Brutal (A Real Man, 11)

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Brutal (A Real Man, 11) Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  He shifted back and I sucked in a lungful of air.

  “I fucking love you.” He looked into my eyes. “You’ll never understand how much I care about you, and what I’d do for you.”

  This was my life.

  Axel was everything I wanted.

  He was everything that was good and perfect in my life.

  Every time he sank into me, pushed another inch into my body, Axel owned me.

  I felt my breasts shake from the force of his thrusting, felt the air tease my skin, kissing it, tormenting it.

  “You see how this feels?”

  I could only nod.

  “This is how it’s supposed to be.” He groaned out those words.

  Feeling erotic and wanton, I lifted up, using my elbows to brace my upper body on the mattress, and watched his cock move in and out of me. He shifted so I could see better… so he could see better.

  His dick was long and thick, and when he pulled almost all the way out, I saw the glossiness of my arousal coating the length.

  “Tell me how much you like watching this, how much you like seeing the product of your desire for me coating my cock.”

  “I love it all, Axel.”

  He shifted a little more so he was on his knees, grabbed my hips, and pulled me down, using my body to thrust in deep.

  “Touch me,” I begged.

  “God, Roxie, baby girl, you’re killing me here.” He stilled his thrusting, and reached between our bodies. He ran his thumbs along my pussy lips, gently, softly.

  “More,” I pleaded.

  He pulled my lips apart, exposing the inner pink of my pussy.

  “You like that, baby?”

  I could only nod.

  Axel moved his thumbs lower until he had them right by my pussy hole, the digits stroking, teasing.

  “I can’t hold off. This is torment.” He had his hands on my waist again. He dug his fingers into my hips, bruises most likely forming, a testament of his passion, ones I wanted to wear.

  “Don’t hold back,” I all but cried, needing that friction.

  As if my words sparked him on, Axel grabbed my hips and started pushing in and pulling out of me faster, harder. “Every fucking part of you belongs to me, only me. Understand?”

  I loved the arrogance, the proprietary attitude coming from him.

  “Good,” was all I managed to say.

  “Say my name, Roxie.”

  “Axel,” I cried out as pleasure consumed me.

  The sound of his cock moving in and out of my pussy filled the room. It was dirty and erotic, so fucking incredible, and I probably could have gotten off from that alone.

  I wanted to tell him I was so close to coming, that I was right on the precipice of it all, but I couldn’t form the words.

  I watched in this daze as he leaned back, placed his thumb on my clit, and rubbed that bud back and forth. I was so wet his actions were seamless, so fluid in their motions.

  But he watched me, his focus right on my face as he touched me.

  “Come on, Roxie, baby. Let go for me. Let me feel your pussy clench around my cock.”

  It was as if his words were all I needed to push me over that edge.

  And I came for him. Hard.

  Grunts and groans left him.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come.”

  “Don’t stop.” I’d die if he stopped right now. I was surprised I could say anything through my ecstasy.

  He groaned harshly. “No fucking way will I stop.” A gust of air left him as he exhaled. “I love you so much, Roxie, so fucking much it hurts.” He thrust in deep. “We were made for each other.” He leaned back and looked at where we were connected. “I was born to be with you.”

  God. I was going to come again from his words alone.

  He looked back at me, and I could see his control was gone.

  I opened my mouth, the air stilling around me. “I’m coming again.”

  “Yeah, baby. So fucking good.” The tension in his voice was clear.

  I felt my inner muscles clamp down hard on him, my pleasure riding up, that ending so close. We both moaned, the heat in the room increasing, our skin sticky, pressing together. He started fucking me faster. The sensations, feelings, consumed me.

  “Fuck, God, yes.” He slammed into me harder. “You want me to fill you up, make you take all of me, all of my cum?”

  “Yes,” I cried out, my orgasm washing over me like a tidal wave, taking me under, pulling me further down so I couldn’t breathe.

  And then he tensed and I knew he was coming right along with me.

  His huge tattooed body went rigid above me, and this deep, almost guttural sound left him.

  “Fucking hell, yes baby, yes.”

  I swore I felt his dick pumping his seed into me, making me take all of him, filling me up.

  It was long seconds before his body finally relaxed. Axel rested his full weight on me, and I sank into the mattress, loving the heavy fullness I felt.

  “All I want to do is stay like this, to have you like this, with me, always.”

  He sighed, this pleasant noise that went right through me.

  “Me too, baby.” He rolled off me, the air filling my lungs, but this sense of loss consuming me too.

  He pulled me in close, our sweaty bodies pressed together, our hearts beating as one.

  Axel wrapped a muscular arm around my waist, keeping my back snug to his chest. I felt the steady, fast beat of his heart through my skin. It matched the rapid beat of my own.

  I felt his cum start to slip from my body, the warmth reminding me of what we shared. I shifted on the bed slightly, turning so I could look at him. He had this aroused glint in his eyes, this knowledge that I knew he was fully aware of what was slipping from my body.

  Maybe we should have been more careful, used protection, gotten on birth control pills before this, or at the very least had him pull out. But I trusted Axel. We were both virgins, and I knew if I did end up getting pregnant, he’d be with me every step of the way.

  Before I knew what he was doing, he had his hand between my legs. I gasped, my sensitivity there, but my desire stronger.

  “This is mine always.”

  I licked my lips, a shiver working its way through me. He smoothed his fingers through my folds, teased my clit, but then pulled his hand from between my thigh before I knew what was happening again.

  I braced my elbow on the bed, rising up and placing my mouth on his. I’d never get enough.

  Looking at him told me everything would be fine, that whatever we went through would be worth it in the end.

  “I didn’t even know what love was until you came into my life, until I realized we were meant to be together. I may not ever have said anything to you, but you were it for me.” He cupped my cheek. “It’s always been you, Roxie. It’ll always be you.” Axel pulled me closer, his big body this blanket of warmth and protectiveness.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  We rested our foreheads together. I was still in awe that my big boxer, the man who’d been my best friend for ages, the one person I wanted to spend my life with, loved me.

  “I won’t let you go.”

  “Good, because I don’t want you to let me go. Not ever.”

  “Move in with me, Roxie. Be in my life always.”

  Although I’d always wanted to keep myself distant in a romantic sense with Axel, that had been because he didn’t act like he desired me the way I did him. I’d worried he’d wanted just a friendship, and I’d been fine with that.

  I didn’t want to cause myself that pain.

  This was different though. He loved me. I loved him, and we would be together.

  “Are you sure that’s something you want, that it’s not too fast?”

  He crushed me to him, the air leaving me, his body tense against mine.

  “I’ve been waiting a lifetime for this moment. It seems like it hasn’t come soon enough.”

  I didn’t hold back my smile. I spea
red my hands in his hair, pulling his head back so I could look into his eyes, knowing there wasn’t anywhere else I’d rather be. “Yes, I want that, Axel.”

  The grin he sported stretched across his face, his happiness as potent as mine.

  “God, I love you, Roxie.” He kissed me. “You’re mine.”

  I didn’t want it any other way.



  I took a step back and watched as Axel and a few of the other guys from the gym helped carry in numerous boxes. Over the weekend I’d packed up my shit, moved out of my roommate’s place, and was now here with Axel.

  To say this wasn’t a whirlwind of activity, emotion, and a bit of confusion on my part was an understatement.

  “Where do you want this?” one of the guys asked.

  “In the bedroom.” I felt my face flush at the idea of sharing a room with Axel and everyone knowing about it.

  It had been nearly a month since he’d asked me to move in. I’d made sure to give my roommate notice, but she’d seemed more than happy about the change of places. In fact, I was pretty sure she’d wanted this just so her boyfriend could move in.

  So I guess it worked for both of us on all fronts.

  “Hey, you,” Axel said from behind me, and I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me into the hardness of his chest.

  I didn’t hesitate to lean back against him. I was sweaty and dirty from moving all day, but I loved having him touch me, even if I did need a shower.

  “This is still kind of weird, isn’t it?” I asked Axel, smiling at one of the guys who was carrying in a large box.

  “No,” he said very seriously, turning me around and cupping my face. “This is perfection falling into place.”

  I stared into his face, then looked down to his body, stared at the tattoos that peeked out from under his white T-shirt, feeling the strength coming from him. He was so strong, so powerful, but with me he showed a gentler side, one that made me feel like I was the only woman for him.

  “That’s because you are. You always have been.”

  I hadn’t realized I’d spoken those thoughts aloud until I heard his words. I smiled, unable to say anything because my emotions were just too pronounced.

  This was the first day of our lives, the stepping-stone that would define our future. There was nothing I wanted more than to spend my life with Axel.

  Another hour and the guys left, allowing Axel and me to be alone, to actually let this sink in.

  We went over to the couch, sat down, and although a shower would have been glorious right then, I just wanted to bask in the moment, just wanted Axel to keep his arm around me, and to let it sink in that this was really happening.

  “I hope you’re sure about this, baby.” His voice was low, deep, but there was that gentleness I’d come to expect from him.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything else.”

  “Good, because you’re mine and I’m not letting you go.”


  A few weeks later

  I searched the crowd for my girl, but the crush of bodies surrounding the ring was enormous. I’d seen her just ten minutes ago, but that wasn’t good enough. I needed to see her constantly, to feel her beside me, in my heart, in my life.

  And then the crowd shifted and I saw her by the ring, Hunter, one of the boxers from the gym, was standing behind her. He was a big fucker but loyal, and when I asked him to watch out for her while she watched me, he had been onboard. It was a little piece of relief for me.

  I started bouncing on the balls of my feet, working my muscles, warming them. I had a hoodie on, the material blocking out my face partially.

  “You ready?” Johansson, one of the trainers, asked me. He clapped me on the back, and I nodded.

  With Roxie here I could defeat anyone and anything. She was my strength.

  I turned and headed to the back rooms, went to my locker, and pulled out the small box tucked inside my bag. An engagement ring. It was a materialistic promise to her that I’d always be loyal, always love her, and never let her down.

  I tucked the ring back in my bag, not sure if I’d have the balls to do what needed done.

  She was it for me, and I was going to show her for the rest of my life how true that was.

  I knew she loved me, but the real question was… would she say yes?


  The question

  I stared at Roxie as she ordered her food. Hell, I could have watched her all day, starved to death, had the entire world pass me by, because I was more focused on her than anything else.

  “And a bottle of your most expensive wine.” It wasn’t like I knew shit about wine anyway, and we weren’t at some posh restaurant, but for where we were, I wanted to make this special.

  I took her out as often as I could, because showing her off, actually being able to have my hands on her, keeping her close and letting everyone know she was mine, was a fucking gift I wasn’t going to miss out on.

  Roxie smiled at me, and I could see the teasing note in her expression.

  “You don’t even like wine,” she said and reached for her water.

  “Yeah, I don’t, not really, but wine makes things more romantic, right?”

  She smiled again, and it was so damn sweet.

  I reached out and took her hand in mine. I didn’t know how in the fuck I was going to do this right now, but I knew what I wanted to do.

  I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this woman, wanted to have a family with her, give her everything she deserved.

  So, without wasting any more time, I rose up, moved around the table, and got down on one knee in front of her. She covered her mouth with a hand and glanced around, probably seeing all the people now staring at us. I felt their gazes on us, but that was okay. I wanted them to know, for everyone to know that I wanted to make this commitment with this woman.

  I reached into my pocket, grabbed the little black box, and held it up.

  In my head I’d seen this exact moment a million times, the outcome perfect, the setup like it had been written just for us. But the truth was I was scared as fuck, not even sure she was ready for this.

  I’d been ready since I knew I loved her more than anything else, and I wanted to tell her that, show her that for the rest of my life.


  I don’t know why I was so surprised at this situation. I knew Axel loved me, and I knew he wanted to marry me. He’d told me plenty of times since we made it official between us.

  But seeing him on his knee, the black box in front of him, this look of pure devotion in his eyes as he stared at me, I was thrown for a loop.

  “Roxie Isabella Crater, you are the only good and right thing in this world, the only person who means anything to me.”

  I held my breath as I listened to Axel, very aware that everyone in the restaurant was watching us. Even the waiter who was bringing us the wine was standing a few feet back, giving Axel space to do this.

  “I’ve known you for longer than I can remember, and you’ve been the most important person in my life. Without you I cease to be anything, to breathe, be alive. Without you I’m not a man. I’m not anything.”

  I was crying now, big fat tears rolling down my cheeks, splashing onto my hands, which I had in tight fists on my lap. He opened the box, and the most beautiful ring was inside, the light catching the diamonds, sending a thousand little flickers into the open air.

  The breath I’d been holding left me, rushing out of my lungs on this wave, like it was crashing against the shore.

  “I want you to be my wife, the mother of my children.” He took the ring out and held it up. “I need the other half of my soul by me always. Will you marry me, Roxie?”

  I wiped the tears away, but they kept falling. I was so damn happy, so ecstatic that this piece in the puzzle had finally fallen into place. I’d been dreaming of this moment since I was a girl, and I looked into Axel’s eyes, knowing he was the only boy I ever wanted to ma

  “Yes,” I said before I knew what I was doing. The smile he gave me was brighter than the diamond he was now putting on my finger.

  He pulled me up, holding me to his hard body, and everyone in the restaurant cheered for us.

  “I’m going to make you the happiest woman in the world,” he whispered against my ear.

  I pulled back, cupping his face in my hands, and said, “You already have.”



  Two years later

  I always got this rush of energy, this adrenaline boost when I knew my girl—my wife—was watching me. I dodged the punch and delivered an uppercut before my opponent could react. He went down like a ton of fucking bricks.

  The crowd went wild, absolutely insane, and I loved it. I sucked that shit in. I felt myself get more pumped up because of it.

  I breathed hard, my chest rising and falling, my body heating, and my heart racing. Glancing over at Roxie, I saw that her smile was wide. My girl was happy I’d won.

  I’d put two big motherfuckers on either side of her. If she insisted on coming to the fights when she was seven months pregnant with our son, I didn’t want any fuckers to mess with her.

  I let the rush of the crowd, my trainer, my fellow fighters, all congratulate me. But my focus was on the one person who meant more to me than life itself. I stared at Roxie, held her gorgeous gaze with mine, and made sure she knew that no matter what, even amid chaos, she was what I focused on.

  I pushed past everyone, made my way out of the ring, and embraced my girl. She was mine, always would be, always had been.

  The feel of her rounded belly pressing against me had my heart racing. God, I loved her, so fucking much it hurt.

  When I pulled back, I cupped her face, leaned down, and kissed her. She was the reason I lived, why I breathed.

  Without Roxie I was nothing, and I’d prove that to her every single day for the rest of my life.


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