Grave Misgivings

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Grave Misgivings Page 3

by Lily Harper Hart

  “Olivia is here,” Maude said, not missing a beat. “She was probably saying something to her. What’s in that bag?”

  “Well, I got to thinking after Maddie left the salon today,” Christy said. “I knew she probably didn’t have many dresses to choose from that didn’t make her look like she should be churning butter on a farm with no electricity.”

  “I told you that you looked Amish sometimes,” Maude said, lifting an eyebrow.

  “Thank you both so much,” Maddie grumbled.

  “I have some dresses for you,” Christy said. “Oh, and hello, Olivia. I really do miss you.”

  “I can’t borrow more of your dresses,” Maddie protested.

  “You’re not borrowing them,” Christy said. “I’m giving them to you.”

  “What? No.”

  “It’s fine,” Christy said. “I have a dress problem. For years, I kept buying these tiny little dresses that I knew I would never be thin enough to fit into – and yet I kept buying them. In the back of my mind, I think I honestly thought my boobs and butt would miraculously shrink.”

  Christy unzipped the bag.

  “Now, I’m a good four inches shorter than you, but I have three dresses here that I think are going to be long enough on you,” she said. She pulled the first out, a spaghetti strap floral dress that boasted simple lines and bohemian tassels along the skirt. She held it up against Maddie’s body and smiled. “Perfect.”

  The dress fell to the middle of Maddie’s thigh, causing her immediately to start shaking her head. “It’s too short.”

  “It’s a perfect length, dear,” Olivia said. “The tassels make the dress look longer than it is. The pinks, blues, and purples are going to make your eyes pop, too. It’s beautiful.”

  “Mom, I can’t wear this dress,” Maddie said. “I’ll feel … naked. What would I even wear underneath it?”

  “See, I knew that was going to be your first response,” Christy said, wagging her finger. She shuffled over to Maddie’s dresser and opened the third drawer, rummaging around until she returned with a glittery blue tank top. “You can wear this underneath it. The colors match perfectly, and it will allow you to keep your modesty intact.”

  Once Christy paired the tank top with the dress, Maddie saw the ensemble’s potential. She wasn’t quite ready to give in, though. “I don’t know … I think that’s going to make me look slutty.”

  “You have no idea what slutty really is,” Christy said. “This dress is actually quite modest. It’s simple enough that you’ll feel comfortable, and dressy enough for a dinner at the Denton house.”

  “But … .”

  “Nick wants to parade you around, Maddie,” Christy said, pulling out the big guns. “Don’t you want him to have something to be proud of?”

  “Oh, that was well played,” Olivia said, silently applauding.

  “Don’t encourage her,” Maddie grumbled.

  “Your mother agrees with me, doesn’t she?” Christy asked.

  “Of course she agrees,” Maude said. “I do, too. What other dresses are in there?”

  Maddie only kept half an ear on the rest of the conversation. She was resigned to packing whatever else Christy had in the garment bag. She didn’t even put up a fight when Christy and Maude started picking lingerie out. By the time they were done, the entire suitcase was packed – including shoes.

  “I think that’s everything,” Christy said, dusting her hands off. “You’re going to be the belle of the mansion.”

  “You’re so funny,” Maddie deadpanned.

  “I try.:

  “What’s going on up here?” Nick asked, stepping into the room and glancing around. “Is this a … girl thing? Should I wait in the hallway?”

  “We were helping her pack for the weekend,” Christy said. “I brought some dresses over that I think you’re going to love.”

  Nick flashed Christy a grateful smile. “Thanks. I always like it when you pick out her clothes. You know how to show her assets off in the best possible way.”

  “I am gifted,” Christy agreed.

  “My mother is here,” Maddie hissed. “You can’t say stuff like that in front of her.”

  “I take it back,” Olivia said. “You are a prude.”

  “I’m not a prude.”

  Nick smirked. “I happen to love my prude,” he said. “Did you make sure to pack regular clothes, too? I figured we would be spending half our day in the river.”

  “I packed a bathing suit, shorts, and my J-41 recreation shoes,” Maddie said. “That should be good, right?”

  “That’s should be fine,” Nick said. “The good thing is that we’re going to be close enough to home to pop over to get something if we need it.”

  “Call before you pop,” Maude warned. “I have plans.”

  Nick narrowed his eyes. “What plans? You’re not planning on doing something to Harriet, are you? If you get arrested, I’m leaving you in jail until the holiday weekend is over.”

  “My love for you goes as fast as it comes,” Maude said.

  Nick grinned. “Seriously, what are your plans?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Maude said. “I’m not doing anything scandalous.”

  “You told me you were going to air your bits out and walk around the house naked the whole weekend,” Maddie said.

  Nick’s face colored at the visual while Christy burst into hysterical gales of laughter.

  “You have a really big mouth sometimes,” Maude chided, wagging her finger in Maddie’s face.

  “I’m sorry, Granny,” Maddie said. “You did say that, though.”

  Maude wrinkled her nose, and Maddie could practically see her mind working. She had a feeling Maude was thinking of something to say that would embarrass Maddie … and she was right.

  “Don’t worry, Nick. I’m the one who picked Maddie’s lingerie for the weekend. Every time she puts it on, I want you to think of me picking it out for her.”

  Nick swallowed hard. “I … .”

  “Oh, that’s so cute,” Olivia cooed.

  “I just want to bottle the look on Nick’s face and sell it,” Christy said. “It’s priceless. I’d be a rich woman if I could manage that.”

  “Okay,” Nick said, clearing his throat. “On that note, I think we’re done here. Maddie, my love, are you ready for our first bonfire night as a couple?”

  Maddie smiled. “I’m ready for everything we do as a couple.”

  Nick’s face softened and he extended his hand. “Come on, then. I figured we could walk. Since I’m off duty, I thought a few drinks would benefit both of us. If you’re a very good girl, I might even dance with you.”

  “We’re trying to make her less of a prude,” Maude said. “We don’t want her to be a good girl.”

  “Okay, I think I’ve had just about enough of you for one night,” Nick said. “Behave yourself.”

  “I’m old,” Maude said. “You get to misbehave when you’re old. It’s the only good thing about aging.”

  “Fine,” Nick said. “Be as bad as you want to be. Just … make sure you’re clothed by the time we get back.”

  “Make sure you call before you come back,” Maude countered.

  Nick pinched the bridge of his nose to ward off the oncoming headache. “You make me tired.”

  “Welcome to my world,” Maddie said.

  Nick linked his fingers with Maddie’s and started tugging her out of the room. “Your grandmother is not allowed in our bedroom once we move,” he said. “I’m going to have nightmares about her and your lingerie. You know that, right?”

  “Oh, wait … .” Maddie pulled away from him long enough to stick her head back in the bedroom. “Mom says she misses you very much, Granny.”

  Maude beamed at Maddie, a lone tear trailing down her cheek. “You’re a good girl, Maddie Graves.”

  “Thank you, Granny.”

  “You’re still a prude.”

  “Thank you, Granny.”

/>   “Wow. It’s so … busy,” Maddie said, gripping Nick’s hand tightly as she looked around Blackstone Bay’s bustling town square. “A lot of people must have come back to town for the reunion.”

  “Does that make you nervous?”

  “It makes me glad that I have you,” Maddie replied, glancing at him for reassurance.

  “You’re going to have me for the rest of your life and beyond, my Maddie,” Nick said, leaning over and giving her a soft kiss. “I love you. If you get uncomfortable … .”

  “No. I need to stop being such a … .”


  Maddie scowled. “I was going to say mouse.”

  “You’re not a mouse, Mad,” Nick said, pulling her in front of him so he could wrap his arms around her waist. “You’re just the type of woman who likes to think things over before you act. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

  “You make me sound boring.”

  “Oh, don’t even go there,” Nick said, nuzzling her cheek. “You’re the most interesting person I know.”

  “I think you’re just saying that because you want sex later.”

  Nick grinned. “I want you, Mad. Sex is merely a bonus.”

  “You’re such smooth talker.”

  “That’s why you love me, right?” Nick lowered his mouth and kissed her again, sinking into the exchange.

  They were so lost in each other they didn’t notice two shadows heading in their direction. By the time the dark figures were on Nick and Maddie, it was too late.

  “Wow, Winters, are you going to give her your tongue to keep?”

  Nick pulled away from Maddie reluctantly, rolling his eyes until they landed on the two men watching them. “Aaron. Brian. How are you guys?”

  “Not as good as you apparently.”

  Nick extended his hand to greet his old friends, but before he got the chance the two men engulfed him in bear hugs. There were numerous laughs, and a few veiled insults, but everything was in jest.

  Maddie watched, shifting uncomfortably as Nick seamlessly interacted with Aaron and Brian. It gave her a chance to look them over. High school was ten years behind them, but very little had changed about either man. They were both broad and tall, wide shoulders giving way to strong chests and tapering down to narrow waists. Their hair was shorter, and their eyes were keen and interested as they chatted with Nick.

  Finally, Aaron shifted his attention from Nick and focused on Maddie. “Well, Maddie Graves, you grew up to be … .”

  “Be careful,” Nick warned.

  “A very attractive woman,” Aaron said.

  Nick slipped his arm around Maddie’s waist and tugged her to his side. “She is a very attractive woman,” he agreed. “My attractive woman.”

  “Oh, good grief,” Brian said. “Are we going to go through this again? Everyone knows Maddie is with you, Nick. In fact, the second she returned to town my mother called to see if I wanted a spot in the pool for when you two would get together. I was way off. I thought you two would be on each other that first week.”

  Maddie made a face while Nick grinned. “I should’ve moved faster. I know.”

  Maddie poked him in the ribs. “Don’t encourage them,” she said. “You know I don’t like all the pools.”

  “I heard Maude won the sex pool,” Aaron said, ignoring Maddie’s discomfort. “Personally, I think she should be exempt from the pools because she has inside information, but I don’t get a say in it.”

  Maddie was mortified, and when Nick glanced down at her he could read the expression on her face. “Are you okay?”

  “It’s fine,” Maddie said, waving off his concerns and inhaling a steadying breath. “I’m used to it now. Everyone in town knows exactly when we do everything. I’m considering putting my own money in the next pool.”

  Nick smirked. “Really?”

  “Hey, if you can’t beat them … .”

  “So, Maddie, I have to admit something to you,” Brian said. “I had a huge crush on you back in high school. I was dying to ask you out. When I mentioned my intentions, though, Nick lost his cool and beat me up. Even back then he was crazy about you.”

  Nick’s cheeks burned, and he was scared to meet Maddie’s steady gaze. He’d never told her the real reason he’d fought with Brian, instead making up an excuse to explain the bruise on his cheek.

  “I heard about that,” Maddie said, placing her tongue in her cheek to keep from laughing. “The thing is, I heard you were planning on coming over to my house so you could spy through the window and see me naked. I didn’t hear anything about you asking me out on a date.”

  Nick stilled as Brian uncomfortably coughed.

  “I … um … .” Brian stammered and stared at his feet.

  “Who told you that?” Nick asked.

  “A little birdie,” Maddie replied, enjoying her moment of power.

  “I told her,” Christy said, sidling up to the group. “Hey, guys.”

  “Christy!” Aaron grabbed the boisterous redhead and exuberantly swung her around. “You look hot!”

  “I know,” Christy said, smoothing her shirt down after returning to the ground. “I’ll bet you wish you’d looked beyond my geeky band hat and dated me when we were in high school now, don’t you?”

  “You have no idea,” Aaron said, shooting her a flirty wink.

  Brian greeted Christy with a more muted hug and a scowl. “Why did you tell Maddie that?”

  “Because I wanted to see her face when she heard the truth,” Christy said, refusing to back down. “It was priceless.”

  “You know, I’m usually all for Maddie hanging out with you,” Nick said. “I’m starting to rethink it, though.”

  “You’ll get over it when you see the dresses I packed for her,” Christy shot back. “Get over yourself. I thought she deserved to know that you were fighting for her honor back then. The story makes you look like a hero. I don’t know why you’re whining like a baby.”

  “I’m not whining.”

  “When I look at you the only thing I see missing is the diaper,” Christy said. “Besides, it’s not like I told her about the time you threatened to run Max Joseph over because he was making noises about trying to take her up to Kissing Point.”

  Nick pressed his lips together, horrified.

  Maddie took pity on him and squeezed his hand. “I’m flattered.”

  “I know you’re just saying that to make me feel better,” Nick said. “I’m going to take it, though.”

  “Oh, you guys are so cute,” Aaron said. “It’s like watching a really adorable sitcom couple try to navigate the harsh waters of life.”

  “I see you’re still talking like a woman,” Nick said.

  “Hey,” Maddie and Christy said in unison.

  “I happen to love women,” Nick said quickly. “This one especially.” He dropped a kiss on the top of Maddie’s head. “Are you guys done trying to embarrass me?”

  “For now,” Aaron said. “I think we should get some beers and find a table. Max is supposed to be here, and I heard Lauren is back in town, too.”

  “Lauren Bishop?” Christy asked, arching an interested eyebrow. “I haven’t seen her since graduation.”

  “Me either,” Aaron said. “I’m hoping she’s still hot.”

  “You don’t have a chance with her,” Brian said.

  “You don’t know that,” Aaron said.

  “I do,” Brian replied, puffing out his chest. “She’s going to want me. We all know I’m the handsome one here. You look old, and you’re starting to lose your hair.”

  Aaron shot him the finger. “I’m going to slip Nair in your conditioner this weekend if you’re not careful.”

  Maddie smiled, enjoying the bragging men and easy repartee even though she didn’t feel she knew Brian and Aaron well enough to participate yet. It seemed Nick – and everyone else, for that matter – had been right. The only one standing in Maddie’s way was Maddie herself.

  “SO, who is going t
o be staying at your house this weekend?” Nick asked two hours later, swigging from his beer and rubbing Maddie’s knee under the picnic table.

  Aaron shrugged. “The five of us for sure. Max is going to be there, too, although I have no idea where he is right now. Shouldn’t he be here?”

  “He’s here,” Christy said, pointing at the dance floor. “He’s already got his eye on something … slutty, though.”

  Everyone shifted their eyes in the direction Christy was gesturing, taking in the handsome man, his long black hair brushing the top of his shoulders as he danced with a willowy brunette.

  “Who is that?” Aaron asked, narrowing his eyes.

  Maddie recognized the familiar silhouette without having to see the woman’s face. “Marla Proctor.”

  Aaron made an exaggerated face. “Oh, I forgot about Marla. How is she?”

  “Exactly the same,” Nick said, squeezing Maddie’s knee reassuringly. “She’s still evil.”

  “She was always evil,” Brian said.

  “You still slept with her,” Christy reminded him.

  “Hey, there were only so many girls in high school who would actually put out,” Brian said. “She was one of the few. There were plenty of girls who said they put out, but Marla was one of the rare ones who actually did it.”

  “As far as I can tell, she put out to the entire senior class,” Maddie said.

  Aaron snorted. “Nice snark, Graves. I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  Maddie blushed. “I … .”

  “Her sarcastic tongue comes and goes,” Nick said, grinning as he touched the side of his head to Maddie’s. “Besides, Marla didn’t put out to everyone in our class. I never slept with her.”

  “That’s because you were mooning over Maddie,” Brian teased. “You two spent every waking hour together … yet there was no tongue action. We were all waiting and waiting … .”

  “Shut up,” Nick said. “We were just friends back then.”

  “Are you really going to sit there and tell me you weren’t in love with Maddie back then?” Aaron asked. “Really?”

  Nick shrugged. “I’ve loved her my whole life. I’m not ashamed to admit it.”

  “But you wouldn’t admit it back then,” Aaron pressed. “Why not?”


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