All I Want Is You (Forever and Ever Book 1)

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All I Want Is You (Forever and Ever Book 1) Page 1

by E. L. Todd

  All I Want Is You

  Book One of the Forever and Ever Series

  E. L. Todd

  “What if I fall?

  Oh but my darling, what if you fly?”

  Erin Hanson

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter One


  I needed to get a new laptop. The damn thing ran so slow at the most crucial times. I was trying to submit my paper to the teacher’s website when my computer decided to take a break instead.

  I decided to call the one person who knew everything about computers. He worked for a successful software company in New York City, and he was paid big bucks to make sure their servers weren’t hacked.

  It rang three times before he answered. “Hey, Son. How’s college life?”

  “Good. How are you?” I thought it would be rude to skip all the pleasantries.

  “Great. Your mother and I just got back from the Van Gogh museum.”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “Haven’t you been to that already?”

  “Yeah…but your mother loves it.” Dad pulled the phone away then whispered in the background. He was probably talking to my mom. “I’ll be there in a second.” He was back to me. “Any particular reason why you called?”

  “My computer is acting weird. Everything is running slow.”

  “Is it a virus?”

  “If I knew, why would I be calling you?” The smartass inside me was coming out.

  “You’re starting to sound like your cousin, Slade.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.”

  “An insult, actually.” He breathed into the phone while he moved around. Then I heard typing. “It’s probably running slow because you’re downloading too much porn.”

  “I don’t download porn,” I argued.

  “Hey, I’m not judging you.”

  “Well, I don’t.”

  “Come on…let’s be real here,” he teased.

  “I’m not dumb enough to download it. I stream it.”

  He laughed. “Smart boy.” He typed on his computer. “Let me take a look.”

  The mouse on my screen started to move. “How the hell are you doing that?”

  “Uncle Sean and Uncle Mike don’t pay me a fortune just to look like a stud in the office.”

  “You don’t look like a stud. You look like an old man.” I watched the mouse move across the screen of its own accord. I had no idea my dad could do this. He clicked on a few icons then accessed my system setup screen.

  “I’m not old. Your mother tells me I have the same stamina I did in my twenties.”

  I cringed. “Let’s keep this PG.”

  He chuckled. “What? You think your mom and I conceived you then we just threw in the towel?”

  The idea of my parents doing it was absolutely disgusting. I wanted to gag. “Just fix my computer, Dad.”

  “Geez, someone’s in a hurry.”

  “I have to submit this paper in…” I looked at my watch. “Half an hour.”

  “I’ll be done long before then.” His mouse made a few adjustments before it went idle. “There. Brand new.”

  I used my mouse to access the website. Then I attached my paper to the correct folder and submitted it. It went through without any problems. “It worked.”

  “You sound surprised.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Maybe you should try being humble once in a while.”

  “No. As your aunt Janice would say, if you got it, flaunt it.”

  “I think she was referring to something else, Dad.” Sometimes my dad was oblivious to other people’s meanings.

  “So, how’s everything going?”

  “About the same.” I shrugged even though he couldn’t see me.

  “You’re doing well in your classes?”

  “Yep. Biochemistry is a snooze fest but I’m passing.”

  He chuckled. “By passing, you mean getting straight A’s?”

  I shook my head. “Unlike you, I choose to be humble.”

  “The most successful people in life didn’t stand in the corner and hope their talents would be miraculously noticed. They put themselves out there and blatantly told the world what they had to offer. Keep that in mind.”

  “Seriously? You’re giving me a pep talk?”

  “Just some wisdom from your old man.”

  “I thought you weren’t old?” I challenged.

  He chuckled into the phone. “Your mother says I’m like wine. I taste better as I age.”

  I cringed again. “I know you guys still have sex but do we need to talk about it?”

  “I know you jerk off but do we need to talk about how you access your porn?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Touché.”

  “Well, I’ll let you go, Son.”

  Thank god. “Thanks for your help.”

  “Anytime, kid. I love you.”

  He always said that when we got off the phone. My mom was worse. She would blabber about how much she missed me then she would discuss her favorite baby picture. My dad was the lesser of two evils. “I love you too.”

  “Call me if you need anything else.”

  “I will.”



  I dropped the phone on my desk then looked out the window. Winter was coming to Boston, and it was bringing a deep chill. Soon the ground would be covered in snow. Everyone would huddle near the fires in the student lounge. Girls would don their boots and scarves. But winter was my favorite season. I wasn’t sure why.

  I walked into the bathroom then washed my face. When I stared at the mirror, I couldn’t deny the similarities between my father and I. I had blond hair just like him, crystal blue eyes, and a fair face. I didn’t understand how I didn’t inherit any of my mother’s exotic looks. My sister did. Sometimes people didn’t believe we were siblings.

  I left my apartment then headed to Skye’s, knowing the football game was about to start.


  “What took you so long?” Slade came up to me with a beer in his hand. Of all my friends, he was definitely the closest one to me. Just like our dads, we were best friends.

  “I had to submit my paper but my computer was acting up.”

  “Too much porn?” he blurted.

  I glared at him. “No.”

  “Because you can put that stuff on a separate hard drive so it won’t affect your computer. Or you could just get another computer strictly for porn. Personally, I go with the second route.”

  “Good to know,” I said sarcastically. “My dad said my system setup screen was messed up. A virus or something. He fixed it.”

  “Uncle Cortland, the Geek Squad.”

  I eyed the sleeve of tattoos up and down his arm. His entire back was covered with different colors and so was his chest. There was hardly any virgin skin left. “At least my dad knows how to do something other than ink people.”

  “What’s wrong with inking?” He held up his beer. “You know how many tramp stamps my dad does a day? Let’s just say he sees a lot of hot ass—and gets paid for it.”

  “I’m sur
e Aunt Janice is thrilled about that.”

  He rolled his eyes. “My mom is annoying. Who cares what she wants?”

  I eyed the TV. “What’s the score?”

  “27-0. Seahawks.”

  “Ugh. I hate the Seahawks.”

  Slade shook his head. “Don’t let Aunt Scarlet or my dad hear you say that.”

  I opened the refrigerator then pulled out a beer. The apartment was spotless. The smell of rose hips came to my nose, the distinct scent of Skye and everything she touched. Her white furniture contrasted against her hardwood floors, and the flowers she had arranged everywhere made the place look like something you’d find on Pinterest.

  I opened a drawer then grabbed the bottle opener. After I popped the cap off, the smell of rose hips became more prominent.

  “Hey.” Skye approached the counter wearing a white shirt with a red cardigan. A silver necklace hung around her throat, and the diamond pendant in the center caught the light when she moved. “What took you so long?”

  I faced her while I gripped the bottle. “I had to turn in a paper for my theology class.”

  She cringed. “Sounds brutal.”

  I smirked. “Why do you think I’m drinking a beer at…?” I looked at my watch. “Noon.”

  She laughed. The lighthearted sound echoed in my ears. Her perfect teeth were displayed, and the tiny freckle in the corner of her mouth was more noticeable. Her hand moved to her stomach while she laughed. Then she smiled at me. “Would you prefer something stronger?”

  “No, it’s okay. It would be too easy to become an alcoholic right now.”

  “True.” She leaned against the counter while facing me. Her skintight black jeans clung to her perfect curves. And she was gifted in the chest department, just like her mom. “Business is challenging but I’m sure it’s nothing like biochemistry.”

  I shrugged. “You can’t compare the two.”

  Her eyes twinkled slightly. “Always so modest.”

  I didn’t have a response to that. I drank my beer, not sure what else to do. When I was around Skye, I was nervous. My heart rate was always a little quicker when she was near. It was difficult to pay attention to anything else in the room because she consumed my thoughts. I had her wardrobe memorized, and I recognized her scent from a mile away.

  “There’s pizza and appetizers on the table.”

  It took me a moment to process what she said. I was too busy eyeing the freckle in the corner of her mouth. “Thanks. You’re always a great host.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I really am my mother’s daughter.”

  “That’s not a bad thing.”

  “Are you kidding me?” She rolled her shoulders then stretched her neck. “These damn boobs are killing my back. Sometimes I just want to chop them off.”

  I didn’t glance down, keeping my eyes glued to her face. “Most girls would kill for your curves.”

  “Then they would change their minds when they realized how painful it was.”

  I put my beer on the counter then grabbed her elbow. “I can loosen things up for you.”

  “No, it’s okay—”

  I turned her around then rested my hand on the area between her shoulder blades. I massaged the muscle, feeling the tightness. My hand was large enough to span her entire back. I kept the other one on her hip, holding her in place.

  Skye immediately fell quiet, moaning softly at my touch. She rolled her head and closed her eyes.

  I was over a foot taller than her, and I was twice her size. Her petite frame made it easier for me to massage her. I could do so much work with just a single hand. I rubbed my fingertips in a circular motion, relaxing the muscle underneath. With her petite waist and small rib cage, I understood why her back hurt all the time. Her breasts were disproportionately large in comparison to her small stature. My hand moved to the back of her neck and I loosened the muscle there. Being this close to her, touching her, made my breath hitch.

  I looked past her and saw everyone on the couch. Slade rolled his eyes then acted like he was jerking off with his hand.

  I ignored him and kept moving my hands.

  After a few minutes, she finally turned around with sleepiness in her eyes. “Now I’m ready for a nap.”

  I laughed. “It is Sunday. That’s allowed.”

  “It’s rude for the hostess to ignore her guests.”

  I scanned everyone on the couch. Their eyes were glued to the TV. “I don’t think anyone would notice.”

  “They would if the food was gone.”

  I laughed again. “Animals.”

  She touched my forearm then dropped it. “Thanks for the massage.”


  She walked back to the living room then took her spot on the couch. I stayed behind the counter and drank my beer.

  Slade made his way over, standing beside me. “Massive hard-on?”

  I didn’t deny it. “Yep.”

  “I thought so.”

  I stayed in my spot and watched the TV from where I was standing.

  “You know what works for me?”


  “Imagining an evil clown busting the shit out of a piñata.”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “That’s oddly specific.”

  He shrugged. “I’m telling ya, it works.”

  I drank my beer and pictured it.

  Slade winked at me. “Told ya.” He walked back to the living room.

  I walked behind the couch then took a seat. “Hey, Trinity.”

  “Hey.” She had a magazine in her lap. Her long blonde hair reached her chest. Gold hoop earrings hung from her lobes, and she wore a purple scarf. Her outfit was usually splashed with color. “How’s it going?”

  “Good. I’m glad it’s Sunday, but it’s also the day I’m most depressed.”


  “Because school is tomorrow.”

  She smirked. “True. But I thought you liked school.”

  “I do—for the most part.”

  She flipped through the magazine. “What do you think of this?” She held up a picture of a woman wearing a poncho. “Do you think that’s cute?”

  I didn’t think anything was cute. I shrugged. “It’s cool, I guess.”

  “Cool?” she asked incredulously.

  “Are you asking if I would wear a woman’s poncho? I would hope you already know the answer.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You don’t understand fashion.”

  “I understand jeans and a t-shirt.”

  “And sports,” Slade added.

  “And food,” Skye added.

  “Definitely food,” I said.

  Slade kept his eyes glued to the TV. “And porn.”

  Trinity glared at him before she looked down.

  I glanced at Skye, watching her play with a long strand of brown hair. “Your brother isn’t coming?”

  “No. He says he’s busy.” She had a knowing look in her eyes. “Which means Roland would rather sit in the dark and play video games by himself.”

  “Video games are awesome,” Slade said. “You can kill people and get away with it.”

  Trinity put the magazine down. “You’re twisted, you know that?”

  “And you’re stupid,” Slade said. “Why would you ask a guy if he likes a woman’s poncho?” He gave her an incredulous look then turned away.

  Trinity and Slade argued more often than they got along. It surprised me they were friends at all. But since our family was so tightly knit, they didn’t have much of a choice but to at least be frenemies.

  I watched the game, finally starting to relax. That paper was still in the back of my mind. It was my fault for waiting until the last minute to do it, but I didn’t care about my non-major courses. They were a waste of time and I wouldn’t remember anything anyway.

  Spending Sunday with the people I trusted most in the world was my ideal way of using my free time. I could be myself with them, no matter how ludicrous I behaved, and I knew they had my back until
the end of time. Even though most of us weren’t related by blood, we were still a family.

  Zack walked through the door, destroying my high.

  “Yo.” He grabbed a beer from the fringe then shoved a slice of pizza down his throat instantly. He was like a barbaric caveman, destroying everything in his path with his clumsiness.

  Skye left her seat then walked to him. “Hey. I was wondering if you would show.”

  I didn’t turn around to greet him. In fact, I ignored him. Slade pretended he didn’t exist and Trinity continued to read her magazine. None of us liked him. Actually, I hated him.

  “Hey, baby.” He drank his beer then put his hand in his pocket.

  I could see their reflection in the screen. Skye wrapped her arms around his neck then gave him a kiss. His thick arms were the size of tree trunks. He had dark brown hair that was almost black and his chin was covered in hair. I despised him.

  “How was your day?” Skye asked.

  “Good. Yours?” He ate another slice.

  “Good. I finished that paper. Do you want to read it and give me your thoughts?”

  “Maybe later.” He walked away from her then plopped down on the other couch, taking Skye’s spot. Skye moved to another seat—on the sofa with no cushion on the back.

  Skye never said it, but I knew she always sat in the recliner because the padding felt good on her back. Her chest constantly made her ache. She hardly exercised because her chest would hurt so much after.

  I was pissed Zack was so inconsiderate. I stood up and walked to Skye. “Switch with me.”

  “No, I’m okay.”

  I knew she would never admit when she was in pain. “I’m not asking you. I’m telling you.”

  She looked at me then took the spot next to Trinity. Once she sat down, I saw her face relax. Zack’s eyes were glued to the screen. He drank his beer then leaned back, oblivious to the beautiful and perfect girl beside him.

  Seeing them together was torture. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much if Skye were with a guy I actually liked. Maybe it wouldn’t make a difference at all. I would never know.

  Slade leaned close to me. “Don’t worry. They won’t last.”

  “Yeah.” I watched the game and tried not to think about it. In my heart, I knew it didn’t make a difference if they broke up.


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