Rock Me Harder (Rock Star Rockstar Erotic Romance) (Rock Me #2)

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Rock Me Harder (Rock Star Rockstar Erotic Romance) (Rock Me #2) Page 2

by Juliette Jaye

  It didn’t take long before I came. “Oh fuck!” I exclaimed, crying out loudly as waves of pleasure racked my body. Spasm after spasm rocked me, my eyes rolling into the back of my head, not a single thought running through my brain as my body focused entirely on the pleasure overtaking me.

  As the orgasm passed, Christian continued to pound into me, and my body quickly began to find itself turned on once more.

  “I’m gonna make you cum twice” Christian hissed into my ear as he grabbed my hips and pounded me even harder. I closed my eyes as my body began to build up with pressure once more. “Oh Christian! Oh fuck me!” I cried out in desperation, wanting more. He gave me exactly what I wanted, picking up the pace and pounding into me with a force I had never experienced.

  As he rammed in and out of me, my moans of pleasure becoming so frequent they ended up just becoming one constant, loud moan, I couldn’t help but throw my head back and howl with pleasure. It was so much, so much to take. I’d already came, and I could feel another orgasm coming on, I knew it wasn’t going to be long.

  Seconds later, with my cries resonating across the room, it happened. The second orgasm was even stronger than the first, and as I clutched at the edge of the couch I was almost certain I was going to be ripped apart. This was just too much for one person to take. My veins were on fire, pleasure running through every single part of my body. I could feel my sex pulsating on Christian’s hardness as he lay still inside of me, allowing my body to enjoy the feelings running through it.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, just as I felt like I was going to be torn in two, the orgasm passed, and, panting, I collapsed on the couch once more. Christian began to pound in and out of me as well, his grunting getting louder and more frequent, before he finally pulled his shaft from me seconds before it exploded all over my ass and back.

  Spurt after spurt of Christian’s hot seed landed on my skin, a seemingly endless spray covering me. Finally, he finished as well and collapsed onto the couch. I got up slowly, every muscle in my body sore and exhausted, and grabbed some towelettes to clean myself up before joining him. We lay there together for a few minutes, Christian eventually grabbing a blanket to wrap around us as it was getting quite cool in the room. I nestled into his body and closed my eyes, enjoying the time we were spending together.

  Christian was incredible. I knew he was a good musician, but it wasn’t until tonight that I’d really realized just to what extent he knew his art. He was a rock God, considered a deity in this country, and it was a reputation well earned. And I, a girl from America, the girl who had told him off in a sandbox all those years ago, was the one dating him. I was the one he loved.

  * * *

  Over the next couple of weeks, I got used to our new way of life. We lived out of hotels, with the band performing on average every two or three days. We went all around the UK, and I got to visit some of the places I’d always heard of but never thought I’d see with my own eyes, like Stonehenge.

  Even though I wasn’t a part of the band, I was treated like a VIP whenever I was with them. When we went to visit Stonehenge, the entire site was closed off to everyone except us for a few hours, and we got to enjoy the amazing site in complete privacy. It was funny to think that this was a site used by people before America was even a country. It was just a block of land thousands of miles away in which different tribes of Natives lived, as opposed to England where there was already a full, settled country.

  Just when I’d begun to forget about my mother’s cryptic warning when I called her from London, she called me. We were in Glasgow, I stayed at the hotel while the band were performing, feeling a little bit of a flu coming on and wanting to nip it in the bud.

  “Hey, mom” I answered the phone, glad to hear her voice.

  “Hey sweetie, how are you?”

  “Good. Things are good. We’re on tour now, I’m in Scotland.”

  “Really? What part?”


  “Ah, I think your father has some family in Edinburgh, although he isn’t close to them.”

  “We were there last week, it was a really interesting city.”

  “That’s good, I’m glad you’re getting to see some of the world while you’re on your trip.”

  “Thanks mom. How are things with you?”

  “Good, good. Yes, they’re good. I worry about you of course, I always hope you’re doing well, and apart from that everything is the same. Mary Collins’ daughter Sam, I don’t think you knew her, got married, so we were invited to the wedding and we went. It was a beautiful ceremony. And Liz Mercer is pregnant, she’ll be having her first child in about four months now.”

  “Wow, that’s all big news” I replied, not knowing who any of these people were. My mother always liked to tell me about her friends and their families, who I’d barely, if ever, met. I humoured her, telling her what she wanted to hear, but honestly I couldn’t care less about these people I didn’t know.

  Finally, after beating around the bush for ten minutes, my mom finally got around to what she wanted to me.

  “Look, sweetie, you’re still with Christian right?”

  “Yes, mom. Of course I am. Why do you ask?”

  “Violet, I wanted to tell you this before he went to England, I wanted to let you know before you got into things with Christian, but at the same time you have to understand that I wanted you to experience the world for yourself. It’s tough for a mother to know exactly when to let their child make their mistakes for themselves, and when to tell them the information they don’t know.”

  “What are you getting to mom?”

  “Violet, I’ve decided that I need to tell you something. It’s about why Christian moved to England in the first place. It’s true that his father got a job offer there, but he got the job offer because he was applying for jobs. They had decided to move long before because of something Christian had done.”

  “What was it mom?”

  “There was a rumor going around Violet, and it’s true that nothing was proven, but the fact that the family moved away almost immediately says something about the veracity of the statements.”

  “Stop beating around the bush mom. If you’re going to tell me what was, tell me.”

  “Well, the thing is, a few months before Christian’s family announced that they were moving there was an incident in one of the girl’s bathrooms at your school. One of the girls, if I remember right it was Ellen Gere, when controlled her teacher that while she was in the bathroom Christian came in and fondled her.”

  “What?” I couldn’t believe my mother was telling me this. Had this really happened? I couldn’t really believe it. Surely if this had happened in one of my classes I would’ve known.

  “It was kept quite hushed up, and if you’ll remember Ellen was taken out of school a couple of weeks before Christian’s family announced they were moving. That was the reason why, her parents decided to homeschool her from there on in. They didn’t feel that the school was a safe environment for their daughter anymore.”

  “Seriously mom? You want me to believe this? I’ve known Christian for years, this is the sort of thing he would’ve done.”

  “Of course you’re right sweetie, it’s possible that Ellen was making it all up, since there is nobody who could corroborate either side of the story. It was just a thing that all of the parents knew, and I think to avoid the attention Christian’s family left. I’m not saying he did or didn’t do it, I’m just telling you to be careful around him. I don’t want you to get into any trouble, and if he did do it, who knows what kind of person he’s turned into.”

  I could feel the rage rising inside of me. How dare my mother, who hadn’t seen Christian since he left school, and to didn’t even know if this rumor was true, tried to lecture me about the kind of person he had turned into?

  “What do you want me to say that this mom?”

  “I want you to come home sweetie. I want you to come back here, and stay away
from that point. He was bad news when you are in elementary school, even though you are too young to realize it. There were a few things that made me wonder about him, and I had to admit I wasn’t surprised when I heard about him and Ellen in the bathroom.”

  I had just about enough of this. For the first time in my life, I hung up on my own mom. I couldn’t believe this is happening to me. I didn’t even know what to think. Was my mom telling the truth? I mean, she probably was, I could believe that the rumor had existed, but I couldn’t believe that it was true. It was so unlike Christian, so unlike the man that I knew, that I just had to dismiss it as being ridiculous.

  The next thing I had to worry about was whether or not to tell Christian about the phone call. I eventually decided it wasn’t a good idea. After all, it obviously couldn’t be true. There was no reason to strike at the past, there is no reason to let Christian know that my mother didn’t approve of me being with him.

  As these thoughts ran through my head, my phone began to ring on the bed next to me. It was my mother, calling me back. I stared at the phone until it stopped ringing. The last thing I wanted to do right now is talk to her. She was my mother, she was supposed to be the one who supported me in my relationship, who fawned over the man that I chose to date. She wasn’t supposed to tell me about the rumors among the parents from back in the sixth grade and she certainly wasn’t supposed to tell me to come home and leave the man that I loved. That just wasn’t what mothers did.

  I was already asleep when Christian came back from the concert that night, my body completely exhausted both physically from the flu and mentally from the conversation with my mother. A part of me still couldn’t believe it had actually happened. When I woke up the next day, it almost felt like it had been a dream, like a hadn’t happened at all. But when I checked my call history on my phone, I realized I was in that lucky. This had happened, it had all happened, and I was going to have to deal with it.

  I did my best to act normally around Christian, but I had to admit I felt strange keeping this kind of information from him. I knew it must be a lie, I knew there is no way it was true, and that telling him was only going to hurt our relationship but I still felt guilty about keeping things from him.

  For himself, Christian seemed completely normal. Which was nice, it was good to have something normal in the midst of the craziness that was our new life on tour. The gossip magazines, which if anything were even more brutal than the ones back home, had caught on to the fact that Christian and I were dating and I now found my picture on the cover of magazines multiple times whenever I went into stores. I always avoided that section, and I never read the articles, at least not after the first time I read one in which I was described as a nobody from America with terrible fashion sense, and to face not nearly attractive enough for someone as gloriously sexy as Christian Anderson.

  I got to know the other members of the band pretty quickly as well. After all, we were spending a good chunk of time together. None of them had girlfriends, although Andy had mastered the art of the one night stand and the groupies, bringing constant streams of different local girls to his room and then discarding them later. None of them seemed upset by this arrangement, and it took me about two days to realize that it was pointless to introduce myself to them as I’ve never be seeing them again.

  Of all the members of the band, Jared was actually the friendliest to me. He seemed to constantly be trying to strike up a conversation, and when we went out for meals at a restaurant I found that I actually had to make an effort to sit next to Christian or Jared would try and take his seat next to me.

  At first I thought it was cute, and it was actually pretty happy to have another friend here in England. As the weeks went on however and we found ourselves and closer and closer quarters, I began to find it a little bit creepy. After all, Jared knew that I was with Christian. He seemed to be trying to flirt with me constantly, and I couldn’t really tell if he was serious or not. I didn’t worry too much about it though, since after all we were never alone together and I knew nothing was going to happen between us anyways.

  Then one day, everything came to a head. I was having breakfast in the reception room of the hotel were staying in, enjoying some yogurt and toast while reading one of the local papers. I was by myself, and because of that didn’t really have to worry about reporters. It was true that my picture was constantly on the cover of magazines now, but it was always with Christian. When I was by myself, the reporters simply weren’t interested in me and I enjoyed this little bit of solitude that I had.

  I was just getting ready to finish up, reading the comics, when the door opened on the other side of the room. Jared poked his head in and I had to admit a part of me felt my heart sinking at the sight of him.

  “Hey, Violet, what’s up?”

  “Not much” I answered noncommittally.

  “Just eating breakfast?”

  “Yup.” I hope that my short, curt answers were going to give him the hand that he wasn’t exactly welcome to join me for breakfast. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the hint.

  “Hey Violet, while I’ve got you here alone, I wanted to ask you something.”


  “What is it that you see in Christian?”


  “The guys not super nice, and sure he looks good, but that’s about as deep as it gets. He is the smartest guy on the block, and I know you guys have a history together but surely would’ve been able to find someone better than him.”

  “That’s a ridiculous thing to say.”

  “I love you Violet. I’m only telling you this in the hopes that you’ll be Christian and come be with me instead.”

  “Let me put this clearly Jared. There isn’t a chance in hell that that would ever happen. I’m with Christian, I’m happy with Christian, I love Christian, and I’m not leaving him for you.”

  “You’d be way better off without him.”

  “That’s absolutely none of your business, never get out. I don’t want to ever be alone with you again.”

  Jared got up slowly, and made his way towards the door.

  “If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me” he finished before leaving. I didn’t even reply.

  I sat at the table, staring at my newspaper and my empty tub of yogurt. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. The conversation with my mom had been less than a week earlier, and now I had this stress to add to my troubles. I leaned back in my chair, through my head back, and sighed. Once again, I had to decide if I was going to tell Christian about this.

  This is completely different to the conversation with my mom. This was definitely true, Jared definitely want to me to leave Christian for him. But could I tell Christian? After all, chances were Christian would be incredibly angry at Jared’s conduct, and I couldn’t guarantee that the band was going to stay together. I mean, stealing your best friend’s girlfriend isn’t exactly the sort of thing you get over in just a couple of days. This could be bad. I didn’t want to keep this information from Christian, obviously, but I also didn’t want the band to split up. I didn’t want to be the cause of that.

  Once again, confusion reigned in my brain. What should I do? Should I tell Christian, let him know that one of his best friends wanted me to leave him, and risk Christian’s career? Or should I keep this information to myself, and hope that Jared got the message?

  I thought about it through the day before settling on the latter. Once again, I was keeping things from Christian, and I could feel the guilt inside of me growing even bigger, but I just knew I had to do it. There was no way that I wanted to be responsible for the band breaking up, and after all it was only fair to give Jared a chance. Maybe he would realize how foolish he’d been, and maybe that would be the last I’d hear of it. I had to give him that chance.

  As our tour moved into Ireland for the last leg in the UK before moving to the continent, I found myself feeling consistently depressed and wracked with guilt. My moth
er kept trying to call me, every few days I would have a voicemail from her, all of them saying the same thing.

  “Violet, sweetie, please give me a call. I didn’t mean what I said, and I just want to talk about it.”

  I knew that was my mother’s way of saying that she did mean what she said, and she wanted to convince me to come home anyway. I ignored her calls, refusing to call her back. Every time that phone rang and I pressed the ignore button I felt the sadness creeping up inside me. Before our last conversation, speaking my mom had been one of the nice things that remind me of home. But I didn’t have that anymore.

  On top of that, I found myself trying to avoid Jared as much as possible. It’s actually a lot harder to do when you’re practically living with somebody then it seems. I would notice him walking down the hallway and quickly move into whatever door was closest to me, or if I was backstage with the band I would practically lock myself in Christian’s dressing room where I knew there was no chance Jared would enter.

  It was like a constant cloud of guilt, fear and sadness washed over me. I don’t know how else to describe it. I’d never felt anything like it before in my life. On top of everything, I felt completely powerless to stop anything. I couldn’t change my mom’s opinion, I knew that. She was as stubborn as a mule, and always had been. If she thought Christian was bad for me, and she wanted me to move back to America, nothing I was going to say was going to change her mind about it. I just had to keep ignoring her, and keep feeling guilty about doing so.

  With Jared, there was nothing I could do. I had to hope that he got the message, I had to hope that he understood that there was no chance we would ever be together, no chance that I was ever going to leave Christian for him. But again, in this situation, there was nothing I could do.

  This wasn’t a healthy existence, and I think Christian noticed.

  “Hey, I thought I’d take you out on one last date in Ireland before we fly out to France in a couple of days. How does that sound?”


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