Mia's Choice_A Reverse Harem Romance Novel

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Mia's Choice_A Reverse Harem Romance Novel Page 15

by Lucy Felthouse

  Elias’s eyes widened with concern. “What? What is it? You went from deliriously happy to desperately miserable in the blink of an eye.”

  “I…” She blew out a breath and toyed with her hair, not really wanting to bring the mood down, but realising it was probably too late for that already. Rolling onto her side, she met Elias’s eyes once more. “It’s Alex. I don’t know if he mentioned it to you, but while we were on honeymoon, I talked to him about finding a way to see each other more often. I said I’d be happy to stay at my place in London more often so I could pop and see him, even if just for an evening, or a morning—whatever his shift pattern dictated. He seemed happy about the idea, and said he would give me a key to his place, so I could let myself in. It seemed like a good solution—even spending an hour or two with him here and there is better than only seeing him when his days off coincide with a weekend. But now… I’m not so sure it’s enough. Having you here now as well as Tom has really driven home how it could be if it weren’t for Alex’s job. But what’s the solution to that? He loves his job, and until he’s way, way further up the career ladder, he’s going to be working insane hours all the time. You’ll hardly see him either, now you’re not living in London.”

  Elias pursed his lips thoughtfully. “You should tell him how you feel,” he said decisively. “He loves you. Worships the bloody ground you walk on. He’d give it up if you asked him to.”

  Mia gasped. “But I’d never do that. Not in a million years. I’d never ask anyone to give up such an important part of themselves for me.”

  “Darling, I never said you should ask him to give it up—just that he would, if you did. You know, he only ended up working in London because it was the first job he was offered when he qualified. The fact I was living and working there by then made it a bit of a no-brainer, too. I don’t think he’s got any particular affection or affinity for London—no more than anywhere else, in any case.” He raised his eyebrows, as though expecting a response.

  She frowned. “So…?”

  Elias smiled and shook his head. “So, my love, why don’t you suggest he looks for a job at another hospital? A closer one. One that will mean he can make this,” he waved a hand around them, “his home, the place he returns to after every shift. Become fully a part of the little family we’re creating. And then,” he shrugged one shoulder, “if things continue in the right direction with Arjun, which I’m sure they will, he can move in whenever he’s ready, too. He’s here quite a lot already because of the university project, I gather. And then we’d all be together, all the time, but each of us with our own stuff going on. You’d be running this place, Tom in the grounds, me hopefully at the cider farm, Arjun with his bazillions of brainy, money-making projects, and Alex saving lives somewhere just down the road.” He chuckled. “And Harry, wrapping us all around his hairy little paw. How does that sound?”

  Mia didn’t even have to think about it. Grinning from ear to ear, she replied, “Like heaven.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Four months later

  Mia hit save on the Excel spreadsheet and closed it down with a large sense of satisfaction. She’d just completed the first quarter’s preliminary accounts on the coppicing business, and things were going great. Marsden had been telling the truth—it was a profitable business, and he’d also been absolutely right about it improving further under younger leadership. On her own, she was perfectly capable, but with her men around—Thomas with his practical knowledge, Elias and Arjun with their business skills, and Alex with his unwavering support and cheerleading—she was unstoppable.

  It worked both ways, though. Elias had snapped up the cider farm—almost losing out to another buyer until he’d upped his bid—and had taken to running it like a duck to water. He enjoyed rural life, having a rural business, and working on something he could actually look at and hold in his hands, rather than meaningless money that lived inside the computer.

  The farm hadn’t been quite as profitable as the coppicing business—and would possibly have become less so had things stayed the same. But between the five of them, they’d brainstormed ways to make changes, to sell more cider, appeal to a wider market. Now Spraxton’s Cider Farm wasn’t only bottling and shipping apple cider—it was experimenting with flavours and blends. Elias had started to search the local area to source potential ingredients that might be mixed with apple to make a palatable, exciting drink. Before long, word got around and the press were interested, as well as a number of lifestyle magazines. Mia was sure it was only a matter of time before pub chains and supermarkets started to sit up and take notice.

  It wasn’t just the business side of their lives that was flourishing. Since Elias had moved in, the three of them had soon fallen into a comfortable family life, and were seeing more and more of Arjun around the house as his project at the university became more involved.

  James and Betty had slowly become accustomed to the comings and goings, and remained their loyal, efficient selves, much to Mia’s relief. It was nice to have a constant to cling to when so much of her life had undergone drastic change. Comforting.

  Mia yawned and stretched, tired at the end of another busy working week. She was so ready for a lie-in in the morning. Her gaze landed on the photographs on the desk. Beside the one of hers and Elias’s wedding that Betty had had framed, there now sat the one of the five of them in their island idyll, Mia draped along their arms like she was reclining on a bed. They looked healthy, happy, relaxed. She stuck out her bottom lip thoughtfully as she considered the image, and how tired she was. How tired they all were. Things had been busy indeed since they’d got back from honeymoon, and now the nights were really beginning to draw in, the weather miserable more often than not, she found herself longing for some sunshine.

  Maybe it was time to think about booking another holiday.

  As she was about to open a browser tab and start searching for breaks in secluded, private places, she heard footsteps coming along the corridor. They were too brisk to be Betty, but not quite heavy enough for Thomas, so it had to be James. She waited patiently for him to appear in the doorway.

  The figure that did appear, though, was taller than James, and bulkier. As well as a few decades younger. Mia gasped, and shoved her chair back. “Alex?” She jumped up. “What are you doing here?”

  An expression on his face that was a mixture of sheepish and excited, he replied, “Moving in, I hope. Joining the family properly—if you’ll have me.”

  Frowning, Mia moved around the desk and began making her way over to him. “What do you…?”

  With a shrug, he said, “I’ve left London. Worked out my notice period at the hospital, moved out of my flat. I start my new job at Barton End hospital on Monday.”

  Questions flitted through Mia’s mind at a rate of knots. Instead of even attempting to choose one and throw it out there, she smiled as euphoria filled her. As usual, her men had got it all sorted out. “Of course you do.”


  A note from the author: Thank you so much for reading Mia’s Choice (The Heiress’s Harem #3). If you enjoyed it, please do tell your friends, family, colleagues, book clubs, and so on. Also, posting a short review on the retailer site you bought the book from would be incredibly helpful and very much appreciated. There are lots of books out there, which makes word of mouth an author’s best friend, and also allows us to keep doing what we love doing—writing.

  About the Author

  Lucy Felthouse is the award-winning author of erotic romance novels Stately Pleasures (named in the top 5 of Cliterati.co.uk’s 100 Modern Erotic Classics That You’ve Never Heard Of, and an Amazon bestseller), Eyes Wide Open (winner of the Love Romances Café’s Best Ménage Book 2015 award, and an Amazon bestseller), The Persecution of the Wolves, Hiding in Plain Sight and The Heiress’s Harem series. Including novels, short stories and novellas, she has over 170 publications to her name. Find out more about her writing at http://lucyfelthouse.co.uk, or on Twitter or Facebook. Jo
in her Facebook group for exclusive cover reveals, sneak peeks and more! Sign up for automatic updates on Amazon or BookBub. Subscribe to her newsletter here: http://www.subscribepage.com/lfnewsletter

  If You Enjoyed Mia’s Choice

  I hope you enjoyed reading the story of Mia and her men as much as I enjoyed writing it. If so, you may enjoy these other romances with multiple partners. My full backlist is on my website.

  Eyes Wide Open

  An ordinary girl catapulted into an extraordinary world meets two even more extraordinary men—but what will she do when she discovers their sexy secret?

  Fiona Gillespie moved to London shortly after graduating to take advantage of the opportunities the capital could offer. However, months later, she’s still living in a horrid flat and working in a grimy East End pub. The problem is, she doesn’t really know what she wants to do, career-wise. So when she happens upon an advertisement for a job at a plush Mayfair hotel, she jumps at the chance. A great deal of determination and a spot of luck land Fiona her dream role.

  But working at the Totally Five Star London is just the beginning. She adores the role and flourishes, impressing her bosses and making her increasingly determined to climb the career ladder.

  While her career is flying, though, her love life is non-existent. She hasn’t even thought about men, never mind met or dated one for months, so when she bumps into two gorgeous businessmen in the hotel, she’s surprised to find her head has been well and truly turned. Even more surprisingly, they flirt with her—both of them! She’s drawn to James and Logan, despite feeling that they’re way out of her league.

  When a misunderstanding leads Fiona to James and Logan’s sumptuous top-floor suite, she has no idea what she’s about to uncover. Scenes of people-trafficking, drug-pushing and wild sex parties all appear in her active imagination. Yet what she actually sees is something she’d never even considered before, something that piques her interest.

  After discovering their sexy secret, what will she do with this new-found knowledge?

  More information and buy links.

  Stately Pleasures

  Is it possible to have it all?

  Alice Brown has just landed her dream job as property manager at Davenport Manor, a British stately home. It’s only a nine-month contract to cover maternity leave, but it’s the boost up the career ladder she needs.

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  When the dust settles and Alice has time to think, she realises perhaps it isn’t such a bad thing after all. But what happens when Alice thinks she’s falling for both men?

  More information and buy links.




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