Hot Ink

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  “What hurt worse, honey?”

  Honey? She wasn’t his honey. “What hurt the most was that you thought that. I…I was just…disappointed.” Broken. Rejected. Hurt.

  He clenched his jaw and reached out to touch her again, only to stop himself. “I regret that my actions, or lack of them when it came to not defending you in time, hurt you. I should have known you wouldn’t have been with Matt that way. Hell, I should have known Matt wouldn’t have done that. He loves his wife too much and any fool can see that. I came to save you from my mother because no one deserves her lectures and I heard what you said to her.”

  She sighed. “So until that moment, you still thought I was Matt’s mistress? Is that the word your kind uses? Mistress?”


  “No, don’t worry. I know you didn’t mean to be an ass, it just comes naturally.” She tried to grin as she said it, but she was pretty sure it came out with a bit more bite.

  Morgan looked at her with an expression she couldn’t read and opened his mouth to say something.

  “Morgan, there you are,” the blonde that had been on his arm earlier came to his side. Okay, crawled like an alley cat protecting its last meal, but whatever. She wrapped herself around him, her mouth in a pout. “You left me alone in there and I didn’t know where you’d gone. You know Daddy doesn’t want me left alone.”

  Callie barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Dear Lord. Was this the type of woman Morgan wanted? No wonder he’d blown her off. Christ on a cracker.

  Morgan’s jaw clenched and Callie held back a smile. He brought this woman, so he’d have to deal with all that entailed. “I left you with your friends, Heather. I didn’t realize I needed to put you on a leash as well.”

  The other woman narrowed her eyes then looked directly at Callie. Instead of withering under her glare, Callie raised her chin.

  “I see it should have been me who put you on a leash,” Heather snapped. “What are you thinking, talking to this…this…whore?”

  Callie sucked in a breath. What the hell was wrong with these people? She’d never been called so many names from people she’d never met before. That was saying something considering the neighborhood she’d grown up in.

  Morgan growled.


  Kind of hot.

  He turned to Heather, gripping her other arm. “Watch your mouth. Don’t you dare call her a whore. Do you understand me?”

  Warmth filled Callie’s chest at his defense of her. That didn’t mean all was forgiven though.

  Heather widened her eyes then sputtered. Not an attractive look. “You’re defending this…person?” The woman’s utter contempt for Callie was crystal clear. “She isn’t one of us! She’s here with that stupid lawyer when he should be with his wife. You know the way of things. You keep your treats behind the scenes. You don’t parade your tramp around for all to see.”

  Jesus, these people were tiring. Callie didn’t understand how they could live the way they did, and honestly, she didn’t even want to try to understand. As much as her body wanted Morgan, as much as she thought she’d felt a connection, it wasn’t worth it. She rubbed her temple, hoping Matt would be back soon so she could just go home.

  “Go away, Heather. This was a mistake.”

  “What? How dare you. I’m going to go tell your mother.”

  Morgan snorted. “Go ahead. I’m forty fucking years old, woman. Do you really think I care what my mother says?”

  “You brought me with you, didn’t you?”

  He risked a glance at Callie that she couldn’t interpret. “I only brought you out because I was trying to forget someone. Clearly it didn’t work.”

  Callie blinked. Was he talking about her? She didn’t know what to think about that. On one hand, the fact that he’d been thinking about so much made her warm again. However, the fact he’d taken Heather out to forget her, well, that sucked. Maybe she wasn’t cut out for this after all.

  “Callie, there you are,” Matt made his way to their side.

  Oh great, now it was one big party.

  Matt frowned as he looked at the three of them then held out his hand to Morgan. Never let it be said that Matt wasn’t a gracious man. “Hello. Morgan McAllister right? I’m Matt Loren.”

  Morgan didn’t smile when he shook Matt’s hand, but he didn’t look upset at the interruption either. “Hello Matt, nice to finally meet you.”

  Matt looked between the three of them, still frowning. “Am I interrupting something?”

  “No,” Callie said at the same time as Morgan and Heather said, “Yes.”

  Matt’s eyebrows rose, but he didn’t question them. “Okay then.” He turned to Callie. “I’m sorry, honey, but we need to cut this night short.”

  Thank God. Then what he said registered and she gripped his arm. “Is Virginia okay?” God, what was she doing? Was Virginia’s flu worse? Matt gave her a small smile. “She’s okay. Well, not worse anyway.” He looked down at his shoes and laughed softly. “I just miss her. Yeah, I’m a sap. Sue me. I shouldn’t have come here, Callie. You know that. I hate the fact she’s sick and I can’t help her, but not being by her side makes it worse. I’m going to head home and drop you off okay?”

  She put her arm around him and hugged him to her side fully aware Heather and Morgan were watching them. “You’re a good man, Matt. Don’t worry about dropping me off, okay? I’m in the opposite direction from you and it makes no sense for you to take the time when Virginia is waiting for you. I only let you pick me up because Virginia insisted. I’ll catch a cab. Go and take care of your wife.”

  “Are you sure, honey?” he asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

  “Of course, dork. Go to your wife and stop worrying about me. I’ve got this handled.”

  “I’ll drive her home.”

  Callie froze at Morgan’s words, then looked at him, a brow raised.

  “Are you sure?” Matt asked.

  Morgan nodded, his gaze on Callie, not Matt. “Go home to your wife. You’re a good man for wanting to be with her. I’ll take good care of Callie.”

  A delicious shiver ran up her spine at his words.

  Bad, Callie. Bad.

  “You’re what?” Heather yelled.

  Morgan silenced her with a look then turned back to Matt. “Go home. I’ve got this.”

  Matt sighed then kissed Callie on the cheek. “Thank you. Call me when you get home. Okay?” He gave her a look that told her he’d want the full story later and she smiled. Yep, she’d have to deal with an inquisition at some point. He leaned down to whisper. “If you want me to get you a cab right now, we can run.”

  She laughed softly. “I’m fine.”

  Matt nodded and said his goodbyes before leaving. What Callie wouldn’t give to be the recipient of such love and devotion.

  “You are not taking her home. You are here with me. What will people say?” Was this Heather person actually pouting?

  Callie closed her eyes. She didn’t want to deal with this woman.

  “I don’t care what people will say, Heather,” Morgan answered smoothly. “That, after all, is what you care about. Go to my Mother since she drove you here anyway.” Callie’s eyebrows crept upward at that. They didn’t come together? Interesting. “She’s the one who wanted you to come so you can deal with her.”

  “You’re a bastard,” Heather spat.

  Morgan didn’t blink. “Yes. Yes, I am. You should remember that. I’m not so easily played. Now, I’m going to go take Callie home since she’s been through enough tonight thanks to us.”

  Heather glared at Callie, then stomped away, not doubt to tell all of Callie’s whorish escapades.

  When they were alone, Callie couldn’t look at Morgan. She didn’t know what to think. So much had happened in such a short time and yet still not enough; she didn’t know him at all.

  “You don’t have to take me home, you know. I can just take a cab. I know you were just doing a favor for Matt.”

  “No, I was more concerned about you. And I will be taking you home.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” she said when she looked at him.

  He gripped her chin, hard. “Can’t I?”

  She opened her mouth but couldn’t speak.

  That’s what she was afraid of. She wanted him to order her, wanted him to tell her what to do, how to please him.

  If she let him do this though, what would she lose?

  He let his other hand drift down her arm and grasped her hand. “I’ll take care of you, Callie. Just let me take you home. Nothing else will happen tonight.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded.

  She asked herself again, what else could she lose?

  Everything, she thought. Everything.

  Chapter Six

  Morgan was probably making a mistake, but he couldn’t stop himself. Callie sat still in the passenger seat of his car, her attention on the road in front of them, rather than on him. Every once in a while she’d trace her fingers along her thigh, causing him to grip the steering wheel even harder, before she’d realize what she was doing and stop.

  This was pure torture.

  He’d not only been a fucking idiot at the gala when he’d judged her harshly, he’d then insisted that he’d take her home. He hoped she would forgive him for the way he’d acted at first, even if he hadn’t said the cruel things aloud like others had. Though the fact that he hadn’t spoken up on her behalf even quicker said it all. The fact that he was now locked in a small, enclosed space with her where her scent infiltrated his senses and made him want to pull over so he could taste every sweet inch of her didn’t make things any better.

  When Matt said he’d needed to leave, Morgan jumped at the chance to be alone with Callie…to take care of her. He hadn’t thought twice about what that would mean—or who was listening—until it was too late. He knew he’d have to deal with Heather and his mother at some point, but he pushed it to the back of his mind for now. Their vitriol wouldn’t be avoided and he’d let it roll off of him as he’d done in the past with his family and the women they put in his vicinity.

  After Heather stomped off and he led Callie toward his car, he hadn’t known what to say. That wasn’t like him and he wasn’t sure he wanted it to happen again. The woman messed up his senses and yet he wanted her to keep doing it. There was definitely something wrong with him.

  She hadn’t said a word when she stopped by his Audi, just raised a brow since, yes, it was the luxury model, but not one of the most expensive cars in the valet lot by far. He wasn’t like the others, but he did like his comforts. After she’d rattled off her address, she faced the front window and had not spoken to him again.

  He didn’t know what to say or even how to breach the silence. It wasn’t awkward, per se, but he would rather have figured out what they were doing next. The fact that he was taking her home, had touched her face more than once, and spoke honestly for the first time since he’d seen her told him there was no going back. Not really. She was too young for him, too innocent, but he still wanted to explore what they could have. They would have to talk.

  Tonight seemed like as good a night as any.

  He pulled into her driveway and turned off the car. Her home surprised him, yet he knew it shouldn’t have. She lived in a small older house with neighbors close on either side; however, the trees and greenery around her property gave her a sense of privacy. She had a small porch with two chairs and a tiny table between. Her yard looked well kept, though the house looked as though it needed a fresh coat of paint. It wasn’t one of the newest neighborhoods in Denver, but it wasn’t a rundown area by far. She might be young, but she was clearly doing well for herself.

  Even though he thought he knew enough to push her away, he clearly didn’t know her at all—something that would have to change. Maybe he should listen to his gut.

  “Thank you for the ride,” she said softly then turned to get out of the car. He got out quicker, meeting her at the car door as she ran her hands down her dress.

  “We need to talk,” he said gruffly. Maybe he should have asked, rather than stated, but that wasn’t the kind of man he was. He was too old to keep tiptoeing around this issue.

  It wasn’t fair to either of them.

  She searched his gaze before nodding. “Okay. Come on in. I need to get out of these shoes anyway.”

  He followed her, his gaze on her bottom as he walked. He couldn’t help it; she had a fantastic ass. When he walked in, he surveyed her home. The front door led to the living room, which was set off from the kitchen. Directly across from him was a hallway with three doors—probably the bathroom, and a couple of bedrooms. Everything looked like it was second-hand, well worn, but taken care of. Art covered the walls and pictures of friends and most likely family sat in frames around the living room.

  “It’s not much, but it’s home.”

  He faced her and gave her a small nod. She raised her chin, but her shoulders had relaxed. “It’s lovely. Truly.” He thought for a moment. “It feels like you. Warm. Inviting.” He wasn’t always good with words, but he needed to make sure she knew that he wasn’t judging. Anything but, in fact.

  She looked puzzled for a moment before shaking her head. “Oh. Well, thanks.” She let out a small laugh. “You always make my head fuzzy.”

  He smiled at that, taking one step toward her. Then another. Her eyes widened when he found himself directly in front of her.

  “I like that I do that.” He wanted to make her feel drunk on him, make her want more, crave more. Damn, he needed to slow it down, but he couldn’t. Not then. Maybe not ever.

  She closed her eyes. “You’re confusing me.”

  “I’m confusing myself,” he confessed. He let out a breath. “How old are you?” he asked, fearful of the answer.

  “Twenty-five.” She gave him a wry smile. “And since you yelled it at Heather, I know you’re ‘forty fucking years old’.”

  He would have laughed, but he couldn’t breathe. Jesus, he’d known she was young, but hearing her actual age... “That’s fifteen years.”

  “I can do the math, but you know what else? I’m legal. I can drink. I have decent car insurance since I hit the quarter century mark, and I own this house.” She paused. “Well the bank owns most of it, but I qualified for a loan and everything since I have decent credit.” Her nose wrinkled. “I’m getting off subject. If the age difference truly bothers you, then I will see you at the shop to finish your tattoo. No hard feelings.”

  He growled softly. Well, something was hard, and it wasn’t his feelings. She seemed to read his mind because she smirked, then looked down at his crotch. Her eyes widened and he gave her a smirk of his own.

  After letting out another breath, he gripped her chin and brought her gaze to his. “I want you, Callie. I’m not going to lie. I’ve wanted you from the moment I walked into Montgomery Ink.” She opened her mouth to speak and he increased the pressure on her chin. “Let me talk first. I pushed you away and acted like an asshole more than once because, yeah, I’m older than you, and I don’t think you can handle what I have to give.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You won’t know unless you try.”

  He liked her spunk. “I know. That’s why we’re going to risk it. You game?”

  She swallowed hard and he held his breath. “I want to. You know that. I was the one who made the first move.”

  He ran his other hand through her hair, then wrapped it around his fist, tugging so he had better control. She let out a little gasp, her eyes darkening.

  His little Callie liked that.


  “Now I’m making the next. It won’t be tonight, not when you’ve had such a tough night with us assholes, but soon, Callie. Soon.”

  “What do you mean? What will happen?”

  He let go of her chin so he could trace her lips with his finger. Her tongue darted out and he held back a groan. He couldn’t wait to have that mouth of hers on hi
s dick.

  “We’re going to go slow at first, then I’m going to find out exactly what you feel like beneath me as I fuck you. I want to know more about you Callie Masters.”

  “I…I want that too.”


  He bent down so his lips were a breath away from hers. He could feel her tremble beneath him and it revved him. Damn but he wanted her. He let his mouth brush hers twice, loving the way her breath caught with each swipe, before he kissed her fully. She moaned into his mouth, her tongue tentatively darting against his. He pulled tighter on her hair so her head was back and he had the most control. Her body sank into his and he deepened the kiss, reveling in her sweet taste.

  Knowing he had to put a stop to this before they went too far, too soon, he pulled away, leaving them both panting.

  “That’s just a taste.”


  He kissed her temple, then released her. She wobbled a bit and he steadied her, cradling her to his chest.

  “I’m okay,” she gasped, and he smiled against her hair. He picked her up, strode toward the couch and set her down on the cushions.

  “I like that you went weak-kneed for me,” he said with a smug smile.

  She narrowed her eyes. “I’m fine now. There’s nothing weak about me.”

  He nodded. “I know. That’s one reason I like you.” He patted her knee then stood. “When I leave, lock the deadbolt behind me. I’ll see you at our next appointment and then we can talk more about exactly what this entails. You understand, sweet?”

  She nodded, her eyes still dark with lust.


  He left her there in her small home that smelled of her, a smile on his face.


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