by Edward Ball
“marooning cottage” … in 1799: Jane Ball to John Ball Jr., 30 Nov 1798; Jane Ball to John Ball Jr., 2 Apr 1799, BP-SCHS.
Maps: Plantations on the Cooper River, South Carolina, belonging to the Ball family, here; map by Tim Belshaw Limerick, Kensington, Hyde Park & Quenby Plantations, here; map by Tim Belshaw
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Act for the Better Ordering and Governing of Negroes, see Negro Act
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adonis (ancestor of Katie Heyward)
Adonis (valet to John Ball)
Africans: African Americans and ancient; on Comingtee houses of; importation to South Carolina of; kidnap and sale of; purchased by Balls; rice cultivation by; as slave dealers; traditional medicine of
Afro-American Historical Genealogical Society
Akin, James
Akin, Thomas
Akinfield plantation
Alabama people
American Anti-Slavery Society
American Revolution; antislavery movement and; black Loyalists in; John Ball in; John Laurens in; plantation system weakened by; Tories in
American Slavery As It Is (Weld)
Amoco Chemical Corporation
Amy (daughter of London and Dinah)
Amy (from Strawberry plantation)
Anglican Church
see also Episcopalians
Angola Amy
Apalache people
Apollo Theatre
Appleby, George
Argent, Peter
Arista Records
Articles of Confederation
Asante kingdom
Ashepoo plantation
Ashley Cooper, Lord
Atlanta University
Austin, Ann Ball
Austin, George
Austin, George Jr.
Austin & Laurens
Avery Normal Institute
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Back River plantation
Bailey, Betty
Bailey, Flora
Bailey, Joe
Bailey, Lucretia
Bakongo people
Balfour, James
Ball, Alwyn
Ball, Alwyn Jr.
Ball, Amelia Waring
Ball, Ann Louise
Ball, Ann Simons (Captain Nancy)
Ball, Anna Channing
Ball, Bennett
Ball, Caroline Olivia
Ball, Carrie Redmond
Ball, Catherine Gaillard
Ball, Catherine Gendron
Ball, Charles
Ball, Denise
Ball, Edith
Ball, Edward
Ball, Eleanor
Ball, Elias (1676–1751; Red Cap) arrival in America of; birth of; birth of children of, Charleston townhouse of; childhood of; coat of arms of; death of; family background of; inheritance of; Laurens and; marriages of; portrait of; rice cultivation by; and runaways; sexual liaison of slave and; slaves bought by; during Stono Uprising; in Yamasee War
Ball, Elias Jr. (1709–86; Second Elias), death of; furniture collection of; horses bred by; Kensington purchased by; Limerick purchased by; marriage of; portrait of; during Revolutionary War; runaways and; slaves bought by; St. James tract of; uprisings and
Ball, Elias III (1752–1810; Old Mas’ ‘Lias); death of; portrait of; during Revolutionary War; as rice baron; sexual liaison of slave and; on slave patrol; in South Carolina Society
Ball, Elias (1848–1913)
Ball, Elias Nonus
Ball, Elias Octavus
Ball, Eliza C. (1864–1951)
Ball, Eliza Catharine Poyas
Ball, Elizabeth (1746–87)
Ball, Elizabeth Bryan
Ball, Elizabeth Harleston
Ball, Esther McClellan
Ball, Fitzpatrick
Ball, Hugh Swinton (1808–38)
Ball, Hugh Swinton (1836–1900)
Ball, I. G.
Ball, Isaac (1754–76)
Ball, Isaac (1785–1825)
Ball, Isaac (1844–1933; the Confederate); birth of; in Civil War; marriage of; P. Henry Martin and sharecropping and
Ball, Jacqueline
Ball, James Austin
Ball, Jane
Ball, Janet Rowley
Ball, John (14th-century English clergyman)
Ball, John (1760–1817)
Ball, John (1825–52)
Ball, John (1846–97)
Ball, John Jr. (1782–1834)
Ball, John Coming (1714–64)
Ball, John Coming (1758–92)
Ball, John Coming (1848–1926)
Ball, Joseph M.
Ball, Judith
Ball, Julia Cart
Ball, Keating S.
Ball, Lucilla
Ball, Luther
Ball, Lydia C. (1816–58)
Ball, Lydia C. (1873–1935)
Ball, Lydia Chicken
Ball, Maria Louisa Gibbs
Ball, Martha
Ball, Martha Caroline Swinton (Buzzard Wing)
Ball, Mary
Ball, Mary Delamare
Ball, Mary Gibbs
Ball, Mary Louisa Moultrie
Ball, Mary W.
Ball, Moses Dent
Ball, N. I., & Son
Ball, Nathaniel Ingraham
Ball, Pinckney
Ball, Robert
Ball, Sarah
Ball, Susan Magdalene Porter
Ball, Theodore Porter
Ball, Theodore Porter Jr. (Ted)
Ball, Wambaw Elias
Ball, William
Ball, William Jr.
Ball, William James (1787–1868)
Ball, William James (1821–91)
Ball, William James Jr. (1842–80; Willie)
Ball, William Moultrie
Ball Supply Company
Baltimore Afro-American
Beecher, Henry Ward
Beecher, Col. James
Belle Isle plantation
Ben, Daddy
Benham, Gen. H. W.
Bennett, Jeremiah
Bennett, Mackie
Bennett, Thomas
Berlin, University of
Bible; Exodus; Lamentations; Leviticus; Psalms
Binah (ancestor of Katie Heyward)
Binah (domestic slave of John Ball)
Black Awareness Coordinating Committee
Black Panther Party
Blessing, The, plantation
Bluff, The, plantation
Book of Common Prayer
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Bragg, Laura M.
Brewton, Miles
Brewton & Smith
Brick House plantation
Briggs v. Elliott (1950)
Brown, Edward
Brown, John
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)
Brown University
Brunei, E., School of Photography
Bryan, Lydia Ball
Bryant, Ellen Lucas
Buck Hall plantation
Buel, Don Carlos
Bull, Elias Ball
r /> Bull, Francis
Bull, William
Buller, Jenny
Bunce Island
Burke High School
Butler, Gen. Benjamin
Calhoun, John C.
Cameron, Simon
Campbell, Lord William
Campbell Minstrels
Camp Vere plantation
Capitol Records
Carolina Gold rice
Catawba people
Catherine (Kate)
Catholic Church
Cedar Hill plantation
Chambers, John
Charles I, King of England
Charles II, King of England
Charles V, King of Spain
Charleston City Council
Charleston Colored Industrial School
Charleston Library Society
Charleston Museum
Charleston Work House
Cherokee people
Cherokee Trail
Cherry Hill plantation
Chicago Art Institute
Chicken, Catherine
Chicken, George
Child, James
Chloe (murder victim)
Chloe (Plenty’s wife)
Choctaw people
Chiriqui Improvement Company
Christianity; see also specific denominations
Civil Air Patrol
civil rights
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Civil War; Buck Hall burned in; emancipation of slaves at end of; events leading to; Isaac Ball in; outbreak of; Philip Lucas in; plantation records destroyed during
Clinton, Henry
Coates, Col.
College of Charleston
Collins, Denise
Coming, Affra Harleston
Coming, John
Coming’s T estate, see also Comingtee plantation
Comingtee Corporation
Comingtee plantation; during American Revolution; Angola Amy at; births on; during Civil War; Elias Ball’s arrival on; emancipation of slaves on; floggings on; Katie Heyward’s ancestors on; Native slaves on; origins of; payments to slaves on; rice cultivation on; runaways from; Sawmill village and; sexual relations with slaves on; sharecroppers on; slave cemetery on; slave patrols on; uprising and
Commission on Indian Affairs
Compromise Tariff (1833)
Congress, U.S.
Constitution, U.S.
Constitutional Convention
Continental Congress
Cook, Daniel
Cook, Kenneth
Cornwallis, Gen. Charles Lord
Coromantee people
Council of Safety
Court of Magistrates and Freeholders
coverture, rule of
Coweta people
Cox, Gen. Jacob
Creek people
Cromwell, Oliver
Crowder, Thomas
Cupid (Dolly’s son)
Cypress Grove plantation
Daniel, Capt.
Daniel, Robert
Davis, Jefferson
Dean Hall plantation
Deas, Ann Ball
Deas, Elias Horry
Deas, Larry
Declaration of Independence
Declaratory Act (1766)
DeCosta, Herbert
Democratic Party
Dent, Abby
Dent, Amy
Dent, Marcus
Devonshire (field hand)
Diana (field hand)
Diana (laundress)
Dinah (Dye)
Dingle, Edward von Siebold (Peter)
Dingle, Marie Ball
Dockum plantation
Dolly (executed for murder)
Dolly (mistress of Red Cap)
Douglas, Aaron
Douglass, Frederick
Dow Chemical
Drayton Hall plantation
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
Du Bois, W.E.B.
Dunmore, John Murray, Earl of
Dunn, Charlotte
DuPont, Flag Officer Samuel F.
East Cooper and Berkeley Railroad
Edisto people
Egwu, Chiemeka
Egwu, Sylvester
Elfe, Thomas
Ellis Island
Elmore v. Rice (1947)
Elwood plantation
Emancipation Proclamation
England, Sarah Roper
English Civil War
Enlightenment, the
Etiwan people
Evans, Gen. Nathan G. (Shanks)
Fayall, Frank
Ferris Pell v. E. O. Ball
Ficken, Julia Ball
Finklea, Thomas
Fish Pond plantation
Fisk University
Fleming, Giovanni
Fleming, Ray Maith
Fleming, Tina De Fazio
Fordham, Sonya
Ford Motor Company
Franck, Rachel
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, William Temple
Fraser & Trenholm
Frayer, Emily Marie
Frayer, Eugene
Frayer, Eugene Jr.
Frayer, Helen
Freedmen’s Bureau
Frelinghuysen, Joseph
Frémont, Gen. John Charles
French and Indian War
French Protestants, see Huguenots
French Revolution
Fugitive Slave Law
Fula people
Fundamental Constitutions
Gadsden, B-Boy
Gadsden, Belle
Gadsden, Celia Ann
Gadsden, Celia Blake
Gadsden, Daniel (Bubba)
Gadsden, Martha
Gadsden, Penny
Gadsden, Sing
Gadsden, Thomas
Gaillard, William
Gantlett, George
Garden, Alexander
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gell, Monday
Gentry, Alison
Gentry, Mae Whitlock
Gentry, Sylvia
George (Stono Uprising plotter)
George (tailor)
George III, King of England
Georgia State University
Germans, ancient
Gibbs, Dorothy Dame
Gibbs, Frederick
Gibbs, Isaac B.
Gibbs, John
Gibbs, John E.
Gibbs, Maria Louisa Poyas
Gibbs, Mathurin Guerin
Girault, Jane Kemp
Glebe plantation
Glen, James
Glorious Revolution
Godfrey, Capt. Caleb
Goodson, Carolyn Smalls
Goodson, James
Goodson, Michael
Goodson, Randall
Gough, Richard
Grand Council of Charleston
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S.
Greeks, ancient
Green, Stephen
Grey, Capt.
Grimké, Angelina
Grimké, John F.
Grimké, Sarah
Gullah dialect
Hagood, Gen. Johnson
Halidon Hill plantation
Hamilton, James
Hampton, Gen. Wade
Harleston, Edwin A. (Teddy)
Harleston, Edwin Gaillard
Harleston, Elise Forrest
Harleston, Elizabeth Willis
Harleston, John
Harleston, Katherine
Harleston, Louisa Moultrie
Harleston, Marie Forrest
Harleston, Robert
Harleston, William
Harper’s Ferry, raid on
Harvard University; Business School
Hawkins, John
Hayne, Robert Y.
Haynes, Tony
Hemings, Sally
Hepburn, Katharine
Hetty, Maum
Heyward, Katie (Bright Ma)
Heyward, Zachariah
Hinds, Peter
Holland, Edmund
Holy Comforter Reformed Episcopal Church
Holy Roman Empire
Hood Company
Horry, Daniel
Horry, Elias
House of Representatives, U.S.
Howard University
Huchenson, Mary
Huger, Alfred
Huger, Benjamin
Huger, Daniel
Huger, Daniel Jr.
Huger, Hannah Harleston
Hut, The, plantation
Huzzie, Mae
Hyde Park plantation; during Civil War; emancipation of slaves on; mixed-race child from; during Revolutionary War
lgbo Clarinda
lgbo people
Imitation of Life (movie)
indentured servants
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
lrishtown plantation
Jackson, Andrew
James II, King of England
Jay, John
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffrey (field hand)
Jeffrey (Priscilla’s partner)
Jemmy (runaway)
Jemmy (Stono Uprising leader)
Jenkins, Carl
Jenkins, Daniel
Jericho plantation
Jews; ancient; Sephardic; in South Carolina Society
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Nathaniel
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Rosa Martin
Johnson, Samuel
Johnston, Gideon
Johnston, Gen. Joseph E.
Jones, Jimmy
Judy (Angola Amy’s daughter)
Judy (Angola Amy’s granddaughter)
Kecklico plantation
Kensington plantation; emancipation of slaves on; medicine on; mulattoes on; during Revolutionary War; sexual relations with slaves on; slave cemetery on
Kiawah people
Kid Field plantation
King, Boston
King, Luzena Frayer
King, Martin Luther Jr.
King, Violet
Kipling, Rudyard
Kohner, Susan
Kono people
Ku Klux Klan
Kusso people
Ladson, Carrie Nesbitt
Ladson, Frank
LaSalle, Jane