Illusions (Night Roamers) Book Four

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Illusions (Night Roamers) Book Four Page 12

by Kristen Middleton

  “Faye needs to speak with you. It’s urgent,” he replied, opening the cell door.

  “Oh, okay,” she answered, stepping out of the cell.

  “Follow me quickly,” he said, turning on his heel.

  Nikki took one long look at Ethan before she followed the guard out of the basement.

  Ethan turned back to Duncan and winked.

  Duncan smiled grimly and shook his head.



  “What’s the meaning of this?” she hissed, following him up the staircase toward the main level of the house.

  “We have a visitor. A man named Martin. He says that he owns the place?”

  Faye swore under her breath. “Celeste’s brother. Dammit, he has impeccable timing.”

  “Apparently, he wants his house back,” he said, stopping at the top of the stairs.

  She stepped around him and walked into the kitchen, which overlooked the great-room. She had to admit, the place was growing on her and she wasn’t ready to give it up. Not after the money she’d forked out to have it remodeled, including the prison-like chambers in the basement. She’d also added several new appliances in the kitchen, along with new cupboards, and granite countertops, which hadn’t been cheap. In the great-room, she’d also replaced the old shag carpeting and furniture with walnut wooden flooring and plush leather furniture. She was quite certain that Martin wouldn’t even recognize the place. “Too bad, he can’t have it,” she snapped irritably while changing back into her usual form.

  His eyes glittered in approval. “Can I say that I very much prefer you this way?”

  She beamed a smile at him. “So do I. But, it was a necessary evil.”

  “Did you find what you needed?”

  She’d told Godrick that she was using Nikki’s form to get information from Ethan. The truth was, even though she’d originally done it only to hurt him, she had learned something important. Something that made her feel quite giddy. “Yes, in fact, I learned quite a bit.”

  “Congratulations. So, what now?”

  She walked toward the entryway of the rambler. “I’ll speak to Martin. Go back downstairs and if I need you, you’ll know.”

  “Very well,” he replied, walking the other way.

  Faye opened the front door and smiled up at the attractive Roamer on the porch. He looked like a younger version of Caleb. She smiled warmly. “Martin! What a lovely surprise.”

  His smile was brittle. “I take it you’re Faye?”

  “Of course. Would you like to come in?”

  “Definitely,” he replied. “It’s kind of why I returned home, you know. To come in and maybe even stay here for a while. In my home.”

  “Ah… I’m sure.”

  He stepped into the foyer and looked around the great-room. “Wow, I love what you did to the place. Looks like you may have invested a lot to have it overhauled.”

  She walked toward the rustic, caramel colored leather sofa near the fireplace and sat down. “Well, if you knew me, you’d realize that I prefer only the best. Not that your things were cheap. They just weren’t my style.”

  He looked around. “Obviously not.”

  She smiled up at him apologetically. “I’m very sorry. I take it Celeste didn’t tell you that I was renting this place?”

  “No, she did not,” he said. “Which is unfortunate, because it wasn’t supposed to be available for rent.”

  “So, what are you saying, Martin? You want me to pack up and go?”

  He scratched his head and let out a ragged sigh. “Not necessarily. In fact, Celeste says such nice things about you, I’d feel like a jerk throwing you out.”

  “Then don’t put yourself in that position,” she teased.

  He sat down across from her. “Look, if you really want to keep staying here, that’s fine. I really came to find Victor.”

  “Ah… So, you’ve heard what happened.”

  “Yes, I did, and in all reality, I won’t be staying long. As soon as I kill him, I’ll probably be on my way.”

  “You’ve spoken to your sister then?”

  He nodded. “Yes and she wants him dead, too. Apparently, Victor did some horrible things to Celeste. He needs to pay for everything he’s done to my family. Lycan or not, he’s a dead man.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she said, tilting her head. “I’m not a fan of him either.”

  He grinned. “Good, because I have a proposition for you.”

  She sighed. “I had a feeling you were going to say that.”

  “Then, it should be no surprise to you then when I ask for your help.”

  “To kill Victor?”

  “Yes. Not that I can’t kill him myself. I just know that he’s part of a pack and I’d rather not face all of them alone.”

  She was silent for several seconds and then sighed. “I won’t go after him directly, but you have my support.”

  He smiled. “What does that mean, exactly?”

  “I’ll give you whatever resources that you need to execute him. I’ll even give you information. I just don’t want him to know that I’m involved.”


  “In case it doesn’t work out.”

  “Oh, it will work out.”

  “Good. Then, like I said, you have my support.”

  Martin nodded. “Very well. What about the use of some of your men? Like the giant who answered the door?”

  “Godrick? He’s my personal bodyguard. I can’t allow him to help you.”

  “You need a bodyguard? I thought you were a shape-shifter.”

  She rubbed her chin and smiled. “I’ve made a lot of enemies, Martin. It never hurts to have someone watching your back.”

  “My sentiments exactly. That’s why I could use the help with Victor. Any help.”

  She didn’t respond, only studied him quietly.

  Martin, wondering how Nikki was holding up outside, looked at his watch. “Well, it’s late and I’d really like to get some rest before I face the prick. I don’t suppose my bedroom is how I left it?”

  “You suppose right.”

  “Then I guess one of the guestrooms will have to suffice. Tell me – does Godrick occupy one of them?”

  “Yes – his is the one in the very back.”

  He stood up. “Then, if you don’t mind, I’m going to excuse myself and get some rest in the other one.”

  She nodded. “That’s fine. I heard that Victor is out of town, anyway. I’m pretty certain he took a flight to Vegas.”

  “Do you know where he might have gone in Vegas?”

  Her smile was smug. “I’m sure he went to my house.”

  “Your house?” Martin’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”

  She stood up. “Yes. It’s one of a few. I’ve been purchasing property out there for pennies on the dollar since all of those foreclosures a while back. Anyway, I’ll give you the address. But, I also have a condition.”

  “A proposition for me now? Whatever could that be?”

  She chuckled. “You knew it was coming.”

  “I had an idea,” he replied. “Okay, so what’s this proposition?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “After you’re done with him, you kill the woman he’s hiding in my house.”

  “Who is he hiding?” he asked, feigning ignorance.

  She wrinkled her nose. “A woman named Anne. Have you heard of her?”

  “No,” he lied. “I can’t say that I have.”

  “Your sister never mentioned her?”

  He walked over to the window and looked out into the darkness. “No, why would she?”

  “Because Anne was your father’s little playmate. She’s also the reason he was murdered, so, you see – she deserves to die just as much as Victor.”

  His eyes moved to the barn, where Nikki was waiting. “Then, I couldn’t agree with you more.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Nathan and Celeste sat quietly in the kitchen. He was playi
ng games on his cell phone while she stared at him, glowering.

  “So,” said Celeste after a time. “You’re a lycan now. When did this happen?”

  “Earlier today,” he replied stiffly.


  He looked up. “I was bitten by one of them.”

  “Way to go,” she replied, smirking.

  He smiled coldly. “Actually, I’d rather be one of them than a cold-hearted bitch like you.”

  “Oh, please,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “Come up with something original at least.”

  “I guess you’ve been told this many times then?”

  “You know, Martin is right. Instead of being enemies, we should at least try to get along. I mean, we’re both trying to kill Victor. We have common goals.”

  “Only when it comes to him. Otherwise, you’re just as ruthless and conniving as he is.”

  She grinned. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

  This time he rolled his eyes. “What is up with you? One minute you’re trying to kill me or someone in my family, the next you’re flirting. You’re really fucked up, aren’t you?”

  Her smile fell. “You’re a bastard. I mean, you really are, aren’t you?”

  “Whatever. Look, just don’t talk to me, okay?” he said, looking back down at his phone. “No chit-chat, no insults, and no batting your eyes at me like I’m going to fall for it again.”


  He sighed in irritation and looked up at her. “What?”

  She fluttered her eyelashes. “You fell for it before?”

  He scowled. “You know very well that I did – back when I was naïve and only interested in getting into your pants. But times have changed, sweetheart. I’m not falling for your charms again, so quit trying to play me for a fool. And, for God’s sake, quit looking at me like that!”

  “Like what?” she asked, undressing him with her eyes.

  His lips tightened. She just wouldn’t stop with the seductive shit. “Do you have any idea how pissed off I am at you? Not only have you lied to me, but you tried killing everyone I care about, including myself.”

  “I know. I’m sorry,” she answered softly.

  “You’re sorry?” he snapped. “That’s all you have to say about everything is you’re sorry?”

  “Yes,” she answered, looking at him through her lashes. “I’ve been misguided. What can I say?”

  “Say nothing and maybe we’ll get through all of this without trying to kill each other.”

  “You know, you almost killed me too. At the club.”

  “I was defending myself, so don’t throw that in my face.”

  She pulled her red curls over her shoulder and twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “You were pretty bad-assed back there. I have to admit it.”

  His lips twitched. “You think so?”

  She leaned forward. “Nathan, you were so scary, I almost wet myself.”

  “Did you hear me howl? It was so intense,” he replied, his face lighting up. “You know, I think I was born to be a lycan. I mean, you wouldn’t believe the rush I had, running through the streets. Hell, I must have been going forty miles an hour.”

  She nodded and grinned. “I definitely know what that feels like. We go pretty fast, too.”

  “I know. Even faster. But,” he smiled, “I can’t even begin to explain how fucking awesome it was. I felt like I could have kept running for miles.”

  “To tell you the truth – it might have been from digesting some of my blood.”

  His smile fell. “Yeah, maybe. Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t want it to come to that. But, you would have killed me if I wouldn’t have done it. And, deep down, I guess I kind of knew that you’d pull through pretty quickly.”

  “I wouldn’t have killed you, Nathan,” she replied, staring at him. “I would have stopped before going that far. I just… I don’t know.” Celeste turned her eyes away. “Look, you’re right. I’m messed up. I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. Ever since Martin left and daddy started spending so much time with your mom, I just felt like I was so alone.”

  “So, what, you turned to Faye?”

  She looked back at him. “Faye, as crazy and frightening as she can be, has been very supportive and kind. That’s why it’s hard for me to actually deceive her.”

  “You’re not going to stand in the way of us trying to do what we have to do, are you?”

  She smiled grimly. “I’m going to stay out of the way. I mean, if Duncan is being held at Martin’s by Faye, I’m not going to interfere. But, if one of you tried killing her, I don’t really know what I’d do. She’s been like a mother to me.”

  “You must be the only person she cares about,” he replied.

  She shrugged. “Maybe. Well, besides Ethan. Her feelings for him are a little out there, though. She is obsessed with him.”

  “He’s dead though, right?”

  “Like I said before, I really don’t know.”

  “Now that Drake is dead, he can’t tell us either,” replied Nathan.

  “Guess not.” She looked around the kitchen. “So, this is Duncan’s place, huh?”

  “Yes. Sonny’s and Duncan’s. It was Sonny’s. Which reminds me,” his eyes narrowed. “Did you kill Sonny?”

  “Sonny? No. That was Faye. She killed him and all of those other girls in town.”

  “Because of Ethan?”

  She nodded. “Anyone who resembled Miranda – Faye wanted them all dead. Or, anyone else Ethan seemed interested in.”

  “What’s the story about Miranda, anyway?”

  “From what I understand, Miranda was married to Ethan back when he was a mortal. But then, Ethan was seduced by some vampire, I guess.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You mean charmed?”

  “Probably,” she replied. “Anyway, the vampire bonded with him, and then disappeared. When she left, Ethan said he snapped out of it, and felt really guilty.”

  “Did Miranda find out that he’d turned into a vampire?”

  “She killed herself. I’m sure that’s why.”

  Nathan’s eyes widened. “Whoa, really? She committed suicide?”

  She nodded. “Yes and then, I guess, some fortune-teller or psychic told Ethan that Miranda would return someday. That he should watch for her to step back into his life and try to make amends.

  “As in reincarnation?”

  “Probably. That’s what he told Faye.”

  He scratched his head. “Wow, no wonder he was obsessed with finding her. Still, I don’t feel sorry for him. He betrayed Nikki. And you… you betrayed me, too.”

  “Nathan, I never made any promises of any kind and I don’t recall actually betraying you.”

  “What are you talking about? You were going to change me into a Roamer.”

  She sighed. “A bad judgment. If you remember, I did change my mind.”

  He snorted. “Oh, yeah, and you tried to kill me instead.”

  “You sure hold grudges.” She stood up and walked over to him. “But, I don’t.”

  He looked up at her. “What are you doing?”

  She stepped behind him and put her hands on his shoulders. “Nathan, you’re so tense.” She began rubbing them. “You need to relax and let go of all the negative thoughts.”

  He stiffened up. “Get your hands off of me,” he said, trying to shake her off.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Nathan,” she pouted. “For one thing, Martin would kill me. For another, every time I’m around you, I just want to touch you. I can’t seem to help myself.”

  “I noticed. The last time you tried touching me with your teeth,” he snapped.

  She giggled. “Oh, you big goof.”

  He stood up and moved away from Celeste. He pointed at her. “I’m warning you – don’t come near me.”

  Her eyes lowered to his zipper and she smiled in pleasure. “Looks like you enjoy it when I touch you, too.”

  He stepped behind the counter. “Don’t wa
ste your breath. I’m never thinking with that head again. I know what you’re like and messing around with you would be suicide.”

  “But, don’t you remember how much fun we had?” She lifted the sweater over her head and tossed it to the floor.

  His eyes flew to her shiny black pushup bra. “Victoria’s Secret?” he asked hoarsely.

  She gave him a flirty smile and reached for the front clasp. “It can also be Nathan and Celeste’s secret,” she replied, opening it.

  Staring at her breasts, he felt himself begin to slip. She was like heroin – a seductive killer with needle-like fangs. Lurid thoughts rushed through his mind and he sucked in his breath.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, smiling wickedly. “Go ahead, touch them.”

  He tried backing away, but the kitchen suddenly felt small and confining. “Just… put those things away!”

  “But, you used to love playing with them,” she pouted again, walking around the counter. She unzipped her black cargo pants and pushed them down to her ankles while he watched, frozen. Soon she was standing in front of him with nothing but black satin panties.

  “They’re crotch-less,” she whispered, turning around. She bent over the counter and then looked at him over her shoulder, her smile feral and seductive. “Take me, Nathan. I’ll keep my hands on the counter and you can have your way with me.”

  His heart was pounding in his chest.

  She spread her legs farther apart, exposing her most intimate place. “I miss you, Nathan. I miss all of you.”

  A fuse went off in his head. “You’re an evil bitch,” he growled, stepping behind her.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  William quietly left Victor and Anne alone together in the master bedroom.

  “Where have you been, Galen?” she asked politely. As usual, he was dressed in an expensively-tailored suit, and his white hair was pulled back into a ponytail. When they’d been married, his fashion had consisted of sweaters and jeans, ones that she’d picked out for him.

  Ignoring the fact that she still called him by his middle name, he walked over to a cream-colored recliner sitting by the reading nook, and sank down into it. “Oh, here and there,” he replied, crossing a leg over his knee. He smirked. “Why, did you miss me, darling?”


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