Protected by the Damned BoxedSet 1

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Protected by the Damned BoxedSet 1 Page 62

by Michael Todd

  He stared out at the writhing bodies in the fires.

  “Oh, yes.” He chuckled to himself, rubbing his hands together. “I will find them, and when I do it will be their end—their very unfortunate end.” He started out of his office, one particular figure catching his attention. “Right now we can get back to business, because I am in the mood for torture.”

  Katie got up from the couch and stretched her arms high over her head, then straightened her t-shirt and yawned. She had just finished another episode of the soap opera, and though she felt like taking a nap, she had a meeting with the other owners of her company to attend.

  She hoped they had some good news; that things were starting to shape up. She hadn’t really paid attention for the last few days, since she was still trying to fully recover from the battle with the demon.

  Katie made her way down to the conference room to the left of Korbin’s office. When she arrived Korbin, Calvin, and Damian were already there, sitting around the table waiting for her. Damian smirked when she walked into the room yawning, a hand covering her mouth, and Korbin just shook his head. She smiled at Calvin, who was looking stronger and healthier every day, and took her seat.

  Korbin chuckled. “Thank you so much for joining us.”

  “Hey, I’m the owner of the company. It’s only right I nonchalantly stroll in late,” she argued, before another yawn destroyed her chance of sounding important.

  “You aren’t Bruce Wayne,” Korbin sniped.

  “No, but that would be awesome,” She nodded and sat down. “Sorry.”

  “Anyway,” Korbin replied, shaking his head, “the weapons are starting to come along now. Joshua seems to have gotten his groove, and every time I turn around there is a new weapon on the table. Before much longer we are going to have a stockpile, which is obviously a good thing and a bad thing. What we need to figure out now is how to go to market with these weapons, but unfortunately this is not as simple as selling them on Amazon.”

  “They should create an Amazon for us.” Katie smiled. “That would be awesome.”

  “We could trade demons with other teams.” Calvin laughed.

  Korbin sighed. “Can we at least attempt to stay on track here?”

  “Yep.” Katie nodded and pretended to zip her lips closed.

  “Okay, as far as the weapons are concerned, we knew from the beginning that we couldn’t hide them from the other teams forever,” Korbin said. “That being said, we will need enough for every team, or we will be risking way too much.”

  “Okay.” Katie leaned forward. “So what does that mean? How many teams are there, and how many weapons do we give to each team?”

  “Well, I was thinking we start by giving three to each team. If they want more, that is when the business side of things kicks in,” Korbin said. “There are seventeen teams, and every single one of them gets a weapons budget from the higher-ups. We do three free to show our solidarity in this war, then from there we negotiate. At three weapons per team we are looking at a minimum of fifty-one weapons, but I would say we’ll probably need closer to eighty in order to keep all the team leads happy enough to keep our secret.”

  “I don’t understand why they wouldn’t,” Katie replied. “They would rather risk not having the weapons at all than buy however many more they want?”

  “They would risk having to get them from the government, since they would get them for free, rather than caring about our company or our livelihoods outside the team’s work,” Korbin corrected. “We are all fighting for a single cause, sure, but each team generally fights alone, so there tends to be a separation emotionally between them. They are already going to be jealous that we have the best and newest weapons, and some won’t find that fair since we are not the busiest team—or at least we weren’t until recently.”

  “That’s a shame,” Katie said. “That’s going to cost a hell of a lot of money.”

  “True,” Damian said. “But with our increased kill rate, we are making some serious money right now.”

  Katie nodded. “We are.”

  “On top of that, Mamacita has gotten all our suppliers to agree to very favorable prices,” Damian said. “We are currently in the black—which is more than most new companies can say, especially since we currently have zero profit.”

  “That’s nuts.” Katie stifled another yawn. “Damn! Sorry. I mean it’s awesome, don’t get me wrong. I just had no idea that Mamacita was as badass as she is.”

  “Yeah.” Damian shook his head to stave off a sympathy yawn. “She is hardnosed and business-savvy. She has been running that house a long time, and has never had an issue. I think that compared to some of the clients over there, this is a walk in the park for her. Those suppliers? They run with their tails between their legs when she’s on the line. I listened to her the other day. She started out all sweet and kind, and when they thought they could fuck with her because she was a woman…oh man, they probably went home and called their mommas.”

  Katie laughed. “That’s awesome. We should have had her from the beginning. Things would’ve started out a lot smoother for us.”

  “Yeah.” Damian chuckled. “Not only did she straighten us out, but she went back and renegotiated the old contracts, because they had stolen from Joshua’s ancestors. Nobody even asked her to do it, either.”

  “Good,” Katie said. “I have to admit that I have noticed I have money again. Talk about exciting, when I open up my hidden spot and moths don’t fly out.”

  “Yes, yes.” Korbin rolled a finger in the air. “We are all impressed by Mamacita. Can we move on?”

  Katie laughed. “Sheesh, Korbin, what flew up your behind today?”

  “Nothing,” he snapped. “I just have a million things to do beyond this meeting, that’s all. The other teams want a conference call about LA, the higher-ups need reports, and we still have work to do on this company.”

  “All right,” Katie said, putting her hands up in surrender. “What’s the next order of business?”

  Katie sat back in the chair and let Korbin run the meeting. In reality she should have been running it, but she knew she was inexperienced.

  She also had been completely out of the day-to-day of the business since LA, and really didn’t want to look like an idiot. She figured she could learn something from watching Korbin and Damian, and even Calvin, because they had more experience than she did.

  She wanted the company to be a success, but when it came down to it, she didn’t have the knowledge base she needed for the world she was living in to run the company the way it should be run.

  She knew the other world—and how to market things—but not the secret world of demon slaying, the relationships, and apparently the fucking politics. She would get there eventually, but for the time being she would just sit back and let them work it.

  They are pretty good at this shit, Pandora said.

  Yeah. Katie scoffed. Way better than me.

  You’ll get there, Pandora replied.

  Aw, motivation, Katie cooed.

  I just meant you’ll probably sell a blade or two before my brother rips your spine from your body, Pandora qualified.

  Wow, Katie said. That… I just... Wow.

  What? Just being honest, Pandora replied.

  Yeah, keep that honesty to yourself for a while, okay? Katie replied. I need to focus on this meeting.

  Meeting, shmeeting. Pandora scoffed. Once those babies are on the market, you are going to be set for life. We can eat all the food we want, buy whatever we want, and do whatever we want.

  In case you hadn’t noticed, I can’t do whatever I want, Katie replied. I hunt your people—that’s what I do. It’s that, death, or research, remember?

  Did I say “whatever?” I meant “whoever.” But we are still a damn caged rat, Pandora grumped. We could take them.

  Be quiet, Katie replied. I’m too busy for this.

  Whatever, Pandora said, going quiet.

  Katie focused back in on the group,
feeling dread in the pit of her stomach. She might love her new family, but Pandora was right, in a way.

  She had no choice in the matter. She was pretty much a caged rat.

  Chapter Two

  Because donuts are fucking delicious, that’s why, Pandora said angrily. And this is supposed to be a “me” day. You got yesterday…and the day before that…and the day before that.

  Yeah, and you know why? Katie shot back. Because it’s my goddamned body!

  No, it is now our goddamned body, she argued. Have you forgotten that regardless of whether you like it, you have to share it with me? Have you forgotten that I am a big part of the reason you still have a body that breathes? Hmmm?

  You are being unreasonable, Katie replied. Sure, you have to be in there. You have no choice and neither do I, but for God’s sake, you do not get to claim a day of the week from me. My physical body is the only thing I have to hold on to, and I am not going to let you ruin it with fat and cholesterol. It won’t be good for either of us if I die of a damn stroke.

  You won’t die of a stroke. Pandora scoffed. Maybe a claw through the chest, but I take care of everything else. With my powers, there is no reason that you can’t hand your stomach over to me every once in a while. I mean, ninety-nine percent of the women on this planet would kill for someone inside them who could get rid of fat and let them eat anything they wanted in the process. Most women would have run out and bought every piece of junk food on the market.

  Yes, well, I am not “most women,” now am I? Katie replied. I have a little bit more self-respect than to sit at some donut shop and eat them out of stock. Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, that was fucking embarrassing? No you didn’t, because you don’t have to watch mothers cover their children’s eyes as they lead them past me, or the snide looks from men walking past. You just sit there drowning in your godforsaken sprinkles.

  I don’t really like the sprinkled ones, Pandora admitted. I didn’t want to tell you and upset the apple cart.

  Katie sighed. You are impossible.

  Well, Pandora said, sniffing around. How about the soaps, then? They won’t make you fat.

  Just then there was a knock on Katie’s door—she had left it open to let the air in instead of being closed up in there like a cave—and she turned and smiled at Eric. He was watching her curiously, obviously understanding that she was having an argument with her demon.

  “Hey.” Katie smiled. “What’s up?”

  “I thought I would come and see if you wanted to watch a couple episodes of Days of Long Since Past?” he asked with a half-grin.

  Yes, yes, yes, Pandora squealed. I love that show, and we are SO behind.

  You bitch, Katie said. You did that. I don’t know how, but you set that up.

  Okay, I am capable of a lot of things, but mind control is sadly not one of them, Pandora told her. If I could control minds, don’t you think all the men in this house would be dancing around us naked right now? I mean, even the priest. I bet he has a tight body under that trench coat. Hell, he probably even has a big—

  Stop, Katie said. Please God, don’t say another word. If I go watch the soaps, will you drop whatever disgusting thing you were going to say next?

  I accept your compromise, Pandora agreed. See? That wasn’t so bad.

  “Yeah, sure!” Katie said, smiling at Eric.

  She put down her book and followed Eric out of the room, just glad that Pandora had stopped talking.

  The demon knew exactly how to get her way because to Katie, watching a few soaps was a hell of a lot better than having a picture of a naked Damian floating around in her head. She was either going to have to start just giving in at the beginning, or get used to the vulgar porno that Pandora would constantly send through her brain. It was a no-win situation for her, but a win every time for Pandora. She figured there were probably worse things she’d agreed to than having to watch her favorite soap with her teammate.

  At least her demon was helpful when she was really needed.

  When they got out to the main area, Katie walked into the kitchen and made some popcorn—this time without the sugar on it. She wondered if Pandora was going to protest but she didn’t, which was good because Katie was ready to cancel the whole thing. When the popcorn was done, she walked back out to the main area to find Jeremy had joined the party.

  “Oh, hey.” Katie smiled. “You turn into a soap opera addict like the rest of us?”

  “No,” Jeremy said unconvincingly. “I just really wanted to know what happened with Old Man Alvers, that’s all.”

  “Mmmhmm,” Katie said, handing him the popcorn. “Personally, I think they are going to kill him off.”

  “I don’t,” Eric said. “I think they’re going to hook him up with one of the younger girls as like a sugar daddy thing. There are plenty of gold-diggers in that bunch.”

  “Ew.” Katie shivered. “That is gross. I think the man has passed his prime on daytime television. He was on Around the World for like thirty years, or something insane. He needs to let it go. He is now the crazy old man on the show, and that is always a death sentence for these guys.”

  “Maybe it’s just because he’s a crazy old man in real life.” Eric laughed. “I saw a picture of him at the Daytime Television awards. He was wearing a red and gold pinstriped suit, and had a twenty-year-old on his arm. But not some blonde bimbo…she was maybe twenty, and looked like she had been in his basement since she was twelve.”

  “Oh, God,” Jeremy and Katie groaned in unison, wincing and laughing at the same time.

  “That is terrible,” Katie exclaimed, choking on her popcorn. “Like seriously terrible.”

  “Oh, shush.” Eric sat up in his chair. “It’s coming on.”

  Everyone stopped and stared at the screen, excited to watch the show. Katie actually started to relax, and figured it wasn’t a half-bad way to spend her afternoon. She really wanted to be productive, but “productive” just didn’t seem to be in her vocabulary lately.

  She had been kind of aloof since LA. She wasn’t alone, though—Calvin had been the same way, only a little livelier in personality…not that Katie had been all that bubbly to begin with.

  Either way, she was enjoying herself right now, and she needed to learn to not feel bad about that.

  No matter what was going on in the world around them.

  They sat there and watched four hours’ worth of soap operas. Pandora was thrilled, but when the last one was over Katie was more than ready to get something to eat.

  She stood up, stretched, and yawned, looking around the room.

  The guys had ordered pizza. “Well, guys, as much as I enjoy spending culinary time with you, I really can’t do the pizza thing again. I’m going to get some real food.”

  “Pizza is in the food pyramid,” Calvin commented through a full mouth from the table.

  “Yeah,” Eric added. “And the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ate it all the time, so it can’t be that bad, right?”

  “Yeah, no. I won’t base my nutritional intake on four mutant turtles.” Katie shrugged.

  “They were heroes,” Jeremy yelled.

  “Yeah, and so am I,” Katie retorted. “For walking away from the third straight night of pizza.” She waved with her fingers. “Have fun, guys. I will see you later.”

  “Your loss.” Calvin shrugged, then pointed to one of the boxes. “Hand that shit here, since she isn’t grabbing any.”

  Katie shook her head and went to her room to change her clothes.

  She knew where she wanted to go but she didn’t want to get Pandora too excited, so she stayed quiet.

  When she was dressed—with make-up and everything—she headed down the elevator and out the front doors. She wanted to check on Joshua before she left for the night.

  As she stepped out into the warm air, a familiar voice greeted her.

  “Beautiful Katie,” Mamacita said. “Where are you going, all dolled up?”

  “I’m taking myself to
dinner.” She smiled. “You look fantastic as well in that executive-level suit. I barely even recognized you.”

  Mamacita smirked. “You have to look professional before you can be professional.”

  “I was just going in to check on Joshua,” Katie replied.

  “Oh, he’s fine.” She looked at the shop and then returned her gaze to Katie. “He is getting used to the new room they built him to sleep in. He likes it, although I can’t seem to keep him off the forge.”

  “I won’t complain.”

  “He was just getting ready to call it a day when I came out to get something from the car.” Mamacita pointed to her vehicle.

  “Oh. Well, I’ll just leave him alone then. I know how nervous he gets when I come in.”

  “He does, but only because he wants to make you happy,” Mamacita replied.

  “Right.” Katie chewed on her lip a moment. “Oh, and I’d like to thank you for straightening out the orders and everything else here with the business.”

  “Not a problem.” She nodded. “It’s something I’ve become good at over time. I wasn’t always well-to-do. I started from nothing.”

  “I appreciate you using your skills for us. Well, you have a great night.” Katie sighed. “I’m gonna hit the road.”

  “Be careful out there.” She waved to Katie.

  Katie waved back, noticing Korbin heading toward Joshua’s building. She thought it was strange that he was going back over, but figured he had something pressing he had to get off his mind before he could call it a day…or whatever Korbin did when everyone else finished their day. She shrugged, figuring there was no reason to even think about it. Korbin did what he did, and always for a reason.

  He has no idea who he is messing with. Pandora snickered. I give him a month, only because he’s hard-headed.


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