Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance Page 10

by Sierra Sparks

  Chapter 21:


  With our secret out, we could finally go to dinner at a local restaurant. It was a relief not to have to drive an hour out of our way just to hide from people. The boys told me they had something special planned, they got a reservation at the fanciest restaurant in town.

  It was called “The Mansion” because it was a converted mansion. The menu featured a variety of fancy foods: lamb, pork, rabbit--- They had a top of the line chef and even violin players. They told me to dress up, so I did. I had been looking for an excuse to wear a silky new black dress I had bought. It hugged my curves perfectly!

  The boys told me to meet them at the Mansion. I got stuck in traffic, so I arrived a little late. They had reserved a private back room. The place was so elegant and quiet, they really didn’t have to, but when I got into the back room I understood why they did it. I opened the door and seated at the table with the boys was Faith!

  “Oh,” I said a little shocked. “Faith? What are you doing here?”

  “I convinced her to come,” explained James. “I thought maybe if we all met and talked, you guys could become friends again. Maybe?”

  “Really?” I asked. “Is that true Faith? Do you want to be friends again?”

  “To be completely honest, I’m not sure,” she said. “But in the spirit of trying to overcome our differences, I wanted to come.”

  “Well, that’s a start. Can we order now?” asked Killian.

  “Killian, c’mon,” chastised Teagan.

  “Dude, I’m starving!” he said. “I can’t eat any more bread.”

  “Relax, we’ll get something, okay? Jeez.”

  The waiter came in, took our drink orders and asked if we wanted appetizers. Seeing Faith threw me for a loop. What should I say? Should I apologize? It felt like she’s the one that should, but if I didn’t sound conciliatory how would that look? I ordered a drink and an appetizer. Everyone was waiting for the waiter to leave.

  “I’ll be right back with your drinks,” he finally said exiting.

  “Faith,” I said, trying to work it out as I spoke. “I want us to be friends again. And I don’t want to sound ungrateful that you showed up here, but I have to ask you a serious question that I mean no offense by. Okay?”

  “Sure,” said Faith.

  “My relationship with the boys is different, but why should it matter to you? If it makes us happy, how does that impact you in any way?”

  “Those are fair questions,” said Faith. “I guess, I feel that as my friend, your behavior reflects on me. If you behave badly, I look bad. I think what you and the boys are doing is wrong. Morally wrong.”

  “How can you make that assessment,” I asked. “Have you ever been in a polyamorous relationship?”

  “I’m sorry, what?” asked Faith.

  “That’s what they call it. Polyamorous,” I explained. “It means being in love with more than one person.”

  “Well, let me think about this for a second,” said Faith trying to come up with the words. “I’m not trying to offend you either, you understand. I’m just trying to be honest and I came here in the spirit of honesty.”

  “It’s fine. I think we’re both on the same page,” I said.

  The waiter returned with appetizers and drinks. He needed a second waiter for all the appetizers Killian ordered. He wolfed them down while watching us, like he was watching a really good movie or TV show.

  “Here’s why I think what you’re doing is wrong,” Faith began. “Traditionally, couples do better in pairs. That’s the way society has been set up and that’s the way it works. If you ignore that, then I think you’re asking for trouble.”

  “Okay, I guess,” I said, not really understanding. “But I still don’t see how we’re hurting anyone. Seriously, I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything. I just don’t get your point.”

  “A man and a woman having a relationship is two people sharing everything,” she tried to explain. “You can’t do that with four people. The boys are getting short changed in the relationship. It’s not fair to them. And if you’re serious about this long term relationship, I think it would be especially damaging to children, if they were brought into the mix.”

  “Children?!” Killian choked.

  “Dude!” chastised Teagan.

  “Who’s talking about kids?” he whispered.

  “No one, she’s trying to make a point.”


  “Well, first talking about children is extremely premature. We’re all in college with our lives ahead of us, so no one is thinking of kids right now.”

  Killian make a sound of relief.

  “Second, the guys are happy. I’m not forcing them to stay in this relationship, they choose to be in it. And if they choose to be in something and their happy, it’s on them and if their unhappy, then their obligated to do something about it. I don’t see how that’s morally wrong,” I concluded.

  “You can’t see it because you’re in the relationship,” said Faith growing frustrated. “You’re the one that’s benefitting from an inordinate amount of attention. You can’t see the problem because there is no problem for you.”

  “I have to ask, is this a religious thing?” I demanded. “I know you like to go to church, so is this about imposing your values on me?”

  “Don’t go there,” Faith bristled. “I’m not imposing anything on you. In fact, I kept my mouth shut about your relationship and didn’t tell anyone. I could’ve. I could’ve gone to the Dean or your dorm mates or whoever.”

  “So I should thank you because you didn’t out me as someone in a happy relationship?!” I snapped.

  This was starting to get tense. James looked back and forth between us, sensing that it was spiraling out of control.

  “Hold on, hold on! Ladies-ladies-ladies,” he said. “Let’s just calm down a minute because this is getting intense. Let’s order our food and just relax and think for a minute okay.”

  The waiter returned shortly thereafter, but things were extremely tense now. I ordered my food, but I was frustrated. I changed my order before he left two more times. Finally, with everything on order, I couldn’t resist starting up again.

  “I don’t think I owe you for not opening your mouth about my business,” I said. “I confided in you as a friend. I don’t think it was a great burden not to talk about it.”

  “Well, you’re wrong. It was,” countered Faith. “When you see a friend behave in a way that isn’t right, it’s upsetting. This is all a big mistake in my view. When this really hits home with people, there will be repercussions. Not from me, but from other people.”

  “Ya know, we’ve been friends for years,” I said. “I don’t see why you just can’t support a friend.”

  “I can’t support something I don’t agree with and think is wrong,” she insisted. “If you murdered someone, I couldn’t support it.”

  “You’re comparing our relationship to a murder?!” I said outraged. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”

  “No, I’m just saying murder is wrong and this is wrong,” she explained. “You’re taking this far too personal.”

  “This is personal! This is my life!”

  “It’s all right, babe,” said James, trying to calm me down.

  James held my hand as he always did. Killian put his hand on my knee.

  “You okay? You want some of my oysters?” he offered.

  “You see?” said Faith. “Right here. Do you see how weird this is? Two men touching you in public?”

  “If we were just a couple, you wouldn’t even care,” I insisted.

  “But you’re not a couple and that’s exactly my point!” she said. “I’m sorry. I don’t think this is going to work.”

  Faith started to get her things together to leave.

  “Wait, you’re leaving in the middle of the conversation?” I said incredulous.

  “What else is there to say, Amy? You’re determined to do this and I can’t condone
it,” she said in frustration.

  “You just expect me to dump these guys because it offends you?! Why is everything about you, Faith?!” I snapped.

  “It’s not.” she insisted. “It’s about society. This isn’t society. This is an aberration! It’s not right! Maybe the boys don’t care now, but they will. If you’re together a few years, this group thing will tear itself apart!”

  “This is so intense,” said Killian shoveling olives into his mouth.

  “Shut up,” Teagan muttered to him.

  “Do you think they’re going to fight?” he whispered.

  “I said, shut up,” insisted Teagan.

  “What right do you have to judge us?” I demanded. “What right do you have to speak for society?”

  “I guess I don’t,” she said, giving up. “So I guess I’m leaving.”

  And with that, she walked out of the room. I got up and chased after her. I couldn’t leave it at that.

  Chapter 22:


  As Faith got her jacket from the coat check girl, I caught up to her. We were in an out of the way spot in the mansion, but kept our voices down. She looked back at me, saw that I was marching her way and frowned.

  “Give it up, Amy,” she said, putting her jacket on.

  “No, I’m not finished with you,” I insisted.

  “Well, maybe I’m finished with you!” she snapped.

  And with that, she pushed her way out a fire exit to the parking lot. I chased her outside. There we could yell in the parking lot all we wanted.

  “I don’t think you’re being very honest in this conversation,” I accused her. “I don’t think you’re being very honest at all.”

  “Yeah? Why’s that?” she scoffed.

  “Because I think you’re jealous of what I have with the O’Connors,” I said.

  “Jealous?!” she laughed. “You must’ve really lost it if you think I’m jealous of you dressing and acting like a complete sex maniac!”

  “There it is! There’s that judgmental, superior tone. Who are you to judge me?! Huh?! I’m happy. Maybe for the first time in my life, I’m truly happy. And what are you? You’re miserable and alone.”

  “I’m not miserable,” Faith insisted. “And I choose to be alone right now.”

  “That’s a lie.” I insisted. “You’ve told me about the many dating profiles, all the attempts at getting a man--- They failed. You didn’t choose to be alone! You are alone because you haven’t found anyone!”

  “Oh, so I guess I should be just like you? Ms. Sexually Liberated? That’s a sick joke, Amy! Sleeping around with multiple men doesn’t make you liberated!”

  “It does when I choose to do it! And now I’m in a relationship.”

  “You’re not in a relationship!” she insisted. “They only are here because they enjoy having group sex with you!”

  “Why would you say that to me?!” I snapped, starting to cry. “I thought you were my friend. Don’t you think I have anything else to offer other than my body?!”

  “Yes! And that’s exactly why I’m so worried about you. This lifestyle you’ve chosen isn’t healthy. I’m here because I’m concerned about you!”

  “But the boys are concerned about me too! Can’t you see that? You wouldn’t even be here if they weren’t concerned. Do you think if they were only in this for the sex they would bother calling you? James went to all this trouble to get you here and look at the restaurant they’re taking us too. Don’t you see?”

  “They have a lot of money, so what?” scoffed Faith. “Anyone can have a lot of money. The question is, do they care about you?”

  “They risked their football careers by telling the campus we were together. In front of the whole quad they each kissed me! You should’ve heard the stuff people said! It was awful, but they didn’t care. They wanted people to know!”

  “It’s wrong, Amy. I know that what you’re doing is wrong,” Faith said quietly, but without the anger she had before.

  “Faith, I have always loved and respected you, but can’t you see things my way? Can’t you put yourself in my shoes for one minute and see what I see?”

  The boys came outside. Killian had a bowl full of olives and his napkin on.

  “Aren’t they going to be worried that we skipped on the check?” asked Killian.

  “We’ll go back in,” said James. “Did you have to bring those out here?”

  “I told you, I’m starving, dude,” said Killian.

  “Please, Faith, look into your heart,” I begged. “You’re my best friend. I don’t want to lose you, but for the first time in my life I’m genuinely happy. The boys mean everything to me. They opened up my world. Can’t you just for a minute, open your mind to what I see? Why is it so hard for you?”

  The guys surrounded me. James put his hand on my shoulder, and Teagan wrapped his arms around my waist. Faith looked at us, all together. She slowly shook her head and looked down.

  “I don’t know,” Faith admitted. “I guess, deep down, I am jealous of what you have. I have to admit, all the attention--- It does sound pretty amazing. Some part of me just snapped when you told me and I couldn’t accepted it. Then I guess I just kept mentally doubling down.”

  Faith looked up, the tears welling up in her eyes.

  “I don’t want to lose you as a friend either!” she cried.

  We both cried and hugged. It was an emotional moment for both us. Eventually, after we fixed our makeup, Faith came back into the restaurant and we had dinner. With the spell lifted, we were finally friends again. Faith got to know the boys and with it being more personal, she was beginning to accept what was.

  After dinner, we had a cake to celebrate. Faith felt so bad about the things she said, she wanted to pay for dinner, but the boys wouldn’t hear of it. Our relationship was not only mended, but our friendship became even stronger. In the days and weeks to come, Faith would defend us to people on campus. Even if the lifestyle wasn’t for her, she supported me and my decision wholeheartedly. It was all that I could ask for and I loved and respected her more because of it.

  There was only one thing we had to do now and that was to check the boys’ final grades. This would be the thing back at campus that would make or break us. If they did well, the Dean would reward me with a recommendation and forget about any rumor he heard about me dating the O’Connors. If they didn’t, it would be the perfect excuse to get us all kicked off campus.



  The next day, the boys came to my room to check online the final results. I nervously typed the web address and then their names into the database.

  “Amy, I just want to apologize in advance if I screwed this up,” said Killian. “I really tried though, but I’m not super confident how I did.”

  “It’s fine, Killian,” I assured him. “You worked hard. You all did. Whatever the outcome, I know you did your best.”

  I hit the enter key and the grades came up. They were astounding.

  “Oh, my God,” I gasped.

  “What? Did we fail? How many did I fail?” asked Teagan, worried.

  “No, you guys aced it,” I said, stunned.

  “We aced what? Which test?” asked James.

  “All of them. My God, you guys aced all the finals!” I squealed excitedly.

  We cheered. It was a big victory. I mean, I thought they would do well, but not even I had that much confidence. When the O’Connors put their minds to something, they go all the way! There would be a sexy celebration, but it would have to wait. I had to go see the Dean.

  “How the hell did you do it, Ms. Morrell?” said the astonished Dean. “I had to go back and double check the security footage to make sure they didn’t cheat. These guys were failing half their classes, now their acing them! I should put you in charge of tutoring!”

  “Thank you, sir, but no. I want to go on to do my master’s,” I explained.

  “And do it, you shall,” said the Dean. “My letter of recommendatio
n has already been submitted. You’re up for quite a few scholarships and I put a good word in for you to all the decision makers. I hope you will consider becoming a professor here. You show obvious talent.”

  “Thank you, sir! I will definitely consider it,” I said, exiting his office.

  “Oh, one more thing, Ms. Morrell,” said the Dean, stopping me before I left. “There was a weird rumor going around about you and the O’Connors, but since this office doesn’t deal in rumor, I told people to mind their own business. It’s none of their business and none of mine. Understand?”

  “I think so, sir,” I replied.

  It seems like even the Dean had accept my relationship with the boys. We couldn’t ask for anything better!

  The next semester, I started in the master’s program. I continued to tutor the boys and give them all the sexy incentives they needed. Riley met me for a coffee on my first day in the program.

  “God, I’m so proud of you, cousin!” she said. “I can’t believe you pulled it off. I thought for sure those O’Connors would tank their exams.”

  “Well, that’s very reassuring,” I said sarcastically.

  “Hey, I didn’t say, but I’m sure everyone was thinking it,” she said. “Guys that good looking, people just assume their stupid. I mean, they got all that talent, good looks, AND brains. That’s just too much for people.”

  “And they still have me,” I added.

  “That’s another thing,” said Riley. “How’s that all going? Was last night’s gangbang just as exciting as your first one?”

  “Yes!” I laughed. “Other than getting sore in places that I never thought I’d be sore, it’s worked out great. Even Faith has taken me back as a friend. Plus, I think she got herself a date.”


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