Renascence: Death Dealers MC Book 5

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Renascence: Death Dealers MC Book 5 Page 17

by Alana Sapphire

  “For your threesome.” He smirks, knowing my anger is dissipating.

  “You asked her?”


  “And she said yes?”

  I observe her, wondering why she’d agree to have sex with me. She’s gorgeous. Or is she just willing to put up with me in order to get to Venom?

  “Yeah. She likes you.”

  “She likes me?” My brows shoot up in disbelief.

  “Emily.” His hands drop to my shoulders. “You’re hot. To both men and women. In case you didn’t notice, most of my brothers hit on you last night.”

  “I figured they were just messing with you.’

  “No, they weren’t. Even Tek unglued his nose from his computer screen for you.”

  “Oh.” I sigh, realizing I once again allowed my insecurities to create issues where there aren’t any. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize, darlin’. It’s okay.”

  “It’s not. I’m sorry. Sorry for being….” I shrug. “Me.”

  “This isn’t you. I’m sure the real you will show herself soon.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Come on. I’ll introduce you to Marisol.”

  The woman smiles at me as we approach her. I avert my gaze, horrified at how this feels like an interview… for a sex partner.

  “Emily, Marisol. Marisol, meet Emily.”

  “Hi, Emily. Venom’s told me a little about you, about what you want.”

  Jesus. I hope she can’t tell how mortified I am. “And… you’re okay with that?”

  “More than okay. I saw you the other night and thought you were cute. I was a little surprised, but definitely up for it.”

  “You’ve done this before?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been with girls. I’ve had threesomes, too… another girl, two guys.” She gives me a devilish smile. “Two girls.”

  “Information overload, Marisol,” Venom cuts in, chuckling. “Don’t scare her off.”

  “Well, you know where I stand, sweetie. Let me know.”

  She walks off, swinging her hips. My eyes are glued to her retreating back, wondering if I could go through with this. At least she’s pretty. Prettier than me. A better body. What if we get to the bedroom and Venom sees that next to her, I don’t stack up? I’m really going to have to weigh my options on this one.

  Venom takes my hand, leading me to the other side of the room. He drops down on the couch, settling me on his lap. “Did you have fun today?”

  “I did. I hung out with Raven, Chrissy, and Ellen. They’re awesome.”

  “Good. Listen, a bunch of us are going to a MMA match tomorrow. Wanna go? The girls will be there.”

  “I’d love to,” I answer, not needing time to think. I’ve only seen those fights on TV, but I’m not really interested in that. I get to be with Venom and that’s all that matters.

  He squeezes my thigh, his palm sliding impossibly close to my pussy. I gasp, eyes going wide as he leans closer, voice low and husky.

  “I didn’t get to taste your sweet pussy last night, Em. That’s not happening tonight.”

  “What’s happening?” I whisper.

  “I’m going to take you home, tie you to my bed, and bury my face between your thighs.”

  I shift, curling my arms around his shoulders. “Then what?”

  “Then….” His fingers make circles on my thigh. Even through my jeans I can feel the heat of his touch. “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t move.”

  “Like every other night?” I smirk.


  “Maybe we should go. Now.”

  He grips my thigh, fingers pressing into my flesh. “You need to get fucked, Em?”

  “Yes,” I answer, unable to breathe. “By you.”

  His hold tightens, but I barely feel it. The sexual tension between us is tangible; I swear anyone could reach out and touch it. My heart is hammering in my chest, palms sweaty with anticipation.

  “Say your goodbyes, Em. Make it quick.”

  I slide off his lap, heading back to where the ladies are by the bar.

  “We know, you’re leaving.” Ellen giggles.

  “How do you know?”

  “Are you kidding? We saw that eye-fuck fest over there,” Raven says. “You two are hot.”

  I blush, throwing a helpless glance over my shoulder at Venom.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll get over that embarrassment soon enough. These men aren’t exactly shy,” Chrissy chimes in.

  “You’re lucky he hasn’t tossed you over his shoulder yet.”

  When Ellen speaks, Raven high-fives her. “Been there.”

  They all laugh, putting me at ease. “I gotta go, but thanks for today. I’ll see you all tomorrow at the fight.”

  “Bye, Emily,” they chorus, wiggling their fingers, moaning, and making kissing sounds.

  I grab my shopping bag from the bar, hurrying back to Venom before I die of humiliation. We leave the clubhouse, making it to his house in record time. Just like Ellen said, he throws me over his shoulder, slapping my ass on his way to the door.


  “I told you to be quick.”

  “I was!” I protest.

  “Not quick enough.”

  The door is kicked closed behind us. Striding with purpose to the bedroom, he tosses me on the bed, pinning my arms above my head. His lips descend, crushing mine in a bruising kiss. Moaning, I open to let him in. Our tongues tangle, his taste of beer, cigar, and mint heightening my senses. His lips move down, my back arching from the bearded kisses on my neck. One hand secures my wrists while the other undoes the button on my jeans.


  “Why?” He groans, pressing his crotch to mine.

  “Shower… first,” I get out between pants, thoughts of what he said he wanted to do to me running through my mind.

  “Seriously?” He stares down at me in disbelief. “I need you now, Emily.”

  “I promise I won’t be long.”

  “Fine,” he gives in, rolling to the bed.

  I hurry to the bathroom, leaving him staring up at the ceiling. I keep my promise, out in only a few minutes. The room is empty. I throw on one of his T-shirts, foregoing the sexy lingerie since I’ll be naked in the next couple of seconds. He’s not in the living room or kitchen, so I try his office next. Standing in the doorway, I watch him. He’s punching away on a calculator, checking his results against something on his computer screen. When he finally notices me, he closes the laptop and rises to his feet. I step inside, once again looking over the certificates on his wall. I’m no less impressed than the first time I was in here.

  “All this… it’s amazing. You must really love what you do.”

  He shrugs. “I’ve always had a thing for numbers. Figured I’d put it to good use.”

  “So your dream was to spend your life with numbers? Formulas and such?”

  “My dream was to properly manage money.”

  His demeanor changes, the way it always does when it comes to discussing anything remotely personal. He’s shutting down. Since his discomfort is evident, I won’t push.

  “That’s cool.” Approaching him, I wrap one arm and then the other around his neck. “But how about we work on an equation of our own?”

  “Yeah? Like what?” His hands slide around my waist and down to cup my ass.

  “Like….” I trail a finger down his neck. “We subtract some clothes….”

  “Ah….” He picks me up, hooking my legs around his hips. “And I divide your thighs?”

  “That’s right. Then you add… your dick inside me.”

  He slowly makes his way to the bedroom, a smirk on his lips as he adds, “Then I multiply my thrusts.”

  “Definitely.” I nod for emphasis. “Lots of multiplication.”

  I can’t believe the conversation we’re having. I’ve never spoken to anyone like this in my entire life. He’s the first man I’ve even flirted with in years. It’s not just the top
ic, either. I never use profanity in front of anyone. Ever. Not even the man I was married to. With Venom… everything is different. Better.

  “And what’s going to be the result?” he asks.

  “Oh, I think we both know what the result is. Just make sure you show your work.”

  He lets out a feral growl, tossing me on the bed yet again.

  Playtime is over.


  “Are you sure this is okay?” I ask, indicating my outfit again.

  “Darlin’, it’s a fight. What you’re wearing is fine. You look great.”

  “I wasn’t fishing for a compliment. I’ve never been to one of these things before.”

  I slide my palms down the front of my jeans before fixing my sweater and scarf in front of the mirror. Behind me, Venom shrugs into a leather jacket, covering up the gun strapped to his shoulder. Of course he looks good. He always does.

  “No cut?”

  “Event like this, don’t know who we’ll run into, so the prez thought it best we don’t fly our colors.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Police and regular people like you see a cut and see trouble. There could also be unfriendlies.”

  “I still don’t understand.” I sit on the bed, waiting for him to explain.

  “You don’t know anything about MCs, do you?”

  “No. You haven’t exactly told me anything about yours, either.”

  “Nothing at all? Not even from that show that was on TV?”

  “I didn’t have time for TV. Two jobs, remember?”

  “Emily, not all clubs are exactly on the up and up. Legally.”

  “You mean… they’re criminals?”


  He stares me down, practically willing me to ask the question on the tip of my tongue. “The Dealers?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He takes a deep breath, occupying the spot next to me. “I told you about the businesses we own, but that’s not all we do.”

  “What else?” I wait with bated breath.

  “That’s club business. Can’t tell you, darlin’.”

  “But it’s not legal?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Do you kill people?”

  “I fought in a war, Emily. Killed lots of people.”

  “I mean your club.”

  “Let’s go or we’re gonna be late.”


  “Emily, look. Even if you were my old lady, there are things I wouldn’t be able to tell you. Anything to do with the club is off-limits.”

  “I see.”

  I drop the argument because I’ve been effectively put in my place. I’m not his old lady. Our agreement does not extend beyond the bedroom. I don’t know why I have to keep reminding myself. Besides, in a way, he did answer my question. These men do way more than “ride together, talk about bikes and stuff.” The stuff they’re into makes them leave their cuts behind to avoid attention from police.

  Christ. I’m sleeping with a criminal.

  “You ready?”

  “Um… yeah.”

  He lets me lead the way, opening my door so I can climb into the Jeep. We’re meeting the others at the clubhouse, then taking one vehicle to the venue, so I use the travel time to gather my thoughts. Does this newfound knowledge affect the way I see Venom? My feelings toward him? I don’t think so. We’re not in a relationship. I’m just the woman he’s currently fucking. It’s not like we’re getting married. Soon, we’ll both move on and all this won’t even matter.

  Move on.

  Why does the thought fill me with dread? Criminal or not, I’ve only been treated like a queen by this man, and that is how he’ll be judged, not by what I think he’s done.

  “You have any questions about me, you can ask them, Em. I just can’t tell you anything confidential about the MC.”


  Despite his offer, I don’t speak for the rest of the drive. When we join the others, the girls sense my mood and keep conversation with me to a minimum. I’m grateful because I don’t know where to go from here.

  The fight is being staged in Atlanta, and when we arrive, I realize it’s not too far from my parents’ house. Maybe I should spend the night there instead of the hotel we’re supposed to stay in. A night at home and a talk with my mother—minus the criminal part—should help me make a decision.

  When we enter the venue, they separate the men from the women, forming two lines. A man searches the males while a woman does the same to us. Venom has his gun, so I watch carefully to see what will happen. Gage leads his brothers, shaking the guard’s hand when it’s his turn to be searched. The man shoves his hand in his pocket, pats Gage’s body a few times, then lets him pass. He does the same to the other Dealers.

  He was paid off.


  At this point, I’m not interested in the fight.

  “Are you okay?” Raven asks when we find our seats. She’s on my right, Ellen on my left.

  “Yeah. Just have a lot on my mind.”

  “What did Venom do?” She raises a skeptical brow.

  “Nothing, I promise.”

  “Okay, but if you wanna talk, I’m here.” She squeezes my fingers.

  “I appreciate that.”

  Thankfully the introduction of the fighters interrupts our conversation.

  “Guys, look! It’s him!” Ellen squeals, pointing to a man walking to the cage.

  A big, blond, muscled and tattooed chunk of hotness.

  “Which one is he?” I ask.

  “That’s K.O. Jackson,” Ellen explains. “I wouldn’t get comfortable if I were you. His fights don’t usually last long.”

  Sure enough, K.O. knocks out his opponent after playing with him for a few minutes. I can’t believe we drove all this way for that. At least he was hot and we got to see a little man-candy. We hustle out of the venue, meeting up in the parking lot. Gage does a quick head count, and then we start making our way to the van.

  That’s when I spot him. I wasn’t sure at first, but a closer look confirms it.


  There’s a woman on his arm. A platinum blonde in a pink jumpsuit, looking like a bottle of Pepto-Bismol. She’s not the one he got pregnant. Only God knows what he’s doing now that I’m not in the picture. As if he feels me looking, he turns in my direction, our eyes locking. Subconsciously, I move closer to Venom, grabbing his arm. James quickly drops his gaze, hurrying away. Why am I having this kind of reaction to James? I should be flipping him off and moving along.

  “What is it?” Venom stops moving, obviously following my gaze because his body tenses. His arm curls around my shoulder, pulling me to his side. “Come on, Em. Forget him.”

  I hang on tightly to Venom, putting one foot before the other. We don’t get far before we have to stop again, a group of men blocking our path. One moves forward to stand before Gage, looking very much like the Italian mobsters you see in movies. Venom steps in front of me, shielding me with his body. Charger, Booker, Motor, and Tek spring into action, taking me, Raven, Ellen, and Chrissy aside. Razor and Einstein flank Gage, Venom, Crow, and Rico, backing them up. Everyone moved so fast, my head is spinning.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Just be quiet,” Raven answers in a hushed voice.


  “A little piece of advice: trust your man. Whatever happens, let him handle the situation. Always.”

  At her words, I quiet down, watching everything unfold.

  “Well, well. The Reaper himself. What are you doing in these parts?” the man in front asks Gage.

  “You may know my name, but you obviously have no fucking clue who I am. You got ten seconds to get the fuck out of my way.”


  “Oh, I know exactly who you are. Thing is I ain’t scared of you.” He looks to the other men, briefly settling on Venom before returning to Gage.

en you’re a stupid motherfucker.”

  The men stare each other down for a few seconds before Gage proclaims, “Time’s up.”

  “Is there a problem here, fellas?” a deep voice thunders behind us.

  I turn to see the giant from the cage match approaching. He stands between the two groups of men, glancing from one to the other.

  “No problem, just a minor obstruction,” Gage replies.

  The other men back away slowly, the leader issuing a warning. “This ain’t over, Dealer.”

  A chill runs down my spine at his words. Not the good kind. I guess this is what Venom meant by “unfriendlies.”

  A gorgeous woman runs up to the fighter, and he throws his arm around her.

  “You guys okay?”

  “Thanks for the assist,” Gage says, shaking the man’s hand.

  “No problem.”

  The men gather around K.O., offering congratulations on the fight. I pull Venom aside, letting him in on the plan that I’ve now decided on.

  “Listen, my parents live a few minutes away. I was thinking I’d stay with them tonight.”

  His expression is blank as he asks, “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’ll just get a cab or something.”

  “No need. We’ll drop you off.”

  Knowing better than to argue, I nod. “I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “Sure thing, darlin’.”

  We head to the van, and as I climb in, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I turn my head to look behind me, thinking it’s James again. The face I see has a hard stare and a cold, calculating grin.

  And it’s not James.



  I’m convinced Emily has put a spell on me with her unicorn pussy.

  I haven’t heard from her in days, yet here I am, wrapping her Christmas gifts. She never did call me after the fight. I figured she needed some time, so I gave it to her. She’s not back from Atlanta, either. Jeff told me. Maybe this is for the best. Einstein said I should allow her to make a choice, and I am. If that little bit of information causes her to run, she has no business being around me or my club. She’s better off going back to her school teacher life, finding a man who has a reliable nine-to-five and doesn’t inject snake venom into a man to get what he wants.


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