Protected by the Damned BoxedSet 1

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Protected by the Damned BoxedSet 1 Page 54

by Michael Todd

  Chapter Seventeen

  Can you do it? Katie asked Pandora. Can you do it right here in the parking lot without me being tied down?

  I can get it out, Pandora assured her. But killing it before it takes anyone else? Well, that’s going to be a little messy, I won’t fucking lie.

  Meh, a little mess never hurt anyone, she replied. What do you need?

  I need you in a chair, and I need a trash can. A metal one, she instructed.

  “All right, boys,” Katie said, looking at the cops. “I need a chair and a metal trashcan, stat.”

  Calvin nodded and went to grab a metal folding chair from inside the store while one of the cops grabbed a metal trashcan from behind the building. Katie sat down in the chair and cracked her neck, then stretched her arms way out in front of her. She looked up at the cops, who had all started to circle around her.

  She reached up and grabbed the perp, pulling his face down close to hers.

  “How you feeling, buddy?” Her smile didn’t make him feel any better at all.

  “No!” He shook his head, sweating. “Please, no.”

  “Come on over here,” she said, standing up and pointed downward. “And have a seat in this chair for me. This is gonna hurt a lot, I’m not gonna lie to ya.”

  “The rest of you need to spread out,” Calvin said. “Keep a nice wide-open space here. You don’t want to be close when she pulls that demon out—not unless you want to join our team. You will be able to see everything just fine from about five paces back farther than you already are. Okay?”

  The cops talked amongst themselves, the whispers going in one of Katie’s ears and out the other. At that moment she was in the zone, being pulled into and released from Pandora’s control like a wave. She gripped the perp tightly, watching his eyes flash red like hers.

  “My mistress,” the guy’s voice hissed, his head tilted downward. “I didn’t know it was you or I would have never come here. Please accept my most humble apologies. There wasn’t anything else to do and we heard about San Diego, so we figured it was time to get some of our own—at least until the master returns.”

  “Quiet, you fucking fool,” Pandora barked in Katie’s voice. “I’m goddamned tired of having to fool with absolute MORONS like you. You are here for one reason and one only, but still, you can’t help yourself. You go jumping around town, flashing guns to cops and getting yourself locked up. You are a DISGRACE to the demon race, and you make me want to vomit all the fuck over you. What is your name?”

  The demon whimpered.

  “What IS IT?” she screamed.

  On the outside she looked and acted like Katie, but the voice that came from her mouth was different.

  It was a mixture of both their voices, melodic in tone but monstrous and fear-inducing at the same time. The cops stood around watching silently, with the hair on their arms standing straight up in the air. It was like a possession, only there was something about it that made everyone stand still. The other cop returned from around back and stopped, his eyes growing big.

  Slowly he walked forward and set the metal trash can down next to her.

  Katie glanced at it, nervous. She wasn’t fully aware of what was about to happen, but she knew she was already far enough in that she couldn’t turn back.

  There was a demon in that kid’s body, one that was controlling him. It was her duty to try to save him by getting that demon the hell off this plane of existence, but she didn’t want it to leave the kid and go into one of the cops. She knew the only way to avoid that was to follow Pandora’s lead.

  Make sure it is unable to move when it’s in the trashcan, then light that motherfucker on fire, Pandora told Katie.

  Right, Katie said, and turned to Calvin. “A lighter… I need a lighter, too. Not matches, a good solid reliable lighter.”

  “Right.” Calvin nodded, looking at the cops. “Does anyone smoke?”

  The cops shook their heads, their hands on their pistols but their eyes glued to Katie/Pandora. The demon whimpered louder, shaking in his human capsule.

  He knew what was coming, but then maybe he should have thought about that before rolling up on that gun shop like a complete moron. Calvin ran into the store again and grabbed a lighter from the owner, jogging back out and sliding it into Katie’s front pocket.

  “Good to go.” He nodded at her in assurance and stepped back with the others trying to keep them as far away from her as possible.

  He didn’t know what to expect, since he hadn’t been there when Garrett had been exorcised. That was different, though. In that one, there hadn’t been five vulnerable bodies standing around for that demon to jump into.

  All right, bitch, hold onto your panties, Pandora said.

  Katie held the kid firmly as Pandora reached through her, grabbing the demon from inside of him. She let the kid go as his body fell back into the chair, unconscious. Katie’s eyes grew wider when she focused on the demon hanging in the air in front of her, Pandora’s gnarled claws holding tightly to its flesh.

  This motherfucker is heavy, Pandora snarled. Why can’t they just come easy?

  Too many donuts? Katie asked.

  Keep going. Pandora snickered. I’ll let him come in here with me.

  No, the demon growled, with fear in its eyes.

  Everyone stood silently as the demon’s body began to solidify. His skin cracked and tore as the spirit part of him morphed into a solid being. Katie’d had no idea that could happen, and judging by the surprise emanating from Pandora, it wasn’t quite what she had been thinking either.

  All right, on the count of three, grab him and shove him in that trash can. I can’t keep my arms outside your body for long. Ready? One, two, three!

  Katie reached forward without another thought and grabbed the demon, flipping it over and slamming it headfirst into the trashcan, which vibrated from the demon’s flailing. She stood steadily as Pandora pulled herself back inside, then looked up at Calvin for a moment and grimaced while she reached in and twisted as hard as she could to break the beast’s neck.

  “Usually he would heal before we could do this,” Katie said calmly as she reached into her pocket to pull out the lighter. “But not on my watch. Never again.”

  She nodded at the high-quality Zippo, which had an Angel holding a skull on the side, then flicked it open and held it over the trashcan. After she’d lit it, she let it slide from her fingers and drop straight into the trash can as she stepped back.

  Flames shot into the air, and everyone looked up as the first burst easily topped the store’s roof. Katie leaned back and brushed her hands on her pants as the demon screamed and roared in pain.

  She stood there until all was silent, then nodded in approval.

  That, Pandora commented, will leave a serious fucking mark. He won’t be able to come back for a decade, at least.

  Good. Katie smirked.

  She turned to walk to the SUV, and the wide-eyed cops backed away to clear a space for her.

  All of them turned to Calvin and nodded before taking the unconscious kid into custody again.

  Katie couldn’t help but notice how none of them would look her in the eye, much less allow themselves to be within two feet of her.

  She climbed into the passenger side of the SUV and sat there staring at the flames shooting from the trashcan, not realizing that she had scared the living piss out of the cops.

  That hadn’t been her intention, nor did she like feeling as if she had pushed everyone out of their comfort zone.

  Calvin grinned as he slid into the driver’s seat of the SUV. “That was kickass.”

  Thanks. Pandora sighed. All in a day’s work.

  “That was terrible,” Katie growled, turning to Calvin.

  “What?” he asked. He had been about to turn on the car, but stopped.

  What? Pandora snapped.

  “Did you see the way those cops looked at me?” Katie ignored Pandora and spoke to Calvin. “They were fucking terrified of me, Calvin
. They looked at you like they pitied you for having to be in the same car as me. None of them cheered or congratulated me, or even shook my damned hand. They were absolutely, completely, and totally scared out of their fucking minds by me.”

  “It’s not of you,” Calvin told her in a comforting tone. “Katie, you have to understand that most or all of them thought that D Squad was some made-up bullshit thing. They didn’t believe the rumors were true. They were shocked, like every other human is when they see their first demon. They heard two people in your voice, and saw claws coming out of you. It was a little shocking, even for me, but they will come around—you’ll see. They won’t be scared of you for long. Soon enough they will be begging you to show up and help them.”

  “Still, it sucks,” Katie said, a tear in her eye and her voice soft. “I felt like a circus freak.”

  Welllll, Pandora said in a high-pitched voice.

  Shut up, Katie barked.

  “Awe, come here.” He leaned over and opened his arms. “Bring it in.”

  He wrapped his arms around Katie and she leaned her head against his shoulder, feeling the comfort. It had been a long time since anyone had hugged her, and that was exactly what she needed—a hug from her family. Calvin had become someone she could trust; someone who was there even when shit got really fucking weird.

  “I’m serious, though,” Calvin whispered into her ear. “That was like super-badass.”

  Damned right it was bad-ass. Listen to the black man preach the truth.

  “Then you dropped that little bitch of a demon in the trash can and SNAP—you broke its fucking neck. Not to mention the damn flaming barrel! It was like some badass scene from a fantasy movie. I was so jealous it wasn’t my black ass up there being all killer and shit.”

  Katie laughed through her tears. “I don’t want to be a killer.”

  “Meh, there are worse things.” Calvin chuckled.

  I can think of something way better than being a killer, Pandora replied. Being the bottom half of a black man sandwich, minus the filling—just two pieces of bread.

  Oh, God. Katie sighed.

  Seriously, I have heard the rumors, Pandora insisted. That the size of a black man’s pecker is well above average. You should think about that for a second. Your mind might change after this embrace. Huh? Huh? No? How about now?

  Katie sat there for a minute still hugging Calvin, having to listen while Pandora went on about black men’s dicks.

  Finally she couldn’t take it anymore, and started to giggle. She realized in that moment that this was her life, like it or not. The pity party had to stop.

  What did she care about a bunch of LA cops anyway? Their stories would make her legendary, and she was on her way to figuring out how to solve this demon problem.

  “What are you laughing at?” Calvin smiled as he pulled back and looked her in the eyes.

  “Nothing,” she said, blushing as she reached up to wipe off her tears.

  “Whatever.” He chuckled. “Tell me.”

  “Pandora—as I call her—my demon, she is…let’s just say, super-sexual.” Katie smiled.

  Uh, no, Pandora spoke as if she were carefully explaining life to a young child. I am normal-sexual. You are a damn prude who thinks that one dirty thought makes you a whore, and may the lord forbid you laugh at a dick question—especially when the answer might be sitting right next to your nun-ass.

  “What is she saying?” he asked with a smirk.

  “She is making comments about black men and their size,” Katie said, holding her hands apart as if measuring. “She has heard the rumors, apparently.”

  “Ah.” Calvin laughed as he started the SUV and pulled into traffic. “Well, Pandora.” He looked at Katie, “She can hear me, right?”

  Katie nodded.

  “Well, let me start by saying that those rumors, no matter how fabulously true they are, are mostly good marketing by black men.”

  No! Pandora exclaimed. It can’t be true!

  “In reality only about ninety-eight percent of black men are truly huge,” he continued as he turned left on a nearby street, having to speed between a Land Rover and a Mercedes. “The rest are normal, I assure you.”

  Okay, okay. Pandora came back down from her fear. I have got to get this straight in my head. I need to do some serious research here. I’m not kidding. This needs to be done stat.

  Oh, lord. Katie put a hand over her eyes.

  I need to start a bucket list of items, and “find out if Calvin is lying” is at the top, Pandora declared. If he is telling the truth, this changes everything—my whole outlook on men. We are going to need volunteers; many, many volunteers. There are plenty of black men in Las Vegas, right? Hell, we should start while we are here in Los Angeles, I’ve seen one black man already! LOOK! Katie’s head twisted to the right just a bit. There is one right there!

  You need to calm the hell down, Katie replied. Leave my head alone. You won’t be making a bucket list, and I am not going to start sleeping with a plethora of black men—or any men, to be specific about that. There is this wonderful thing out there called the Internet, where I can safely and without risk of pregnancy or STD find out anything you need to know about the size or shape or whatever.

  That’s bullshit, Pandora grumped. And how do you expect me to look on the damn Internet, you crazy non-ho-bag? I have no arms!

  Lord, Katie moaned. I owe you one, and will do the research with you on the internet, but we are deleting our browser history afterward. I don’t need to get killed by a demon and have that pop up on my computer when someone goes to clear my things.

  I think that would be the best tribute to you, actually. Pandora giggled. A musical montage of your dick size search results. It would be very exciting, and you wouldn’t be there for the embarrassment. I would purposely possess someone just so I could see the look on everyone’s faces when the schlongs appear on the screen. Oooh, maybe we can do it in one of those Imax theatres so there are dicks all around us. This is the best plan ever.

  I don’t even know what to do with you anymore, Katie replied.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The night was dark. The sky was covered in clouds and rain was pouring down. Thunder roared in the distance.

  Katie and Calvin had decided to stop for the night and rest up at a nice hotel in the city. When they had checked in, Katie was glad to get out of the public’s eye. She smiled at Calvin and disappeared into her room, where happily she found a large jacuzzi tub.

  She called down to the front and had them bring up bubbles and salts for a bath. It had been a long time since she had just relaxed and taken care of herself. Housekeeping arrived at the door carrying a large basket of bath goodies, including candles and lotions. Katie smiled at them and passed the girl a tip before shutting the door and prancing to the bathroom.

  Oh, goodie, Pandora exclaimed excitedly. Pampering! I love pampering.

  I will only do it if you stay quiet and let me have some peace, Katie snapped.

  Yeah, yeah. Pandora blew a raspberry. I was about to tell you the same thing. Always talking, never shutting up.

  Katie smiled and shook her head as she walked into the bathroom and set up the candles around the edge of the tub. She started the water and poured the salts and bubble stuff in, taking in a deep breath of the sweet lavender smell that filled the bathroom. She lit the candles and slipped out of her clothes, stepping and sitting down. She sighed as she scooted down in the tub, feeling the hot water completely cover her. She wanted it so badly—the relaxation—but every time she closed her eyes she saw the demon’s face as it clung to her in fear, Pandora’s arms stretching from her chest.

  I’ll take care of that, Pandora said when Katie sighed and tensed.

  Thank you. Katie leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  She smiled as the face of the demon faded, and in its place a field of flowers appeared. She was running through them in a dress. She could almost feel the warm breeze blowing over her, an
d her eyes were bright blue in color. There was no red ring, no sign of the Damned, and she was free to explore whatever she wanted. Katie opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling, realizing that daydreams were not what she needed. She’d had that life, and it would remain part of her. She needed to learn how to relax in this life instead of relying on her demon to take her to fictional far-off places.

  My father told me about heaven when I was a young demon, Pandora told her. He described it like the vision I just showed you. He couldn’t understand why I wanted to go there. Of course, now I don’t understand myself.

  Because you are not all bad, Katie said, breathing deeply. Because somewhere deep inside you, you know what you are doing is right.

  Nah, Pandora said after a few moments of silence. I just don’t like flowers. Don’t be mistaken, Katie…I am a demon, and I have fought beside my brothers to ensure the demise of humans. When this is all said and done and I have long left your body, I will most likely do it again and again, until your existence is only a whisper in the wind.

  Yeah, well, for now you are my ally. Katie sighed. We will face that shit when the time comes.

  That’s right, Pandora agreed. And until then it’s all about dicks. Lots and lots of dicks everywhere—all around me.

  Katie chuckled, waving her hand through the bubbles. No. It’s about righting wrongs and fixing this situation with your brother.

  Yeah, that too, Pandora huffed. But mostly dicks.

  Katie sighed again. You are a pain in my ass.

  Careful with your words. Pandora chuckled. I could literally be a pain in your ass.

  Yeah, no. I really don’t want that, Katie replied.

  She laid there in the bathtub for about an hour, listening to the rain beat against the roof. They were on the top floor, and though she normally found that sound comforting, this time there was something about it that bothered her deep inside. She got out of the tub and dried off, then blew out the candles and stood in the darkness of the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror. She grabbed a robe and wrapped it around herself, then shook her head and walked out to the main room. The bed was welcoming, and she was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.


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