Love All Out - Part 3 (A Stepbrother Romance)

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Love All Out - Part 3 (A Stepbrother Romance) Page 9

by Ward, Alice

  “How bad was it today?” he whispered. “When Bradley led you away from me, it was all I could do not to rip his arm off.”

  “It was miserable,” I admitted, frowning at the memory. “He made me introduce him to everyone as my boyfriend and he took over every conversation I tried to have.”

  James pulled away and stared into my eyes. “Did he put his hands on you?”

  I shook my head. “No more than what you saw in the lobby. But it doesn’t matter now, James. We don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  “You’re still worried about Bradley and everyone like him,” James reminded me softly. “Otherwise, we’d still be together.”

  I stood on my tip toes and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “I meant what I said last night. I love you, James. We just have to keep this quiet until after Belmont. Then, we’ll figure out how to tell everyone.”

  James shook his head and backed away from me. “I’ll wait until after Belmont, I’ve already promised you that. But that means everything waits until after Belmont. I’m not going to sneak around with you, Willow. The next time you kiss me, you’d better be ready to kiss me in public.”

  I thought he’d be happy. What the hell’s gotten in to him?

  “What’s wrong, James? I thought we were going to relax and enjoy our weekend. We can do that, now that we’re free from Bradley.” I took his hands in mine and stared up at him with pleading eyes. He wrapped me in his arms and stared down at me, his chocolate eyes filled with pain.

  “I just had the least relaxing day of my life,” he told me. “All I could think about was what that bastard might be putting you through. I was ready to hunt you down, tell everyone the truth, and drag you away from him. I was going crazy, Matt and Lucas had to talk me down.”

  “I see,” I sighed. I pulled away from him as I started to realize what had happened. “I take it one of them suggested you give me the all or nothing ultimatum?”

  “It’s not all or nothing and it’s not an ultimatum,” he patiently replied. He sat down on the bed and pulled me into his lap. “I want to be with you. I’ve made that clear. I don’t care what our parents or anyone else thinks about it. You convinced me that we’re worth whatever it takes to be together. But if you really believed that, Bradley would never have been a threat. Every time you walk away, it hurts more than the last time. So until you’re sure this is what you want, I don’t think we should make love.”

  I’ve put this man through so much. And he’s still here. If anyone else had pulled half of what I have, he’d have walked away without a second thought.

  I squeezed James’s hand. “I’m sorry. I know this has been hard for you. And I haven’t exactly been fair.”

  “Let’s be honest, Willow. We’ve both made our share of mistakes,” he corrected me. “I’m just trying to keep us from making any more of them. I still intend to make sure you have a blast tomorrow,” he added with a smile. “I just don’t think we should confuse things with sex.”

  I sighed. There was no doubt in my mind that James was what I wanted. But I knew that the timing wasn’t right. The entire future of my barn was riding on Mondo’s performance in the next two races. I was convinced that he had what it took to win the Triple Crown. If I was right, he’d go down in history as only the twelfth horse to earn the title. I didn’t want his reputation or his legacy tarnished by my scandal.

  I looked longingly into James’s eyes. “I love you. And I want to be with you. But…”

  “It’s not the right time,” he finished with a nod. “I know.”

  “Belmont’s only three weeks away,” I reminded him. “Then life will get back to normal and we’ll figure out how to break this to our parents. In the meantime, we can still cuddle, right?” I asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

  James shook his head and let out a soft laugh. “You’re impossible, Willow. Yes, we can still cuddle. I’m going to check in with the guys and see if they’ve made any progress. I’ll be in later.”

  He kissed the top of my head and I wiggled off of his lap. James went back to the living room and I changed into my pajamas and crawled between the sheets.

  James’s insistence that we not have sex was frustrating, but I understood it. He had no reason to trust that I wouldn’t change my mind and run away again. I’d have to prove it to him by telling the truth.

  And I will do exactly that… as soon as the time is right.


  The elevator doors opened and Matt, Lucas, James, and I stepped out into the lobby. We made our way outside just as Bradley got out of a taxi. He had on a white suit, a blue and white pinstriped shirt with a pretentious white collar, and a smug grin that made what was about to happen all the more enjoyable for me.

  “I hope you all don’t think you’re tagging along to breakfast,” Bradley said to the guys. “I really don’t enjoy any of your company.” He moved to take my arm and James stepped between us.

  “This again?” Bradley asked impatiently. “I have to tell you, your little body block move is pretty cave man. It’s also completely pointless. Willow wants to come with me, don’t you, sweetheart?” he asked with a wink.

  “Actually no, I don’t,” I replied firmly. I stepped up next to James and looked Bradley in the eye.

  He curled his lip up in a snarl. “You’re bluffing. You don’t think I’ll follow through. It isn’t wise to push me, Willow. You won’t like what happens.”

  “You’re the one who’s not going to like what happens,” James snarled at him. He towered over Bradley, poking him firmly in the chest as he spoke.

  “If I were you, I’d make sure all of my evidence was intact before I threatened someone bigger than me,” I warned.

  A look of indignant shock spread across Bradley’s face. “That’s impossible. There’s no way you could have deleted the pictures. You didn’t have access to anything.”

  “That’s true,” I agreed with a nod. “But a little birdie told me that there was a glitch in your system last night. I’m not so sure you have anything to blackmail us with anymore.”

  Bradley took turns staring at each of us. “It had to have been you,” he growled at Lucas. “I have some of the most expensive security software money can buy. And I know for a fact that these three aren’t smart enough to get around it.”

  Lucas lifted his arms and shook his head. “Dude, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I’m just here for the race and all of the free food.”

  “I don’t buy your innocent act for one second,” Bradley said, pointing a finger at him. “I don’t know how you did this, but I’ll figure it out. And when I do, I’ll have you thrown in jail.”

  Bradley turned back to me. “You’ve just screwed yourself, Willow. Even without the pictures, plenty of people will be thrilled to listen to what I have to say. Why don’t I start by calling your father?” He pulled out his phone and Lucas cleared his throat.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Lucas warned.

  Bradley stuck his nose up in the air. “Oh yeah, why’s that?” he huffed.

  Lucas pulled a small manila envelope from the breast pocket of his khaki blazer. “The little birdie that told us about the glitch in your system also left us a present,” he explained.

  Bradley took the envelope from him, ripped it open, and stared down at the papers. Color drained from his face as he realized what was happening.

  “You hacked my personal financial information. That’s a felony, you no good piece of shit,” he hissed.

  “Feel free to try to prove that,” Lucas challenged him with a smile. “But it won’t do you any good. If you report me or make any more threats to Willow, I will send copies of that ledger to the IRS. You’re whole family will go down for tax evasion.”

  “It’s time for you to leave, Bradley,” James said, poking him on the chest again. Bradley backed away from him and straightened his suit jacket.

  “You haven’t seen the last of me,” he warned as he walked back
wards towards an empty cab.

  “Oh, I think we have,” James called back to him.

  With a final sneer, Bradley slid into the back seat of the cab and slammed the door.

  I turned to James with a wide, satisfied smile. “That felt really good.”

  “Hell yeah it did,” he agreed. “But it would have felt better if I knocked his lights out.”

  “That was even better than I imagined,” Matt said. He was literally jumping for joy. “And you,” he said to Lucas. “Your idea to blackmail him back was brilliant.” Matt gave Lucas a firm kiss on the mouth. I was happy to see him loosen up and show Lucas affection in public.

  “Willow, James,” I heard Daddy’s voice in the distance. We turned and saw him climb out of an airport shuttle. I rushed over and greeted him with a hug.

  “You’re just in time for breakfast,” I told him, my head against his chest. “Then we’re being shuttled to the track for the pre-race celebrations.”

  Daddy held my hands and took a few steps back. “I remember the day your mother wore this suit. You look even lovelier in it than she did, sweetheart.”

  “Thanks, Daddy,” I said, smoothing the jacket. Of all of my mom’s clothes, the white suit was my favorite. It was cut like a tuxedo, with a slight flare to the trousers. The white camisole played up the jacket’s plunging neckline and I felt beautiful and sophisticated.

  He dropped my hands and reached for James. “You cleaned up pretty good too, son,” he said, wrapping him in a hug. He looked over at Matt and Lucas. “As a matter of fact, everyone looks like they stepped out of GQ. I feel a little underdressed,” he laughed, glancing down at his navy suit.

  “Oh, Daddy. You look wonderful,” I assured him. I looped my arm through his and we walked towards the resort.

  “What were you all doing out here, anyway?” Daddy asked as a doorman nodded us through the entrance.

  “We were waiting on you,” James answered quickly. “Mom told us what time your flight was landing.”

  “That’s awfully sweet of you, kids,” Daddy smiled. “Now, someone lead me to the dining room. The breakfast they served on the plane was shit and I’m starving.”


  “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the one hundred and fortieth running of the Preakness Stakes,” the Master of Ceremonies called over the loud speaker.

  Matt squealed and grabbed my arm. “Oh my God, Willow. This is so exciting!”

  “I know,” I grinned back at him. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty.

  “Mondo looks rested,” Lucas assured me. “I think he’ll take this, no problem.”

  Daddy had bought a VIP box at Preakness, just as he’d done at the Derby. We were all on the front row. I was between Matt and Daddy on one side of the aisle while James and Lucas were on the other. The race was about to start and we were all too anxious to sit down. The horses took to the track and, one by one, the MC announced them, listing their odds.

  “Wearing green and by far this year’s favorite to win, here’s Mondo!” he bellowed.

  Mondo danced down the track and the crowd erupted with cheers.

  “He does look good, doesn’t he?” I asked nervously biting my lower lip.

  “I’ve never seen him look better,” Daddy agreed and put his arm around my shoulders, giving me a little squeeze. “I think he likes all of this attention.”

  A horn sounded, calling the horses to their posts. As they circled the track and moved into position, men and women in Navy dress blues took to the stage.

  “Ladies and gentleman, please stand and join the United States Naval Academy Glee Club as they sing the state song of Maryland.”

  I wasn’t sure of the words, but I knew that news station cameras were pointed at me so I mumbled along as best I could. The song ended and Daddy and Matt each took one of my hands. I squeezed them as the buzzer sounded, the gates flew up, and the horses bounded down the track.

  “And out the gate we have Diamond Doll taking an instant early lead. Mondo’s trailing a length behind and Lucky Lou is in third position. Mondo’s pushing to the inside as they round the first turn. And we have Mondo in the lead!”

  “Oh my God! Oh my God!” Matt screamed. He jumped up and down as the horses rounded the second turn. I was too nervous to move or speak. I stared down at the track wondering if I could trust my own eyes.

  “And Mondo increases his lead to three and a half lengths as they approach the final turn,” the MC called out. “Lucky Lou is determined to take second, with Diamond Doll rounding out third…”

  There’s no way the other horses can catch him. Unless the jockey falls off, he’s going to take this.

  “Ladies and gentleman, the winner is Mondo by four and a half lengths!”

  I stared down at the track in shock and proud tears rolled down my face.

  I knew he could do it. Everyone thought I was crazy, but I’ve always known that Mondo has what it takes.

  “Congratulations, pumpkin,” Daddy said. He bent down and wiped away my tears before planting a wet kiss on my cheek.

  “I knew he could do it!” Matt squealed. We hugged and then he jumped into Lucas’s arms. James squeezed past them and wrapped me in a polite, brotherly hug.

  “I’m so happy for you,” he said, his hand lingering on my shoulder.

  Daddy patted him on the back. “And I’m happy to see the two of you getting along so well. Renee had a great idea, sending you here together. I just wish she could be here.”

  “She’ll be here next time,” I assured him. “When Matt and I own the prize horse outright.”

  “Speaking of ownership, aren’t you needed in the winner’s circle?” James asked, his eyes sparkling with pride. He nodded to the top of the box, where a security guard was waiting to escort me to the track.

  I nodded and reached for Matt. “Come on, partner.”

  He shook his head and smiled at me. “This one’s all you, Willow. I’ll join you when I’ve earned it.”

  I stood there, staring at him and mouthed “You sure?”

  “We’ll make our way to the press tent,” Daddy told me, giving me a nudge toward the guard. “Go, enjoy a little more of the spotlight.

  I hugged everyone and, with my head held high, I left the box and set off for the winner’s circle.


  “We are definitely in the right business, Willow,” Matt yelled and poured himself another glass of the thousand dollar champagne he’d bought with some of his race winnings.

  It was Saturday night and Matt, Lucas, James, and I were celebrating Mondo’s Preakness win at one of Baltimore’s hottest night spots. Daddy had stayed to have dinner with us, but caught a late flight back to Colorado. He hadn’t seemed himself and I’d tried to talk him into spending the night and flying home with the rest of us the next day. But he assured me he was just tired and insisted on leaving.

  “The money won’t last long if you keep spending it like this,” I warned him as I lifted my own glass of high dollar bubbly.

  “We all deserve a treat,” Matt insisted with a drunk giggle. “And I’m happy to provide one.”

  We’d all been drinking since the winner’s circle, and it was starting to show. I’d insisted that we skip the official race celebrations and move the party somewhere where we could relax and enjoy ourselves. No one at the club knew us and James and I had been attached at the hip since we walked through the door.

  The DJ started Matt’s favorite eighties hair ballad and he let out another squeal of delight. “Come on, we have to dance,” he insisted. He grabbed Lucas by the arm and dragged him out onto the dance floor.

  James draped an arm over my shoulders and I leaned against his chest as we watched our friends.

  “It’s nice to see them act like a couple in front of people,” I said, feeling a rush of fondness pass through me, so strong the back of my eyes pricked with tears. “I hate that they don’t feel safe being themselves sometimes.”

  “That’s funny,�
�� James whispered, his nose nuzzling my ear. “Matt said the same thing about us.”

  I turned to him, held his face in my hands, and covered his mouth with mine. I kissed him forcefully, as if my life depended on our mouths staying connected. After a few moments, I pulled away and smiled.

  “Is this public enough for you?” I asked.

  James stared down at me with a punch drunk look on his face. “Yes,” he said, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat. “I mean, I guess. I mean… what do you mean, Willow?”

  Looking back, I’m still not sure if it was the alcohol or the adrenaline from Mondo’s win that spurred me into action. At the time, all I knew was that I couldn’t go another day hiding my feelings for James.

  I took his hands in mine and stared back at him. “I mean I don’t want to wait until after Belmont. I don’t want to waste another day hiding what we are to each other.”

  James’s eyes twinkled with happiness, but his voice remained serious. “Are you sure that’s not the alcohol talking?” he asked cautiously.

  I shook my head without breaking eye contact with him. “You’ve been so patient with me, James. I don’t want to hide anymore. You deserve better than that. We deserve better than that. I want the whole world to know how happy you make me. And I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make you just as happy.”

  “You do that without even trying,” James said as he wrapped his arms around me. “Are you absolutely sure about this, Willow?” he whispered. “What about the horses?”

  I stared into James’s eyes and gently caressed his face. “Mondo is going to win the Crown, I can feel it in my bones. He’ll be remembered as a champion, and that’s all that matters. I don’t want to wait anymore, James. I’d rather be the girl with a bad reputation than the girl who doesn’t fight for what she wants. If you want, we can tell Daddy and Renee as soon as we step off the plane tomorrow.”

  James pulled me into his lap and we kissed again, losing ourselves in each other. I felt like we were the only two people in the world, until Matt’s voice snapped my attention back to reality.


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