Demon's sacrifice a-6

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Demon's sacrifice a-6 Page 11

by Andrew, Saxon

  Matt leaned over and thought to him, “We have received more than fifty billion requests to come and greet the Realm’s newest King. We had to put a damper on any more teleporting to the field outside the castle. The Realm knows your importance, Sprig. Now help it survive.”

  “I will, Matt. It is mine to protect and defend now.”

  Twig came forward and held Sprig. When the crowd saw her, they roared even louder. “You always had it wrong, Love.”

  Sprig looked at Twig, “What?”

  “It was I who was not good enough to have you. I am so thankful you chose me.”

  Sprig felt his love for her and pulled her tighter to him.

  Chapter 9

  Fifty more crystal lumps had appeared at the Reg’s outer system and Matt decided that the search for the chosen had to begin immediately. He contacted Fleet Command. “I need all of our Searchers to make a short trip to a coordinate I’m sending you. I want ten thousand of them to board a defender class vessel and go to those coordinates and follow the instructions of Aladdin upon arrival. Implement those instructions immediately. I will be having them do this periodically so have the Searchers save the coordinates of the ship that is used to transport them to speed the process.”

  “We will have the first ship ready in an hour, Your Grace.”


  “Yes, Magic?”

  “I am sending a defender class vessel with ten thousand Searchers on board to the site. Have the ship fly closely by the crystals and see if any respond.”

  “And if one does; what happens?”

  “The Searchers will teleport to their ships and fly by the ships individually. Please give them the order and time to fly by.”

  “You must think I’m an Algean.”

  “You big dummy; you could do that simple task in your sleep.”

  “Excuse her, Magic; she’s not herself lately.”

  “Not myself? You pompous old windbag! I’ll show you who not herself is!”

  Matt smiled, “Let me know if anything happens.”

  “You’ll be the second to know. What do we do when we find one of the chosen?”

  “Have them report to me.”

  “It’s like old times, Magic; this is fun. I’ve missed working.”

  “I need you and Fly Girl to come up with a last name.”


  “I’m enlisting both of you into the Realm’s Navy. It will help identify you.”

  “We’ll work on it; you know how easy it is for us to reach agreements.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “See, I told you she was ornery.”

  Matt turned his attention away before the two started on each other. He almost wanted to listen, but just didn’t have time.

  “What’s up, Jenny?”

  “I’ve be ordered to teleport to the Ruben James to take part in some kind of project that Prince Gardner has ordered.”

  “What kind of project?”

  “I don’t know; is there anything in your data banks about it?”

  “No, just the usual.”

  “Well, I’ll teleport back as soon as I can. See if you can find out what’s going on.”

  “I just found out from Lemgar that Prince Gardner is involved in finding some kind of new warrior or something.”

  “That’s odd. I’ll let you know what I find out. Keep things warm for me.”

  The ship’s computer said, “Aye, aye, Sir.”

  Jenny teleported to the Ruben James and was directed to report to the ships’ auditorium. She walked in and saw thousands of Searchers sitting and discussing what was happening. She took a seat and listened in on conversations around her. It appeared that everything was speculation so she sat back and leaned her head on the headrest and went to sleep.

  The Ruben James teleported to the coordinates and was directed to fly close to some crystal formations that were floating in space. The huge Defender vessel moved slowly along the row and the fifth crystal gave off a golden glow. Al had become bored watching more than a hundred previous vessels fly by with no result; the glow energized him. Al waited until the ship had cleared the last crystal and immediately commed the commander. “Captain, please put me on the ship’s intercom.

  “Intercom is active.”

  Jenny was jerked out of her sleep by a loud voice. “Attention all Searchers and crew members on board the Ruben James; Searchers, you will teleport to your individual ships and return to the coordinates listed in your navigation system and fly by the crystals at the time designated. You will do this immediately.” The ten thousand Searchers all disappeared from the auditorium. “Crew members of the Ruben James, you will standby and wait for further instructions. Please move your ship a hundred thousand miles further out.”

  Jenny appeared on Paris and saw the coordinates on her display. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know; I was taking a nap.”

  “Oh, Jenny, you and your naps.”

  “No one else knew either.”

  “Well, twenty minutes until we go.”

  Jenny waited and teleported at the designated time and found herself in a long line of Searchers moving toward a row of what looked like crystal rocks that glowed with a blue white luminance. She head on her ships speaker, “Maintain your spacing and speed.”

  Paris moved forward until they were in front of the first crystal and passed along the row. Each crystal grew dark as they came near it but as they passed the fifth crystal it emitted a gold color.”

  “Searcher ship Paris, move out of line and report to the coordinates on your display immediately. Your ship will meet you later. All other personnel will now leave and report to their previous duties.”

  “What just happened, Paris?”

  “I was watching those crystals and they turned dark whenever a ship came near them. I saw the fifth one give off a golden glow as we moved past it.”

  “Do you have any idea what that means.”

  “No, but you have been ordered to go immediately. I’ve looked at the coordinates you’ve been given and I’m not sure about the exact location but it is in the Ross system.”

  “Oh my God!” Jenny hit her teleport button and disappeared from Paris’ bridge.

  She reappeared in a large room where all the walls were covering in galaxies. She knew that this had to be the map room at Castle Gardner. She turned around and saw two of the most familiar faces in the Realm. Matthew and Melanie Gardner were sitting at a table playing with a baby. She jerked to attention and the Prince motioned her forward. She walked to within three paces and bowed. “Welcome to our map room, Searcher. What is your name?”

  “Jennifer Ann Connor, Your Grace.”

  “Well come and sit down; we have a few questions.”

  Jenny sat in a chair across the table from them. The baby looked at her and laughed. “Our child likes you,” Melanie said. “She knows good people when she sees them”

  Jenny smiled and said, “Thank you, Your Grace.”

  Melanie looked at Jenny and noticed something, “What is that pin on your collar?”

  “It was given to me by my mother for safe keeping.”

  “That pin was given to all of the original Ross Settlers to commemorate the founding of their colony.”

  Jenny furrowed her brow, “Yes it was. One of my ancestors was one of the colonists that were executed by the Cainth.”

  Melanie looked at Matt and then asked, “What was your ancestor’s name?”

  “George Guadalupe Gonzales.”

  Melanie stared at the young Searcher for a long moment and Jenny was starting to get uncomfortable; then Melanie said, “He was also one of my ancestors; we are related, Jennifer.”

  “We are?”

  “Yes, we are.”

  Matt thought, “Twig, do you have a moment?”


  “Please come to the map room with a psychic reader.”

  Twig appeared and Jenifer jumped out of her chair and
bowed to her.”

  Twig thought, “Please sit back down.” Then she looked at Matt, “Is this the one?”

  “Yes, she is.”

  Jenny thought, “What do they mean by “the one,”?”, then watched as the Queen of the Stars Realm took a device and moved it around her. “It appears that we have another latent psychic. Her reading is at the top of the scale.”

  Jenny listened to them and was concerned about what they were saying, “What are you talking about?”

  “Just one more thing and we will answer all your questions. Anglo, please come to the map room.”

  Anglo entered the map room and saw the group. He noticed a very pretty Searcher sitting at the table with a very concerned look on her face. He approached and bowed to Twig. “Good day Your Majesty, how may I be of service?”

  Jenny looked at Anglo and was immediately struck by his good looks and smile. “This must be a member of the Royal Family.” She stood and bowed to him.

  Anglo smiled at her, “Please keep your seat; you’re among friends here.”

  Matt looked at Melanie and said, “We better bring in the expert.”

  “I agree.”

  Matt thought, “Danielle, please come to the map room. I think we have found Anglo’s power source.”

  Danielle appeared instantly, “What did you just say?”

  Jenny jumped up again and bowed to Danielle. Anglo looked at her and said, “You will be jumping up and down so often you’ll develop sore knees if you continue jumping like that. Once you have bowed to the Queen, you do not have to bow further unless you are leaving the Queen’s presence.”

  Jenny smiled and sat back down.

  Matt thought to Danielle privately, “This is the one that Anglo’s ship selected. She is a latent psychic with a power reading at the top of the scale. Should we tell them what will happen if they make contact?”

  Danielle was dumbfounded; this had never happened before; contact was always made and then explained. Anglo watched as Danielle’s expression went through a series of emotions, “What’s bothering you, Danielle?”

  She looked at Anglo and then turned to Matt, “I don’t know what to do.”

  Melanie didn’t even look up from Angel as she rocked her baby, “You tell them, of course. Why do you think the situation happened this way?”

  Danielle thought a moment and then smiled, “You’re getting better than I am, girl.”

  Melanie just waved her hand at her.

  “Tell us what?”

  Matt looked at them, “Anglo, please come sit down across the table from Jennifer. Jennifer this is Baron Anglo Gardner who is a member of the Royal Family. Anglo, this is Jennifer Connor who is one of our Searchers.” Each of them nodded to each other. Anglo looked at Jenny and thought “She has the prettiest smile”.

  Danielle came and sat down next to Jenny. “Jennifer, I have a couple of questions; are you in a personal relationship that would prevent you from accepting a long term assignment.”

  “No, Your highness, there is no one in my life at this moment.”

  “Has there ever been anyone?”

  Jenny furrowed her brow and thought the question was a little too personal but answered anyway, “No, not really. Why do you ask?”

  Danielle looked at Anglo, “The same two questions.”

  “You know the answers; no and no.”

  Danielle continued to look at Anglo and asked, “Why is it that you have never had a romantic relationship?”

  Anglo looked around the room and hung his head. Jenny felt terrible for him and wished she could disappear from his obvious embarrassment. “I’ve never found anyone that touched me in my heart. I’ve accepted that I might have to spend my life alone.”

  Jenny looked at him and wondered that she had felt the same way.

  “You’re not being completely honest are you?”

  Anglo looked up quickly, looked quickly at Jenny, then back at Danielle, “Now is not the time for that question, Your Highness.”

  “It is the perfect time for it, Anglo. Answer the question.”

  Anglo looked at Jenny, “Please forgive me for what I’m about to say; I’m sorry you have to be here to hear it; I am attracted to this Searcher like nothing I have ever felt before.”

  Anglo’s face turned red and he looked down. Jenny was flattered that he found her attractive.

  Danielle looked at Anglo then turned to Jenny, “What I am about to tell you is the absolute truth. I know you may not want to believe it but it is as true as all the laws of the universe. If you allow Anglo to touch you; the two of you will be bonded for life and you will grow to love each other with a depth that will amaze you every day you live.”

  Anglo looked at Danielle and then looked at Jenny then back at Danielle, “Are you sure?”

  “She is the one, Anglo. You are the crew of the fifth ship.”

  Jenny heard Danielle but was too stunned to respond. She had to admit she was attracted to the handsome Baron but what she was suggesting was just not believable. She began shaking her head. Anglo said, “Please give us a moment alone.”

  The three left the room and Anglo looked across the table at Jenny. She saw an expression on his face that she didn’t understand. “Jennifer, I have watched as members of my family have found love as they found their match.”

  “What do you mean by match?”

  Thomas Gardner and Danielle bonded when she shook his hand in a school lunchroom twelve hundred years ago. Tommy and Cassandra Gardner were bonded when he touched her on the hand to try and delay a wedding. Matthew and Melanie Gardner were bonded when he gave her a quick hug for helping him find what would kill the green invaders. We have found that when two who are matched for each other make physical contact that they will be bonded together and their love for each other will be monumental. I have watched it happen and quite frankly, I had given up hope of ever finding one to complete my life. I had accepted that my life will be less than it could be.” Anglo paused and then looked Jenny in the eye, “Did one of the crystals that you moved by change at all?”

  “The fifth one had a golden glow.”

  “It also glowed golden when I passed it. We will be the ones that will fly that ship. If not for the search to find the crews for those ships, I would have never found you. What they are telling you is true; we are meant for each other.”

  Jenny could see his sincerity. She had also given up hope of ever loving anyone and she could feel an attraction for him. “What are you saying, Anglo?”

  “I’m telling you that your choice is simple and, unlike the others that stumbled into touching their match, you have a choice. If you allow me to take your hand you will be saying you are willing to spend your life with me knowing I will love you more than you ever dreamed possible and believe it or not, you will also feel the same about me. It will liberate our hearts that have been waiting all these years to find each other. There could be no one else for us.”

  Jenny thought about what he said, “What if we touch and nothing happens?”

  “No harm, no foul. But please decide believing that it will. Even if nothing happens, I can feel my heart when I look at you and I’ve never had that experience before now. I want you to choose me because you want to, not because you have to. I have been waiting for you my entire life.”

  Jenny saw the anguish in his eyes and reached across the table and took his hands in hers.

  Outside the map room Twig’s psychic reader exploded into small parts. Danielle jumped for joy and hugged Melanie and the baby. They ran in the map room and began hugging the couple who refused to let go of each other’s hand. Anglo jumped and slid across the table and embraced Jenny. She held him tightly and thought, “So this is how love feels.”

  She heard in her mind, “It only gets better every day, my love.”

  She closed her eyes and held on to her new-found love. She was in his mind and she could see what a wonderful man she had chosen and that his love for her was genuine and true. Ang
lo looked at Jenny then said to Danielle, “We want to be married as soon as possible.” Jenny smiled and nodded.

  “It would be stupid to ask if you’re certain; I’ll start the arrangements.”

  Sprig entered the room and everyone bowed, “Please relax, we’re among family here. I just felt a huge psychic wave.” He walked over and used his device to scan Anglo and Jenny, “Matt, his reading is identical to yours. It looks like our processes were successful and he just needed his initiator to be released.”

  Sprig looked at Anglo and said, “Please kneel.” Anglo kneeled.

  Sprig said, “Baron Anglo Gardner, you are now give the title of Duke and you and Jennifer will be included in the succession hierarchy for the Crown.”

  Jenny looked at Anglo and tilted her head and Anglo said, “It means that you are going to be married to one of the two strongest psychics in the Royal Family and after we marry you will be a Duchess. It looks like your touch released my abilities.”

  Jenny smiled at him and said, “I hope to release a lot more.”

  Anglo laughed out loud and lifted her and hugged her tightly.

  Danielle remembered when she touched Tag so many centuries ago and knew the joy this young couple was going to have.

  Chapter 10

  The red being jumped from his seat and adjusted his display. “Are you busy?”

  “We’re all busy.”

  “I have been monitoring some kind of recording device that was in the last tool’s universe. It just exploded.”

  “Do you think it was programmed to self destruct?”

  “I examined the device closely and there was a destruct circuit in it but it was not active. For it to explode, something had to activate it.”

  “What did the device record?”

  “The second tool’s arrival and destruction.”

  “Show me what you recorded.”

  It touched a key and waited.

  “There is no evidence of anything triggering the destruct circuit but the explosion is a result of that circuit.”


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