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Kiss and Tales A Romantic Collection

Page 7

by The Indie Collaboration

  “Doesn’t matter - that’ll be my problem to deal with. Besides, what fun would it be if you get killed and no one bats an eye?”

  I heard the sound of the gun’s hammer being cocked and I clutched my skirt desperately. I wanted to scream but that would reduce all my chances of talking it over with him.

  “Won’t I get a last wish?” I asked him.

  “If you want to make a wish then do so but please don’t say ‘Let me walk away alive and well’ because that ain’t happening.”

  “Kill me but please don’t kill anyone else on the bus. I don’t have any family and my friends aren’t as close to me as they are to others. No one loses anything if I die so kill me if you want to but do respect my last wish.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He chuckled darkly.

  And the trigger was pulled.

  “Wait. What?”

  I was flabbergasted. No bullet pierced through me, no shot was fired and this man was laughing like he was on drugs.

  “It was a joke, lady.”

  He doubled over in laughter and my primary urge was to hit him on his head but I resisted. Something about him made me smile as well.

  “That prank, mister, could have given me a heart attack. What if I was suffering from a heart disease?” I tried to sound more stern and serious than I felt.

  “You aren’t suffering from any disease, Miss Madhu. I did my research well.”

  My mouth gaped open when I heard that, what did he mean by research?

  “You are a stalker!” I accused.

  “I would call myself a secret admirer. We work at the same place but you never notice me and I didn’t have enough guts to tell you that I like you.”

  “So this is your way of telling me you have a crush on me?”

  “This is my way of making you notice me. Here’s my card. Call me if you wish to have dinner with me tonight.”

  He stood up and walked towards the exit door. Before exiting, he winked at me playfully and I resisted the urge to poke my tongue at him. I skipped the interview and went back home.

  It’s six in the evening and I am inviting another frog for a kiss, although this time, I am more than just a little hopeful about romance.

  Gunjan Vyas © 2014

  Just Hear Me Out

  I love you.

  Before you say anything, I need you to understand.

  I say that statement with all the intensity and sincerity that should come with it.

  But I say it knowing that you do not feel the same about me, and I am good with that.

  Just hear me out.

  I had a dream that the Apocalypse came, the world ended, and we were the only two people left alive, and a Beagle.

  God descended, allowed us a glimpse of HIS magnificence, stripped us of our clothes and fear of being naked, and commanded us to begin civilization anew.

  That was and is one of the dreams I have about you.

  And if stays there, me being with you, I'm good with that.

  Just hear me out.

  I love you.

  And I say that knowing that I'm on the opposite side of being your type.

  Too little hair, too little muscle, not enough money, too much ego, too much meat around the middle, too much of everything that isn't the least bit attractive to you.

  But when I look at you, I see beautiful defined.

  And I realize that my eyesight becomes better looking at you.

  But you will never look at me with the favor that I look at you, and I'm good with that.

  Just hear me out.

  I love you.

  And if you liked me, not love back, but liked me an inkling, in the most minuscule microcosm, it would be too much for me to bear.

  See, I live in this constant anticipation that you might feel something for me, and that keeps me going, makes me feel alive.

  But you reciprocating any feeling for me would ruin that.

  So I feel this way is enough, and I'm good with that.

  Just wanted you to hear me out.

  I love you.

  Greatest Poet Alive © 2014

  Loving Hearts and Black Arts

  By D. C. Rogers


  Frank Norman had a new job, Frank Norman was in love. He’d actually bumped into the woman of his dreams only a little while back. He had just started working in an office job. A job he had obtained through an old friend of his. Through the office grape vine he’d learnt that her name was Mandy Sue. She was his perfect woman standing a good at five feet maybe six inches or so tall. She had one of those 'hourglass' figures, like a movie star, the type real men liked and not those thin waifs that adorned a lot of media these days. He was totally infatuated by her.

  From the long reddish brown hair to her full red lips and an enchanting smile that lit up her face. Though no one confessed to knowing her age, many estimated that she was early to mid-thirties at the most; not that Frank cared about her age. It was quite a surreal feeling, he hadn’t felt this way about someone for quite a long time.

  It had all started a month back, with his mid-thirties closing in fast he felt he needed a change in his monotonous life. He hadn’t dated for a long time so had pretty much given up on finding ‘the one’ so on that front he had pretty much settled with just getting old alone.

  Kyle, an old friend he had met up with on a social networking site, had told him of a job at a firm that he himself had not long started at. This job, unlike his current bank clerk job, had a ladder to climb and bonuses, Kyle had spieled to him over the site’s chat page. Deciding that any change was a good change he agreed to give it go. Kyle seemed happy at his decision, then within a few days he had an interview all set up.

  The first thing that hit him was the heady scent of her perfume. Then he saw Mandy for the first time, she walked past almost as if in slow motion. She smiled what he instantly thought was a perfect smile at him for the first time. Now he’d seen her, Frank realised he needed to ace this interview.

  “See told you I’d choose a good one,” Kyle boasted while he, Frank and a few others stood around the water cooler. Frank just smiled, nodding in agreement at his new work colleagues. His mind was elsewhere anyway, mostly figuring out how to approach the beautiful woman he’d just seen.

  That was over a month ago. Since then he had only learnt her name and that she worked in I.T, which was only when she came to restock his printer. In that space of time he had received three more of her brilliant smiles.

  Frank totted these up as bonus points in his pursuit of Mandy Sue every time she threw him one. That night Frank was looking through his portfolio and realised it was February the tenth, this meant that Valentine’s Day was just around the corner. So Frank busied himself devising a plan of action to woo Mandy then ask her out on a date. Chocolates, flowers and a card from a semi anonymous person that included his initials and asking for her to meet him at a restaurant. This was the best idea he could think of for wooing Mandy Sue.

  Unfortunately the next day in work something happened that destroyed all his carefully laid plans. Frank entered the staff room intent on making a warm beverage; it was still quite chilly for the middle of February. He loved to be here alone as the inane chatter of his work colleagues annoyed him lately, especially when his mind wanted only to think of Mandy. So he quietly made himself a cup of coffee then turned to take a seat.

  Frank didn’t know what registered first as he walked right into someone. Shock was very high on the list followed closely by the pain of his hot coffee dousing his chest. Then sheer embarrassment, as he realised he had turned right into Mandy. He almost stopped breathing.

  “Jesus H. Christ,” he blurted right into her shocked face. Unable to control his outburst as painfully hot coffee soaked through his shirt.

  “Oh shit, Mandy, I’m so sorry,” he said. Though a quick glance over her registered not a drop of the hot liquid had actually touched her.

  “Oh my, Frank, no it was my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was g
oing,” his pain was almost forgotten as her voice, like singing angels, floated into his ears.

  Then he quickly snapped out of it as he realised she knew his name.

  “Wow, so how do you know who I am?” He asked. Then felt stupid at such a dumb question, she had obviously asked who the new guy was at some point.

  “You’re new, you work in an office so pretty much everyone knows who you are.” She threw him that smile and he subconsciously marked another up on his board.

  Mandy carefully reached down for the crushed polystyrene cup, as her fingers brushed his Frank flinched ever so slightly. It was like electricity coursing through his arm. Even though she didn’t react to his obvious flinch he was sure he saw a flicker of a smile in the corner of her mouth.

  “Please let me make you a new one,” she said, going to the counter.

  “No I’m fine, seriously, I have to go.” Something twigged in his mind so he ran off. Mandy laughed as she watched him squat run from the staffroom. She had noticed what Frank hadn’t realised until the adrenaline of the moment had worn off, he had been heavily aroused. Hoping Mandy hadn’t seen and running of in such a fashion she would probably think he was mentally unstable. He managed to reach his desk without any further mishaps.

  Cursing he now also realised his work shirt was stained brown and stank of coffee, letting out a long sigh of relief he slowly slid down in his chair. Readjusting his trousers he swore that Mandy Sue was now off the cards and his old plan was back in action.

  “Here you go tiger,” The angelic voice sounded from his cubic entrance. Frank span around wide eyed to see Mandy there holding two fresh cups of coffee. He quickly crossed his legs as she entered his cubicle, putting one of the cups down on his desk she turned then walked away with a big grin.

  He had never felt so embarrassed in all his life. Reluctantly, like as if it was tainted with the shame and bad luck of today, he grabbed the coffee. Taking a careful sip he went wide eyed with surprise, it tasted superbly divine. Not only was she the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, Mandy had also made a divine cup of coffee. She had somehow blended the right amount of sugar, milk and creamer together with the shitty office coffee to make some kind of super coffee. Though he still felt two foot tall from the embarrassment it had caused he was happy to have tasted the magic brew. Spinning around to his desk feeling totally energized from the brew, he worked the rest of the day away at his monitor for fear of mocking stares, pointing or laughter.

  That night, feeling very depressed, he rung around cancelling the items he had ordered for Valentines. Then he just decided to call it an early night. That night Frank dreamt, he dreamt of a red headed smiling goddess who he reached for but was just out of his grasp.


  On his way to work he prepared himself for the torrent of stifled giggles and staring that he was sure would come. He even contemplated calling sick or even quitting there and then, yet something compelled him to go and he knew it was still a yearning to see Mandy at least one last time. He didn’t have to wait long, as soon as he was seated her now lulling voice spoke from behind.

  He Turned to see the beautiful flame haired woman stood there holding two things. First was the papers for today’s work, second was a small Tupperware box containing what seemed like small cakes inside.

  “Hi Frank, here’s today's work,” a sheepish look came over her face. Frank’s heart melted.“I, um also made you these for making you feel uncomfortable yesterday,” she said, putting the box on the table.

  “Thanks, though I’m sure it was my fault,” he said but looking back up she had vanished. Frank opened the box and his nose was immediately assailed with honey and ginger. Two of his most favourite flavours in these cakes, the woman must have been a mind reader. Trying one he couldn’t help but stuff the remaining two thirds into his mouth. Three cakes later and not realising he had been that hungry, Frank realised he should be working.

  For the next few hours until lunchtime came Frank kept staring at the cakes and licking his lips. As soon as the clock struck twelve Frank grabbed his little prizes and ran off to the staffroom, while there he got a cup coffee to accompany his sweet treats. As if by coincidence, Mandy was already there at the coffee station.

  She turned her head in the door's direction as he entered the room. Frank was taken aback by the amount he was bumping into Mandy lately.

  “Hey Frank, how’s things darling?” She asked, leaning back on the counter.

  “Yeah, um not too bad thanks Mandy,” he half whispered with embarrassment.

  “Hey, do you fancy one of my super tasty coffees?” She smirked at him.

  “Why, I would love one thank you Mandy,” he said. Then Frank frowned, how she knew that he had thought it was a super coffee puzzled him. Then he scolded his stupidity, she probably made coffee for lots of people who referred to it by that name. He took a seat at a table, surprised no other colleagues were sat about munching some home-made or bought items.

  “Here you go, sweetie,” Mandy said, depositing a large mug of coffee on the table, she took a seat.

  “Thank you Mandy, you’ve been really nice to me past few days,” he said, a little sheepishly.

  “It’s nothing silly, just being friendly.” Of course she was. Why should Frank think otherwise?

  “I really love these cakes. Two of my favourite flavours combined,” he told her, opening the box.

  “My grandmother would be proud then, it’s a very old family recipe passed down.”

  “Do you have any kids?” He didn’t know if this was the best of questions.

  “It’s okay Frank, I’m not offended,” she laughed. “No I haven’t met the right man to bless me with any yet.” Frank relaxed a little. Thankfully, Mandy seemed to be a very easy going person.

  “Sorry to hear that,” Frank said, tucking into the cakes anew.

  “Not for want of trying though Frank,” she said, flashing that amazing smile. Frank felt so emboldened by banter that he decided then and there he was going to ask Mandy out for Valentine’s Day. Cake now gone, he was just about to open his mouth to ask.

  “Frank I’m off tomorrow, family stuff, but free in the evening. Would you like to be my Valentine’s date? I know this lovely little Italian place near here.” Frank went wide eyed.

  “I was about to ask you! That would be great, I’ll meet you there.”

  She wrote down her mobile number then rose from her chair. Just before she turned to leave she placed a small light kiss on his forehead. He was so glad his groin was under the table at that moment. The rest of the day passed somewhat slow but without any other encounters. Mandy was pretty much the only thing on Frank’s mind that night as he went about his apartment in a daze.

  You know how you feel when something like this happens? A million worries and scenarios flash through your mind. Frank was waiting all day for the text or phone call saying she’d cancelled or changed plans. It even ran through his mind it was some kind of prank. By the end of the day, it was almost too much to handle.

  Frank’s friend John, stopped by his cubicle.

  “Hey Frankie, you got a date with Mandy don’t you?”

  “Yeah can you believe she asked me?” Frank said. He wasn’t surprised John knew. They worked in an office, gossip spread fast.

  “Good luck with that. She’s a nice woman that one,” he said, before walking off.

  “Thanks for the courage boost John,” Frank said, smiling.

  “No problems, you’re a good guy!” He shouted over the partition.

  Frank’s eyes flicked to the clock. It was almost time to leave. He prepared his station and did all the appropriate actions for the end of shift. He took a deep, nerve steadying, breath, before standing up and leaving the office. On his commute home, Mandy messaged his phone and for a heartbeat his world paused, had she cancelled?


  Frank jigged down the hallway of his apartment in one of the best moods he had been in for a while. The messag
e had been a positive one, giving him a time. He flicked through some of his older going out clothes and chose a smart shirt along with some trousers. He then went and chose one of the less crude comedy ties he had been bought by people for Christmas. Sitting down for five minutes he filled out what he hopped was a romantic enough card.

  He dressed then slapped on some of his favourite aftershave. Putting the card in his jacket he made sure he had his keys, wallet and mobile phone then left the flat to go and have what he thought would be a great night. Reaching the typically named ‘Mario’s’ ten minutes fashionably early, Frank stood waiting for Mandy to show up. Then typically five minutes late she showed up stepping from a taxi with her fantastic smile upon her face.

  “Frank, so glad you’re here. I had butterflies thinking you might not turn up for some stupid reason or other.” She looked a little sheepish, “I’ve not had great luck with men.”

  “Then those people have been crazy to let a woman like you slip away,” he said, returning her smile.

  “You’re a good man Frank, shall we go get us a table?” She asked.

  “Just a walk in place is it?” Frank asked back.

  “Yeah but they do the best meatballs in special sauce here.” She grabbed Frank’s hand. Dragging him through the doors, Frank saw the place was quite full. No surprise considering it was Valentine’s night, in fact Frank was surprised any tables were free.

  An elderly man looked up from his work stand.

  “Mandy, my dear I haven’t seen you in a while,” he said, kissing her hand.

  “Oh Mario, you know I can’t resist this place forever. Do you have somewhere private for me and my Valentine’s date?” She asked. Frank was pleased she knew the owner.

  “Of course, for you anything. There’s one window booth left,” he said, leading them to a small two seat booth in the back that looked out over the street.

  “Here are your menus, can I get you any drinks?” He asked.

  “A bottle of your best house red wine please, Mario.” Frank piped in.

  “An excellent choice, I will take your order when I return.” The old man whizzed off.

  “I do you hope you’re not trying to get me drunk Frank,” she said, smiling wide.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it Mandy.” He looked at the menu to hide his reddening face.

  “I’m going to have the meatballs, what about you darling?” Mandy said, putting the menu down.


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