A Vampire Bundle

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A Vampire Bundle Page 48

by Alexandra Ivy

  As long as she kept Dante within sight, she knew she was safe.

  A ridiculous certainty perhaps, but what was a terrified, soon-to-be-sacrificed woman to do?

  Unable to even whimper with the gag stuck in her mouth, Abby watched Dante move closer. His silver gaze held her own, as if compelling her not to panic.

  Yeah, right.

  Only the ropes binding her to the post kept her from crumpling onto the ground so she could babble in terror.

  Abby Barlow, savior of the world.

  Careful to avoid the raging battle in the center of the chamber, Dante flowed through the shadows. Her heart nearly halted when he disappeared behind her. Oh God. She couldn’t see him. What if he disappeared? What if there were more evil baddies hiding . . .

  The feel of cool, slender fingers on her wrist put a swift end to her crazed thoughts. Abby would have wept in relief if she hadn’t realized they were still far from safe.

  The ropes slithered to the floor, sending painful prickles through her arms as her blood was allowed to rush through her veins. She felt Dante’s lips at her ear as he struggled to remove the gag from her mouth.

  “Say nothing,” he breathed, waiting for her nod before allowing the disgusting rag to fall away.

  Abby sucked in several deep breaths as she stepped from the post and directly into Dante’s welcoming arms. He gathered her close, as if sensing she would collapse without his support. Her weakened state, however, didn’t keep him from forcing her wobbly legs to carry her toward the narrow opening across the chamber.

  She bit her lip to halt her instinctive protest. She had been tied to the post for hours, and her entire body felt as if it had been ridden hard and put up wet. Still, she had no more desire than Dante to linger in this damp cell.

  Not when that pasty-faced moron considered her a yummy treat for Prince Badass.

  They had reached the narrow opening when a hair-raising scream rose behind them.

  “No!” the younger man screeched. “I surrender! I—”

  There was a horrid gurgling noise and then a whiff of what might have been scorched flesh.

  Abby gagged even as Dante roughly tossed her over his shoulder and bolted down the dark corridor.

  On this occasion she didn’t even notice the nausea at the swaying motion. That was one good thing about absolute, mind-numbing fear. It tended to put everything else into perspective.

  Moving through the darkness with a speed that defied the law of physics, Abby silently prayed to every god and deity she could think of. It seemed an appropriate moment to cover all the bases.

  Really, when it came down to it, who knew?

  Time had no meaning, but slowly she began to sense they were moving steadily upward. Then, without warning, she felt the unmistakable brush of fresh air upon her cheeks.

  Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, she breathed heavenward.

  They were out of the dismal cavern.

  And best of all, there seemed to be no sign of any sort of pursuit.

  Still, Dante’s pace never slowed. Seemingly unaffected by her weight (a sop to her vanity at any other time), he charged through an overgrown cemetery and past an abandoned church. She thought she caught sight of a handful of shabby houses, but they passed in such a blur it was impossible to be certain.

  It was not until they were well away from the cavern that Dante at last slowed and gently lowered her to her feet. Abby instantly swayed, and his arm lashed about her waist to keep her upright.

  “Are you harmed?” he growled, his hand grasping her chin to tip her face upward for his inspection.

  She shivered beneath the compelling glitter of the silver gaze and then forced herself to relax.

  This was Dante.

  The beautiful, incredible vampire who had just saved her life.

  “Nothing that twenty years of therapy won’t cure,” she retorted in a voice that was not quite steady. “Who were those freaks? Demons?”

  His nose flared with smoldering fury. “They were human enough. Mortal disciples.”

  Well, that wouldn’t have been her first guess.


  “Worshippers of the Prince,” he clarified. “You would call them wizards.”

  Her lips twisted. So much for kindly old men with long white beards and a twinkle in their eye.

  “Which would explain the magic, I suppose.”

  “Magic more powerful than a mere human should be capable of possessing.” His brows drew together as if the thought troubled him. Which in turn troubled her. A lot. “It was the elder wizard who attacked the coven.”

  “Dear God.” She shuddered in horror at the memory of what he had done to the witches. How could any human commit such atrocities? “He was going to feed me to that . . . shadow.”

  “Yes. With the Phoenix destroyed, the Prince would walk the world freely once again.”

  “A wizard. Just perfect.” She gave a shake of her head. “I suppose he’ll be in line with the demons and zombies chasing us?”

  “Hopefully not immediately. The battle with the witches and young Amil will have left him weak. I don’t think he will be eager to face me just yet.”

  Her gaze unconsciously darkened. “No, I wouldn’t think he would be in any hurry.”

  It took a beat before he abruptly grasped her shoulders in a firm grip. His beautiful face was somber in the muted moonlight.

  “I did warn you, Abby,” he rasped. “I’m a vampire. A predator. Nothing can change that.”

  Instinctively she lifted her hand to place it against his cheek. His skin was chilled and smooth beneath her palm, sending a familiar excitement through her body.

  “I know.”

  With a gentleness that made her heart leap, he smoothed her hair behind her ears.

  “Did I frighten you?”

  “Maybe a little,” she admitted in low tones.

  Something that might have been pain flared through his silver eyes.

  “I would never harm you. No matter what happens.”

  Held close to his hard body, she didn’t have a moment of doubt. “That is not what I feared.”

  “What is it?”

  “I just realized you were right. We’re very different. God, I’m not sure we’re even the same species.”

  His arms shifted to tighten about her waist. “Different, but bound together, lover. At least until the Phoenix can be handed to another.” He held her gaze with ease. “Will you trust me, Abby?”

  There was no hesitation. “With my very life.”

  Oddly her swift assurance made him stiffen. As if he had been caught off guard by her ready trust.

  “I . . . oh God, Abby, if only you knew,” he muttered, lowering his head to press his lips tenderly against her mouth.

  Abby readily arched against him, her arms encircling his neck. Dear God, she needed him. His touch. His strength. His comfort.

  Softly he soothed the horror of the past few hours, his lips stroking over her mouth, his hands gripping her hips.

  Tilting back her head, she moaned as he turned his attention to the sensitive curve of her neck, nibbling at the pulse that raced with soaring excitement.

  “If only I knew what?” she questioned breathlessly.

  His hands tightened upon her hips before he pulled back far enough to regard her with a smoky gaze.

  “How long it’s been since I’ve been treated as something other than a rabid animal.”

  Her heart wrenched as she brushed her fingers across his sensuous lips. She knew all too well the feeling of being despised and unwanted in her own home. Of being brutally kicked back into place when she dared to defy her father.

  How Dante had managed to endure his captivity for centuries was beyond comprehension.

  “I’m sorry,” she husked. “No one deserves to be chained and held against their will.” She framed his beautiful face in her hands. “I swear I will do whatever I can to release you.”

  His eyes flared as he claimed h
er lips in a kiss she felt to her very soul. Abby groaned, curling her toes in pleasure. Oh yeah, this vampire knew a thing or two about kissing. A woman could spend an eternity just being held in his arms.

  Smoothing her hands through his satin hair, Abby sank into the sizzling heat. She was alive against all odds. She intended to appreciate every moment of what she had been given.

  His hands slid slowly up the curve of her spine as his kiss deepened. His erection pressed into her stomach.

  Abby forgot about dark wizards, hideous zombies, and missing witches. She forgot about everything but the searing pleasure of Dante’s touch.

  For months she had fantasized about this man. Now that she knew up close and personal just what sort of lover he was, her hunger for him was near unbearable.

  She heard his rasping groan as his hands shifted to cup the softness of her breasts. But even as she arched against his touch, he was reluctantly pulling away.

  “Christ, what am I doing?” he muttered, shoving his hands roughly through his hair. “Let’s go before I manage to get us captured again.”

  Taking her hand, Dante led her through the thickening trees, muttering beneath his breath at his brief distraction.

  Abby did her own share of muttering. Certainly she was all for getting far away from the crazed wizard and his zombie posse. Putting several oceans between them didn’t seem an overreaction.

  But she couldn’t deny a small measure of frustration.

  Just once she wanted to be alone with Dante without the threat of horrible death hanging over their heads.

  A few measly hours when they could enjoy each other in absolute peace.

  It was enough to make any woman a bit grouchy.

  They moved in silence for what seemed to be an eternity. Off and on, Dante would insist on carrying her so they could move quicker, but disliking the feel of being helpless, she preferred to trail behind him. Even if it meant tripping over every stray branch and bush that littered the woods. Damn nature.

  At last she began to wonder if Dante intended for them to walk in circles for the rest of the night.

  “Do you know where we’re going?” she demanded in suspicion.

  “For help,” he retorted without missing a step. “The next time I face those zombies, I intend to have something that will frighten those sons of bitches back to the grave.”

  She couldn’t argue with that.

  “Good plan. Where is this something?”

  “In Chicago.”

  “Let me guess . . . Viper,” she said dryly.

  That earned her a swift glance over his shoulder. “How did you know?”

  “He seems the type to have a fascination with things that would frighten zombies.”

  “You have no idea.” Without warning, he came to an abrupt halt. They had thankfully left behind the trees and now stood in what seemed to be an abandoned field. “Wait.”

  Brushing things from her hair that she hoped to God were bits of leaves and branches, Abby regarded Dante with a faint frown.

  “Don’t tell me you’re lost.”

  Turning, he gave a lift of his perfect brows. “I’m never lost.”

  Abby rolled her eyes. “Spoken like a true male.”

  With a smug smile he once again took off. “This way.”

  “You’re sure?” she demanded. “You aren’t just leading me around until we stumble over the car?”

  “Were you born this aggravating or is it a skill you’ve developed just to annoy me?”

  Her lips twitched. She couldn’t deny she enjoyed razzing Dante.

  His own fault, of course.

  He shouldn’t be so arrogant.

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve always been this aggravating.”

  “Now, that I believe,” he muttered before tossing her a patronizing smile over his shoulder as he pointed to the outline of the abandoned factory buildings just off to the left. “There.”

  She gave a sniff although she inwardly sighed in relief as she realized they were only a short distance from Viper’s car. She would give her soul to rest her aching legs.

  “You don’t have to smirk. It’s unbecoming.”

  Dante chuckled as he reached the car and leaned his large form against the hood. Bathed in moonlight with his shirt half open and his hair flowing about his perfect face, he appeared tall, dark, and edible.

  A tasty hood ornament, indeed.

  Folding his arms over his chest, he allowed one of those slow, wickedly naughty smiles to curve his lips.

  “I think you owe me an apology for doubting my extraordinary powers for even a moment.”

  Abby struggled not to melt at his feet.

  She did have some pride.

  “What sort of apology?”

  The smile widened. “I have a few ideas. Unfortunately they include a soft bed, scented candles, and plenty of whipped cream. None of which I happen to have on hand.”

  Abby’s mouth went dry. “Vampires eat whipped cream?”

  “I don’t plan on being the one eating it.”

  Oh. The air suddenly seemed too thick to breathe.

  No doubt it had something to do with the image of having Dante spread upon a bed as she licked a layer of whipped cream from his hard body.

  “Shameless,” she rasped.

  He cast a glance toward the shadowed heavens. “Shameless and dead if we don’t hurry. Chicago isn’t getting any closer. It’s going to be a near thing as it is.”

  Gathering her scattered thoughts, Abby attempted to determine how much of the night had passed. A stupid attempt. To her the morning arrived when her alarm went off, usually five or six times.

  “If you’re worried, why don’t I drive and you hide in the trunk?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?”

  It was a perfectly reasonable solution.

  Of course, he was a male despite the benefit of being a vampire. And in typical male fashion, he regarded her as if she had suggested he neuter himself.

  “I prefer to risk the sun.”

  Her lips thinned. “Are you implying that a woman can’t drive as well as a man?”

  “I’m implying that the only way I’m getting into that trunk is if you join me,” he said dryly. “Besides, if Viper finds so much as a scratch on his car, being a pile of dust will be the least of my concerns.”

  “And why would you think that I would scratch—”

  Her words were brought to a rude halt by the simple means of Dante reaching out and hauling her against his chest. Once there, he sealed her lips with his own with a brief, scorching kiss.

  “Please, lover, can we continue this argument in the car?” he murmured against her mouth.

  “Oh, we’ll continue it,” she warned, not about to be so easily manipulated. At least not until they had that warm bed and whipped cream. “You can count on that.”

  Chapter 14

  In the end, Abby’s promise of a continuing argument proved to be an empty threat.

  Her love for a rousing squabble was no match for her weariness. Dante had barely reached the interstate when her head had tilted to the side and her eyes slid closed.

  Resisting the urge to halt the car and simply appreciate her peaceful beauty, Dante sped through the empty streets and reached Viper’s lair well ahead of the sun. Parking in the private lot beneath the street, he carefully carried Abby to the room they had shared before.

  He was beyond weary as he lowered Abby onto the wide bed. Not only from the exertions of the night, but also from the approaching dawn. Still, he forced himself to leave the room and search out Viper in his private chambers.

  He found the vampire sprawled upon an antique chaise lounge attired in a brocade robe that was heavily embroidered with gold thread. The room itself would have made most collectors drool in envy.

  Scattered over the priceless hand-woven carpets were carved and gilded furnishings that had once belonged to a Russian czar. The walls were decorated with hand-painted sil
k upholstery, the doors made of ebony inlaid with gold leaf, and the chandeliers studded with sapphires and pearls.

  More stunning were the rare works of art that were carefully displayed behind temperature-controlled glass frames. Most were thought by the world to be lost, some even having been completely forgotten. Together they created a stunning beauty that was unsurpassed anywhere in the world.

  Surrounded by furnishings fit for the finest palace and sipping a brandy that cost more than some small countries, Viper appeared every inch a pampered aristocrat.

  It was only when one noted the cold, calculating glitter in his midnight eyes that the image of indolent hedonism was shattered.

  A glitter that became even more pronounced as Dante briefly relayed what had occurred since he had left Chicago.

  Rising to his feet, Viper regarded him with a sardonic expression. “Abominations, dark wizards, dead witches—I’ll give you this, Dante, you really know how to pick your women.”

  “I didn’t exactly pick Abby, the Phoenix did.”

  Perfect brows several shades darker than the silver hair slowly arched.

  “You do realize you lost a perfect opportunity to be rid of your chains?”

  Dante smiled wryly. The chains that held him to Abby would never be broken. No matter what happened to the bloody Phoenix.

  “By allowing Abby to be sacrificed? Not a chance in hell.”

  “You have it bad, my friend.” Viper stared at him for a long beat. “I know this voodoo priestess who has an incantation that could—”

  “Thanks, but not necessary,” Dante firmly interrupted. “What I need are those damn witches.”

  Viper’s lips thinned, but for a pleasant change he didn’t pursue his argument.

  A relief, considering the elder vampire possessed the ability to bend others to his will whenever he desired to make the effort.

  “You’re sure some survived?” he instead demanded.

  “At least a few of them. I followed their tracks to the garage.”

  “They could be anywhere.”

  “They won’t go far from the Phoenix,” Dante pointed out. “Even if they don’t know the precise location or even who holds the Chalice, they sense its presence. Unfortunately I don’t have any means of contacting them.”


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