  “Lora, look at me,” Nick shouted to get her attention.

  Something slammed against the back of his head, and for a second, he was dazed. He fell to his knees, but it was enough to break Lora out of her bewilderment.

  “Leave him alone.” Lora shrieked at the man.

  Nick attempted to get up but received a kick to the side of his head, and he fell to the floor on his chest. Both Lora and Sunshine screamed as he repeatedly kicked Nick in the chest and face. Nick lifted his arms to protect his head as the man wailed on him with steel toe boots.

  “Stop. Please.” Lora’s voice howled even over the roaring in Nick's ears from the kicks to the head.

  “My love, why are you protecting him?” The man’s voice calmed, and he stopped his assault.

  Nick shook his head several times to keep from passing out. He was dizzy, and his vision was blurred, but he willed the strength to stay conscious. He had to for Lora and Sunshine.

  “Because you’re going to kill him.” Lora's weeping made him push up so he could prop his back against the wall.

  “But he’s kept us apart.” This guy was really out of his fucking mind, but Nick couldn't see him since he stood out of Nick’s field of vision

  “Nick didn’t keep us apart, Sterling.” Lora’s voice suddenly quieted as if she realized she needed to calm the man she’d just referred to as Sterling.

  “Yes, he has,” Sterling bellowed.

  Nick tried to remember the name from the lists, but his head was spinning from the kicks to the face. He wiped his arm across his eyes where the blood was making it hard to see the situation.

  “No, Sterling. I came to Hopedale on my own and…” The man shrieked over Lora’s voice, and she stepped back.

  “You’re. Mine.” His voice almost sounded demonic.

  Before Nick had time to do anything, something slipped around his neck. When he raised his hands to his throat, he felt the wire against his skin.

  “Sterling, don’t hurt him. Please.” Nick opened his rapidly swelling eye and flinched with pain, but he needed to see Lora wasn’t close to this guy.

  “Hurt him? I’m going to save you from him.” Sterling’s voice rumbled next to Nick’s ear.

  “Lora, get out of here.” Nick managed to choke out.

  “I’m not leaving you.” She pushed Sunshine behind her and Nick felt a wave of relief to see the girl was alive, but neither of the women were safe.

  “Now, Lora. Get out of here.” Nick croaked when Sterling tightened the wire.

  “Leave him alone,” Lora begged, and for some reason, her plea must have broken something in Sterling.

  The wire around Nick’s neck loosened and he gasped in air. Sterling fell to his knees and placed the gun at Nick’s head. Nick didn’t care about the gun. He kept his focus on Lora.

  “You want me to leave him alone? Leave. Him. Alone.” Sterling practically screamed in Nick’s ear. “You love me. Not him. Me.”

  “Sterling, we’re friends. Nothing more. I enjoyed talking to you at the school, but we were just friends. You were a big help to me with the younger kids and I appreciated it so much.” Lora met Nick’s gaze, and then her eyes went back to Sterling.

  “You said you loved me.” He screamed.

  “No, I told you I loved your talent. You're an amazing artist and I cared about you, but I never said I loved you that way.” Lora stepped toward them.

” Nick growled a warning.

  “It’s okay, Nick. Sterling won’t hurt me.” Lora took another step toward them.

  “I’d never hurt you, my love.” His voice calmed, but he pushed the barrel of the gun harder against Nick’s head.

  “I know, and you don’t want to hurt Nick either.” Lora’s voice was soft, but Nick could see the pulse in her neck beating rapidly.

  “He touched you.” Nick winced when the gun pushed against his swollen eye.

  “He was helping me.” Lora knelt about two feet away from where Nick sat on the floor and way too close for Nick to feel comfortable.

  “You let him inside your body,” Sterling growled and pushed Nick’s head again.

  “No, never.” Lora lied.

  “You’re lying. How could you lie? I saw you. I saw what he did to you and what you did to him.” He shrieked.

  “Lora, get out of here,” Nick whispered.

  She shook her head and continued to move closer. Nick was supposed to keep her safe, and he was on the ground with a fucking gun to his head. While the crazy fucker was slowly losing all touch with what little sanity he had.

  “I’m not leaving you.” She met Nick’s eyes.

  “Please, baby. I don’t want you to see him kill me.” Nick’s eyes filled with tears as he forced out the words.

  “I’m not leaving.” A tear rolled down her cheek.

  “Stop.” Sterling’s body shook next to Nick.

  “Sterling, please. I’ll do anything. Please let him go.” Lora begged as the tears streamed down her cheeks and it tore Nick to pieces.

  “Why don't you love me?” It was as if something finally clicked in Sterling’s head.

  “You’re my friend, Sterling. You were the first one to hug me after my dad died, but sweetheart, you’re twenty years old, and the right woman is out there for you. It’s just not me, but I’ll always be your friend.” Lora didn’t make a move toward him, but she continued to talk.


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