Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance Page 23

by Sierra Sparks

  Alejandro landed at the airport under the cover of night in the same jet that Chris and I passionately christened the cock pit in. I can now fully understand why it is called the cock pit.

  He ran from the stairs so fast and flew into my arms. It was the most amazing moment of my life. His beautiful brown eyes looked up at me and at that moment I was reminded what love felt like.

  “Alejandro honey, I want you to meet someone.” I said taking his hand and leading him to where Chris stood leaning against the hangar door. He looked so handsome in his leather jacket and his aviator glasses resting on his head.

  “This is Chris” I said leaning down. “Chris is the man who brought you back to me.” I choked back my tears.

  “Hi Chris! Is that your airplane?” Alejandro asked excitedly.

  “It sure is!” Chris said kneeling down to both of us. “Do you want to learn to fly it someday?”

  He was amazing. His voice, his gestures. He was everything I ever hoped for. And he was mine. It was still too early, but I think I was in love with him.

  He looked into my eyes and I saw into his soul. He felt it too.

  “Let’s go home.”

  Vegas Fantasy: Book Three

  Copyright © 2018 by Cameron Collins; All Rights Reserved

  Published by Juliana Conners’ Sizzling Hot Reads.

  Chapter 1


  I looked down and saw the blonde parted hair bobbing up and down. Imagining what her face looked like as she sucked me off was just as intoxicating as the feeling of her lips wrapped around my engorged dick. I leaned back and thrust my cock further into the mouth that the head of the flowing hair was attached to. Reaching forward, I grabbed it tightly, forcing my dick even further down her throat, I felt the vibration from her moan, deep within her throat and began to feel my cock twitching, just knowing how deep my dick was in her throat made me heady.

  She reached underneath her mouth, wrapped her long silky fingers around my balls and started to massage them softly at first, then she added more and more pressure as she gagged on my dick, that’s all it took to send me over the edge and into her mouth. My load shot out and I could feel her lapping it up appreciatively, with blurred vision I watched as she swallowed my cum with a wide smile before she wiped me off and walked into the bathroom on the other side of my suite.

  “Your clothes are over there.” “I know, James, I have to clean myself up. Don’t worry, though, I won’t stay any longer than I need to. I know how much you can’t stand me.”

  “Candy, you’re just a distraction. I can’t get involved with anyone right now. I’ve got to stay sharp and on my toes in case I’m needed. You would just make it harder.”

  As the words were coming out of my mouth, I knew I was lying. I liked Candy. She made me happy, I felt like I was soaring. She wasn’t like any of the other women I had known, she was great in bed, but there was an innocence about her still, maybe it was the long blonde hair that made her seem so angelic. Or her piercing blue eyes, I didn’t know what it was, but when I was with her, I felt as though I was in heaven, like there was no one else in the world but the two of us. This feeling really complicated things, I wanted to be with her so badly, but with all the security issues, I knew I wouldn’t be able to continue fucking her, handle a relationship and help out with the casinos. I had to stay on my toes or I would blow my cover.

  The only thing I wanted to do was keep looking like I was just a security professional. I didn’t want anyone to know that I was privy to all the things going on and I certainly couldn’t risk anyone knowing I was the third, silent owner of the casinos. If nobody knew who I was, nobody would be able to hurt me or try to screw me over like they had with all the other owners.

  I just couldn’t go through any more traumatic events. Not after all the shit that went down with the Bin Laden raid.

  Chapter 2


  I walked out of James’ room and headed back to the downstairs of the casino. I had to get back to work. As I got to the changing room, I changed back into my dancing outfit, a sexy red and black teddy that accentuated my long legs, I didn’t need the stilettoes I wore, the other girls wore them for height, I wore them for sex appeal. I went out on the floor and found my table. I was high above the slots and I watched the people throwing their life savings into machines, the fact that they thought they had a chance of winning was hilarious.

  The joke was on them. Nobody won big in Vegas. Nobody except for all the owners of the casinos. That’s where the real money was. Well, that and the hookers.

  A slow tune was playing, which was odd, the casino normal played techno. This was a welcomed relief for me, I really wasn’t in the mood for dancing tonight, my mind was on James. As I spread my legs and went down in a squatting position, I thought about him, in my head I was dancing for him. Caressing my body I came back up slowly before turning around and pushing my ass out. I could feel the eyes on me as I danced, I put one leg up in the air and let my hand slowly trail to my pussy, before I took it down and started gyrating slowly until I was facing them again. By this time, many gamblers had stopped gambling to get a view of me, I leaned forward, squeezing my breasts together with my hands, until they almost popped out, then I split. I felt as though I was all in my mind, dancing was becoming second nature to me and I find that I had stopped concentrating on my moves a long time ago.

  While I was dancing, I had plenty of time to think about what had been preoccupying my mind lately.

  James. It was all about James.

  He’s all I could think about. His smile, his tough outer shell (and the softie I had a feeling was hiding underneath) and that rock hard body he worked to keep fit all the time.

  It was more than just physical with him, though. It was a total connection. We were good for each other. I knew it. I just had to figure out how to get myself out of the position I was currently in.

  I longed for a time where I could have met James differently. I didn’t want to be watching his bosses and trying to get intel on the casino. I didn’t want him to be battling past wounds and mental problems from his time in the military, I just wanted simplicity and what I should be able to have with him without all the other complications.

  I resigned myself to having him however I could, even if it meant that I deceived him. I would deceive him until I could tell him the truth, when that time came, I would lay myself at his feet. I was going to do what I had to do to get him.

  My daydream was interrupted when I spotted James storming down the back area of the casino.

  James disappeared into one of the many doors along the wall.

  Chris came out of the door next to where James just went in. Of course, he was followed by his ever present little ho, Alana. I didn’t know how I was ever going to get to that man. At least Cal sometimes strayed from Fantasy and looked in my direction when I danced the right way.

  It was my job to get information on these men, but so far, I had only gotten information on James…information about his hot cock inside me. Even that wasn’t worth much to Mikey. I knew he would want more information on Cal and Chris, he didn’t really care much about the head of security, James, even if having all his passwords into all the buildings would help the case even further.

  It turned out that thinking about my plight was a really great way to pass the time. The lanky brunette heading my way was the signal that my shift was up. She climbed up to where I was dancing, we did a little dance together, got a few cheers from the men who weren’t down there staring at the flashing screens and I climbed down.

  Once I was in the changing room, I grabbed my phone out of my locker and started taking all the notes I could think of. I wanted to make sure I had a great report to take back to Mikey. I had worked so hard to get in this position and I really didn’t want to lose it.

  Mikey was the only one standing in my way of being the head of the family. It would be the first time in Pisano history that there was a Godmother instead o
f Godfather over all the organization. I knew how to protect them and fight for them. I had spent many years thinking of ways to rule them, to get us to the top of the ladder.

  My flesh and blood was the most important thing to me, I used to be able to say that with conviction, now I found that it only rang half true.

  Chapter 3


  I hopped in the Corolla I was using for this job and made sure I wasn’t being followed. I had enough experience to look where I was going and make sure that other people weren’t onto me. If I was trailed, it would be bad news for the casino and for the other people who wanted in on the information I was trying to gather.

  As I pulled up to the familiar gate of the ranch as I affectionately called it in my mind, I knew I was home.

  The 40-minute drive to White Halo was just what I needed to clear my mind of the fantasy I had been having about James and remember what my true mission was:

  Get all the intel on Cal and Chris. I needed to know how and why they had already run so many people out of town. Was our family at risk?

  I just wanted to be sure our casino The Avian, was going to be protected. The Pisano’s weren’t really in the casino business. Not like Cal and Chris or even the Marino’s. Instead, we were in the professional lady business. We just used The Avian to make all of our activity look like it was on the up-and-up. Oh, and of course we used the rooms in the casino to run all of our operations within the city.

  I parked the cheap car and walked into the family home at the front of the property.

  “Candy Peters! Welcome home baby!” Mikey slurred. He was already drunk.

  “Shut up, it’s Candice Pisano to you. Just because Dad is dead doesn’t mean you can disrespect me.”

  I backed up from how close I had gotten to his face.

  He knew I should be the one running the family.

  I knew I should be the one running the family.

  Everyone knew I should be the one running the family.

  Instead, I was pushed to the back and made to work as nothing more than a go go dancer so I could get intel on some douchebags who we thought might be a risk to our business.

  “What’d you find out today, sis?”

  “Hmm, let’s see. I figured out Alana is attached at the hip to Chris, Fantasy might not be Cal’s biggest fantasy anymore, and the head of security has a giant cock. Did you find anything once you put your geek troupe on their computers?”

  Mikey looked a little taken aback when I mentioned the head of security. Nobody in the family knew just how much tail I was pulling before dad died, he would have killed me and any man that ever put their hands on me. Now that he was gone, though, I was free to do whatever (and whoever) I pleased.

  He must have gotten over his trepidation, though, because Mikey smiled at me in his own mischievous way.

  “Turns out, those hackers are good for something. I found out there’s a third partner in the business.”

  “Well, who is it then?”

  “I haven’t figured that out quite yet. They’re still working on it.” Just then, the nerdiest looking girl I had ever seen came running into the hallway.

  “I’ve got you a name. Come with me!” Mikey and I followed the girl back to the office area. It had been transformed. There were computers, servers and desk chairs set up all over the mahogany furniture. There were at least 10 other people crammed into the room. The girl handed Mikey an envelope. He opened it. Scrawled across the top of a white piece of paper, was a name. I couldn’t quite make it out.

  Mikey jammed his finger into the intercom button and whistled twice. Twelve burley men came running into the room. “Yes, sir.” “This whole room… never happened.” The men grabbed the girl by her hair and put zip ties around her wrists. They plucked the rest of the geeks up one by one. A thirteenth man came into the room and started picking equipment up and smashing it with a sledge hammer. They dragged all the people out of the room, they were all screaming at the top of their lungs.

  “Never happened, huh?” I looked at Mikey incredulously. Every life was disposable to him. He handed me the paper that had come out of the envelope. I read the name. Then, I reread it. I drew a sharp breath in and my hands trembled.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes and didn’t know what to think of this information. The third owner. The one who I had to get all the information on. It was unbelievable. I read it again, just to be sure I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing:


  Chapter 4


  I sat in the high stakes room trying to figure out what Cal and Chris were talking about, but I just couldn’t get my mind off Candy. Candy. She was too damn good to be a table dancer. My cock was twitching just thinking about her. I had never felt so compelled to throw my work aside for a woman before. I mean, I loved the women…all of them, but I didn’t really get attached.

  It just wasn’t who I was and I knew it would just distract me from my work. Just like Candy was doing right now.

  “James, are you even fucking listening, man?” Chris was looking at me like I had completely left earth and he wasn’t totally wrong about it. I was soaring. I was high. I needed more Candy.

  “Yep. Just trying to figure some stuff out.”

  “Ok, as I was saying, we’ve got to strategize. The other casino owners are coming at us full-force. Marino, I’m not too worried about right now. I hooked him up after that Pedro deal. He knew that fucker got what he deserved. But, the Pisano’s, I’m not so sure about them.”

  I looked at him confused, “The Pisano’s? You mean Marino’s cousins that he gave the casino to? What are they worth, a couple mil at best?”

  Cal chimed in, “Are you forgetting, they have that hooker ranch White Halo. They’re a major player. The casino might not be pulling in all the big bills, but their girls are top-notch. I heard they were flying them in from Poland and other European countries now.”

  I was stumped. Frustrated. I didn’t know what we were going to do about the Pisano’s. There was so much at stake here, and they were going to ruin everything we had built. I wonder, though, how they were even going to be able to get any intelligence on us. I was always so careful.

  My façade of head of security wasn’t just that. I paid attention to the details and always made sure the casinos were as secure as possible.

  My phone beeped, I opened the text and it was a tongue emoji from Candy. Mmmmmm, I want Candy. My focus was brought back to the table when I heard my business partners talking again. They were talking about how we could secure everything.

  “Ok, I’ve got it. I’ll handle the rest of the security team and from now on, nobody goes into any area other than the playing areas and hotel of the casino without one of our men on it.”

  My idea to tighten security was just what we needed to protect ourselves. It was the perfect scenario and I knew it would help us be protected against anyone who might be trying to bring our casino empire down. I thought things would die down after The Crocodile.

  Then, I thought they would die down after Pedro. It didn’t look like I was getting any rest though. Vegas was at war and we were the soldiers who had to fight for our city.

  Quickly, I sent an eggplant emoji back to Candy. Then, I went up to my suite. It had been a long day. When I got to the room, I stripped out of my tactical boots first. Then I stuck my sidearm on my nightstand. Next, I took my duty belt off and unzipped my dark wash jeans. I pulled them down and stood there in my boxer briefs for a few minutes. I glanced at the bed where Candy had laid earlier and my cock jumped again.

  After I pulled my shirt off and went into the bathroom, I sent a quick text to Candy: Steamy. Naked. Come over.

  I got in the shower and turned it on hot. That was the only way I liked it. I lathered my hair up with my Crew shampoo and started working on my body. I was always methodical about this. After working on the Bin Ladin team for months, I knew how to appreciate a good shower. I rubbed the soap all over
my shoulders and neck with the washcloth I had in my hand. Then, I moved down to my chest and my six pack abs. I reached around and washed my back and my ass. Then, I ditched the washcloth. I rubbed the soap all around my groomed pelvic area and made sure I got my cock clean for Candy.

  I knew what she was going to want to do. I stroked it one too many times while washing and it got hard for me. I stroked a few more times and started thinking about Candy. Candy on my cock, Candy’s mouth, her perfectly perky tits bouncing up and down while she rode on my cock. I bit my bottom lip as I felt the familiar tingle of an orgasm approaching. Not yet. Gotta save all my juice for Candy.

  I finished cleaning myself and got out of the shower. I dried off a little, but I preferred to air dry anyway. I laid down on the bed and let the slight draft from the air conditioner blow over me. There was a knock at the door. By instinct, I grabbed my sidearm, but didn’t think to put clothes on. I looked through the peephole. Candy. I opened the door, gun in hand and cock on display.

  Chapter 5


  When James opened the door with a raging boner waiting for me, I knew I was in for it. His dark hair was slightly wet and still clung to his head, which made him look incredibly boyish. He had such a quiet sense of control, the angular shape of his jawline really accentuated his controlled look, in short James was a serious looking man. Looking at him, naked in front of me, his face steeled, his grey eyes steady, I knew I would give up anything for him. Maybe even my own family. I stepped into the room and tried to grab the gun out of his hand. His grip tightened. “This is my weapon.” I jumped backwards, taken by surprise. “Sorry, there, cowboy, I was just trying to get to that cock I came for,” I said, grabbing it firmly. I knew he had issues from the military, but I didn’t know it was like that. I watched as he locked his gun in the nightstand, when he was done I pushed him onto the bed and all but ripped off my own clothes.


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